

weather ['weðə] n. 天气;气象

Whether we will play the match depends on the weather tomorrow.


相关词 weatherability [ˌweðərə'biliti] n. 风化性能;耐风吹雨打性;

weathering ['weðəriŋ] n. 风化,大气侵蚀;

weatherliness ['weðəlinis] n. 顶风能力;抗风暴能力

习语 make heavy weather of sth 对某事小题大做;把某事搞得复杂化;

keep a weather eye open 密切注意;留心观察

climate ['klaimit] n. 气候

In China, the eastern part has a temperate climate, while the western arid.


相关词 climatic [klai'mætik] adj. 气候的;

climatically [klai'mætikəli] adv. 气候上;

climatology [klaimə'tɔlədʒi] n. 气候学

习语 a change of climate 换换条件或环境

air [ɛə] n. 空气;大气

Let's go out for some fresh air.


相关词 airless ['ɛəlis] adj. 空气不流通的;缺少新鲜空气的;

airbed ['ɛəˌbed] n. 空气床;

airfield ['ɛəˌfi:ld] n. 飞机场

习语 a breath of fresh air 耳目一新;如沐春风;

put on airs 装模作样,装腔作势;

with one's nose in the air 非常傲慢;自高自大

humidity [hju:'miditi] n. 湿度;潮湿;湿气

The relative humidity of air is high in rainy days.


同义词 humidness [hju:'midnis] n. 湿度;潮湿

相关词 humid ['hju:mid] adj. 湿的;湿气重的;

humidify [hju:'midifai] v. 使湿润;增湿

hot [hɔt] adj. 热的

The hot weather makes people become irritable.


相关词 hot-blooded [ˌhɔt'blʌdid] adj. 易怒的,易激动的;

hot-tempered [ˌhɔt'tempəd] adj. 性情暴躁的

习语 hot air 空话,大话;

hot on sb's heels 紧跟某人;接踵而来;

like a cat on hot bricks 像热锅上的蚂蚁

cold [kəuld] adj. 寒冷的;冷淡的; n. 寒冷;感冒

The weather is getting colder and colder.


同义词 chilly ['tʃili] adj. 寒冷的;冷淡的;

frigid ['fridʒid] adj. 寒冷的

相关词 freezing ['fri:ziŋ] adj. 寒冷的;冰冻的;

shivery ['ʃivəri] adj. 寒冷的;使人打冷战的;

cold war 冷战;cold sweat 冷汗

习语 blow hot and cold about sth 优柔寡断;

get/have cold feet 临阵退缩或胆怯;

leave sb cold 未打动某人;引不起某人的兴趣;

throw cold water on sth 对……泼冷水

warm [wɔ:m] adj. 温暖的;暖和的

I've got my hands in my pockets to keep them warm.


相关词 warmth [wɔ:mθ] n. 温暖;暖和;

warmhearted ['wɔ:mˌhɑ:tid] adj. 热情的;富有同情心的

习语 make things warm for sb 刁难某人,找某人的麻烦;

as warm as toast 十分温暖;暖烘烘的

damp [dæmp] adj. 潮湿的;湿气重的

It was a damp, misty morning.


相关词 damply [dæmpli] adv. 潮湿地;

dampen ['dæmpən] v. 使潮湿;使沮丧;

dampness ['dæmpnis] n. 潮湿;湿气;

damp course (墙脚的)防湿层

习语 a damp squib 未达预期效果;扫兴

dry [drai] adj. 干(燥)的;干旱的

Cactus can survive in dry climate.


同义词 arid ['ærid] adj. 干旱的;

droughty ['drauti] adj. 干旱的;

unwatered [ʌn'wɔ:təd] adj. 干旱的

习语 keep one's powder dry 做好准备以对付可能出现的紧急情况;

not a dry eye in the house 观众都在哭或深受感动;

as dry as dust 非常乏味的

moisture ['mɔistʃə] n. 潮气;水分

These plants need rich soil which retains moisture.


相关词 moist [mɔist] adj. 多雨的;湿润的;

moisten ['mɔisn] v. 使变得湿润;

moistness ['mɔistnis] n. 湿气;

moisturize ['mɔistʃəˌraiz] v. 使滋润;

moisture-penetrability [mɔistʃəˌpenitrə'biliti] n. 透湿性;

moisture distribution 水分分布

temperature ['tempritʃə] n. 气温

The temperature may drop abruptly in the next few days.


