

ABC [ˌeɪ bi:ˈsi:] 基础知识,入门

This is ( as ) easy as ABC. 这件事太容易了。/易如反掌。

例句 Just do it. It's just as easy as ABC. 大胆去做。这件事一点儿都不难。

I know only the ABCs of speaking Korean. 我只会说一点儿韩语。

注意 词组the ABCs of中ABC要加s。

例句 Please speak slowly. I know only the ABCs of English.


补充: 人们永远不会忘记电影《音乐之声》( The Sound of Music )里那段熟悉优美的旋律—玛利亚为孩子们即兴弹唱的儿歌:let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start: when you read you begin with ABC, when you sing you begin withDo Re Mi...

AbC [ˌeɪ bi: ˈsi:] 在美国出生的中国人
=American-born Chinese

I am an AbC. 我是在美国出生的中国人。

例句 I'm Jack Li. Sorry for my poor Chinese. I am an AbC.


补充: 注意ABC(作为某些词的缩写), abc和本词条的AbC分别是不同单词的缩写形式,其中生活中常能听到的多是AbC。

abhor [əbˈhɔ:(r)] 憎恨

I abhor violence! 我痛恨暴力!

例句 He was a man who abhorred violence and was deeply committed to reconciliation. 他是一个憎恶暴力而坚决主张和解的人。

补充: 一般来说abhor这个词比较正式,生活中多用hate代替,口语中除了abhor violence外,其他使用的情况相对较少。此外,人类史上流传最广、阅读最多的一部书—《圣经》的KING JAMES VERSION (KJV,十七世纪英王詹姆斯钦定版,最经典的圣经版本)中,仇恨一词多用abhor。

able [ˈeɪbl] 有能力的

I'm able to breathe ( easily/freely ) again. 总算又能喘口气儿了。(刚刚经历了危险或较紧急的情况)

例句 After the exam, I am able to breathe easily again!


Anyone who's able to fog a mirror can do it. 只要是个能喘气的人,都能做这件事。

用法说明: 句中的fog在这里指“产生雾气”,意思是把鼻子对准镜子,只要呼吸就能在镜子上产生雾气,是一种幽默的说法。

例句 I don't need him, anyone who's able to fog a mirror can do the job!


I don't think I'll be able to make it. 我恐怕我来不了(去不了)了。

例句 I don't think I'll be able to make your party, but still thank you very much.


用法说明: 当别人对你不礼貌时,可以借此来表达自己不满的情绪。

I'm able to take just/only so much. 我不能再忍受下去了。

例句 Don't say it any more. I'm able to take just so much.


He is not able to take a joke. 他不是个开得起玩笑的人。

用法说明: able to take a joke多用于否定句。

例句 Don't tease her. She is not able to take a joke.


I never knew you were such an able man! 我从不知道你这么能干啊!

例句 What a move! I never knew you were such an able crossoverer.


补充: 老师在课堂上肯定讲过很多be able to和can的区别,但在口语中,能用be able to的基本上可用can来代替。上述的例子自然也都可以。但注意,偶尔也有例外,一起来看下面的例句。

例句 Sorry I was not able to make it.


about [əˈbaʊt] 关于

Go/Get about your business!忙你自己的事儿去!

用法说明: 相当于You'd better get busy doing sth。

例句 Why are you still here? Go about your business!


How about this... / What about this... 这个(这样)行不行?

例句 1. How about tea? 来点茶怎么样?

2. What about today? 今天(去做某事)怎么样?

How about doing... / What about doing... 去做……怎么样?

例句 1.What about going to the cinema? 去电影院好不好?

2. A What about going to movies? 去看电影怎么样?

B Boring...How about this—we go to your apartment and have a party?


What about you?/How about you? 你怎么样?/你呢?

用法说明: 两者有细微的不同,联系上下文以及what和how的基本用法进行理解,具体见下面的例句。

例句 1. I don't play soccer. I play football. What about you? 我不打橄榄球。我踢足球。你呢?(What about you? 你喜欢玩什么?)

2. (ring call)Hi, is that Bob? Yeah, I'm fine. How about you? (接电话)嘿,是鲍伯么?对,我很好。你怎么样?(上文是I am fine,所以How aboutyou? 你怎么样啊?)

That is what it's all about. 这就是全部。

用法说明: 这句话大致有一种恍然大悟的感觉,如同“哦,原来就是这么一回事”。

例句 1. For him, work is what it's all about. 对他来说,工作就是他的全部。

2. I got it. It's all about money. 我懂了。都是关于钱的事。

What's all this about? 怎么回事?/出什么事了?

用法说明: 通常用于对某件让人一头雾水或者令人不悦的事情而表示的疑问和不满。

例句 I didn't do anything mean to Mark. Why was he shouting at me? What's all this about? 我又没惹马克。他干嘛对我吼?到底出什么事了?

About what? (关于)什么事?

用法说明: 是对别人的话作出的回应,不能单独用来发起会话。

例句 A I need to tell you something. 我得跟你说点事。

B About what? 什么事?

What about now? 那么现在呢?

例句 What about a rest now? 现在休息一下好不好?

补充: 歌曲《What About Now》是《美国偶像》( American Idol ,美国著名选秀节目)第五季里选手克里斯·多特里(Chris Daughtry)的成名曲之一,后来被西城男孩(Westlife)翻唱后更加红极一时。

above [əˈbʌv] 在上方,超出

It's above the requirement. 这比所需的还要多/好。

例句 The teacher helped his students after school everyday, even though it's above his call of duty. 这位老师每天课后仍然帮助他的学生,即便这超出了他的职责范围。

It's above average. 好于平均水平。/在水准之上。

用法说明: 也可以说above par。

例句 His teaching is above average/par, so he always gets paid better.


It's above his bend. 这在他的能力之上。/这是他力所不及的。

例句 He's an able worker, but this task is above his bend.


He's above suspicion. 他不是个能让人去怀疑的人。/他是个极有诚信的人。/他是不容质疑的

例句 How can you doubt that it was John? He is above suspicion.


补充: 句子中的one is above suspicion的典故出自古罗马的凯撒。凯撒因为妻子涉嫌一桩公共丑闻而与妻子离婚,作为罗马元首的他说道—Caesar's wife must be above suspicion.(凯撒的妻子是不能被怀疑的。)

absence [ˈæbsəns] 不在,缺席(absent的名词形式)

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 距离产生美。

例句 A How are you getting on with Lucy?


B I don't know. Maybe not as good as before. You know, absence makes the h eart grow fonder.


absent [ˈæbsənt] 不在的,缺席的

He is absent. 他不在。/他没来。

例句 Miss Li, John is absent today. 李小姐,约翰今天没有来。

He is absent without leave. 他当了逃兵。

用法说明: 本意指任何未经允许的缺席,但经常特指在部队当了逃兵。

例句 The soldier was taken away by military police because he was absent without leave.


absolute [ˈæbsəlu:t] 绝对的

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败。

例句 You can't let him take charge of everything. You know, absolute power corrupts absolutely.


absolutely [ˈæbsəlu:tlɪ] 绝对地,一定地

Absolutely! 那肯定!

用法说明: 相当于说definitely, certainly(口语中的“必须地”)。如果是否定形式则用“Absolutely not!”意为“肯定不行!”

例句 1. A Do you like MJ? 你喜欢杰克逊(或者乔丹,他们名字的首字母都是MJ)吗?

B Absolutely! 必须地!

2. A Mom, may I stay at Lucy's overnight? 妈妈,我能在露西家过夜吗?

B Absolutely not! 当然不行!

补充①: 迈克尔·杰弗里·乔丹(Michael Jeffrey Jordan)是前美国NBA职业篮球运动员,史上最伟大的篮球明星之一。在他15年的职业生涯中,乔丹总共获得6次总冠军,5次常规赛最有价值球员,6次总决赛最有价值球员,10次入选年度最佳阵容,更史无前例地获得十届得分王,其中有七届(1987~1993)蝉联得分王。他目前仍保持NBA常规赛球员职业生涯的每场平均得分最高纪录(30.12分)和季后赛每场平均得分最高纪录(33.45分)。

补充②: 迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)是继猫王之后,西方流行乐坛最具影响力的音乐家之一,被誉为流行音乐之王(King of Pop)。他在全球范围内拥有亿万歌迷,拥有世界销量第一的专辑《颤栗者》( Thriller ),其唱片总销量数以亿计(2006年底统计,其唱片销量已超过7.5亿),被载入“吉尼斯世界大全”。

abstain [əbˈsteɪn] 戒除(烟酒等)

I'll abstain from voting. 我(投票)弃权。

例句 I'll have to abstain from voting since I don't know which side to choose.


