

cute [kju:t] adj. 逗人喜爱的;聪明的

The cute little girl is my niece.


同义词 clever ['klevə] adj. 聪明的

相关词 cuteness ['kju:tnis] n. 可爱,聪明;

cutey ['kju:ti] n. 可爱的女子;鬼精灵

emotion [i'məuʃən] n. 情绪;情感

She answered the boss's question in a voice filled with emotion.


同义词 feelings ['fi:liŋs] n. 情感

mood [mu:d] n. 情绪

相关词 emotional [i'məuʃənl] adj. 情绪的;易动感情的;

emotionless [i'məuʃənlis] adj. 没有感情的;冷漠的

记忆方法 e出,mot动——感动得说出来——感情

satisfy ['sætisfai] v. 使满意;符合(标准)

The boss was satisfied with the interviewee's answer.


反义词 dissatisfy [di'sætisfai] v. 使不满

相关词 satisfying ['sætisfaiiŋ] adj. 令人满意的;

satisfaction [ˌsætis'fækʃən] n. 满足;满意;

satisfactory [ˌsætis'fæktəri] adj. 令人满意的;符合要求的

相关短语 satisfy sb's hunger/appetite 满足某人的欲望;

satisfy sb's needs/demands/ desires 满足某人的需求

习语 satisfy the examiners 考及格

joy [dʒɔi] n. 高兴,愉快,喜悦

He showed joy at being praised by the leader.


反义词 joylessness ['dʒɔilisˌnis] n. 不高兴;

grief [gri:f] n. 悲伤,悲痛;

sorrow ['sɔrəu] n. 悲哀,悲痛

相关词 joyous ['dʒɔiəs] adj. 充满欢乐的;显示快乐的;

joy-ride ['dʒɔiraid] n. 开车兜风(通常指未得车主允许)

习语 full of the joys of spring 活泼愉快;

get/have no joy (from sb) 未获得成功或满足

pleasure ['pleʒə] n. 高兴,愉快

It's my pleasure to meet you in the train.


同义词 enjoyment [in'dʒɔimənt] n. 愉快

反义词 displeasure [dis'pleʒə] n. 不愉快,不高兴

相关词 pleasurable ['pleʒərəbl] adj. 令人愉快的;

pleasurably ['pleʒrəbli] adv. 愉快地;

pleasant ['pleznt] adj. 令人愉快的

相关短语 express one's displeasure at sth 对某事物表示不满

习语 have the pleasure of sth/doing sth (用于客气的请求、邀请等)有幸做……

take no pleasure in sth/doing sth 不以做某事为乐

excited [ik'saitid] adj. 激动的,兴奋的

She was excited to learn the news that the company gave her a chance to have an interview.


相关词 excitable [ik'saitəbl] adj. 易激动的,易兴奋的;

excite [ik'sait] v. 使激动,使兴奋;

exciting [ik'saitiŋ] adj. 令人激动的,使人兴奋的;

excitement [ik'saitmənt] n. 激动,兴奋

happy ['hæpi] adj. 快乐的,高兴的;愉快的

I am satisfied that I have a happy family.


同义词 cheerful ['tʃiəfəl] adj. 快乐的,高兴的;

cheery ['tʃiəri] adj. 高兴的,愉快的

反义词 unhappy [ʌn'hæpi] adj. 不快乐的

相关词 happily ['hæpili] adv. 快乐地,高兴地;

happiness ['hæpinis] n. 幸福

习语 as happy as the day is long 非常快乐;

the happy medium 中庸之道;

many happy returns of the day (用作生日的祝词) 青春永驻

admire [əd'maiə] v. 钦佩,欣赏;羡慕

I admire your company's achievements.


反义词 despise [di'spaiz ] v. 鄙视,看不起

相关词 admirable ['ædmərəbl] adj. 可钦佩的;令人羡慕的;

admiration [ˌædmə'reiʃən] n. 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕;

admirer [əd'maiərə] n. 赞赏者;爱慕者

相关短语 admire sb for sth 因某事而钦佩某人

记忆方法 ad一再,mire惊奇——一再让人惊喜——羡慕

cherish ['tʃeriʃ] v. 珍爱;怀念

She cherished the memory of her deskmate.


同义词 treasure ['treʒə] v. 珍视,珍爱

相关词 cherisher ['tʃeriʃə] n. 钟爱者

相关短语 support the army and cherish the people 拥军爱民

delighted [di'laitid] adj. 喜欢的;高兴的

My parents were delighted with my behavior.