相关词 Celsius ['selsiəs] adj. 摄氏的;

centigrade ['sentigreid] adj. 摄氏的;

Fahrenheit ['færənhait] adj. 华氏的

习语 take sb's temperature 量某人的体温;

have a temperature 发烧

atmosphere ['ætməsfiə n. 大气

These factories are releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere.


相关词 atmospherics [ˌætməs'feriks] n. 大气干扰;

atmospheric [ætməs'ferik] adj. 大气的;大气层的;

atmospheric pressure 大气压;

barometric pressure 大气压

sunny ['sʌni] adj. 晴朗的;阳光充足的

We're having a party in the garden on Sunday, so I'm praying it'll be sunny.


同义词 cloudless ['klaudlis] adj. 晴朗的;

unclouded [ʌn'klaudid] adj. 晴朗的;

sunshiny ['sʌnʃaini] adj. 晴朗的

相关词 sunlight ['sʌnlait] n. 阳光;

sunshine ['sʌnʃain] n. 阳光;

sunray ['sʌnrei] n. 太阳光线;

sunproof ['sʌnpru:f] adj. 不透日光的;耐晒的

cloudy ['klaudi] adj. 阴天的;多云的

My mood is very low on a cloudy day.


同义词 overcast ['əuvəkɑ:st] adj. 阴天的;多云的

相关词 cloud [klaud] n. 云;云状物;

thundercloud ['θʌndəklaud] n. 雷雨云;

cloudless ['klaudlis] adj. 无云的;晴朗的;

somber ['sɔmbə] adj. 昏暗的;阴沉的

rain [rein] n. 雨; v. 下雨

Rain has been forecast for tomorrow.


相关词 rainfall ['reinfɔ:l] n. 降雨量;

raindrop ['reindrɔp] n. 雨滴;

rainwater ['reinˌwɔ:tə] n. 雨水;

rainy ['reini] adj. 下雨的;多雨的

习语 rain or shine 风雨无阻;

right as rain 十分健康或正常;十分正确

shower ['ʃauə] n. 阵雨

You're soaked! Did you get caught in the shower?


相关词 showery ['ʃauəri] adj. 阵雨的;多阵雨的;

drizzle ['drizl] n. 毛毛细雨;

downpour ['daunpɔ:] n. 倾盆大雨

storm [stɔ:m] n. 暴风雨

A storm halted the advance of our troops.


同义词 rainstorm ['reinstɔ:m] n. 暴风雨

相关词 stormy ['stɔ:mi] adj. 暴风雨的;

stormswept ['stɔ:mswept] adj. 被风暴破坏的;被风暴吹掉的;

snowstorm ['snəustɔ:m] n. 暴风雪;

blizzard ['blizəd] n. 暴风雪

习语 a storm in a teacup 小事惹起的轩然大波;小题大做;

the calm before the storm 暴风雨前的平静;

any port in a storm 慌不择路

gale [geil] n. 狂风

Hundreds of old trees were blown down in the gales.


相关词 breeze [bri:z] n. 微风;

gust [gʌst] n. 一阵强风;

dust storm 尘暴,沙暴

thunder ['θʌndə] n. 雷;雷声

The long roll of thunder indicates the storm is coming.


相关词 thundery ['θʌndəri] adj. 有雷的;

thunderbolt ['θʌndəbəult] n. 雷电;

thunderstorm ['θʌndəˌstɔ:m] n. 雷雨;

thunderclap ['θʌndəklæp] n. 霹雳

习语 blood and thunder 凶杀情节

floo [flʌd n. 洪水;水灾

Half of the villagers were forced to leave home by the continuous rain.


相关词 floodgate ['flʌdgeit n. 防洪闸门;

flood plain 洪泛区;flood tide 涨潮;

flash flood (暴雨引起的)暴洪

相关短语 flood into sth 大量涌入;

flood sb out 大水迫使某人离家

习语 flood the market (使某物)充斥(常指廉价)

disaster [di'zɑ:stə] n. 灾难;灾害

This is the worst natural disaster ever to befall this area.


