

thank [θæŋk] v. 感谢

Thank you for giving me the chance to have an interview.


相关词 thanksgiving [θæŋks'ɡiviŋ] n. (基督教)感恩节;

thanksgiver ['θæŋksˌgivə] n. 道谢者,感恩者;

thankful ['θæŋkfəl] adj. 感激的;欣慰的;

thankfulness ['θæŋkfəlnis] n. 感谢,感激

习语 have oneself/sb to thank (for sth) (ironic反语) 使某人(对某事)负责;

thank one's lucky stars 吉星高照;感到非常庆幸

interrupt [ˌintə'rʌpt] v. 打断;打扰

Please don't interrupt me when I am talking.


相关词 break-in ['breikin] n. 打断;闯入;

intrude [in'tru:d] v. 侵入,打扰;

interrupter [ˌintə'rʌptə] n. 打断者;插嘴的人;

interruption [intə'rʌpʃən] n. 停止;中断

相关短语 interrupt sb/sth with sth 打断(某人)讲话;打扰

invitation [ˌinvi'teiʃən] n. 邀请;招待

I come here at your manager's invitation.


相关词 invitational [ˌinvi'teiʃənəl] adj. 被邀请的;

invite [in'vait] v. 邀请;请求;

inviting [in'vaitiŋ] adj. 诱人的,引人入胜的

相关短语 at the invitation of sb 应某人邀请

honor ['ɔnə] n. 光荣;荣幸; v. 给……荣誉

It's my great honor to have this chance to be here.


反义词 dishonor [dis'ɔnə] n. 耻辱

相关词 honorable ['ɔnərəbəl] adj. 光荣的;荣誉的;

honorably ['ɔnərəbli] adv. 光荣地;光明正大地

相关短语 an honor to sth/sb 给某事物/某人增光;

honor sb/sth (with sth) 向某人/某物致敬

习语 a debt of honor 信誉债;

in honor of sb/sth 出于对某人/某物的敬意

谚语 There is honor among thieves. 道亦有道。

grant [grɑ:nt] v. 准许;答应给予;承认

I appreciate that you grant me the interview.


同义词 allow [ə'lau] v. 准许;承认;

consent [kən'sent] v. 准许;

permit [pə'mit] v. 准许

相关词 grantable ['grɑ:ntəbl] adj. 答应的;

grant aided 受补助的;出生许可;

public health grant 公共医疗补贴

习语 take sb/sth for granted 认为……是理所当然的

introduce [ˌintrə'dju:s] v. 介绍,引荐;引进

Firstly, thank you for your support, and now please let me introduce myself.


同义词 bring in 介绍;引进

相关词 introduction [ˌintrə'dʌkʃən] n. 介绍;引进;

introductory [ˌintrə'dʌktəri] adj. 引导的;介绍的

相关短语 introduce into 引进,传入

rush [rʌʃ] v. 冲;仓促从事; n. 匆忙;繁忙时刻

I hope I didn't rush you.


相关词 rush hour 高峰时刻

相关短语 rush on/for sth(对货物等的)大量急需;争购;

rush sth out 匆促生产某物,赶制某物;

rush sth through 使快速通过;仓促处理

习语 rush sb off his feet 草率地出版某物

opportunity [ˌɔpə'tju:niti] n. 机会,时机

Firstly, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity for an interview.


同义词 chance [tʃɑ:ns] n. 机会

相关词 golden opportunity 绝好的机会

习语 take the opportunity to do sth/of doing sth 趁机,借此机会

谚语 Opportunity makes the thief. 疏忽招盗贼。

consideration [kənˌsidə'reiʃən] n. 体贴,关心

Thank you for your consideration to me these days.


同义词 considerateness [kənˌsidə'reitnis] n. 体贴;

thoughtfulness ['θɔ:tfulnis] n. 体贴

相关词 consider [kən'sidə] v. 考虑,细想;

considering [kən'sidəriŋ] prep. 就……而论

相关短语 in consideration of 考虑到;由于;

take sth into consideration 考虑某事

qualifie ['kwɔliˌfaid] adj. 有资格的;胜任的

Without your help, I should not have become a qualified applicant.