反义词 sorrowful ['sɔrəufl adj. 悲伤的,伤心的;

tearful ['tiəfl adj. 含泪的,令人伤心的

相关词 delight [di'lait] n. 高兴,愉快;

delightful [di'laitfl] adj. 使人快乐的,令人愉快的;

elated [i'leitid] adj. 兴高采烈的,喜气洋洋的

rejoice [ri'dʒɔis] v. 感到高兴,充满喜悦;庆祝

Let us rejoice together on your success of college entrance examination.


反义词 grieve [gri:v] v. 感到悲痛;

grouse [ɡraus] v. 埋怨,抱怨

相关词 rejoicing [ri'dʒɔisiŋ] n. 欢乐,狂喜

相关短语 rejoice at/over sth 对……欢喜,高兴

记忆方法 re反复,jo=joy,ice:在夏天反复用ice使你joy——使高兴;rejoice是“飘柔”的商标。

nervous ['nə:vəs] adj. 焦虑的;紧张的

He feels nervous when he steps in the leader's office.


同义词 strained [streind] adj. 神色不定的;紧张的;

high-strung ['hai'strʌŋ] adj. 神经紧张的;易激动的;

nervy ['nə:vi] adj. 焦虑的;紧张的

相关词 tension ['tenʃən] n. 紧张;烦躁;

nervous breakdown 神经衰弱;

nervous system 神经系统;

nerve-racking ['nə:vˌrækiŋ] adj. 令人不安的,伤脑筋的

thrill [θril] v. 使激动,使兴奋

My brother thrilled on hearing this news.


同义词 ignite [ig'nait] v. 使激动

相关词 thrilling ['θriliŋ] adj. 惊险的;扣人心弦的;

thriller ['θrilə] n. 惊险小说

习语 be thrilled to bits 非常愉快;

the thrills and spills (参加或观看危险的文体活动或表演所感受的)紧张和刺激

concerned [kən'sə:nd] adj. 关切的;忧虑的

When looking for a job, graduates are no longer just concerned about wages, but consider more whether it will benefit the future development.


同义词 solicitous [sə'lisitəs] adj. 关切的

反义词 unconcerned [ˌʌnkən'sə:nd] adj. 漠不关心的;无忧无虑的

相关词 concern [kən'sə:n] n. 担心,忧虑;

solicitude [sə'lisitju:d] n. 挂念,关怀

相关短语 be much concerned about 十分挂念;

so far as...be concerned 关于,就……而言

disappoint [ˌdisə'pɔint] v. 使失望

He disappointed his father for he failed the interview.


同义词 let down 使失望

相关词 disappointed [ˌdisə'pɔintid] adj. 失望的;

disappointing [ˌdisə'pɔintiŋ] adj. 使人失望的,使人不痛快的;

disappointment [ˌdisə'pɔintmənt] n. 失望,扫兴;沮丧

相关短语 to one's disappointment 令某人失望的是;

be disappointed about/at sth 对……感到失望

uneasy [ʌn'i:zi] adj. 忧虑的;不安的

My little sister felt uneasy in front of so many relatives.


同义词 anxious ['æŋkʃəs] adj. 忧虑的;不安的

反义词 easy ['i:zi] adj. 舒适的;随和的

相关词 unease [ʌn'i:z] n. 不安;忧虑;

uneasily [ʌn'i:zili] adv. 不安地;

uneasiness [ʌn'i:zinis] n. 不安;担忧;

disquieting [dis'kwaiətiŋ] adj. 令人忧虑的

restless ['restlis] adj. 焦躁不安的;运动不止的

He felt restless and so he decided to leave the company.


相关词 restlessness ['restlisnis] n. 坐立不安;

restlessly ['restlisli] adv. 慌张地;

impatient [im'peiʃənt] adj. 急躁的

guilty ['gilti] adj. 内疚的;有罪的

I feel guilty because I have done something I shouldn't.


反义词 innocent ['inəsənt] adj. 无辜的;无害的;无知的;

guiltless ['giltlis] adj. 无罪的

相关词 guilt [gilt] n. 内疚;悔恨;

compunction [kəm'pʌŋkʃən] n. 内疚,愧疚

indifferent [in'difrənt] adj. 漠不关心的;不感兴趣的

I am indifferent to anything else except studying.