相关词 disastrous [di'zɑ:strəs] adj. 灾难性的;

disastrously [di'zɑ:strəsli] adv. 悲惨地;

disaster area 灾区

记忆方法 dis反,aster星——星位不正——预示着灾难

catastrophe [kə'tæstrəfi n. 灾难,灾祸

Wenchuan's earthquake was a terrible catastrophe to China.


同义词 calamity [kə'læmiti] n. 灾难,灾祸

相关词 catastrophic [ˌkætə'strɔfik adj. 灾难的;灾难性的;

catastrophically [ˌkætə'strɔfikli adv. 悲惨地;

calamitous [kə'læmitəs] adj. 灾难性的;悲惨的

记忆方法 cata向下,strophe翻转——天向下翻转——塌下来了——大灾难

inundate ['inʌndeit] v. 淹没;泛滥

If the dam breaks, the flood will inundate large parts of the town.


同义词 submerge [səb'mə:dʒ] v. 淹没;

overwhelm [ˌəuvə'welm] v. 淹没

相关词 inundation [ˌinʌn'deiʃən] n. 泛滥,淹没;

freshet ['freʃit] n. 洪水,山洪;

deluge ['delju:dʒ] n. 暴雨;洪水

记忆方法 in进入,und波浪,ate——进入波浪——淹没

fog [fɔg] n.

Dense fog halted the advance of the enemy troops.


相关词 foggy ['fɔgi] adj. 有雾的;模糊的;

misty ['misti] adj. 多雾的;薄雾笼罩的;

haze [heiz] n. 阴霾;薄雾;

mist [mist] n. 薄雾

习语 in a fog 困惑,迷惑

typhoon [tai'fu:n] n. 台风

A lot of people died in the violent typhoon.


相关词 cyclone ['saikləun] n. 旋风;

hurricane ['hʌrikən] n. 飓风;

tornado [tɔ:'neidəu] n. 龙卷风;

whirlwind ['wə:lwind] n. 旋风;

monsoon [mɔn'su:n] n. 季风

snow [snəu] n. 雪;雪花

The snow on the ground began to melt after the sun rose.


相关词 snowball ['snəubɔ:l] n. 雪球;

snowflake ['snəufleik n. 雪花;

snowman ['snəumæn] n. 雪人;

snowy [snəui] adj. 下雪多的;被雪覆盖的;

snow-white ['snəu'hwait] adj. 雪白的,纯白的;

snowfall ['snəufɔ:l] n. 降雪量

习语 as pure as the driven snow 纯真无邪的,冰清玉洁

freeze [fri:z] v. 使冻结;结冰

When the lake freezes, we can go skating on it.


相关词 frozen ['frəuzn] adj. 冰冻的;结冰的;

icy ['aisi] adj. 冰冷的;结冰的;

hail [heil] n. 冰雹;freezing point 冰点

习语 freeze one's blood 使充满害怕﹑恐怖的感觉

summer ['sʌmə] n. 夏季

I hate summer because it is the hottest season.


相关词 summertime ['sʌmətaim] n. 夏季;

summery ['sʌməri] adj. 夏季的;如夏季的;

sunstroke ['sʌnˌstrəuk] n. 中暑

相关短语 summer and winter 长期地继续下去;长期追随某人

习语 an Indian summer 深秋或初冬季节风和日丽的宜人天气;迟来的成功

谚语 One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。

autumn ['ɔ:təm] n. (英)秋,秋季

To the peasants, autumn is the harvest season.


同义词 fall [fɔ:l] n. (美)秋

相关词 autumnal [ɔ:'tʌmnəl] adj. 秋天的;像秋天;

spring [spriŋ] n. 春天;

springtime ['spriŋtaim] n. 春季;青春期

相关短语 come to one's autumn 自食其果;

autumn of one's life 垂老之年

winter ['wintə] n. 冬,冬季

I like the white in winter and the yellow in autumn.


相关词 wintertime ['wintətaim] n. 冬季,冬天;

wintry ['wintri] adj. 冬天的;寒冷的;

winterize [wintəraiz] v. 为……作过冬准备

习语 in the dead of winter 在隆冬

season ['si:zn] n. 季节 v. 给……调味,适应

Spring is the best season for learning.