补充: 对我们来说“我弃权”也许不是一句常用的话,但你要知道美国人是很喜欢投票的。

access [ˈækses] 使用(的途径);接近(的方法)

I have/get access to... 我有使用权/我能接近……

例句 1. Students need easy access to books. 学生需要得到借书的便利。

2. You can easily get access to him. 你很容易接近他。

accident [ˈæksɪdənt] 意外(事故);意外(事件)

I did it by accident. 我做成那件事纯属意料之外。

例句 I found it all by accident. 我能发现这一切纯属意外。

I met her by accident. 我和她不期而遇。

例句 They met in Paris by accident on a rainy day. 他们在雨天的巴黎不期而遇。

Accidents will happen. 世事无常。

用法说明: 表示无论怎样预防总会有些不幸发生,一般用来表示感叹,劝解别人或在某些重大场合前为别人减压。也可以说accident happens。

例句 Never mind. Accidents will happen.


There're no accidents. 世上无巧合。/世上没有什么是偶然的。

用法说明: 这句话可以包含两种意思。第一种“世上无巧合”是阴谋论者的常用口头禅,意思是看起来各种巧合的事情其实是包含在某个计划里的,警匪片里警察破案时常能听到这一句。第二种“世上没有什么是偶然的”,是命定论者的常用口头禅,意思是一切皆有注定。

例句 1.“There're no accidents,”said Master Oogway.


2. I don't think he was just wandering around there at 3 a.m. You know,there's no accident.


补充: 对于“Accidents will happen”,注意will在这里不表示将来时态,而是作为情态动词,意为“注定如此”。同样的用法,比如“Boys will be boys.”意为“男孩子总是这个样”,作为对小男孩儿甚至是“大男孩儿”们淘气的无奈表示。

accord [əˈkɔ:dɡ] 符合

That doesn't accord with what we knew. 这和我们所了解的不符。

例句 Dose this accord with what you heard? 这和你所听到的相符吗?

according to... 根据……

例句 Everything went according to plan. 一切都是按照计划进行的。

According to all accounts, ... 大家都说……

例句 According to all accounts, that English party had a lot fun last night.


ace [es] 纸牌中的A

That's my ace in the hole. 这就是我的底牌。

用法说明: 源于纸牌游戏中的ace。指平时保留不用但可以作为依仗的手段等。

例句 1. I'm friends with his boss. That's my ace in the hole.


2. A good negotiator always have more than one ace in the hole.


Achilles'heel [əˈkɪli:z hi:l] 致命处(直译为阿基里斯之踵)

That's my Achilles'heel. 这是我的弱点。

例句 I hate spelling test! That is my Achilles'heel. 我痛恨拼写测试!那是我的致命伤。

补充: 阿基里斯是《荷马史诗》中最强大的英雄,据古希腊传说,他一出生就被他的母亲(一位女神)提着脚踵倒浸入冥河,从此刀枪不入,但唯独脚踵没有浸过冥河水,成了唯一的弱点。最后他被一箭射中脚踵而死。

acquaint [əˈkweɪnt] 使……变得熟悉

I'll acquaint you with... 我想向大家介绍……(一定要搭配with)

例句 Excuse me, my friends, I would like to acquaint you with my son Bill.


acquaint oneself with... 使自己熟悉某物

例句 The little boy tried to acquaint himself with the new school.


补充: 这个句型也可用于被动语态,含义及用法不变。

例句 He is fully acquainted with the way we think. 他对我们的思维方式十分熟悉。

We are only acquainted with each other. 我们只是相互认识而已。

例句 Lucy and I are merely acquainted with each other. We are certainly not what you called close friends. 露西和我只是互相认识罢了。我们绝对不是你所说的什么亲密朋友。

acquaintance [əˈkweɪntəns] 熟悉,认识;熟人(实际上指认识但不是很熟的人)

I'm glad to make your acquaintance. 我很高兴认识你。

用法说明: 这是比较正式的说法,只用于第一次见面。

例句 It gives me great pleasure to have all of you here this evening and to make your acquaintance and become friends. 非常高兴今晚能结识在座的诸位并成为朋友。(宴会致辞)

We are merely acquaintances. 我们只是熟人。(连朋友都算不上)

例句 Tom? We are merely acquaintances. We live in the same neighborhood.


act [ækt] 行动,表现

Don't act like a cold fish! 别对人那么冷漠!

用法说明: 习语,字面的意思是“别表现的像条冷鱼(鱼是冷血动物)”。千万不能把fish换成bird什么的。

例句 Why don't you talk with others? Don't act like a cold fish!


That's an act of war! 那意味着战争!

用法说明: 一般只是两个人吵架时说说而已,本意为战争法令,生活中是用不到的,这是比喻用法,也是习语。act在这里是“法令”的意思。

例句 You called me a fool? That's an act of war!


Act your age! 成熟点吧!

用法说明: 用来指责对方太幼稚,也就是说,做出符合对方年龄的事。

例句 Don't be so childish. Act your age! 别这么孩子气,你都多大了!

action [ˈækʃn] 行动

Actions speak louder than words. 行胜于言。(这是在告诉那些夸夸其谈的人,做的远比说的重要)

例句 You keep saying that you'll do your homework and work harder. Remember,actions speak louder than words.


add [æd] 增加

That is to add fuel to the fire. 那是火上浇油。

用法说明: 也可以说add fuel to the flame。

例句 Don't you shouting at him! You are adding fuel to the fire.


That is to add insult to injury. 那真是雪上加霜。

例句 First, he got fired, and then, to add insult to injury, his wife left him.


Add these figures up. 把这些数加起来。

例句 These figures don't add up to the right total!

这些数加起来总数不对!(如果add up后面还要接具体的数字的话,记得要加to)

It adds up to the same thing. 这没有什么不同。

例句 If you borrowed something without telling the owner, you are stealing it.

That adds up to the same thing.


address [əˈdres] 地址;演讲

Address unknown. 收信人不详。

用法说明: 这是邮局退回信件时在信封上打的邮戳。

例句 You know what? I sent Mary a letter, but they returned it back and said address unknown!


补充: 已故摇滚巨星猫王(Elvis Presley)有一首脍炙人口的歌曲叫《Return To Sender》,说的就是男生给意中人寄了情书,结果被退回,里面有几句很俏皮的歌词:She wrote upon it: Return to sender, address unknown. No such number, no such zone.(她在信封上写道:退回寄信者,收件人不详。没有这个电话,没有这个区号。)

He delivered an address. 他做了一次演讲。

用法说明: deliver an address是指在听众面前做正式的演讲。

例句 I was asked to deliver an address in front of the whole class.


补充①: 《葛底斯堡演说》( Gettysburg Address )是美国前总统亚伯拉罕·林肯最著名的演说,也是美国历史上为人引用最多的政治性演说。《葛底斯堡演说》不仅在历史上曾经有过重要意义,更重要的是其在文学史上的地位,作为美国历史上最伟大的演说(也许没有“之一”),几乎每个美国小学生在学校都会读或者背诵这篇演说。在美国大众文化中,《葛底斯堡演说》更是随处可见。另外,很多演说家也会借鉴这篇演说的修辞,如著名的《我有一个梦想》( I Have a Dream )。

补充②: 亚伯拉罕·林肯是美国的政治家、思想家、第16任美国总统(任期:1861年3月4日至1865年4月15日),也是首位美国共和党员总统,与乔治·华盛顿、富兰克林·罗斯福公认为美国历史上最伟大的三位总统,同样是历史上首名遇刺身亡的总统。英国《泰晤士报》对43位美国总统分别以不同的标准进行了排名,在《最伟大总统》排名中,林肯名列第一。

adorable [əˈdɔ:rəbl] 可敬重的;可爱的

To the adorable couple!敬这一对璧人!

用法说明: 婚礼酒宴或订婚宴上对新人的祝福。

afoot [əˈfʊt] 进行中的, 准备中的

Plans are afoot. 计划在进行当中。

例句 Plans are afoot to start a new research. 新的研究计划在进行当中。

The game is afoot. 游戏正在进行中。

补充: the game is afoot 是著名小说人物夏洛克·福尔摩斯(Sherlock Holmes)的口头禅。

afraid [əˈfreɪd] 害怕的

I'm afraid of it. 我害怕这个。

例句 I'm afraid of watching that film. 我不敢看那部电影。

I'm afraid that... 我恐怕……

例句 Sorry, Mum, I'm afraid that I can't make it tonight.