同义词 competent ['kɔmpitənt] adj. 胜任的;

capable ['keipəbəl] adj. 胜任的

相关词 qualifier ['kwɔlifaiə] n. 合格者;限定词,限定语;取得资格的人

qualification [ˌkwɔlifi'keiʃən] n. 资格;学历;

qualify ['kwɔlifai] v. 使具有资格;使合格

相关短语 be qualified for 有……的资格;适于担任……

in a qualified sense 在一定意义上

request [ri'kwest] v. / n. 请求,要求

Thank you to grant my request.


同义词 ask [ɑ:sk] v. 要求;请求;apply for 请求

相关词 requested [ri'kwestid] adj. 被邀请的

相关短语 as requested 依照请求;

come into request 变得为人们所需要;显得缺乏;

request sth from sb 向某人要求某物

习语 at sb's request 应某人要求;

by request of sb 应某人的请求

grateful ['greitfəl] adj. 感激的,感谢的

I am very grateful to your help these days.


同义词 thankful ['θæŋkfəl] adj. 感激的

反义词 ungrateful [ʌn'greitfəl] adj. 忘恩负义的

相关词 gratefulness ['greitfəlnis] n. 感激;

gratefully ['greitfəli] adv. 感激地

习语 be grateful for small mercies 庆幸已经糟糕的情况并未更糟

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit] v. 赏识;对……表示感激

I appreciated your guidance to my interview.


同义词 respect [ri'spekt] v. 尊敬,尊重

反义词 depreciate [di'pri:ʃieit] v. 贬低;

despise [di'spaiz] v. 鄙视,看不起

相关词 appreciator [ə'pri:ʃieitə] n. 鉴别者;赏识者;

appreciation [əˌpri:ʃi'eiʃən] n. 评价;感激;

appreciative [ə'pri:ʃiˌeitiv] adj. 感谢的;赞赏的

bless [bles] v. 保佑;祝福

He blessed the manager for the chance of interview.


反义词 curse [kə:s] v. 咒骂,诅咒

相关词 blessed ['blesid] adj. 幸运的;

blessing ['blesiŋ] n. 祝福

相关短语 bless oneself 自祝;非常高兴

习语 be blessed with 在……方面有福气;

bless you (用作感叹词)用在表示谢意或别人打喷嚏时

acknowledge [ək'nɔlidʒ] v. 致谢;承认

He gifted flowers to acknowledge all the interviewers.


相关词 acknowledgment [ək'nɔlidʒmənt] n. 承认;鸣谢;

acknowledgeable [ək'nɔlidʒəbl] adj. 感谢的

相关短语 acknowledge the applause 谢幕;

acknowledge the superiority of 自认不如

gratitude ['grætitju:d] n. 感激,感谢

The interviewee showed no gratitude for the boss's forgiveness.


相关短语 devoid of all gratitude 忘恩负义;

in token of one's gratitude 以表谢意;

out of gratitude 出于感激;

express one's gratitude to sb for sth 为某事对某人表示感谢

reciprocate [ri'siprəkeit] v. 答谢;回报

If there is a chance, I will reciprocate your help.


相关词 reciprocation [riˌsiprə'keiʃən] n. 回报,报答

相关短语 reciprocate sb's good wishes 报答某人的好意

return [ri'tə:n] v. 恢复;归还; n. 返回;盈利

I cannot return your kindness.


同义词 give back 归还;

revert [ri'və:t] v. 使恢复原状

相关词 returnable [ri'tə:nəbl] adj. 可返回的,可退回的;

returnee [ritə:'ni:] n. 从国外服役归来的军人(尤指战后)

习语 return to the fold 重新加入组织(尤指具有相同之信仰或目标的宗教或政治组织);

in return for sth 作为对……的回报;

many happy returns 福寿无疆,长命百岁

repay [ri'pei] v. 归还;报答

He can never repay your help.


同义词 pay back 报答

相关词 repayable [ri'peiəbl] adj. 可偿还的;应报答的;

repayment [ri'peimənt] n. 偿还;回报

相关短语 repay sb for sth 以某物酬报某人

reward [ri'wɔ:d] n. 报答;报偿; v. 报答;奖励

I gifted flowers to reward him for his help.


反义词 punish ['pʌniʃ] v. 处分;惩罚

相关词 rewarding [ri'wɔ:diŋ] adj. 值得做的;有益的;

rewardless [ri'wɔ:dlis] adj. 无报酬的;白费力气的

谚语 Virtue is its own reward. 为善自得其乐。

mercy ['mə:si] n. 宽容;仁慈;幸运

Thanks for your mercy to us.


