

decision [di'siʒən] n. 决定;决心

I am willing to wait until you have come to a decision.


相关词 decide [di'said] v. 决定;决心;

decision-making [di'siʒənˌmeikiŋ] n. 决策;做出判定;

decisional [di'siʒənəl] adj. 决策性的;决定性的;

decisive [di'saisiv] adj. 决定性的;果断的

相关短语 arrive at a decision 做出决定;

give a decision for 判决对……有利

result [ri'zʌlt] n. 结果;成绩

I will tell you the results in two days.


同义词 consequence ['kɔnsikwəns] n. 结果;

outcome ['autkʌm] n. 结果

相关词 resultant [ri'zʌltənt] adj. 结果的,有效果的;

resultful [ri'zʌltful] adj. 有结果的;

resultless [ri'zʌltlis] adj. 无结果的

相关短语 as a result of 作为……的结果;

result in 造成……结果,导致;

result from 起因于,由于

competent ['kɔmpitənt] adj. 有能力的;能胜任的

We believe that you will be a very competent manager.


同义词 capable ['keipəbəl] adj. 有能力的;能胜任的

反义词 incompetent [in'kɔmpitənt] adj. 无能力的;不能胜任的

相关词 competence ['kɔmpitəns] n. 能力;胜任;

competently ['kɔmpitəntli] adv. 有能力地;能胜任地

相关短语 competent at/in sth 能胜任的,能干的

expect [ik'spekt] v. 期待,盼望

We will expect you here next month. See you then.


同义词 await [ə'weit] v. 期待;

anticipate [æn'tisipeit] v. 期待

相关词 expectable [ik'spektəbl] adj. 能预期的;

expectant [iks'pektənt] adj. 预期的;期待的;

expectancy [ik'spektənsi] n. 期待,期望

相关短语 to be expected 可能发生;相当正常;

expect too much of sb 对(某人)期望过高

hire ['haiə] v. 租用;雇用

Congratulations to you. You are hired by the company.


同义词 employ [im'plɔi] v. 雇用

反义词 fire ['faiə] v. 解雇

相关词 hireable [haiəbl] adj. 可被雇用的;

hiree [haiə'i:] n. 被雇者;

hireling ['haiəliŋ] adj. 做雇用工作的;

hirer [haiərə] n. 雇主

习语 ply for hire 揽客,等生意

perform [pə'fɔ:m] v. 表演;完成

In the interview you performed calmly, so we decided to hire you.


相关词 performable [pə'fɔ:məbl] adj. 可执行的;可演出的;

performer [pə'fɔ:mə] n. 表演者;实行者;

performance [pə'fɔ:məns] n. 演出;履行;

performative [pə'fɔ:mətiv] adj. 表述行为的

contract ['kɔntrækt] n. 契约,合同; v. 订约,订合同

I have entered into a contract with a big company.


同义词 compact ['kɔmpækt] n. 契约,合同

相关词 contractual [kən'træktjuəl] adj. 契约上(规定)的,合同的;

contractile [kən'træktail] adj. 会缩的,有收缩性的;

contraction [kən'trækʃən] n. 契约;收缩;

contractor [kən'træktə] n. 立约人;承包人

相关短语 contract with sb for sth 为某事与某人签订合同

习语 be under contract to sb 立约为某人工作;

put sth out to contract 请人承包工作、供货等事

记忆方法 con共同,tract拉——把人拉到一起——签合同

sign [sain] v. 签署,签订

I think we had better make an appointment to sign the agreement.


相关词 signable ['sainəbl] adj. 适于签名的;需要签名的

相关短语 sign sth away 签字放弃(权利﹑财产等);

sign sth over to sb 正式将所有权签字转让给某人

习语 sign sb's/one's own death-warrant 做出可能使自己致命或失败的事;

sign on the dotted line 签署文件等

agreement [ə'gri:mənt] n. 协定;契约

If you tear up the agreement, you will be punished.


