
Renting an Apartment

Dialogue 对话

I am John. Recently I have been busy in renting an apartment. Yesterday, I received a call from Mr. King who reminded me to see the apartment. And I go there today.

John: Hello, you look like Mr. King. I am John. I received your call yesterday, so I'm here to see the apartment.

Mr. King: Nice to meet you. The apartment is on the fifth floor. This way, please.

John: Are there any shopping centers and food markets nearby? Is this residential area pretty safe?

Mr. King: Absolutely. It is very convenient to go shopping and take buses. The neighbours are all friendly. Well,here we are, room 503. It is spacious and bright. The view is beautiful. The room is furnished, so you don't need to take unnecessary luggage.

John: Can I cook meal here?

Mr. King: Of course. The kitchen is well-equipped.

John: Is there air conditioner?

Mr. King: Yes. It is in the bedroom. The heating is also in the bedroom.

John: By the way. You said the rent is 500 yuan per month. Are the maintenance fee and utilities fee included?

Mr. King: It includes water but not electricity and gas.

John: It is a little expensive. Could you reduce the price?

Mr. King: I will sweeten the pot. If you pay 1500 yuan of the security deposit, you can rent it for 400 yuan .

John: When is the rent due?

Mr. King: The rent should be paid before the twentieth of each month. And the security deposit will be returned to you at the end of your lease.

John: I am satisfied with it. I want to rent it for one year. Can we sign the contract?


约翰: 嗨,你一定是金先生吧,我叫约翰。昨天你打电话给我让过来看房子。

金先生: 见到你真高兴。公寓在5楼,请跟我来。

约翰: 附近有购物中心和菜市场吗?住宅区安全吗?

金先生: 当然。购物、坐公交都很方便,邻居们也很友好。嗯,我们到了,503房间,既宽敞又明亮,风景也很美,而且配有家具,你不用带太多行李。

约翰: 我可以在这里做饭吗?

金先生: 当然可以,厨房装备齐全。

约翰: 有空调吗?

金先生: 有,在卧室,还有暖气。

约翰: 顺便问一句,你说租金是每月500元,包括维修费和水电费吗?

金先生: 租金包括水费,但电费和煤气费不包括在内。

约翰: 有点贵。能便宜一些吗?

金先生: 我再放宽些条件。如果你付1500元的押金,可以交400元的租金。

约翰: 什么时候交租金?

金先生: 每月20号之前交租金。租约到期后押金会返还给你。

约翰: 我很满意这房子,我租一年。我们可以签合同了吗?


sweeten the pot

sweeten the pot 这个习语源于牌桌上,为了吸引玩游戏的人而把赌注的总数加得高一些。后来逐渐成了日常用语。意为:为了使一个提议更有吸引力而在原有条件基础上加一些对对方有利的条件。


The landlord has some trouble in renting out his house, so he sweetens the pot that if one signs a three-year lease, he will offer six months free rent.


Key words and phrases 关键词和短语

1. shopping center 购物中心

2. food market 菜市场

3. residential [ˌrezi'denʃəl] adj. 提供住宿的、居住的、住宅的

4. sign the contract / make the contract (agreement) 签订合同

5. natural gas 天然气

6. utilities fee 水电费

7. lease [li:s] n. 租约、租契; v. 出租,租得,租有

Key Sentences 关键句型

1 How much is the rent?


2 I come here to see the apartment you advertised.


3 I'm looking for a one-bedroom apartment with a bathroom and a kitchen.


4 Are there any shopping centers and grocery stores nearby?


5 Are utilities and maintenance fee included in the rent?


6 Do you return the security deposit later?


7 When is the rent due?


8 The rent should be paid before the fifth of each month.


还可以这样说 The rent is due no later than the fifth of each month.

9 How much security deposit should I pay?

我要付多少保证金? f9Ib9pMu7hqdcQ3KYzgeDPzxHpRdykHoiJWmPM2M7Fewd2L6SABiYRNU+l0WVWJF
