

type [taip] n. 类型;样式;种类

What type of job do you like?


同义词 kind [kaind] n. 种类

相关词 typical ['tipikəl] adj. 典型的;模范的;

typify ['tipifai] v. 成为……的典型;代表;

typiform ['tipifɔ:m] n. 正常型

习语 revert to type 回复到自然的或原先的状况

occupation [ˌɔkju'peiʃən] n. 工作;职业

Why did you choose this occupation?


同义词 vocation [vəu'keiʃən] n. 职业;

profession [prə'feʃən] n. 职业

相关词 occupational [ˌɔkju'peiʃnl] adj. 职业的;

occupy ['ɔkjupai] v. 使从事,使忙碌;

occupational disease 职业病;

occupational planning 职业规划

相关短语 blind alley occupation 没有前途的职业或工作

peasant ['pezənt] n. 农民,小农

Most of the farm produce sold in the market is grown by peasant farmers.


同义词 farmer ['fɑ:mə] n. 农民;

son of the soil 农民

相关词 peasantry ['pezəntri] n. 农民阶级;

farm [fɑ:m] n. 农场;

peasant labour 农民工;

agriculturist [ˌægri'kʌltʃərist] n. 农民;农业家

industry ['indəstri] n. 工业

The proportion of the heavy industry in the national economy declines continuously.


相关词 industrial [in'dʌstriəl] adj. 工业的;产业的;

industrial estate 工业区;

Industrial Revolution 工业革命;

aerospace industry 航天工业

习语 a captain of industry 工业巨头

agriculture ['ægrikʌltʃə] n. 农业

This area depends on agriculture for most of its income.


同义词 farming ['fɑ:miŋ] n. 农业

相关词 agricultural [ˌægri'kʌltʃərəl] adj. 农业的;

agriculturalist [ˌægri'kʌltʃərəlist] n. 农学家;

agronomist [ə'grɔnəmist] n. 农学家;

agronomy [ə'grɔnəmi] n. 农学

husbandry ['hʌzbəndri] n. 农牧业

He gave students a lecture on animal husbandry.


相关词 livestock ['laivstɔk] n. 牲畜,家畜;

poultry ['pəultri] n. 家禽;

animal husbandry 畜牧业

horticulture ['hɔ:tikʌltʃə] n. 园艺;园艺学

My father teaches horticulture in the university.


同义词 gardening ['gɑ:dniŋ] n. 园艺学

相关词 horticultural [ˌhɔ:ti'kʌltʃərəl] adj. 与园艺有关的;

horticulturist [ˌhɔ:ti'kʌltʃərist] n. 园艺家,园艺学家

记忆方法 horti花园,culture( n. 文化,培植)——园艺学

breed [bri:d] v. 饲养;培育

His main income comes from breeding cattle.


同义词 raise [reiz] v. 饲养

相关词 breeder ['bri:də] n. 饲养员;

breeding ['bri:diŋ] n. 饲养;繁殖;

stockman ['stɔkmən] n. 畜牧业者;

livestock ['laivstɔk] n. 家畜,牲畜;

breeding stock 种畜;

livestock farming 畜牧业

manufacturing [ˌmænju'fæktʃəriŋ] n. 制造业;工业

To me, manufacturing is the most promising industry.


相关词 manufacture [ˌmænju'fæktʃə] v. 大量生产,成批制造;

manufacturer [ˌmænju'fæktʃərə] n. 制造者,生产商;

manufacturable [mænju'fæktʃərəbl] adj. 可制造的;

manufactory [ˌmænju'fæktəri] n. 制造厂;工厂;

manufactured [ˌmænju'fæktʃəd] adj. 人造的

factory ['fæktəri] n. 工厂;制造厂

It's said that our factory will be moved to the suburbs.


相关词 mill [mil] n. 工厂;制造厂;

sawmill ['sɔ:mil] n. 锯木厂;

plant [plɑ:nt] n. 工厂;发电厂;

factory floor 厂房,车间;

factory farm 工厂化农场;rolling mill 轧钢厂

assemble [ə'sembl] v. 装配;组装

Believe it or not, I can assemble bikes.


