

interview ['intəvju:] n. 面试;会见

I have an interview at a publishing firm.


相关词 interviewee [intəvju:'i:] n. 被接见者;被采访者;

interviewer ['intəvju:ə] n. 接见者;采访者;

interview skills 面试技巧

telephone ['telifəun] n. 电话,电话机

Is your company's telephone number 67548231?


同义词 telephone set 电话机

相关词 telephoner ['telifəunə] n. 打电话的人;

telephonist [ti'lefənist] n. 话务员,电话接线员;

telephonic [ˌteli'fɔnik] adj. 电话的;用电话传送的;

习语 on the telephone 接上电话;接通电话

meet [mi:t] v. 遇见;见面

Where is the best place to meet you?


相关词 meeting ['mi:tiŋ] n. 会议;come across 偶遇

相关短语 meet up (with sb) 偶遇(某人)

习语 meet one's Waterloo(在比赛中)惨败;

make both ends meet 使收支相抵;

meet one's Maker 死,见上帝

discuss [dis'kʌs] v. 讨论;谈论;论述

I think we need to discuss his interview as soon as possible.


同义词 talk over 讨论

相关词 discussion [dis'kʌʃən] n. 讨论;辩论;

discussional [dis'kʌʃənəl] adj. 讨论的;

discussant [dis'kʌsənt] n. 应邀参加讨论的人

相关短语 beyond discussion 无讨论余地;

associative discussion 自由讨论

习语 under discussion 正在讨论中

arrange [ə'reindʒ] v. 准备安排;筹备

I applied for a job in your company, and can you arrange an interview for me?


相关词 arrangeable [ə'reindʒəbl] adj. 准备的;

arranger [ə'reindʒə] n. 筹备者;

arrangement [ə'reindʒmənt] n. 筹备

相关短语 come to an arrangement 谈妥,达成协议;

arrange with sb about sth 与某人商定某事;

make arrangement with sb 和某人达成协议

convenience [kən'vi:niəns] n. 方便;合适

Please come at your convenience to have an interview.


反义词 inconvenience [ˌinkən'vi:niəns] n. 不方便

相关词 convenient [kən'vi:niənt] adj. 方便的;

conveniently [kən'vi:niəntli] adv. 方便地;

convenience food 方便食品

相关短语 as a matter of convenience 为了方便起见;

for the convenience of 为了……方便起见;

make a convenience of sb 任意利用某人

习语 at one's convenience 在方便的时候及在适宜的地方;

at your earliest convenience 尽早

记忆方法 con全部,vene来——全部能来没有障碍——方便

appointment [ə'pɔintmənt] n. 约会;约定;任命

Can you arrange an appointment with me tomorrow?


相关词 appoint [ə'pɔint] v. 约定;决定;

appointed [ə'pɔintid] adj. 约定的;

appointee [əˌpɔin'ti:] n. 被任命者;

appointments [ə'pɔintmənts] n. 设备;家具;

appointor [ə'pɔintə] n. 指定人(有权指定遗产等之受益者的人)

相关短语 make an appointment with sb 与某人约会

postpone [pəust'pəun] v. 推迟,延期

May I ask you to postpone the interview until the day after tomorrow?


同义词 delay [di'lei] v. 延期,推迟;put off 推迟

相关词 postponer [pəust'pəunə] n. 延迟者,使延缓者;

postponement [ˌpəust'pəunmənt] n. 延期,推迟

习语 postpone the evil hour/day 缓做终须做的厌恶事

suit [sju:t] v. 合适;中意

We will never find a time that suits everyone.


相关词 suitable ['sju:təbl] adj. 合适的;

suitability [ˌsju:tə'biləti] n. 适当;相配;适合

相关短语 suit one's/sb's book 对某人方便;合某人的心意;

suit sb down to the ground 对某人非常方便或合适

advance [əd'vɑ:ns] adj. 预先的

You should call in advance before your interview.