反义词 interested ['intristid] adj. 感兴趣的

相关词 indifferentist [in'difərəntist] n. 冷淡主义者;

indifferentism [in'difərəntizəm] n. (对宗教的)冷淡主义,宗教信仰无差别论

相关短语 remain indifferent in 在……中保持中立;

be indifferent to 把……置之度外

记忆方法 因为这些人的志向与我different( adj. 不同的)所以我漠不关心。

indignation [ˌindig'neiʃən] n. 愤慨;愤怒

My father showed his indignation at being unfairly dismissed by the company.


同义词 ire ['aiə] n. 愤怒;outrage ['autreidʒ] n. 愤慨

相关词 indignant [in'dignənt] adj. 愤慨的;愤怒的;

livid ['livid] adj. 暴怒的,狂怒的;

indignantly [in'dignəntli] adv. 愤怒地

相关短语 indignation against sb at/over/about sth 因……而愤怒

hostility [hɔs'tiliti] n. 敌意;对抗

Your words will increase his hostility towards me.


同义词 enmity ['enmiti] n. 敌意

相关词 hostile ['hɔstail] adj. 敌意的;敌对的;

malicious [mə'liʃəs] adj. 怀有恶意的;

malice ['mælis] n. 恶意;怨恨

相关短语 hostility to/towards sb/sth 对某人/某物怀有敌意

embarrass [im'bærəs] v. 使窘迫;使尴尬

The little boy was embarrassed by the teacher's compliment.


同义词 disconcert [ˌdiskən'sə:t] v. 使尴尬;

mortify ['mɔ:tifai] v. 使受辱

相关词 embarrassed [im'bærəst] adj. 窘迫的;尴尬的;

embarrassing [im'bærəsiŋ] adj. 使人难堪的;

embarrassment [im'bærəsmənt] n. 窘迫,难堪

习语 an embarrassment of riches 好东西太多而难以处理,难以选择等

记忆方法 em进入,barrass=barrel(桶)——使你进入桶里——使难堪

desire [di'zaiə] v. 渴望

Our country desires to establish friendly relations with neighbouring countries.


同义词 yearn [jə:n] v. 渴望

相关词 desirous [di'zaiərəs] adj. 渴望的;向往的;

desirable [di'zaiərəbl] adj. 理想的;

desirability [diˌzaiərə'biliti] n. 称心如意的人(东西)

相关短语 be all one can desire


习语 leave nothing to be desired 完美无缺

astonish [ə'stɔniʃ] v. 使惊讶,使吃惊

The result astonished everybody.


同义词 surprise [sə'praiz] v. 使吃惊;

astound [ə'staund] v. 使吃惊

相关词 astonishing [əs'tɔniʃiŋ] adj. 令人十分惊讶的;

astonished [əs'tɔniʃt] adj. 感到十分惊讶;

astonishment [əs'tɔniʃmənt] n. 惊讶,惊异

horrify ['hɔrifai] v. 使震惊,使毛骨悚然

It horrified her when she thought that she would have a math examination tomorrow.


相关词 horrific [hɔ'rifik adj. 令人惊恐的;

horrifying ['hɔrifaiiŋ] adj. 令人恐惧的;令人震惊的;

horrified ['hɔrifaid] adj. 震惊的;恐惧的;

horrification [ˌhɔrifi'keiʃə] n. 恐惧,害怕

gloomy ['glu:mi] adj. 悲观的;黑暗的;忧郁的

If you take a gloomy view of your interview, you are likely to fail.


同义词 melancholy ['melənkɔli] adj. 忧郁的;

saturnine ['sætə:nain] adj. 忧郁的

相关词 gloom [glu:m] n. 忧郁;愁闷;

gloomily ['glu:mili] adv. 忧郁地;

gloominess ['glu:minis] n. 黑暗;沮丧

despondent [di'spɔndənt] adj. 沮丧的;失望的

She is very despondent over her future.


同义词 downcast ['daunkæst] adj. 沮丧的;萎靡不振的

相关词 despondency [di'spɔndənsi] n. 失望;沮丧;失去勇气;

despondently [di'spɔndəntli] adv. 沮丧地;意志消沉地

相关短语 despondent behavior 沮丧行为

dejected [di'dʒektid] adj. 垂头丧气的

Why do you look so dejected?