相关词 agreeable [ə'ɡriəbl] adj. 适合的;一致的;

agreeably [ə'ɡriəbli] adv. 同意地;一致地;

agreed [ə'ɡri:d] adj. 一致的;同意的

相关短语 make an agreement with 与……达成协议

习语 a gentleman's agreement 君子协定,绅士协定

reluctant [ri'lʌktənt] adj. 不情愿的,勉强的

She was very reluctant to sign the agreement.


同义词 unwilling [ʌn'wiliŋ] adj. 不情愿的

反义词 willing ['wiliŋ] adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

相关词 reluctance [ri'lʌktəns] n. 不情愿,勉强;

reluctantly [ri'lʌktəntli] adv. 勉强地;

reluct [ri'lʌkt] v. 不同意,勉强

cooperate [kəu'ɔpəreit] v. 合作,协作;配合

Pleasure to cooperate with you.


同义词 collaborate [kə'læbəreit] v. 合作

相关词 cooperation [kəuˌɔpə'reiʃən] n. 合作,协作;互助;

cooperative [kəu'ɔpərətiv] adj. 合作的;共同的;

cooperator [kəu'ɔpəreitə] n. 合作者;合作社社员;

collaborator [kə'læbəreitə] n. 合作者;共同研究者

相关短语 cooperate with sb (in doing/to do sth) 与他人合作,协作

记忆方法 co共同,operate( v. 操作)——共同操作——合作

secretary ['sekrətri] n. 秘书;书记

Do you know your duty as a secretary?


相关词 secretarial [ˌsekrə'tɛəriəl] adj. 秘书的;书记的;

secretaryship ['sekrətəriʃip] n. 秘书的职务;

general secretary 秘书长;总书记;

secretarial assistant 秘书助理

inspector [in'spektə] n. 检查员;监察员

Inspectors' job is very respectable.


同义词 examiner [iɡ'zæminə] n. 检查员

相关词 inspect [in'spekt] v. 检查,审查;

inspection [in'spekʃən] n. 检查;调查;

inspectorship [in'spektəʃip] n. 检查员的职务和地位

manage ['mænidʒ] v. 管理;经营

You will manage the company when the boss is away.


同义词 govern ['gʌvən] v. 管理;

administrate [əd'ministreit] v. 管理;经营

相关词 manageable ['mænidʒəbl] adj. 可管理的,可处理的;

manager ['mænidʒə] n. 经理;管理人;

managerial [ˌmænə'dʒiəriəl] adj. 经理的;经营上的;

manageability [ˌmænidʒə'biləti] n. 可管理性;可处理性

principle ['prinsəpl] n. 原则;原理

What principles did you adhere to when signing this agreement?


相关词 principled ['prinsəpld] adj. 原则(性)的,有原则的;

regulation [ˌregju'leiʃən] n. 规章;规则;

theorem ['θiərəm] n. 命题,定理,法则

相关短语 against one's principle 违反自己的原则;

as a matter of principle 作为原则的问题

习语 in principle 原则上;

on principle 依据自己的(道德)原则或所确定的信念

duty ['dju:ti] n. 责任;义务;职责

Your duty is to deal with such problems.


同义词 responsibility [ˌrispɔnsə'biliti] n. 责任

相关词 dutiable ['dju:tjəbl] adj. 应缴税的;

dutiful ['dju:tifəl] adj. 顺从的;本分的;忠实的;

dutifully ['dju:tifəli] adv. 忠实地;忠贞地

相关短语 be in duty bound to do sth 有义务做某事;

fail in one's duty 失职

习语 one's bounden duty 本分,义不容辞的责任;

in the line of duty 在执行任务时

right [rait] n. 权利

You have the right to decide whether to sign this contract or not .


相关词 righten ['raitn] v. 使恢复正常;整顿;

righteous ['raitʃəs] adj. 正直的;正当的;

rightful ['raitful] adj. 正义的;合法的;正当的

习语 stand on one's rights 坚持自己的权利

谚语 Two wrongs don't make a right.


personnel [ˌpə:sə'nel] n. 人员,员工;人事部门

Please contact the personnel department manager for more information.