反义词 cruelty ['kru:əlti] n. 残酷;

clemency ['klemənsi] n. 仁慈;宽厚

相关词 merciful ['mə:sifəl] adj. 仁慈的;宽恕的;宽容的;

merciless ['mə:silis] adj. 不仁慈的;不宽容的;

mercilessly ['mə:silisli] adv. 残忍地;无情地;

mercy killing 安乐死

习语 at the mercy of sb/sth 任由某人/某事物摆布;

leave sb to the tender mercies of sb 任由某人粗暴待虐;

throw oneself to sb's mercy 恳求某人善待或宽恕;

in one's mercy 出于恻隐之心

best [best] adj. 最好的; adv. 最好地;最好

It is the best thing that ever happened to me.


同义词 prime [praim] adj. 最好的

反义词 worst [wə:st] adj. 最坏的; adv. 最坏;最差

相关词 bestness [bestnis] n. 最好;最好状态;

best-known ['best'nəun] adj. 人所共知的;最著名的;

best-in-show ['bestin'ʃəu] n. (猫、狗等展览会中)获得头奖的动物;

best man 男傧相

习语 be on one's best behavior 竭力循规蹈矩;

one's best bet 最好的办法;最佳措施;

as best one can 尽自己最大的努力;尽力而为

谚语 The best is the enemy of the good.


If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have. 如果没有更好的,就充分利用现有的。

million ['miljən] n. 百万; adj. 无数的;百万的

Thanks a million for your kindness.


相关词 trillion ['triljən] adj. 兆的; n. 大量;兆;

zillion ['ziljən] n. 千千万;无限大的数目;

millionfold ['miljənfəuld] adj. 百万倍的;

millionth ['miljənθ] num. 第一百万(个);一百万分之一(的)

相关短语 a million to one 可能性极小的;

make a million 发大财;

men of millions 有几百万财产的人们

习语 one in a million 百里挑一的人或物

beyond [bi'jɔnd] prep. 超越;远于; adj. 在更远处

My appreciation to you is beyond words.


反义词 within [wi'ðin] prep. 不超出……的范围

相关词 beyondness [bi'jɔndnis] n. 远方;彼方

相关短语 beyond expectation 出乎意料;

beyond doubt 无疑地,确定的;

beyond compare 无与伦比;

beyond measure 无可估量;极度

习语 be beyond sb 对某人来说难以想象、理解或估计;

byond oneself 忘形;精神错乱

refreshed [ri'freʃt] adj. 恢复精神的

Your instruction let me feel refreshed suddenly.


相关词 refreshable [ri'freʃəbl] adj. 可翻新的;

refreshant [ri'freʃənt] n. 提神物;提神清凉饮料;

refreshful [ri'freʃfəl] adj. 有精神的;

refreshfully [ri'freʃfəli] adv. 精神振作地

indebted [in'detid] adj. 受惠的;负债的

We are indebted to your kindness.


相关词 indebt [in'det] v. 使受恩惠;使负债;

indebtedness [in'detidnis] n. 受恩惠;债务,亏欠;

indebted heart 感恩的心;

indebtedness date 负债日

相关短语 be (deeply, greatly, etc)indebt to sb for sth


记忆方法 in进入,debt(n. 罪过;债务)——欠人一笔感情债,所以要感恩。

obliged [ə'blaidʒd] adj. 感激的;义不容辞的

We are very obliged to your help.


相关词 oblige [ə'blaidʒ] v. 使感激;帮……的忙;

disoblige [ˌdisə'blaidʒ] v. 使生气;得罪;

obliger [ə'blaidʒə] n. 施惠与人者;

obligedness [ə'blaidʒdnis] n. 以誓言束缚;

obligedly [ə'blaidʒdli] adv. 感激地;义不容辞地;

obligee [ˌɔbli'dʒi:] n. 受人施惠者;

obligatory [ə'bligətəri] adj. 义不容辞的

相关短语 be obliged to sb 感谢某人;

be obliged to do sth 不得不做某事 OFqGZDsPQyOk/37Fg9A6CrBfrGtK+++GW97M9+L7hRZ3NJ7FSjHKYYAWitvsTQLB