相关词 advancing [æd'vɑ:nsiŋ] adj. 前进的;

advancer [əd'vɑ:nsə] n. 前进者;

advanced [əd'vɑ:nst] adj. 预先的;先进的

相关短语 be advanced in years 上了年纪,年事已高

习语 in advance (of sth) 预先,事先,事前

information [ˌinfə'meiʃən] n. 信息;消息;情报

I am eager to learn further information about our interview.


同义词 message ['mesidʒ] n. 信息

相关词 inform [in'fɔ:m] v. 告诉,通知;报告;

informant [in'fɔ:mənt] n. 报告者;告密者;

informational [ˌinfə'meiʃənəl] adj. 新闻的;情报的;

informer [in'fɔ:mə] n. 告密的人;密探

相关短语 as far as our information goes 照我们现有的资料来看,就我们所知

习语 a mine of information 知识的宝库,信息的源泉

offic ['ɔfis n. 办公室;处,所,局;职务

The interview will be in my office. So come to my office directly tomorrow.


相关词 officer ['ɔfisə] n. 工作人员;

official [ə'fiʃəl] adj. 官员的;公务上的;

officiary [ə'fiʃiəri] n. 官员团;

officiate [ə'fiʃieit] v. 行使(职务);主持(会议)

相关短语 be in office 在职;当政;

do the office of 担任……职务

习语 lay down office 辞职;

through sb's good offices 承某人的好意协助

building ['bildiŋ] n. 建筑物;建筑

You can see a tall building on the left side of the supermarket.


同义词 construction [kən'strʌkʃən] n. 建筑,建筑物

相关词 buildable ['bildəbl] adj. 可以建造的;

building site 建筑工地;

building society 房屋建筑协会

相关短语 not built that way (口)不是那样的人,不是那种性格的人

mansion ['mænʃən] n. 大厦;(豪华的)宅邸

The company's headquarters is in that mansion.


相关词 Executive Mansion 总统官邸(即白宫);

lunar mansions(天)宿,二十八宿

block [blɔk] n. 大楼;街区;障碍物

Go to the end of this street, turn right, and walk two blocks.


相关词 blockage ['blɔkidʒ] n. 封锁;堵塞;障碍;

blocked [blɔkt] adj. 封锁的,闭塞的

习语 have a block (about sth) 因情绪紧张而不能了解;

a chip off the old block 性格像父亲的人(尤指男的)

occasion [ə'keiʒən] n. 时刻;场合;时机

On the occasion of your interview, you shouldn't have said that thing.


习语 on the occasion of 在……的时候;

have a sense of occasion 有场合意识或应景观念

confirm [kən'fə:m] v. 证实;肯定

I'm calling to confirm my interview.


同义词 verify ['verifai] v. 证实

相关词 confirmation [ˌkɔnfə'meiʃən] n. 确立;证实;

confirmative [kən'fə:mətiv] adj. 确证的,确定的;

confirmable [kən'fə:məbl] adj. 可确定的;能证实的;

confirmed [kən'fə:md] adj. 习惯的;根深蒂固的

相关短语 in confirmation of 以便证实……

记忆方法 con共同,firm( v. 使牢固,使坚定)——共同坚定——证实

position [pə'ziʃən] n. 位置;职位;情形

When is it most convenient for me to visit you to talk about the position?


相关词 positional [pə'ziʃənəl] adj. 位置的;地位的;

position-setting [pə'ziʃən'setiŋ] n. 定位;

position-sensor [pə'ziʃən'sensə] n. 位置感应器

相关短语 place in an awkward position 使处于尴尬的境地;

be in a position to 能够;有做……的机会

习语 in a false position 处于被人误解的地位;处于违背原则的境地;

out of position 不得其所;在不适当的位置

exact [ig'zækt] adj. 精密严谨的;确切的 v. 强求;索取

I am calling to ask the exact interview time.


相关词 exactable [ig'zæktəbl] adj. 可强求的;可强取的;

exactness [ig'zæktnis] n. 正确;精确;

exactor [ig'zæktə] n. 勒索者;强要者;

exactitude [ig'zæktitju:d] n. 正确;严谨;

exactly [ig'zæktli] adv. 精确地;确切地;

exacting [ig'zæktiŋ] adj. 苛求的;严格的;

exaction [ig'zækʃən] n. 强求;强索

相关短语 be more exact 更确切地说

记忆方法 ex出,act行动——要求做出行动——强求,然后引申为精确的

right [rait] adj. 正确的;合适的; n. 权利

Where is the right place of the interview?