相关词 personnel department 人事部门;

finance department 财政部;

planning department 策划部;

administrative department 行政部

available [ə'veiləbəl] adj. 可利用的;可得到的

I am available to start any time with just a few days notice.


相关词 availability [əˌveilə'biliti] n. 有效性;可实用性;

obtainable [əb'teinəbl] adj. 能得到的

相关短语 make sth available to 使……可以享受某物;使……买得起某物

nominate ['nɔmineit] v. 提名;任命

He will be nominated as chairman of the board.


相关词 nomination [nɔmi'neiʃən] n. 提名(为候选人);任命;

nominative ['nɔminətiv] adj. 被提名的,被任命的;

nominator ['nɔmineitə] n. 提名者;任命者;

nominee [nɔmi'ni:] n. 被提名者

相关短语 nominate sb as... 任命某人为……

nominate sb (for/as sth) 提名某人

reconsider [ˌri:kən'sidə] v. 重新考虑;重新讨论

I sincerely hope that you can give me another chance and reconsider your decision.


同义词 rethink [ri'θiŋk] v. 重新考虑;

think twice 重新考虑;

think over 重新考虑

相关词 reconsideration [ri:kənˌsidə'reiʃən] n. 再次审查;重新考虑

news [nju:z] n. 消息;新闻;……报

Tell you good news that we've decided to hire you.


同义词 tidings ['taidiŋz] n. 消息

相关词 newsy ['nju:zi] adj. 多新闻的;

newsboy ['nju:zbɔi] n. 报童;送报人;

newsless ['nju:zlis] adj. 没有新闻的;

newscaster ['nju:zkɑ:stə] n. 新闻广播员;

newsmonger ['nju:zˌmʌŋgə] n. 爱说闲话的人;

newsworthy ['nju:zˌwə:ði] adj. 有新闻价值的

相关短语 on the news 在广播或电视新闻中

习语 break the news to sb 委婉地把坏消息告诉某人

谚语 No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息。

Bad news has wings. 好事不出门,坏事传千里。

trial ['traiəl] n. 试用;试验;审讯

You need to work on trial for three months from now on.


相关词 trial-manufacture ['traiəlˌmænju:'fæktʃə] n. 试制;

trial-produce ['traiəlprə'dju:s] v. 试制

相关短语 give a fair trial 给予公正的、合法的审判;

make a trial of 试验;较量

习语 on trial 在试验中;在测试中;

trials and tribulations 烦躁和苦恼;

trial by fire 凭火决狱;燃烧试验

谚语 That trial is not fair where affection is the judge.


annual ['ænjuəl] adj. 每年的;年度的n. 年刊;一年生植物

I want to know how much my annual salary is.


同义词 yearly ['jə:li] adj. 每年的

相关词 annually ['ænjuəli] adv. 每年;年年

相关短语 an annual income 年收入;

an annual medical examination 年度体检

start [stɑ:t] V. 开始;出发; n. 惊人的事;开始

Can you start working next Wednesday?


同义词 set out 开始

相关词 start-up ['sta:tˌʌp] n. 启动;创业;

start-stop ['sta:tˌstɔp] adj. 启闭的;间歇的

相关短语 at the very start 当初;

awake with a start 突然惊醒;

a rum start 惊人事件

习语 start a baby 怀孕;

start from scratch 从头开始进行(某事);

start something 惹麻烦;闯祸;

to start with 第一;首先;

by fits and starts 一阵一阵地;间歇地

谚语 Early start makes easy stages. 早点动身,一路从容。

Clumsy birds have to start flying early.


letter ['letə] n. 信;字母; V. 写下;印刷

We will send you a letter then, if you are hired.


同义词 epistle [i'pisl] n. 书信;

missive ['misiv] n. 书信;公函

相关词 letterform ['letəˌfɔ:m] n. 字体;信纸;

letterless ['letəlis] adj. 无文字的;无信件的;

letterer ['letərə] n. 文字书写员;文字雕刻员

相关短语 in letter and in spirit 从表面形式上和精神实质上;

take sth in the letter 从字面意义上理解某事

习语 to the letter 严密周详地;一丝不苟地;

the letter of the law 法律﹑规则等的字面意义;

a bread-and-butter letter 感谢款待的信

谚语 A smart coat is a good letter of introduction.


excellent ['eksələnt] adj. 杰出的;优秀的

We believe you can be an excellent interpreter.


