
Traffic Jam

Dialogue 对话

Traffic is very heavy during the rush hour, and most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic jam. Now John is caught by the jam, and he strikes a conversation with a stranger.

John: What a bad traffic! We have been waiting here for nearly an hour.

Stranger: There is usually a lot of traffic in the crossroads. The traffic policemen are directing the traffic. It will return to the normal state soon. Take it easy, young man.

John: The local government should take measures to ease the traffic pressure.

Stranger: A cross-over bridge is planned to be built in this month. And the subway has been under constructing. It is reported that it will be completed next year.

John: Sounds pretty good.

Stranger: Sure. The newly-built subway will relieve the traffic congestion to some extent.

John: Hope so. Hey, the traffic is all right. Here we go.

Stranger: Have a pleasant trip!


约翰: 糟糕透顶的交通。已经等了将近一小时了。

陌生人: 十字路口经常堵车。交警在指挥疏通道路,很快就会恢复正常,别着急,小伙子。

约翰: 当地政府应采取措施减缓交通压力。

陌生人: 这个月计划建造天桥,地铁也正在建造中,报道说明年将会建成。

约翰: 听起来很棒!

陌生人: 是啊,新建的地铁在某种程度上会减轻交通压力。

约翰: 但愿如此。嘿,可以通行了,我们走吧。

陌生人: 一路顺风!


traffic jam

每到上下班时间,大都市高速公路的车速甚至比一般道路的车速还要慢,无数车辆涌上来造成车的保险杆相互碰撞的交通状况( bumper-to-bumper traffic ),这时的车速可以形容为蜗牛步行的交通( snail-paced traffic );或者干脆叫做动弹不得的车速(slows to halt)。这种塞车现象用英说就叫 traffic jam 或是 traffic congestion ;更严重的交通状况称为严重塞车,僵局( gridlock )。


I hate to live in big cities, for there are so many traffic jams. 我不喜欢在大城市生活,因为有很多交通堵塞。

Key words and phrases 关键词和短语

1. rush hour 高峰期,上下班时间

2. crossroads ['krɔsrəudz] n. 十字路口

3. traffic jam / congestio 交通拥堵

4. return to the normal state 恢复正常

5. strike a conversation with sb 同某人攀谈

Key Sentences 关键句型

1 In the morning, traffic is tied up in knots. 早上,车辆堵得水泄不通。

2 The main road was blocked, so we'd better try another way.


3 We were stuck in heavy traffic for more than one hour.


4 Cars crawled slowly as a snail. 车辆如蜗牛般缓缓爬行。

5 Yesterday there happened a terrible accident, causing the traffic blocked on this stretch of the motorway. 昨天发生一起惨重的交通事故,阻塞了这一段高速公路。

6 Traffic was interrupted by the dense fog. 交通因浓雾而受阻。

7 Heavy snow blocked the roads, people has to stay at home.


8 It is necessary to build flyovers to ease the traffic pressure at all the crossroads.


9 The road is closed to vehicular traffic; please go in a roundabout way.


10 Heavy traffic has become the main problem in many old towns.

交通拥挤已成为许多旧城镇的主要难题。 Z0zETLNg+MIc7iMswVu5Se4rZ5thkwhMlPFMWLdxRCU80/cI1DG3YhPwJ09Kl/hj
