

work [wə:k] n. 工作;职业

What time did you start your first work?


相关词 workaholic [ˌwə:kə'hɔlik] n. 工作狂,闲不下来的人;

working ['wə:kiŋ] adj. 工人的;劳动的;

workforce ['wə:kfɔ:s] n. 劳动力,工人总数;

workability [ˌwə:kə'biliti] n. 工作能力

习语 all in a day's work 司空见惯

谚语 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


job [dʒɔb] n. 工作;职业;职位

What other jobs have you done before?


相关词 jobbing ['dʒɔbiŋ] n. 做临时工(重复性很小的工作);

jobless ['dʒɔblis] adj. 失业的;

task [tɑ:sk] n. 任务;工作

习语 have a devil of a job doing sth 觉得某事十分困难;

make the best of a bad job 在困境中尽力而为,随遇而安

apply [ə'plai] v. 申请;请求

When I saw the advertisement, I applied immediately by letter.


相关词 application [ˌæpli'keiʃən] n. 应用;申请;

applicant ['æplikənt] n. 申请人;

applicator ['æplikeitə] n. 涂药器

相关短语 apply to sb for sth 为……向某人申请;

apply oneself to doing sth 集中精力做事

resume [ri'zju:m] n. 简历

I wrote my address and telephone number on the resume.


相关词 diploma [di'pləumə] n. 文凭;

background ['bækgraund] n. 背景;

CV=curriculum vitae 简历

certify ['sə:tifai] v. 证明

There is nobody who can certify that this wallet is yours.


相关词 certificated [sə'tifikeitid] adj. 合格的;

certification [ˌsə:tifi'keiʃən] n. 证明;证书;鉴定;

certificate [sə'tifikit] n. 证书;

certifier ['sə:tifaiə] n. 证明者

相关短语 certify sb/sth as sth (尤指书面)证明某事物

vacancy ['veikənsi] n. 空缺;空职

There is not a vacancy for an editor right now.


同义词 empty ['empti] n. 空缺

相关词 vacant ['veikənt] adj. 空虚的;空的

相关短语 vacant possession 空房出售

experience [iks'piəriəns] n. 经验

She has much experience of teaching.


相关词 experienced [iks'piəriənst] adj. 有经验的;

experiential [iksˌpiəri'enʃəl] adj. 经验的,凭经验的;

experiencer [ik'spiəriənsə] n. 经验者;感受者;

inexperience [ˌiniks'piəriəns] n. 缺乏处世之道或知识

谚语 Experience is the mother of wisdom. 实践出真知。

Experience keeps no school; she teaches her pupils singly.


memory ['meməri] n. 记忆;回忆

Can you tell us which thing you have a vivid memory of?


相关词 memoryless ['memərilis] adj. 无记忆的

相关短语 as memory serves 每逢想起;

within the memory of man 有史以来

习语 to the memory of sb 作为对某人的纪念;

to the best of one's memory 记忆所及

impress [im'pres] v. 给……深刻的印象;使铭记

He tried his best to impress me with his broad knowledge of foreign literature.


相关词 impressive [im'presiv] adj. 给人深刻印象的;

impressionistic [imˌpreʃə'nistik] adj. 印象主义的;印象派的;

impressment [im'presmənt] n. 强迫征兵,强征

相关短语 impress sb with sth 用……给某人留下印象

记忆方法 im进入,press( n. / v. 压)——压入头脑——使印象深刻

perfect [pə'fekt] adj. 完美的;完全的

No one is perfect.


同义词 faultless ['fɔ:ltləs] adj. 完美的;

flawless ['flɔ:lis] adj. 完美的

反义词 imperfect [im'pə:fikt] adj. 不完全的

相关词 perfector [pə'fektə] n. 两面印刷机;

perfectness [pə'fektnis] n. 完美

习语 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

desire [di'zaiə] v. 渴望;要求,请求; n. 愿望;欲望

I desire that I can stay in your company and make friends with you.


相关词 desirable [di'zaiərəbl] adj. 理想的;令人满意的;

desirability [diˌzaiərə'biləti] n. 有利条件;合意

相关短语 at sb's desire 应某人的要求;

have a strong desire to do sth 迫切想做某事

习语 leave a lot to be desired 非常不满意;有待改进

ambition [æm'biʃən] n. 雄心;志向

We young people should have great ambition.


相关词 ambitious [æm'biʃəs] adj. 有雄心的;野心勃勃的;有抱负的;

ambitiously [æm'biʃəsli] adv. 雄心勃勃地

相关短语 be ambitious of success 渴望成功;

be ambitious to serve the people 一心想为人民服务

choose [tʃu:z] v 选择;挑选

You can choose one kind of work you like among these.


反义词 reject [ri'dʒekt] v. 拒绝

相关词 choice [tʃɔis] n. 选择;挑选;抉择;

chooser ['tʃu:zə] n. 选择者;选举人

习语 There is nothing to choose between A and B.


select [si'lekt] v. 挑选,选拔

The boss selected him from many interviewees.