I'm not afraid of him! 我才不怕他呢!

例句 Nonsense! I am not afraid of mice! 胡说八道!我才不怕老鼠呢!

I'm afraid so. 恐怕是这样的。

用法说明: 表示对他人某种担心的肯定。

例句 A Do you mean this won't work? 你的意思是这个办法行不通?

B I'm afraid so. 恐怕是这样的。

I'm afraid not. 恐怕这样不行。

用法说明: 表示对他人建议或推测的否定。

例句 A Shall we go out for a picnic tomorrow, Dad? 爸爸,我们明天能出去野餐吗?

B I'm afraid not. Weather forecast says it will rain.


He is afraid of his own shadow. 他成了惊弓之鸟。

用法说明: 字面的意思是“他连自己的影子都害怕”。指因过度紧张、担忧而害怕,也可以译成“一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳”。

例句 After Tom was robbed, he was even afraid of his own shadow.


after [ˈɑ:ftə(r)] 在……后面

After a storm comes a calm. 风过浪平。

用法说明: 有点“否极泰来”的意思,但语气比这句中文谚语要弱很多。指坏事总会过去。


例句 After a storm comes a calm. In life also, a bad period is often followed by a good one.


After a fashion, yes. 勉强可以说,是的。

例句 A Do you swim?


B After a fashion, yes.


She walks/dresses after the fashion of... 她走路(穿衣打扮等)有一种……的范儿。

用法说明: 所谓有什么的“范儿”,毫无疑问就是从fashion这词演变过来的。这个表达也可以用在形容建筑等的风格上,还可以说after the style of...

例句 1. Jane walks down the street after the fashion of a modern lady.


2. The church was built after a rather modern style.


After you. 你先请。

用法说明: 两个人谦让,都想让对方先走。是一种礼貌用语。

例句 A After you. 您先请。

B No, lady first. 不,女士优先。

After while. 再见。

用法说明: 注意和短语after a while区分开,它的意思是“一段时间后”。

补充: 在美国,朋友间有一种幽默的道别方式:

A: See you later, alligator. 回见吧,忽律(鳄鱼古称)。

B: After while, crocodile. 再会吧,鳄鱼。

这里alligator和crocodile都是“鳄鱼”的意思,这么说只是为了押韵和好玩,也是一种搞笑的说法。所以,下次如果你的朋友道别时来一句“See you later, alligator”,不要忘记该怎么来回复他。

again [əˈɡen] 再一次

He did it again and again. 他一次又一次地做这件事。

用法说明: 也可以说over and over again或者time and time again。

例句 Tom is never going to give it up. He is trying over and over again.


Try again. 再试一次。

例句 You almost get there. Try again! 你差点就成功了。再试一次!

Never again. 再也不(做这件事)了。

例句 A I don't like the food here. What do you think? Will you come back to this restaurant again? 我不喜欢这里的食物。你觉得呢?以后还会来这家店吃吗?

B No. Never again. 不,不会再有下次了。

Never (ever) do it again. 再也不要这么做了。

例句 Where did you learn that word! Never ever say it again!


补充: 如果说never do it again是父母常用来教训孩子的话,并不会显得那么严肃。那如果再加个ever,那就表示真的很严重了。美国人是很注重社交礼节的,如果不是私交极好,万不可冒失说出类似的字眼,无意中也不行,因为很可能降低别人对你的评价,失去进一步交往的可能。

Start (all) over again. 从头再来。

例句 Please give me another chance. I'll start over again.


But then again, I don't like it. 但话说回来,反正我也不喜欢。

例句 The color is also too bright for me. But then again, I don't think it suits me. I'm not buying it.


What's your name again? 能再说一遍你的名字吗?

例句 Sorry I'm not good at memorizing people's names. What's your name again?


Please say it again? 能再说一遍吗?

用法说明: 也可以省略为“Again please?”相当于说“Pardon?”

例句 Sorry, again please? 对不起,我没听清,能再说一遍吗?

against [əˈɡenst] 反对;违反

Don't force me against my will! 不要逼我做我不想做的事!

例句 How dare you! Don't force me go with you against my will!


How can you go against us? 你怎么能反对我们呢?(也可以说run against, stand against等)

例句 You're supposed to support me! How can you stand against me instead?


That is against the grain. 这有违我的本性。(也可以指违反想法、性格、感觉等)

例句 As for me, cheating is against the grain. 对我而言,欺骗有违我的原则。

(注意不能说against my grain)

I'm working against the clock. 我正一边工作一边跟时间赛跑。

例句 1. My deadline is tomorrow, so I'll have to work against the clock.


2. In a race against the clock, the cab driver took the patient to the hospital.


补充: 歌曲《如此艰难》( Against All Odds )是英国作曲家、歌手兼演员菲尔·科林斯( Phil Collins )自编自奏自唱的歌曲,作为同名电影的插曲,曾在美国连续多周占据流行音乐排行榜的冠军。

agree [əˈɡri:] 同意

We agree on disagree. 我们决定求同存异。

用法说明: 这句话想要表达的意思是尽管最终并没有就某事达成一致,但双方仍然以平和的态度保留各自的意见以求共存。说白了就是买卖不成仁义在。

例句 We can't convince each other. But finally we all agree to disagree.


I don't agree with you. 我不同意你的说法。

用法说明: 句中agree with指和某人达成一致,后面接sb。

例句 About that, I don't agree with you. 在那件事上,我跟你有不同的意见。

These shoes don't agree with your dress. 这双鞋跟你这件衣服不搭。

例句 This hat doesn't agree with the color of your hair, does it?


I agree with you about him/upon that matter. 我同意你对他(那件事)的看法。

例句 I agree with you about Mike. He is hardworking. 我同意你对麦克的看法。他确实很努力。

I agree to your plan. 我同意你的计划。

例句 You have to agree to my leaving early. I have a date to attend!


ahead [əˈhed] 在前面,提前

You should do it ahead of time. 你应该提前完成你的工作。

例句 1. You should do your homework ahead of time. 你应该提前写完你的家庭作业。

2. She arrived ahead of time. 她提前到了。

He is ahead of his time. 他走在了时代前沿。

例句 Grandma was ahead of her time in wanting to learn to be a doctor.


注意 与上一词条相比,仅仅多了一个词,意思就完全不同了。英语里这样的情况有很多,需要多加注意。

You had better do it ahead of schedule. 你最好要比计划提前完成。(跟aheadoftime意思差不多)

例句 I want to finish the job ahead of schedule, so I can go to home early tonight.


I'm ahead of the game. 我已经领先了。(指在竞争或游戏当中)

例句 Without your help, I find it difficult to remain ahead of the game.


aim [eɪm] 设定目标;目的

Aim for the stars! 把目标放远一点!(表示鼓励,也可以说Reach for stars!)

例句 1. Aim for stars, boy! Don't settle for second best.


2. Set your sights high. Reach for the stars! 把目标放远一点,你应该有更远大的目标!

I didn't aim to do that. 我并不是有意这样做的。

用法说明: 表示抱歉,无意中做了不好的事。

例句 I didn't aim to do hurt your feelings. I am so sorry. 我并不是有意伤害你的。我很抱歉。

注意 此句多用过去时,表示事情已经发生了。如果是现在时意思就变了,比如“I don't aim to hurt you”, 意思就变成了“我不想伤害你”,伤害还没有发生,但如果你做了某事可能就会发生了,显然有了威胁的口气。

My aim was good. 我的目的是好的。(但显然结果是不好的)

例句 I am sorry it happened. You know, my aim was good.


He ain't fitting to roll with a pig. 他太脏了。(ain't 相当于is not, are not, am not, 表示“不是”)

用法说明: 字面的意思是“他如果跟猪打滚,猪都会嫌他太脏”。

例句 After working all day in the hot sun, Tom ain't fitting to roll with a pig.


注意 英语中ain't是比较老式的用法,现在使用的已经比较少了,可以说是不太合乎现代语法规范的英语。但在许多习语中,ain't作为固定搭配还在使用,影视剧中还是常能见到的。

He ain't got a grain of sense. 他太笨了。

用法说明: 也可以说ain't got a lick of sense。

例句 I don't trust him to do anything. He surely ain't got a lick of sense.


Ain't it the truth? 不就是这样吗?

用法说明: 表示同意别人所说的话,通常是一种带点幽默的说法。

例句 A I don't know. I have no idea what tomorrow will be.


B Well, yes, boy, ain't it the truth? 是的,孩子,事情不就是这样吗?