相关词 assembly [ə'sembli] n. 装配;组装;

fabricate ['fæbrikeit] v. 制造;装配;

fabrication [ˌfæbri'keiʃən] n. 制造;安装;

assembly line 生产线,流水线

strike [straik] n. 罢工

The strike for salary increase ended in failure.


相关词 strikebound [straik'baund] adj. 因罢工而停业的;

striker ['straikə] n. 罢工者;

strike-breaker [straik'breikə] n. 破坏罢工者;

strike-breaking [straik'breikiŋ] n. 破坏罢工

相关短语 strike for... 为……而罢工;

strike against... 为反对……而罢工

labour ['leibə] n. 劳动

We are paid for our labour.


相关词 labourer ['leibərə] n. 劳动者;工人;

labouring ['leibəriŋ] n. 体力劳动;

labour-saving ['leibəˌseiviŋ] adj. 节省劳力的;

labour force 劳动力

习语 a labour of love 为爱好而做的工作

market ['mɑ:kit] n. 市场;集市

We must take measures to open up new markets for our products.


相关词 marketability [ˌma:kitə'biliti] n. 可销售性;适销性;

market forces 市场调节作用;

flea market 跳蚤市场;

marketeria [ˌmɑ:ki'teriə] n. 自助市场,自己取货的市场

习语 price sth out of the market 漫天要价以至无人问津;

a drug on the market 滞销品,滞销货

stock [stɔk] n. 股份;股票

People have different views on the topic that whether a university student should invest in the stock market.


相关词 shareholder ['ʃɛəˌhəuldə] n. 股东;

shareholding ['ʃɛəˌhəuldiŋ] n. 股权;

stock company 股份公司

习语 lock stock and barrel 全部地;一股脑儿

depreciate [di'pri:ʃieit] v. 贬值;跌价

The boss said that gold will never be depreciated.


同义词 devaluate [di:'væljueit] v. 贬值

反义词 upvalue ['ʌpvælju:] v. 提高……的价值;升值

相关词 depreciation [diˌpri:ʃi'eiʃən] n. 贬值;跌价;

depreciable [di'pri:ʃiəbl] adj. 可折旧的;可减价的

记忆方法 de下,preci=price价值——贬值

depression [di'preʃən] n. 萧条期;经济衰退

The stock market crash marked the start of severe depression.


相关词 depress [di'pres] v. 使萧条,使不景气;

depressed [di'prest] adj. 不景气的,萧条的;

recession [ri'seʃən] n. 经济衰退;

recessionary [ri'seʃənəri] adj. (经济)衰退的;衰退期的

相关短语 fall into a deep depression 变得意气消沉,精神沮丧

boom [bu:m] n. 景气

The insurance business suffered from a vicious cycle of boom and bust.


相关词 booming ['bu:miŋ] adj. 兴旺;

boomtown ['bu:mˌtaun] n. 新兴都市;

boomy ['bumi] adj. 景气的

devaluation [ˌdi:vælju'eiʃən] n. 贬值;货币贬值

Under the influence of devaluation, we began to realize that the goods are very expensive.


反义词 upvaluation ['ʌpvælju'eiʃən] n. 升值

相关词 devalue [di:'vælju:] v. 使(货币)贬值;

revalue [ri:'vælju:] v. 对……重新估价;

revaluation [ˌri:vælju'eiʃən] n. 货币增值;

devaluationist [ˌdi:vælju'eiʃənist] n. 主张货币贬值者

pressure ['preʃə] n. 压力;压迫; v. 迫使;说服

Many graduates have to work at high pressure after leaving university.


相关词 pressurize ['preʃəraiz] v. 对……加压力;

pressing ['presiŋ] adj. 急迫的,迫切的

习语 bring pressure to bear on sb (to do sth) 对某人施加压力(使之做某事)

promising ['prɔmisiŋ] adj. 有希望的;有前途的

Your new venture looks quite promising.