相关词 selection [si'lekʃən] n. 选择,挑选;

selective [si'lektiv] adj. 选择的;精挑细选的;

selectivity [silek'tiviti] n. 选择性,选择度;

selector [si'lektə] n. 选择者;挑选者;精选者;

selectee [siˌlek'ti:] n. 选征合格士兵,应征兵

相关短语 be selected from among sth 从……中被选择出来

plan [plæn] n. 计划;方案;平面图

We are interested in your career plan.


同义词 scheme [ski:m] n. 计划,方案

相关词 planner ['plænə] n. 计划者;规划师;

planning ['plæniŋ] n. 计划编制;规划

习语 go according to plan 顺利进行;按计划实现

probation [prəu'beiʃən] n. 试用期

Only you pass the probation can you be one formal employee.


相关词 probationary [prə'beiʃnəri] adj. 试用的;缓刑的;

probationer [prə'beiʃənə] n. 试用人员;见习生

习语 on probation (指违法者)服缓刑

skill ['skil] n. 技能

She has great skill in telling stories.


相关词 skilled [skild] adj. 有技能的;熟练的;

skilful ['skilfəl] adj. 巧妙的;技术好的;

unskilled [ˌʌn'skild] adj. 不熟练的;未成熟的;拙劣的;

forte [fɔ:t] n. 专长;特长;

diffuse skills 社交能力

相关短语 skilled in/at sth/doing sth 熟练的;有能力的

master ['mɑ:stə] v. 精通,掌握; n. 主人

He quickly mastered the skills of interview.


相关词 masterful ['mæstəfəl] adj. 技艺精湛的;

mastery ['mæstəri] n. 精通;掌握;

mastermind ['mɑ:stəmaind] n. 具有极大才智的人

相关短语 be master of 精通;掌握

expertise [ˌekspə:'ti:z] n. 专门技能,专长

He has at least three kinds of expertise.


同义词 expertness ['ɛkspətnis] n. 专门知识,专门技术

相关词 expertize ['ekspətaiz] v. 提出专业性意见;

expertizer ['ekspətaizə] n. 任专家;做专业性判断;

expertly ['ekspətli] adv. 熟练地;巧妙地;

expert ['ekspə:t] n. 专家;

technical expertise 技术专长

specialism ['speʃəlizəm] n. 专业;专门研究

In university, his specialism was tax law.


相关词 specialist ['speʃəlist] n. 专家;专科医生;

speciality [ˌspeʃi'æliti] n. 专长;

specialize ['speʃəlaiz] v. 专攻;

specialization [ˌspeʃəlai'zeiʃən] n. 专门化;特殊化

punctual ['pʌŋktjuəl] adj. 严守时刻的,准时的;正点的

The interview will start at 10:00 a.m., and the interviewees are required to be punctual.


同义词 clocklike ['klɔklaik] adj. 准时的

相关词 punctuality [ˌpʌŋktju'æliti] n. 严守时刻,准时;

punctually ['pʌŋktjuəli] adv. 准时地;

procrastinate [prəu'kræstineit] v. 耽搁,拖延;

dilatory ['dilətəri] adj. 慢吞吞的;磨蹭的

recommend [ˌrekə'mend] v. 推荐

My tutor recommended me to come to your company.


同义词 commend [kə'mend] v. 推荐

相关词 recommendable [ˌrekə'mendəbl] adj. 可推荐的;值得推荐的;

recommendatory [ˌrekə'mendətəri] adj. 推荐的;

recommender [ˌrekə'mendə] n. 推荐系统

evaluate [i'væljueit] v. 评估,评价

How would you evaluate yourself?


同义词 assess [ə'ses] v. 估价;

value ['vælju:] v. 评价;

estimate ['estimeit] v. 评价;

rate [reit] v. 评估

相关词 evaluation [iˌvælju'eiʃən] n. 评价;

evaluative [i'væljueitiv] adj. 可评估的

face [feis] n. 表面;脸;表情; v. 面对;面向

I want to ask you a few questions face to face.


同义词 confront [kən'frʌnt] v. 面对;面临

相关词 faceable ['feisæbl] adj. 可面对的;可接近的;

face-ache ['feiseik] n. 面部神经痛;

facedown ['feisdaun] adv. 面朝下地;

faceless ['feislis] adj. 没脸面的;

face-cloth ['feisˌklɔ:θ] n. 毛巾;面巾

习语 face to face 面对面地看;

one's face falls 脸沉下来(表示失望﹑沮丧等);

on the face of it 就表面判断

谚语 A good face is a letter of recommendation.


A fair face may hide a foul heart. 人面兽心。

advertisement ['ædvə:ˌtaismənt] n. 广告;宣传

Can you tell me why you replied to our advertisement?


同义词 advert [əd'və:t] n. 广告

相关词 advertising ['ædvəˌtaiziŋ] adj. 广告的; n. 广告;广告业;

advertise ['ædvətaiz] v. 登广告;宣传;

advertiser ['ædvəˌtaizə] n. 广告商;广告客户;

advertistics [əd'və:tistiks] n. 广告统计;

commercial advertisement 商业广告;

television advertisement 电视广告

realize ['riəlaiz] v. 实现;了解;意识到

I can realize my dream here.