Ain't particular. 无所谓。/没什么特别的要求。

例句 A What do you prefer? Tea or coffee? 你喜欢什么,咖啡还是茶?

B I ain't particular. Anything you have is OK. 我无所谓。你有什么我喝什么就好了。

补充: 如果把上述句中的ain't 换成相应的be动词,似乎也可以达到同样的效果,至少别人肯定听得懂。但有很多类似的句子作为习语存在,所以见到这样的句子还是保持原样为好。

air [eə(r)] 清空;空气

I aired my belly. 我吐了。

例句 I have been airing my belly for most of the night. 差不多整晚我都一直在吐。

Don't air your dirty linen in public. 不要在别人面前谈自家的丑事。

用法说明: 实际上,这并不是“家丑不可外扬”的意思,尽管看起来很像是一回事。在这里想表达的是在别人面前谈自家的丑事对别人是一种不礼貌,西方人认为这是没有教养的表现。这也是与我们之间的一种文化差异。

例句 They are fighting again. Why do they have to air their dirty linen in public?


补充: 这里的dirty linen指的是脏衣服之类,用的是引申义。

It's in the air. 在空气中。

例句 1. There's dust in the air. 空气里有尘埃。

2. You can smell it in the air. 你可以闻到它弥漫在空气中的味道。

It's in the air. 这事仍悬而未决。

例句 1. We are waiting for the result. Everything is still in the air.


2. It is in the air that he got home safe. 他是不是平安返程我们还不敢肯定。

I went by air. 我坐飞机去的。

例句 I don't like travel by air. 我不喜欢坐飞机旅行。

I need some fresh air. 我需要点新鲜空气。

用法说明: 这句话是说想出去一下,常常是因为屋里的气氛不太好或者局面比较紧张。

例句 A I told you not to do that! 跟你说过别那样了!

B OK. I guess I need some fresh air. 好吧,我想我需要出去走走了。

It's on the air. 在广播(电视、播音)中。

例句 I would love to talk with you on the air. 我会很高兴和大家在广播里聊天。

补充: on the air 也有“在空气中”的意思。有部电影就叫《 Love is on the air 》,是美国前总统Ronald Wilson Reagan(罗纳德·威尔逊·里根)主演的。没错,里根总统原来是个电影明星。

alike [əˈlaɪk] 相似的,相同的

They are alike as (two) peas in a pod. 他们太相似了。

用法说明: 字面的意思是“他们就像豆荚里的两粒豌豆那么相似”。

例句 The twins are (as) alike as two peas in a pod.


注意 要与like two peas in a pod区分开来,这里是指关系非常亲密。

例句 Tom and Jerry are like two peas in a pod.


alive [əˈlaɪv] 活着的

He is alive and kicking. 他活蹦乱跳的。(意思是身体很好)

例句 A How is Mike, I heard he was ill. 麦克怎么样了,我听说他病了。

B Yesterday I met him. He was alive and kicking. 昨天我刚见过,他看起来很好呢。

He is alive and well. 他身体很好。

例句 Last time I saw him, he was alive and well. 上次我见到他的时候,他还健健康康的。

all [ɔ:l] 全部的

They do it all at once. 他们同时做了这件事。

例句 They spoke all at once. 他们几个一起说起话来。

It happens all at once. 这件事突然就发生了。

例句 All at once the boy fell down. 小男孩突然摔倒了。

It is all beer and skittles for him. 对他来说所有这些都是欢欣愉悦的。

用法说明: 句中skittle是一种类似保龄球的游戏,这是个比较老的习语。短语beer and skittles是固定搭配,有时也用作贬义。

例句 For him college life is all beer and skittles. 对他来说大学生活就是吃喝玩乐。

He is all by his lonesome. 他孤单独处。

用法说明: 强调只身一人,没有别人陪伴。

例句 Jane went to Paris all by her lonesome. 简独自一人去了巴黎。

All cats are gray in the dark. 所有的猫在晚上看起来都是灰的。

用法说明: 这是个有趣的习语,看起来有点像“天下乌鸦一般黑”的意思,但实际上,它是表示晚上看不清东西,所以外表就无关紧要了。

例句 I don't care if he is handsome. All cats are gray in the dark.


I did it all day long. 我全天都在做这件事。

例句 I have been doing my homework all day long. 我一整天都在做作业。

I did it all night long. 我整晚在做这件事。

例句 I waited for him all night long, but he never made it.


I do it all year long. 我整年在做这件事。

例句 All year long I have been working abroad.


She is all dressed up. 她盛装打扮了。

例句 She loves being all dressed up like a little girl.


He is all dressed up and nowhere to go. 他做了充分准备却没有用武之地。

用法说明: 也可以用all dressed up with nowhere to go。原意是盛装打扮却没有可赴的约会,通常用的是引申义。

例句 A I heard your company was closed yesterday. 我听说你工作的公司昨天倒闭了。

B Well, I am all dressed up with nowhere to go. 是啊,可叹英雄无用武之地。

I'm all ears. 我洗耳恭听。

例句 A I got something to tell you. 我有话跟你说。

B I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听。

I'm all eyes and ears. 拭目以待,洗耳恭听。

用法说明: 如果说I'm all ears更多是一种礼貌的说法,那这句表达所表示的诚恳就更明显了。

例句 Tell me all about it. I am all eyes and ears! 全都告诉我。我等着呢!

I'm all for you. 我全力支持你。

例句 whatever you do, I am all for you. 不管你做什么,我都支持你。

补充: All for one and one for all!—人人为我,我为人人!这是大仲马小说《三个火枪手》里三个火枪手和达尔达尼央的口号。这句话很有名,经常能听到。

Maybe/probably/perhaps it's all for the best. 也许这是个好的结局。

用法说明: 表示对某个不幸事实的安慰,有一点点塞翁失马,安知祸福的意味。但大部分时候,就是表示安慰,意思是从某种意义上讲这也不算太坏。

例句 Sorry to hear your uncle's death. Maybe it's all for the best.


It's all gone. 都用光了。

例句 The grapes are all gone. 葡萄都吃光了。

All good things must (come to an) end. 天下没有不散的筵席。/好花不常开,好景不常在

例句 It's time to leave. All good things must come to an end.


All hell broke loose. 所有糟糕的事情都发生了。

例句 After his leave, all hell broke loose. 他离开后,所有糟糕的事情都发生了。

I stay at work till/until all hours. 我上班待到很晚。(也可以用till all hours of the day and night)

例句 I like to stay out until all hours. 我喜欢在外面待到很晚。

I'm all in. 我累坏了。/我全心投入了。(尤指在感情中)/我全押上。(赌博的专用术语)

例句 1.I am all in. I need a rest. 我累坏了,需要休息。

2.I don't know what you feel, but I am all in.


3. A Call. 叫牌。

B All in. 我全押。

补充: 美国人打扑克通常是下注的,至少在美剧里是这样的。其中最常见的玩法是德州扑克,据说易学难精,规则大致是由发牌者给每人发两张底牌,然后每轮发一张公共牌,每个人根据自己底牌和公共牌的组合情况,可以选择叫注、加注或放弃等。所谓全押也就是把所有筹码押上。德州扑克现在已经风行全球,从上世纪七十年代起开始有世界比赛,并在全美有电视直播。

All in all, it was good. 总的来说,这是件好事。

例句 All in all, it was a very good visit. 总的来说,这次拜访是圆满的。

It's all in a day's work. 这是日常工作。

例句 I don't like the job very much, but it's all in a day's work for me.


All in good time. 会来的。

用法说明: 表示对别人的鼓励。字面的意思是会在好的时候来,也就是说,时候到了好事总会来的。

例句 A I am hungry. When shall we dine? 我饿了。什么时候吃饭?

B Don't worry. All in good time. 别着急,饭总会吃到的。

He said all in one breath. 他一口气说完。

例句 He was too nervous and said all in one breath.


It's all in one piece. 没有受损。

用法说明: 指没有碎成一块一块的。

例句 I will return the book to you. Trust me, it's all in one piece.


Keep it all in the family. 家丑不外扬。

例句 He wanted to keep it (all) in the family. 他希望此事只让家里人知道。

补充: 美国人在说这句话的时候,大部分是在对家庭成员说,让大家不要把某件事告诉给家庭以外的人,而不是用的引申义。也可以只是私事而非家丑。

All joking aside, you are right. 不开玩笑了,你是对的。

用法说明: 也可以说all kidding aside。平时喜欢开玩笑的人,如果要强调我现在是认真的,那么就可以加上这么一句。

例句 All kidding aside, I do need a vocation. 不开玩笑了,我是真的想请个假。

There are all kinds of people. 有很多的人。

用法说明: 不可以翻译成“林子大了,什么鸟都有”。重点是all kinds of, 表示很多,尤指有很多钱。

例句 1. There are all kinds of people on the square, maybe thousands.