反义词 unpromising [ˌʌn'prɔmisiŋ] adj. 无前途的;没有希望的

相关词 promise ['prɔmis] n. 希望;

prospective [prə'spektiv] adj. 期待的;预期的;

hopeful ['həupfəl] adj. 有希望的

习语 a lick and a promise 潦草从事;敷衍

bear [bɛə] v. 忍受;结果;生子女; n.

I can't bear the overworking each day.


相关词 bearish ['bɛəriʃ] adj. 粗暴的;脾气坏的;

bearskin ['bɛəskin] n. 熊皮

习语 like a bear with a sore head 易怒的;脾气坏的;

bear heavily on sb 成为某人的沉重负担;

bear in mind (that)... 记住……

take a bear by the tooth 胆大妄为

谚语 To bear is to conquer our fate. 忍耐就能征服命运。

Sell the bear's skin before one has caught the bear.


fla [flæp n. 不安;拍打; v. 拍打;拍翼而飞

I'm really in a flap and I am worried I will be fired for the faulty work.


同义词 pother ['pɔðə] n. 不安,心神不宁

相关词 flapdoodle ['flæpˌdu:dl] n. 傻话;胡说;

flappable ['flæpəbl] adj. 容易兴奋的;易于烦乱的

相关短语 flap about 闲聊;讲空话;

flap away 拍着翅膀飞去;

flap out 扑灭

习语 be in/get into a flap 处于忐忑不安、慌乱、紧张等的状态

谚语 Jest with an ass and he will flap you in the face withhis tail.


marvelous ['mɑ:viləs] adj. 令人惊奇的;非凡的

Holidays are a marvelous antidote to the pressures of office work.


同义词 miraculous [mi'rækjuləs] adj. 奇迹的;非凡的;

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri] adj. 非凡的

相关词 marvelousness ['mɑ:viləsnis] n. 惊奇;

marvelously ['mɑ:viləsli] adv. 奇迹般地;奇异地

locate [ləu'keit] v. 使坐落于;把……设置在

Our company locates in another city.


同义词 site [sait] v. 使……位于

相关词 locater [ləu'keitə] n. 定位器;

locatable [ləu'keitəbl] adj. 可定位的;

location [ləu'keiʃən] n. 位置定位;地点;

locality [ləu'kæliti] n. 地区;位置;地点;方位;

localization [ˌləukəlai'zeiʃən] n. 局限;地方化

civil servant ['sivəl] ['sə:vənt] 公务员

I don't want to be a civil servant any more, so I want to make a career change.


同义词 office-bearer ['ɔfisˌbɛərə] n. 公务员;

officeholder ['ɔfisˌhəuldə] n. 公务员;官员;

governmental employee 公务员

相关词 Civil Servant System 国家公务员制度;

Civil Servant Law 公务员法

self-employed [ˌselfim'plɔid adj. 个体经营的

My father is self-employed.


相关词 self-employment [ˌselfim'plɔimənt n. 个体经营;自营管理;

state-run ['steitrʌn] adj. 国营的;

joint adventure 合资经营;

sino-foreign joint venture 中外合资企业

hunt [hʌnt] v. 搜索;打猎; n. 搜索;追捕

He is hunting for work now.


同义词 search [sə:tʃ] v. 搜索

相关词 hunter ['hʌntə] n. 猎人;狩猎者;

hunting ['hʌntiŋ] n. 打猎;

huntress ['hʌntris] n. 女猎人

相关短语 hunt sb down 对某人穷追到底;

hunt sth out 找出;

hunt about for 搜索;寻求;

on the hunt (for) 正在寻找;

hunt after 追猎;搜索;

hunt up 寻找;找到

谚语 Don't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

不要既陪野兔奔跑,又随猎狗追捕。 SXwCxXB21mJad8X1ZDS3Ppx0YX1GMkSMdRKqA8SyHFe56r5fzMPiO54MYdineRMe