相关词 right-about ['raitəbaut] n. 相反方向;向后转;

rightness ['raitnis] n. 正确性;正义性;

righteous ['raitʃəs] adj. 公正的;公义的;

rightful ['raitfəl] adj. 正义的;合法的

习语 all right on the night (指表演等)到时候准能使人满意;

get sth right 清楚无误地了解某物;

a bite of all right 非常吸引人或讨人喜欢的人或事物;

the rights and wrongs of sth 事实;真相

谚语 We only live once, but if we work it right, once is enough.


second ['sekənd] adj. 第二的;次等的;再一个的 num. 第二

Please come back for a second interview tomorrow morning.


相关词 second childhood 老年的智力衰退时期;

second best 仅次于最好的;

second nature 第二天性;根深蒂固的习惯;

second interview 面试复试

相关短语 on second thoughts 经过重新考虑

习语 second only to sb/sth 仅次于某人或某事物;

second to none 不亚于任何人;

get one's second wind 极疲倦后重新感到有精力

round [raund] n. 一局(轮);巡回;一连串;一系列 adj. 圆形的;球形的

Please remember to attend the first round of interviews tomorrow.


相关词 round-eyed ['raundaid] adj. (因惊讶感叹等)睁大眼睛的;

roundup ['raundʌp] v. 把……聚集在一起;包围

相关短语 go one's rounds 兜圈子;

show sb round 带某人到处游玩;

taking it all round 从各方面来看;从各方面考虑

习语 make one's rounds 例行巡视;

do/go the rounds of 到各处玩乐;到一处又一处;

go the round of 流传;散播

notify ['nəutifai] v. 通知;报告

I will notify all the applicants to come for an interview tomorrow.


相关词 notification [ˌnəutifi'keiʃən] n. 通知;报告;

notifiable ['nəutiˌfaiəbl] adj. (指疾病因危险)依法须报告卫生当局的;

notifier ['nəutifaiə] n. 通知人;通告人

相关短语 notify sb of sth 将某事报告某人

apprise [ə'praiz] v. 通知

Please apprise me the exact time.


相关词 apprisement [ə'praizmənt] n. 报告;通知

相关短语 apprise sb of sth 告知某人某事;

be apprised that 已获悉……

be apprised of 被告知;了解

form [fɔ:m] n. 表格;形式

I'll send you an application form.


同义词 table ['teibl] n. 表格;

tabulation [ˌtæbju'leiʃən] n. 表格

相关词 formless ['fɔ:mlis] adj. 无条理的

相关短语 after the form of 照……的格式;

fill out a form 填表格

谚语 Envy is the sincerest form of flattery.羡慕就是由衷的奉承。

bring [briŋ] v. 带来;促使;产生

Please complete the form and bring it with you when you come for an interview.


反义词 take [teik] v. 带走

相关短语 bring home to sb 使某人深切感到;

bring in on 准许参加;通知;

bring oneself to 下决心;费力;

bring up against 使面对;

bring up as far as 使上升到;

bring forward 提出;提议;

bring down on oneself 招致

place [pleis] n. 地方, 地位; v. 放置;安排

The interview will take place at our company's conference room at 9 a.m. next Tuesday.


相关词 placeless [pleislis] adj. 没有固定位置的;

placeable ['pleisəbl] adj. 可被确定位置的;

place-kick ['pleisˌkik] v. (足球、橄榄球)定位踢

习语 all over the place 到处;

have one's heart in the right place 怀有真情或善意;

put oneself in sb else's/sb's place 设想自己处于他人的地位或处境;

take place 发生;

be placed (体)名列前三名 aUKkIPpqPHMRPkvmaTlMyjHxZfDuoq8eKuTC0cfwXCXG6ME4BsEAHHJCqQkUzIdE