2. He has all kinds of money. 他很有钱。

There are all manner of people. 有各种各样的人。

用法说明: 这一句就有点像“林子大了,什么鸟都有”的意思。注意,要用单数all manner of,而不是all manners。

例句 We met all manner of people there. 在那里我们遇到了许许多多不同的人。

They are all of a size. 它们都是一样大的。

例句 The buildings on that street are all of a size. 那条街上的房子都是一样大小的。

It happened all of a sudden. 突然就发生了。

例句 All of a sudden, the little boy fell down. 突然,那个小男孩摔倒了。

It is all or nothing. 要么全部,要么不要。/现在是做出选择的时候了。

例句 1. He won't accept sharing the money with others. He wants it all or nothing.


2. Love is all or nothing. 在爱情上,要么付出全部,要么完全不给。

3. It is all or nothing now. She has to make her decision.


补充: 例句2也算是一句谚语或格言。

It's all over. 全都结束了。

用法说明: 也可以简单说it's over。

例句 It's all over. I got fired. 都结束了,我被开除了。

They are all over the place. 它们到处都是。(也可以省略over后面的地点)

例句 The water is all over. 水弄得到处都是。

They are all over creation. 它们到处都是。

用法说明: 也可以用all over hell and gone。

例句 1. They are driving all over creation to look for the missing dog.


2. He traveled all over hell and gone to find his father.


People came from all over the world. 人们来自世界各地。

例句 People came to China from all over the earth.


It's all over town. 城里到处都是。/传得满城风雨。

例句 1. The dog ran all over town.


2. The news is all over town.


All right. 表示对建议或要求的接受。/表示还好,但不是特别的好。/做得好。

例句 1.All right, I'll do it. 好吧,我会做的。

2. A Are you hurt? 你受伤了?

B No. I'm all right. 没有,我没事。

3.All right, Tom, keep it up! 做得好,汤姆,加把劲。

用法说明: 表示鼓励,意思是“做得好!”跟well done差不多。

All righty. 好的。

用法说明: 同all right或OK。

例句 All righty, let's do it. 好极了,我们开始吧。

All right for you! 你就这样吧!

用法说明: 这句话的语境是以后再也不跟你做朋友了。基本是小孩子们才互相说的话。成年人一般不会这么说,除非你不介意别人说你孩子气。

例句 1. All right for you, Tom, see if I will ever play with you again!


2. All right for you! I'll tell your Mom what you did.


It's all right with me. 我(对这件事)没什么问题。/我可以接受(某事)。

例句 1. I don't think it's a problem. It's all right with me.


2. I don't know if it's all right with your mother.


注意 可能有人会认为she's all right with your mother意思是“她觉得你母亲没问题”,但事实是,这句话意思是“你母亲觉得她没问题”。

All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。/殊途同归。

用法说明: 表示为达成某一目的有许多不同的方法途径。

例句 As an old saying goes: All roads lead to Rome. 古语有云:条条大路通罗马。

All is fair in love and war. 在爱情与战争中一切都是合法的。

用法说明: 这是西方人的某种信条,表示在爱情和战争中一切措施、手段都可以实施,没有什么是不合法的,尤指欺骗之类的行为。经常作为欺骗或作弊的借口。

例句 I lied to Mary and tell her that her ex was seeing somebody else. But all is fair in love and war.


All is well that ends well. 结果好一切都好。(或者说,只要一件事情的结果好,那么就可以忽略过程当中的一些不好的方面)

例句 I'm glad you did it. Anyway, all is well that ends well.


He is all show and no go. 外表光鲜,内里实际一般。

用法说明: 表示某人或某物只是看起来很好,但实际没有那么好。

例句 He is really handsome, but I heard that he was all show and no go.


He is all talk and no action. 他只是嘴上说得好听,但并不会真的去做。/他光说不练。

用法说明: 也可以直接说“He is all talk.”

例句 Bob has been saying he will go for two weeks, but he is just all talk and no action.


All that glitters is not gold. 不是所有发光的都是金子。

用法说明: 谚语,表示不是所有的东西都是看上去那么美好。也可以说“All that glistens is not gold.”

例句 I know she is pretty, but not all that glitters is gold.


补充: 句子all that glitters is not gold,也可以用not all that glitters is gold。在英语里,all not等于not all, 而不是说“全部”都“不”的意思。注意这一点,虽然很基本,但弄错了就是大笑话。如果要说“全部都不”, 不能用all,用none或nobody。

比较:All of them are not good. 不是全都好。

Not all of them are good. 不是全都好。

None of them are good. 全部都不好。

All my best to your family.(另外)向你的家人问好。

用法说明: 用在信末或与他人告别的时候,相当于say hello to sb。也可以说give my best to sb。

例句 See you tomorrow, and all my best to Jane.


I did that all the livelong day. 我干了整整一天。(相当于all day long)

例句 I had to stay at home all the livelong day. 我不得不整天宅在家里。

I did that all the time. 我一直在做这件事。

例句 I keep on warning you all the time and you won't listen. 我一直警告你,你就是不听。

I walked all the way. 我一路走着。(强调一路上都走着,没有其他交通工具)

例句 I went home by foot all the way. 我一路是走回家的。

This is all the way live. 这真是太棒了。

例句 This shop is all the way live. 这家店真是太棒了。

He is all there. 他很清醒。

例句 After talking to him, I had a feeling that he was not all there.


All things must pass. 一切都会过去的。

用法说明: 常用来表达安慰,这时的意思是一切不好的都会过去。也可以说“All things will pass.”

例句 You will get over it. All things will pass. 你会好起来的。一切都会过去的。

You can't be all things to all men. 你不能让所有人都喜欢你。

用法说明: 也可以用all things to all people。

例句 Don't change yourself. You can't be all things to all people.


He is all thumbs. 他笨手笨脚的。

例句 I don't think he will play the piano. He is all thumbs.


This is all to the good for him. 这对他来说更好。

例句 He missed the train, but it was all to the good because an accident happened. 他没赶上火车,但这对他来说反而更好,因为那火车后来出了事故。

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 光学习不玩耍,杰克变成了笨小孩。

例句 You need a vocation. Travel for a week. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


That's all. 我说完了。

例句 Thank you very much. That's all I got to say. 非常感谢你。我讲完了。

That's all about it. (关于某事)就这么多(要说的)了。

例句 Yes, that's all I know about it. 是的,我知道的就这么多了。

allow [əˈlaʊ] 允许

Allow me. 请允许我帮助你。

用法说明: 多见于男士为女士服务,或后辈对长辈。也可以说“Permit me.”相当于“Please let me help.”是一种很客气或殷勤的说法。

例句 A Allow me. 请允许我帮你吧。

B Thank you. 谢谢。

Allow for the problem. 把这个考虑进去。(做什么事情时把某个要素考虑进去)

例句 You should allow for his age.


You should allow some money for that. 你应该为那件事留出点钱来。(或者说留出钱来做那件事;也可以是留出时间、地方等)

例句 He allows half an hour for lunch.


He is not allowed in. 他不准进入。(也可以用allow into)

例句 Some restaurants will not allow you in without a tie.


almighty [ɔ:lˈmaɪtɪ] 全能的

Thank almighty God! 感谢万能的上帝。

补充: 常听到美国人说这样的话,thank God, thank you Lord之类,美剧中也经常出现这样的话。

almost [ˈɔ:lməʊst] 几乎,差一点

I almost lost it. 我差点发脾气了。

用法说明: 在这里lost it指lose the temper。

例句 I am so mad that I almost lost it. 我太生气,差点就控制不住发火了。

I almost jumped out of my skin. 我差点大吃一惊。

用法说明: 表示受到了很大的惊吓。也可以用nearly jump out of one's skin。

例句 You really scared me. I almost jumped out of my skin.


along [əˈlɒŋ] 沿着,一起

We will do these things along similar lines. 我们会用同样方式处理这些事情的。

用法说明: 也可以用along these lines或along those lines。

例句 We will deal with these things along similar lines. 我们会用同样方法处理这些问题。

I did that along with him. 我和他一起做的。(相当于with)

例句 I went to school along with Tom. 我和汤姆一起去上学。

alpha [ˈælfə] 阿尔法(希腊字母表的第一个字母)

You don't need to know the alpha and omega about it. 你不必知道所有关于这个的一切。

用法说明: 句中的alpha和omega分别是希腊字母的第一个和最后一个,所以from alpha to omega就相当于from a to z,指所有的一切。

例句 I love her so much. She is my alpha and omega. 我很爱她,她是我的一切。

The alpha dog of the group. 一群人的老大。

例句 He considered him the alpha dog of the office. 他以为自己是办公室的老大。

also [ˈɔ:lsǝu] 也,同样

He is not only..., but also... 他不仅……还……

例句 He is not only a good teacher, but also a nice college.