同义词 fantabulous [fæn'tæbjuləs] adj. 极出色的

相关词 excellently ['eksələntli] adv. 优秀地;超群地;

excellence ['eksələns] n. 优秀;卓越;优点;

excellency ['eksələnsi] n. 优点;美德;

excellent feature 优点

part [pɑ:t] adj. 部分的; n. 部分;零件

You can do this part time job at your weekends.


反义词 whole [həul] adj. 全部的;整体的

相关词 part-time [ˌpɑ:t'taim] adj. 兼职的;部分时间的;

partial ['pɑ:ʃəl] adj. 不完全的;部分的;

partially ['pɑ:ʃəli] adv. 部分地;不公平地;

partiality [ˌpɑ:ʃi'æliti] n. 偏袒;偏心;

partly ['pɑ:tli] adv. 在一定程度上;部分地

相关短语 do one's part 尽自己的职责;

have neither part nor lot in sth 和某事一点关系也没有

习语 the best part of sth (某事物)绝大部分;

in part 在某种程度上;部分地;

take sth in good part 对某事物往好处想;不计较;不介意;

part and parcel of 可缺少的部分;

a man/woman of (many) parts 多面手;多才多艺的人

commitment [kə'mitmənt] n. 献身;承诺

Being a doctor is a challenging profession that requires a lifelong commitment.


同义词 consecration [ˌkɔnsi'kreiʃən] n. 奉献

记忆方法 com共同,mit送——共同送东西到指定处——对方接受后便要承诺责任


How to Succeed in an Interview

1. Learn something about the company you are applying to, and collect the related information as much as possible. Keep it in your heart that one important key to success is thorough preparation.

2. Be self-confident and keep composure. Your confidence may give profound impression to the interviewer that you have the ability to overcome the possible difficulties in the future work, which will invisibly increase your likelihood for success.

3. Show your interest to the job. Professional interest which shows one's desire and interest to engage in the related work is one's attitude towards work and one's ability to adapt to it.

4. Keep your answers short. Remember to express yourself clearly. About one to three minutes is generally considered good.

5. Demonstrate your aptitude and skills and your knowledge about the job-related areas. Pay attention to highlighting your active personality and your ability to do things, but at the same time you need to seek truth from facts.

6. Be ready to consider the needs of the interviewer. You should treat yourself as a product, and the interviewer as a customer. If you want to sale goods, you must learn to consider the needs of your customer.

7. Remember to say "thank you" at the end of your answer, which shows your respect to the interviewer. Try your best to be modest and polite during the interview, because many enterprises attach a great deal of value to good manners.


1. 了解一些你申请的工作单位的情况,并且收集尽可能多的信息。请记住:准备充分是取得成功的一个关键。

2. 保持自信,沉着。你的自信会给面试官留下深刻的印象,会让他们认为你有能力克服今后工作中遇到的困难,而这将无形中增加你成功的可能性。

3. 对工作表现出你的兴趣。因为职业兴趣是一个人对待工作的态度,对工作的适应能力,表现为有从事相关工作的愿望和兴趣。

4. 回答要简洁。清楚地表达自己的想法,时间最好把握在1至3分钟。

5. 展示你的才能和技巧,及与工作相关领域的知识。注意突出积极的个性和做事的能力,但同时也要实事求是。

6. 时刻考虑面试官的需求。你应该要把自己当做商品,把面试官当做客户。如果你想推销出商品,就必须学会考虑客户的需求。

7. 回答完问题后,记得说声“谢谢”,以表达你对面试官的尊敬。在面试过程中应尽量表现得谦虚、有礼貌,因为很多公司都很注重礼貌问题。 /6ermnlgAjhr+Q55hyViqZBagtXviuxfgOCPtQBhQgJgsoW2rtVAOKfmYwmS5paX