相关词 deject [di'dʒekt] v. 使沮丧;

dejectedness [di'dʒektidnis] n. 沮丧;

dejectedly [di'dʒektidli] adv. 沮丧地;萎靡地;

dejection [di'dʒekʃən] n. 沮丧;颓废

记忆方法 de向下,ject扔——被向下扔掉了——沮丧的

aspire [əs'paiə] v. 渴望;追求

Aspiring to be a film star, the young girl came to Hollywood alone.


相关词 aspiration [ˌæspə'reiʃən] n. 渴望,抱负;

aspiring [əs'paiəriŋ] adj. 有抱负的;

aspirant [ə'spaiərənt] n. 有抱负的人;

thirst [θə:st] n. 渴望,渴求

相关短语 aspire after/to sth 渴望成就某事物;对某事物有雄心或野心

eager ['i:gə] adj. 热切的;渴望的

I know everybody is eager for success, but only a few could persevere to the end.


同义词 keen [ki:n] adj. 渴望;热切

相关词 eagerly ['i:gəli] adv. 热切地;

eagerness ['i:gənis] n. 热切;渴望

相关短语 be eager for/about/after 渴望;争取;

be eager to do sth 渴望做某事

习语 an eager beaver 积极、努力又热心的人(有时作贬义)

covet ['kʌvit] v. 渴望;贪求

The boy covets the right to live a free life and never do homework.


同义词 crave [kreiv] v. 渴望,恳求

相关词 covetous ['kʌvitəs] adj. 贪求的,垂涎的;

covetousness ['kʌvitəsnis] n. 贪求,垂涎;

craving ['kreiviŋ] n. 渴望;热望;

covetable ['kʌvitəbl] adj. 可羡慕的;值得渴望的;

covetously ['kʌvitəsli] adv. 渴望地;恳求地;

coveted ['kʌvitid] adj. 梦寐以求的

startle ['stɑ:tl] v. 使惊吓;使吓一跳

She was startled when she suddenly found that someone stood behind her.


同义词 appal [ə'pɔ:l] v. 使惊骇

相关词 startled ['stɑ:tld] adj. 吃惊的;受惊的;

startling ['stɑ:tliŋ] adj. 惊人的,让人震惊的;

appalled [ə'pɔ:ld] adj. 感到惊骇的;

appalling [ə'pɔ:liŋ] adj. 令人震惊的;

startler ['stɑ:tlə] n. 吓人的人;令人惊讶的事;

startlingly ['stɑ:tliŋli] adv. 惊人地;使人惊奇地

记忆方法 star星星长出tle头——使人吃惊得跳起

despair [di'spɛə] n. 绝望;失望; v. 绝望;丧失信心

You must free yourself from despire.


相关词 despairing [di'speəriŋ] adj. 感到绝望的;

desperate ['despərit] adj. 绝望的;孤注一掷的;

desperation [ˌdespə'reiʃən] n. 绝望;铤而走险;

despairer [di'spɛərə] n. 绝望的人;

despairful [di'spɛəful] adj. 绝望的

相关短语 give up oneself up to despair 自暴自弃;陷于绝望;

out of despair 出于绝望;

drive sb to despair 逼得某人走投无路

习语 be the despair of sb 使某人放弃希望

谚语 Dog gives courage to a coward. 狗急跳墙。

记忆方法 de去掉,spair=sper希望——去掉希望——失望

detest [di'test] v. 厌恶;痛恨

This interviewer detests all affection.


相关词 detestation [ˌdi:tes'teiʃən] n. 厌恶,讨厌;

detestable [di'testəbl] adj. 可恨的;令人讨厌的;

tiresome ['taiəsəm] adj. 讨厌的,令人厌烦的;

detestably [di'testəbli] adv. 可恨地

相关短语 detest evil 嫉恶如仇

记忆方法 de坏,test证明——证明是坏的——憎恶

loathe [ləuð] v. 厌恶,憎恶

I loathe the interviewers who always ask many questions.


同义词 abominate [ə'bɔmineit] v. 厌恶,憎恶

相关词 loather [ləuðə] n. 厌恶者;憎恶者;

loathing ['ləuðiŋ] n. 厌恶;憎恨;

loathsome ['ləuðsəm] adj. 讨厌的;令人厌恶的;

loathsomeness ['ləuðsəmnis] n. 令人厌恶的东西;

loathsomely ['ləuðsəmli] adv. 令人讨厌地

abhor [əb'hɔ:] v. 厌恶;憎恶

I abhors this interviewer.