See also next page. 参见下一页。

例句 See also dialectical materialism. 参见辩证唯物论。

He is just another also-ran. 他无关紧要。

例句 Ignore him. He is just an also-ran. 别管他。他不过是个小人物。

补充: 短语also-ran出自赛马比赛,暗示没有竞争力的马只不过also ran,也参加赛跑了而已。

always [ˈɔ:lweɪz] 总是

Not always. 并不总是这样。

例句 A You are right again. 你又是正确的。

B Not always. 并不总是嘛。

Almost always. 差不多总是这样。

例句 A You are right again. 你又是正确的。

B Almost always. 差不多总是吧。

He did that thing as always. 他像往常那样做了。

例句 He did a good job as always.


He is always ready to do it. 他总是要这样做。

用法说明: 字面的意思是指时刻准备做某事,可以理解为总有做某事的倾向和意愿。

例句 1. She is always ready to argue over the smallest issues.


2. They are always ready to catch the ball.


That is not always the case. 事情并不总是这样的。

例句 People love their milk, thinking it is good for their health, but that is not always the case. 人们喜欢牛奶,觉得喝牛奶有利身体健康,但事情并不总是这样的。

He is always chasing rainbows. 他总是追求些不切实际的梦想。

例句 It seems he can't settle down. He is always chasing the rainbows.


am [əm] 是

Am I glad to see you! 很高兴见到你!

例句 Am I glad to see you! You do look well. 真高兴见到你。你看上去气色好极了。

Am I right? 对吧?

用法说明: 一般作为陈述的结尾,并不真的期待别人答“对”或“不对”,或者说,一般这种时候听话的人都会说“对”。功能上类似一个反义疑问句。

例句 A Well, this kind of things should never happen. Am I right?


B Sure. 当然了。

ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] 古代的

That is ancient history. 这事早就过去了。/不再是这样的了。

例句 Tom moved on over Jerry long time ago. He is ancient history for Tom.


amount [əˈmaʊnt] 相当于;数量

It doesn't amount to much. 这没什么好的。

例句 His plan doesn't amount to much. 他的计划一无是处。

I hope he would amount to something one day. 我希望他有一天能成功。

例句 I don't think Harry will amount to something in the future.


It amounts to doing... 这跟做某事等同。

例句 Taking things from others without telling the owner amounts to stealing.


That amounts to the same thing. 这是一回事。(相当于add up to the same thing)

例句 If you borrowed something without telling the owner, you are stealing it. That amounts to the same thing.


and [ənd] 和

There are ..., ..., ...and so forth. (列举)等等。

用法说明: 列举事物时,这个“等等”有很多说法,大都跟and有关,比如and so on,and the like,and this and that。但一般来说,用and this and that会多一点点轻松恢谐的口吻。

例句 1. I like flowers, roses, tulips, and so on/so forth/the like/this and that.


2. Mom sent me some clothes, some food, and this and that.


And that's a fact. 事情就是这样。

例句 He is no friend of mine and that is a fact. 他不是我的朋友,事情就是这样。

And that's that. 就这样,没什么好说的了。

例句 I have nothing to tell you and that's that. 我跟你没什么好说的,就这样了。

He and those will come. 他们(具体名字)那些人要来。

例句 I called Henry and those to come to diner.


And you? 你呢?你怎么样?

例句 I am fine. And you? 我很好。你呢?

angry [ˈæŋɡrɪ] 生气的

He got angry. 他生气了。

用法说明: 相当于说is angry, is pissed off等。

例句 Mom got angry. Someone at work pissed her off.


I am angry with him. 我很生他的气。

例句 I am angry with my little brother. He just won't listen.


I am not angry about that. 我不是为那件事生气。

例句 Don't apologize. I am not angry about that. 不用道歉。我没为那个生气。

He is getting angry at me. 他在生我的气。

例句 It's not you. It's me. He was getting angry at me for last night.


another [əˈnʌðə(r)] 另一个

Another country heard from. 又有人说话了。

用法说明: 这句话的语境是这样的,当说话人与他人交谈时(不太愉快的交谈),另外有人插话过来,同样说了些令说话人不愉快的话题,于是说话人就用了这样一句话,作为讽刺,意思是“瞧啊,又有人来找我的麻烦了……”。

例句 A You shouldn't have done that. 你实在不该那么做。

B I had no choice. 我没有别的选择。

C (to B)You always have excuses, don't you? 你总会找借口,不是吗?

B Perfect! Another country heard from. 好极了!又一个人加入了。

That's another nail in his coffin. 又一根往他棺材上钉的钉子。(喻指更多的伤害)

例句 Losing his biggest customer was another nail in his coffin.


They came one after another. 他们一个接一个的来了。

例句 People stood up and went out one after another. 人们站起来,一个一个走出去。

Give me another one. 再给我一个。

用法说明: 也可以用some other one。

例句 This one is broken. Give me another one. 这个坏了,再给我一个。

That is another story. 那就是另外一回事了。(意思是那样情况的话就完全不同了)

例句 I do admire him in some way or other, but you know, that is another story.


answer [ˈɑ:nsə(r)] 回答

Don't answer back! 不准顶嘴!

用法说明: 实际上,这句话是“不要跟我争论”的意思,但只能由权威方(父母等)向被管束方说这句话,所以应该理解为“不要顶嘴”。

例句 Don't answer me back! You are grounded. 不准跟我顶嘴!你被禁足了。

I will answer for him. 我为他担保。

例句 I will answer for Jack. He is harmless and nice.


I will answer for my wrong doings. 我会为我的错误负责。

例句 You have to answer for your children's bad behavior.


This will answer my purpose. 这符合我的需要。

用法说明: 也可以用serve my purpose。

例句 This table will answer my purpose well. 这张桌子很符合我的需要。

Wrong answer. 回答错误。

用法说明: 多用于字面意思。以下的例句在电视里经常看到,特别是警匪片中。

例句 A (to hostage)Where is the money? (对人质)钱在哪?

B I don't have any... 我真的没钱……

A Wrong answer... 回答错误……

I don't know all the answers. 我并不什么都知道。

用法说明: know all the answers相当于know the answer to everything,也可以直接用know everything, 但似乎较少用。

例句 Nobody knows all the answers and there is no shame in asking.


He answered the call. 他去世了。

例句 The old man answered the call and has gone to the other side of the world.


He answered the call of nature. 他方便了一下。

用法说明: 指去了洗手间,但这句话并不意味着必须在洗手间里。

例句 We stopped the car to answer the call of nature.


Would you please answer the call? 请问你能接电话吗?

用法说明: 也可以用answer the phone。

例句 What's worse, when you answer the call, you find that's a wrong number!


Let me answer the door. 我去开门。

例句 Mary, will you please answer the door? 玛丽,能麻烦你去开下门吗?

You will have to answer to me. 你得听我的命令行事。

例句 I answer only to the boss. 我只听老板的。

ant [ænt] 蚂蚁

I got ants in my pants. 我很紧张。

例句 I always get ants in my pants whenever I have to give a speech.


any [ˈenɪ] 任何的

I don't want any fool thing from you. 我不想要你给的任何蠢东西。

用法说明: any fool thing指“任何荒诞或无关紧要的东西”,有某种蔑视的情绪在,如“I don't want any fool thing from you.”东西不一定蠢,但表达出了“我不想要你的东西”时的讨厌情绪。

例句 1. He will buy any fool thing she wants. 他会给她买任何她看上的蠢东西。

2. He will be distracted by any fool thing. 不管什么无关紧要的东西都能让他分心。

Any friend of yours is a friend of mine. 你的朋友就是我的朋友。

例句 1.Nice to meet you, Tom. I hope you feel at home. Any friend of Jerry is a friend of mine.


2. A Thank you so much for telling me Jane's new address.


B Well, any friend of Jane's. 简的朋友都是我的朋友。

Any number of things. 很多东西。

用法说明: 字面的意思是指任意大数量的东西,而不是随便什么数目。

例句 I will buy you any number of things to make you happy.