同义词 come true 实现

相关词 realizable ['riəlaizəbl] adj. 可实现的;

realization [ˌriəlai'zeiʃən] n. 实现;领悟;

realized ['riəlaizd] adj. 已实现的;

realizer ['riəlaizə] n. 领悟者

相关短语 realize the value 实现价值;

realize the dream of 实现……的梦想;

realize from 从……中获利;从……中赚钱;

realize a profit 赚得利润

line [lain] n. 行业;界线;航线; v. 加衬里;排队;画线

The work is out of line with my professional knowledge.


相关词 lined [laind] adj. 衬里的;衬垫的

习语 all along the line 全部地;全面地;

lay it on the line 实话实说;

out of line 不成一直线;出格;越轨;

give sb a line on sth 把某事的消息告诉某人;

in line with sth 与某事物类似或一致

谚语 One must draw the line somewhere.


A smile is a curved line that sets things straight.


background ['bækgraund] n. 背景;幕后 v. 提供背景

I feel my background is a good fit for this position and I am very interested in it.


反义词 forehand ['fɔ:hænd] n. 前方;领先的地位

相关词 backgrounder ['bækˌɡraundə] n. 后台运行;记者招待会;

cultural background 文化背景

相关短语 stand in the background 处于隐蔽地位;不出面;

throw/drive/push/relegate into the background


home background 家庭情况

习语 on deep background 深层幕后消息来源

记忆方法 back背,ground地——背后的地是背景;对人是经历

expiry [iks'paiəri] n. 满期;逾期

I'm leaving the present job just because of expiry of my employment contract.


相关词 expire [iks'paiə] v. 终止;期满;

expirer [ik'spaiərə] n. 满期者;

expiration [ˌekspi'reiʃən] n. 终止;期满;

expiry date 终止日期;有效期限

相关短语 at the expiry of the term 期满;

expiry of tenancy 租约期满;

expiry of employment 雇用期满

initiative [i'niʃətiv] n. 首创精神;主动权 adj. 自发的;初步的

I have initiative and good communication skill.


同义词 initiatory [i'niʃiətəri] adj. 初步的

相关词 initiatively [i'niʃətivli] adv. 自发地;初步地;

initiate [i'niʃieit] v. 开始;创始;

initial [i'niʃəl] adj. 开始的;最初的

习语 on one's own initiative 主动地;

take the initiative 带头;争取主动;

have the initiative 掌握主动权;有优先权

谚语 Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.


venture ['ventʃə] v. 大胆表示;冒昧地说 n. 冒险;投机

May I venture to ask you a question?


相关词 venturer ['ventʃərə] n. 冒险者;投机者;

venturesome ['ventʃəsəm] adj. 冒险的;不顾一切的

相关短语 venture on/upon sth 敢于尝试做某事;

ready for any venture 不辞任何危险

习语 at a venture 随便地;碰运气地;胡乱地

谚语 Nothing venture, nothing have. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

记忆方法 玩车(谐音):玩车很冒险。

proficiency [prə'fiʃənsi n. 熟练;精通

He shows proficiency in the use of office softwares.


相关词 proficient [prə'fiʃənt adj. 熟练的;精通的;

proficiency test 水平测试;熟练测试;

technical proficiency 技术熟练;技术水平

相关短语 proficiency in sth/doing sth 精通;熟练

involve [in'vɔlv] v. 使忙于;使陷入;包含

I'd like to get involved in programming.


同义词 embroil [im'brɔil] v. 使卷入;使陷入

相关词 involved [in'vɔlvd] adj. 涉及的;复杂的;

involvement [in'vɔlvmənt] n. 牵连;包含;混乱

相关短语 involve sb/sth in (doing) sth 使某人/某事物参与某活动或陷入某情况;

be involved in 包含在……被卷入……专心地做……

get involved with 给……缠住

谚语 Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.


记忆方法 in进入,volve滚动,转动——卷入

absorb [əb'sɔ:b] v. 吸收;吸引……的注意;吞并

This interviewee can't absorb my attention.


同义词 suck up 吸收

相关词 absorbability [əbˌsɔ:bə'biliti] n. 被吸收性;

absorbable [əb'sɔ:bəbl] adj. 易被吸收的;

absorbing [əb'sɔ:biŋ] adj. 吸引人的;极有趣的;

absorbed [əb'sɔ:bd] adj. 精神集中的;

absorbent [əb'sɔ:bənt] adj. 能吸收水分的;

absorption [əb'sɔ:pʃən] n. 吸收;专心致志

相关短语 be absorbed by 被……吞并;为……所吸收;

absorb sb's attention 吸引某人注意;

be absorbed in 全神贯注在,一心从事;热衷于 rLvzulI6wE31Bq3Fg9FhmaUWfFA4Hjq7ss5DjMhAB+ZG8s1265qSRDhehzcUsAMj

