Venus is the world's second sun; where she greets, there will be a spring in the air.
Love is a bright color in our life, warm, thorough, dazzling...The dark days will become bright with the presence of love. Because of love, we believe that where she greets, there will be a spring in the air. 爱,是我们生命中的一抹亮色,温暖、透彻、耀眼……有了爱,灰暗的日子也会熠熠生辉。因为有爱,我们坚信:只要有她在的地方,便会充满春意和生机。
Venus [ˈvi:nəs] n. 维纳斯(罗马神话中的爱神) greet [gri:t] v. 问候;致敬
thorough [ˈθʌrə] adj. 透彻的 presence [ˈprezns] n. 出席;存在;到场
present [ˈpreznt] adj. 出席的;现在的 attend [əˈtend] v. 出席;参加
attender [əˈtendə] n. 按规定常到的人;常客