Just give me any old thing. 随便给我什么。(重点在随便,而不一定是old)

例句 Give me a book. I don't care which. Just give me any old one.


It's a case of any port in a storm. 这是没有办法的办法。

用法说明: 比喻困难时候只要能解决问题,不管什么方法都要采用,哪怕你不喜欢。

例句 I don't want to live with my parents, but it's a case of any port in a storm. I simply have nowhere to go.

我不想跟我父母一起住, 但这是没办法的办法。我找不到别的地方住。

Anyone I know? 是我认识的人吗?

用法说明: 这句实际上想问的是“那人是谁?”美国父母在问孩子约会对象时,有时会这样委婉地问一句。

例句 A Where have you been? 你干嘛去了?

B I was out with someone. 出去见个朋友。(out with sb 是与某人约会的意思)

A Anyone I know? 是我认识的人吗?

Anything new down your way? 你住的地方有什么有意思的事吗?

用法说明: 也可以简单说“Anything new?”但这样就不能作为此句的省略,如果确实想问:“住的地方有什么新鲜事?”,那就用原句。

例句 A Anything new down your way?


B No, what's new with you? 没有,你呢?

Anything you say. 你说的都行。(表示同意)

例句 A Would you come with me to Jules' tonight?


B Sure. Anything you say. 当然,我听你的。

Anytime. 乐意效劳。

用法说明: 字面的意思是“随便什么时候”,也就是“随时为你效劳”的意思。相当于“You are welcome.”

例句 A Thank you so much, John. 真是太谢谢你了,约翰。

B (For you,) Anytime. 随时为你效劳。

Anytime you are ready. 我已经准备好,就等你了。

用法说明: 字面的意思是指等你准备好就可以(做某事)。

例句 A I think it's time for us to go. 我想咱们该走了。

B Anytime you are ready. 你想走咱们现在就走。

apologize [əˈpɒlədʒaɪz] 道歉

I apologize. 我道歉。

用法说明: 这是比I am sorry更郑重和正式的说法。

例句 It's my fault. I apologize. 这是我的错,我道歉。

注意 这句话很郑重,但有时开玩笑时也可以这么说。

I have to apologize to you for him. 我必须替他向你道歉。

用法说明: 注意介词的用法。

例句 I am Jim's father. I have to apologize to you for my son's bad behavior.


appeal [əˈpi:l] 上诉;吸引

The lawyer appealed against the judgment. 律师针对判决上诉。(美国人跟法庭打交道很多,律政剧也颇受欢迎)

例句 My lawyer will file an appeal against the court ruling. 我的律师将针对法庭判决提出上诉。(这是appeal做名词时的用法,judgment和court ruling在这里是一个意思。)

He appealed to the court for a retrial. 他上诉法庭要求重新审理案件。

用法说明: 注意介词用法。

例句 She appealed for an injunction to the court. 她上诉法庭申请一项禁令。


That doesn't appeal to me. 我对这个没有什么兴趣。

例句 A vocation to Paris appeals to me a lot. 去巴黎度假对我来说真是个好主意。

I don't understand the appeal at all. 我实在看不出来这有什么好玩的。

例句 How could one like GLEE? I mean, I don't get the appeal at all.


appear [əˈpɪə(r)] 出现(名词,appearance [ə'pɪərəns] 外表)

The actor appears as a hero in the show. 这个(男)演员在这部剧里扮演英雄。

例句 Jordon appears as himself in that movie. 乔丹在那部电影里出演他本人。

He appears out of nowhere. 他不知道从哪里就冒出来了。(也可以说come out of nowhere。)

例句 Nobody knows where Batman is, but anytime he is needed, he just appears out of nowhere.


It appears to me that you are always late. 好像你就没有不迟到的时候。(重点是句型it appears to me that...)

例句 It appears to me that you still own me some bucks.


Appearances can be deceiving. 外表会骗人的。

用法说明: 与我们所说的“人不可貌相”不是一个意思,而是指事物看起来的样子和它们的本质可能有很大区别,不要相信外表。

注意 要记住appearances在这里用复数。

例句 He looks like a nice boy, but appearances can be deceiving.


apple [ˈæpl] 苹果

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,疾病就远离。

用法说明: 比较常用的谚语,没什么深刻的含义。

例句 Bring some apples. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


That is the apple of my eye. 这是我最喜欢的人或物。

用法说明: 注意是eye,不是eyes。常用来指代男女朋友。

例句 Jane is the apple of my eye. 简是我的掌上明珠。

They are like apples and oranges. 它们是完全不同的两种东西。

例句 You can not say that they are the same. They are like apples and oranges actually. 你不能说它们是一回事。实际上,它们完全是两种不同的东西。

He is an apple-polisher. 他是个马屁精。

例句 He is the apple-polisher in my office. 他就是我们办公室的马屁精。

补充: the Big Apple是纽约市(New York)的别称。

April [ˈeɪprəl] 四月

April showers bring May flowers. 四月雨催开五月花。

用法说明: 意思是四月雨虽难耐,但没有它就没有五月的鲜花盛放。这是句古语。

例句 A I hate this rain! Why does it have to rain? 我讨厌这场雨。干嘛非要下雨呢?

B Well, April showers bring May flowers. 没有四月的雨就没有五月的花。

are [ɑ:(r)] 是

Are things getting you down? 有什么事情让你不开心吗?(还可以简短地说“Things getting you down?”)

例句 A You look bad. Things getting you down?


B No, just a little bit tired. 没,就是有点累了。

Are you(feeling)OK? 你还好吗?

用法说明: 看到别人气色不好,表示一下关心。

例句 A Are you OK? You look awful. 出什么事了?你看起来糟透了。

B Well, I didn't pass the exam. 唉,考试没通过。

Are you doing OK? 最近怎么样?

用法说明: 询问别人的近况,相当于“How are you?”也可以只说“Doing OK?”

例句 A Doing OK? 最近怎么样?

B Fantastic. And you? 好极了。你呢?

Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?

例句 A Are you ready to go? 准备好出发了吗?

B Another minute. 再给我一分钟。

Are you ready for this? 你准备好听这消息了吗?

用法说明: 在告诉别人某个好消息或惊喜时说的。

例句 A OK, good news. Are you ready for this? 有好消息。准备好了吗?

B Tell me. I can't wait to hear. 别卖关子了,我都等不及了。

Are you ready to order? 您准备好点餐了吗?(餐厅用语)

例句 A Are you ready to order, gentleman? 先生,您准备好点餐了吗?

B Yes. A soup to start with. 是的,先上一道汤。

Are you sorry you asked? 你后悔问了吧?

用法说明: 在告知别人不好的事情后说这句话。

例句 A What's up? 最近怎么样?

B We broke up. Are you sorry you asked? 我们分手了。后悔问了吧?

argue [ˈɑ:ɡju:] 争吵

Don't argue back. 别跟我顶嘴。

用法说明: argue back 相当于answer back或talk back。

例句 Don't argue back to me! 别跟我顶嘴!

We will argue for our rights. 我们会争取权利。

用法说明: 在辩论或争论中争取或支持某一方或某一论点,可以接物也可以接人。

例句 They will argue for the new policy. 他们会(在争论中)支持新政策。

I argued him down. 我把他驳倒了。

用法说明: 指在争论或辩论中打败别人。

例句 She is always trying to argue someone down. 她总是想驳倒别人。

We are going to argue this out. 我们要(通过讨论)得出结果。

例句 We don't need to argue out every detail today. 我们不必今天就商量好所有细节。

He argued with me. 他跟我争吵(辩论)。

例句 I won't argue with you. 我不会跟你吵架的。

You are just arguing for the sake of arguing. 你不过是为了抬杠而抬杠。

用法说明: 指责别人为发泄或找茬而争吵。

例句 You don't want to solve the problem. You are just arguing for the sake of arguing.


arm [ɑ:m] 手臂,武器(armed [ɑ:md] 武装的,army [ˈɑ:mɪ] 部队)

They walk arm in arm. 他们肩并肩一起走着。

例句 Tom and Jerry went down the street arm in arm.


He is armed and dangerous. 嫌疑犯持枪,非常危险。

用法说明: 警察对在逃嫌犯的描述。

例句 The murder is regarded as armed and dangerous.