相关词 abhorrer [əb'hɔ:rə] n. 厌恶者;憎恶者;

abhorrence [əb'hɔ:rəns] n. 憎恶;厌恶;

abhorrent [əb'hɔ:rənt] adj. 讨厌的;可恶的;

abhorrently [əb'hɔ:rəntli] adv. 讨厌地

irritate ['iriteit] v. 激怒;引起不愉快

The noise of the children who lived upstairs really irritated me.


同义词 infuriate [in'fjuərieit] v. 激怒

相关词 irritated ['iriteitid] adj. 烦恼;恼怒;

irritating ['iriteitiŋ] adj. 令人恼火的;

irritation [ˌiri'teiʃən] n. 激怒,生气;

irritant ['iritənt] n. 令人烦恼的事物;

infuriating [in'fjuərieitiŋ] adj. 令人发怒的

wrath [ræθ] n. 愤怒;激怒

I advise you not to provoke his wrath, or you will be beated heavily by him.


同义词 fury ['fjuəri] n. 狂怒,暴怒;

anger ['æŋgə] n. 愤怒;怒火

相关词 wrathful ['rɔ:θful] adj. 愤怒的;

wrathfully ['ræθfəli] adv. 愤怒地;

furious ['fjuəriəs] adj. 狂怒的,暴怒的;

wrathless [ræθlis] adj. 没有愤怒的;

wrathy ['rɔ:θi] adj. 盛怒的;激怒的

相关短语 wrath of god 上帝的惩罚;神的愤怒;

Wrath of Despot 暴君之狂怒(乐队名称)

记忆方法 wra=wry( v. 扭曲),th死:想wry死你,是因为wrath。源于:wreak( v. 发泄怒火;报仇)

sulky ['sʌlki] adj. 生气的;阴沉的

Jim has been sulky all day. I think he must have quarreled with his girlfriend.


同义词 sullen ['sʌlən] adj. 面有愠色的;闷闷不乐的;

huffish ['hʌfiʃ] adj. 生气的,不高兴的

相关词 sulkily ['sʌlkili] adv. 生气地;愠怒地;

sulk [sʌlk] v. 面有愠色;生闷气;

sulkiness ['sʌlkinis] n. 不高兴;闷闷不乐的样子

相关短语 as sulky as a bear 怒气冲冲

记忆方法 sulk( n./v. 生气),y读:骚key——上厕所的时候钥匙掉厕所里了——闷闷不乐的


Some Etiquette about Interview

1. Pay attention to your appearance. The simple and generous clothes would be the best choice for your interview. And ladies had better keep makeup light, only enough to accentuate your great features and maintain natural looking.

2. Be honest about your personal as well as academic background. Honesty is a virtue, which will be tangibly rewarded. But remember not to be too modest.

3. Don't shake hands with the interviewer until he extends his hand. The proper handshake is brief, but there should be firmness and warmth in the clasp. It should always be accompanied by a direct look into the eyes of the person.

4. Make eye-contact with the interviewer during the interview. Looking directly into his eyes is a way to show your interest. And it also shows that you are concentrating on your interview. But don't stare at him because no one wants to be stared at.

5 . If the interviewer doesn't invite you to sit down, never do it. Otherwise he may think you don't consider him important enough. If you don't respect your interviewer, it's impossible for you to respect your future leaders.


1. 注重外表。朴素、大方的衣服是面试的最佳选择。女士们最好化淡妆,突出好看就足够了,保持自然外貌。

2. 诚实地对待自己及你的学术背景。诚实是种美德,它会得到切实的回报。但记住,不要太过谦虚。

3. 面试官伸手时才握手。正确的握手要迅捷,但是在握手的瞬间应有力度并且充满热情。在握手的同时目光要直视对方。

4. 面试时,要和面试官进行眼神的交流。直视对方既表现出你的兴趣,也表明你正专注于面试。但不要盯着对方,因为没有人喜欢被盯着看。

5. 面试官未请,就别坐下。否则他可能会认为你不够重视他。如果你连面试官都不尊重,那么你不可能尊重你未来的领导。 SXGRRmzDGTxz87VCjzi1nmSr1qg//AviJnbBHKISOOy1/1I1jtP0KmJPavP50ASJ