相关词 seasonable ['si:znəbl] adj. 合时令的;

seasonal ['si:zənəl] adj. 季节性的;

seasonality [ˌsi:zə'næliti] n. 季节性;

unseasonable [ʌn'si:znəbl] adj. 非时令的

习语 the silly season 新闻淡季

wash [wɔʃ] v. 冲击;冲掉;冲洗; n. 冲洗

Heavy rain will wash away the soil and cause serious flood as well.


相关词 washboard ['wɔʃbɔ:d] n. 洗衣板;搓板;

washcloth ['wɔʃklɔ:θ] n. 毛巾;浴巾;洗碗布;

washstand ['wɔʃstænd] n. 脸盆架;

washable ['wɔʃəbl] adj. 耐洗的

相关短语 have a wash and brush up 梳洗一下;

wash and wear 洗后不烫就平的;

wash down 洗掉;冲洗;

wash oneself 洗澡;

wash up 断绝关系;筋疲力尽;把……冲上岸

习语 come out in the wash (指错误等)最后完全正确或得以纠正(未造成损失);

wash one's hands of sb/sth 对某人/某事物不(再)负责;洗手不干

谚语 Don't wash your dirty linen in public. 家丑不可外扬。

Salt water and absence wash away love.


fertile ['fə:tail] adj. 肥沃的;富饶的;丰产的;能生育的

Debris flow has wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.


同义词 fruitful ['fru:tfəl] adj. 肥沃的;富饶的;

fecund ['fi:kənd adj. 肥沃的;多产的

反义词 sterile ['sterail] adj. 贫瘠的;不肥沃的;

barren ['bærən] adj. 贫瘠的;不育的

相关词 fertility [fə:'tiliti] n. 肥沃;富饶;

fertilize ['fə:tilaiz] v. 施肥;使肥沃;使丰富;

fertilizer ['fə:tilaizə] n. 肥料

相关短语 be fertile of imagination 想象力丰富;

a fertile mind 想象力丰富的头脑

abundant [ə'bʌndənt] adj. 丰富的;充裕的

This area has abundant rainfall.


同义词 plentiful ['plentifəl] adj. 丰富的;充裕的

反义词 short [ʃɔ:t] adj. 短缺的

相关词 abundantly [ə'bʌndəntli] adv. 大量地;丰富地;

abundance [ə'bʌndəns] n. 丰富;充裕

相关短语 abundant in 富于…………很丰富

recede [ri'si:d] v. 后退;撤回;减弱

The floodwater receded after two days.


同义词 subside [səb'said] v. 平息;退去

相关短语 recede from 收回;撤回;

recede into the background 失势;不再重要

记忆方法 re反,cede走——反走——后退

dyke [daik] n. 堤坝

The flood waters burst the dyke.


同义词 dike [daik] n. 堤坝;

dam [dæm] n. 堤;水坝

相关词 penstock ['penstɔk] n. 水渠;

aqueduct ['ækwidʌkt] n. 渠道;渡槽;

canal [kə'næl] n. 沟渠;运河;

channel ['tʃænl] n. 沟渠;海峡;

gully ['gʌli] n. 排水沟

谚语 If one sheep leap over the dyke, all the rest will follow.


homeless ['həumlis] adj. 无家可归的

The flood made so many people homeless.


同义词 roofless ['ru:flis adj. 无家的;

outcast ['autkæst] adj. 无家可归的;

bombed-out ['bɔmdaut] adj. 无家可归的

相关词 homelessness ['həumlisnis] n. 无家可归;

homelessly ['həumlisli] adv. 无家可归地;

homeless person 无家可归者;

The Homeless World Cup 无家者世界杯



1. Thank you very much for everything you've done for me.


2. I'd be very happy if you did.


3. I appreciate your warning.


4. What you did helped me save my face.


5. Thank you for coming to meet me.


6. Thanks for the favor. I owe you one.


7. It wouldn't have been possible without your cooperation.


8. I owe everything to you.


9. Thanks to you, I finished the work quickly.


10. Thank you. I will never forget your kindness.


11. I owe you my best thanks.

我非常感谢您。 LKQ3U0l9KQ2FlGTsVYd5vOPWtqauR0mznJMf5SXiWNiJEKnDJMVMlm4HOpOLoGH7