He is armed to the teeth. 他武装到牙齿。(表示“全副武装”)

用法说明: 没错,武装到牙齿是个翻译过来的舶来品。

例句 The bank robbers are armed to the teeth. 这些银行抢匪全副武装。

An army marched on its stomach. 三军未动,粮草先行。

例句 They have to pull back. An army marched on its stomach, and they are out of supply. 他们必须回撤。三军未动,粮草现行,而这支队伍已经没有补给了。

around [əˈraʊnd] 周围

He is walking around. 他在附近散步。

例句 She walked around the village. 她在村子的周围散步。

注意 英式英语中,此时多用about。

Turn around. 转过身来。

例句 He turns the boat around towards the sea.


注意 英式英语中,此时多用round。

He is around the bend. 他疯了。

例句 She sounds like she is around the bend. 听起来她已经疯了。

They are all around. 它们到处都是。

例句 Though invisible, the air is all around us.


I will be around. 我就在附近。(你随时可以找到我)

用法说明: 告诉某人可以随时找我寻求帮助。

例句 Don't worry. I will be around. 别担心。我就在身边。

补充: 电影《超人归来》( Superman Returns )的结尾,女主角路易丝问超人:“Will you be around?”(你会一直在吗?)超人的回答是:“Yes, I will be around.”(是的,我一直都在。)

arrange [əˈreɪndʒ] 安排

I will arrange for you to do it. 我会为你安排这件事。

例句 I will arrange a meeting for you to discuss the problem.


He arranged for it. 是他安排的。

例句 We will arrange for a dance.


arrive [əˈraɪv] 到达

We will arrive at a decision. 我们会做出决定。

用法说明: 也可以用reach a decision。

例句 Have you arrived at a decision on that matter?


We will arrive on(upon) /at the stroke of... 我们会在(几点钟)准时到达。

例句 He arrived at the stroke of midnight.


art [ɑ:t] 艺术

Art is long and life is short. 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。

用法说明: 字面的意思是指艺术品比人类的寿命长。可以引申为学习时最好把所有时间都投入进去。

例句 A We are going out. Come with us, Tom, have some fun.


B No, I have to finish my painting. Art is long and life is short.


It's a work of art. 这真是件艺术品。

用法说明: 也可以说a piece of art。

例句 You have made your work a piece of art.


as [əz] 作为

He took to that as a duck takes to water. 他做这件事显得容易极了。/他做起这件事来如鱼得水。

例句 He is really gifted. He takes to playing basketball just as a duck takes to water.


He did it as a general rule. 他像往常一样在做这件事。

用法说明: 差不多相当于usually,也可以说as a rule。

例句 As a general rule, he plays basketball with his pals after work.


Do it as a last resort. 等到实在没有法子的时候,把它作为最后的手段。(last resort指最后的手段)

例句 You had better do it yourself. Use your brain. And you know I am always supportive. So call me as a last resort. 你最好能自己解决。多动动脑子。不过,你知道我不会不管你。等到实在没有法子的时候,再给我打电话。好吗?

He did it as a matter of course. 他把它作为例行公事。

用法说明: 要注意,这句话本身并没有敷衍了事的含义。而是说把做某事作为一项例行的程序或步骤,每天或者每到某个特定的情况下就要做。

例句 Tom is not that lazy boy any more. Now he even washes his own clothes as a matter of course.


ask [ɑ:sk] 问

He asked after you. 他问候你了。

例句 When I saw Jack this afternoon, he asked after you.


I'll ask around. 我会到处打听一下。

例句 I don't know who did it, but I will ask around about it.


Don't ask for the moon. 不要妄想得到不切实际的目标。

例句 You are asking for the moon. Try to be reasonable. 你在想着摘月亮。现实点儿吧。

You are asking for trouble. 你在给自己找麻烦。

用法说明: 也可以说look for trouble。

例句 You are looking for trouble. Shut up and go away right now.


Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies. 别问我问题,我就不对你撒谎。

用法说明: 意思是如果你接着问下去,我只能告诉你谎话了。言外之意就是不愿意说。

例句 Don't push me. Ask me no questions, I will tell you no lies.


I asked them in. 我请他们进来。

例句 I asked him in,he is a friend. 我让他进来的,他是我的朋友。

I asked her out. 我约她出去了。(作为约会)

例句 I asked John out at school today. He is kind of cute.


I asked him up. 我约他到家里来玩。

例句 I met a friend and asked him up. 我遇见一个朋友,约他来家里坐坐。

asleep [əˈsli:p] 睡着的

I fell asleep. 我睡着了。

例句 I fell asleep soon. 我很快睡着了。

He is asleep at the switch. 他玩忽职守。

用法说明: 字面的意思是“他(一个技工)在该按钮的时候睡着了。

例句 If you hadn't been asleep at the switch, the accident would not have happened.


assist [əˈsɪst] 帮助

May I assist in this? 我能帮你吗?

用法说明: 相当于“May I help you?”

例句 A May I assist in this? 我能帮你吗?

B Sure, thank you. 当然了,真谢谢你。

Will you assist me with this? 你能帮我弄这个吗?

例句 Will you please assist me with this big box?


associate [əˈsǝuʃɪeɪt] 联合,结交

I want to associate myself with you. 我想加入你们。(可以指工作或朋友关系)

例句 I want to associate myself with a big firm. 我想加入一家大公司。

I would like to associate with you. 我想认识你们(作为朋友)。

例句 I would like to associate with honest people. 我想要结识诚恳的人。

association [əˈsǝuʃɪˈeɪʃn] 联盟

I have no association with them. 我和他们没有联系。

例句 I have association with one member of that organization.


补充: 单词association经常作为组织名称的一部分,意为“联盟”,比如美职篮NBA(National Basketball Association)。至于美国其他几大职业联盟则都以league为名,像是NHL(职业冰球联盟,National Hockey League)和NFL(职业橄榄球联盟,National Football League,美国人称橄榄球为football,把我们的足球称为soccer)。

at [ət] 在

I am at a dead end. 我走到了死胡同。/我没法继续向前走了。(也可以引申为进展止步不前)

例句 1. I am at a dead end. I can not go any further.


2. The company is at a dead end. We will have to make some change.


We are running at a good clip. 我们跑得很快。

用法说明: 除了run以外,与常用短语at a good clip搭配的还有go,move,travel等。也可以说at a fast clip。

例句 I am walking home at a good clip when my teacher showed up and asked me to take him to see my father.


attend [əˈtend] 听从;照顾

You should attend to him. 你应该听他的话。/你应该照顾他。

例句 1. You should attend to your teacher at school. 在学校你们应该听老师的话。

2. You should attend to a sick friend. 朋友生病了,你该照顾他。

attractive [əˈtræktɪv] 吸引人的

She is attractive. 她很吸引人。

例句 Mary is an attractive girl. 玛丽是个迷人的姑娘。

The price is attractive. 这价格很有吸引力。

例句 The price is really attractive. I will buy it. 这个价格很有吸引力。我要买一个。

补充: attractive可以指物也可以指人,但要注意,如果指人的话,不能想当然的乱用,因为这个词在形容人的时候只能表示你想和某人约会。

avoid [əˈvɔɪd] 避开

I avoid it like the plague. 我躲避它像躲避瘟疫一样。(也可以用来说人)

例句 He is impossible. Everyone avoids him like the plague.


award [əˈwɔ:d] 奖励,奖金

They awarded prizes to him. 他们给他颁发了奖金。

例句 She was awarded the degree of B.A. 她被授予文学学士学位(Bachelor of Arts)。

补充: 各种奖项常以award为名称,如Grammy Awards(格莱美奖)和Academy Awards(奥斯卡奖)。两者分别是音乐界和电影界最重要的奖项,均由美国相应学会颁发。Academy Awards又称奥斯卡奖(The Oscars),在电视转播中的正式名称仍然是学院奖(Academy Awards)。

away [əˈweɪ] 离开

Get away from it. 离那东西远点儿。

例句 Get away from the dog. It's a rather mean dog.


She is away from her desk. 她现在不能接电话。

用法说明: 替他人接电话时的表达。

例句 I am afraid Mr. Black is away from his desk. May I take a message?


awkward [ˈɔ:kwəd] 尴尬的

He is in an awkward position. 他正处于尴尬境地。

例句 This has put the White House in an awkward position.


He is (as) awkward as a cow on roller skates. 他笨拙极了。

用法说明: 字面的意思是“他笨的像一头穿着旱冰鞋的母牛”。

例句 Harry could never be a sports star. He is (as) awkward as a cow on roller skates.

哈里永远不可能成为一个运动明星。他简直笨的像一头穿着旱冰鞋的母牛。 /TBXAnrSRhcP9q/4CISFlV60KtGhHZ/NP3rGiRx0slJApGYR+nHVQ8xF8GNT6aoO
