


John is curious about the Tomb-sweeping Day of China. His Chinese friend, Su Ming, is telling him some customs about it.

John: Why are those people crying?

Su Ming: They must have just come back from visiting the graves. You know today is Tomb-sweeping Day.

John: Tomb-sweeping Day? What is it?

Su Ming: Tomb-sweeping Day is a traditional festival in China, on which many Chinese mourn the dead.

John: What do they do?

Su Ming: People offer food, flowers and other favorites of the dead, then burn incense and paper money and bow before the tombstone.



约翰: 那些人怎么都哭了?

苏明: 他们准是刚上完坟回来,今天是清明节。

约翰: 清明节?那是什么?

苏明: 清明节是中国的传统节日,在这天中国人要祭奠死者。

约翰: 他们怎么祭奠死者?

苏明: 人们将食物、鲜花和死者最喜欢的东西供祭在墓前,然后在墓碑前烧香,烧纸钱,鞠躬。

Vocabulary and Phrases

tomb [tu:m] n. 坟墓,墓碑

mourn [mɔ:n] v. 哀悼,惋惜

incense [ˈinsens] n. 香;v. 激怒

tombstone ['tu:mstəun] n. 墓碑


1. Qingming Festival is a Chinese traditional holiday. 清明节是中国人的传统节日。

2. Tomb-sweeping Day is the most important holiday of offering sacrifices in China. 清明节是中国最重要的祭祀节日。

3. Today is Chinese traditional "Tomb-sweeping Day", on which people mourn the dead.今天是中国传统的清明节,人们在这一天祭奠逝去的亡灵。

4. Qingming Festival is the day for mourning the dead. 清明节是祭奠死者的日子。

5. The priority of the traditional festival is to mourn the deceased.清明节重在对先人的缅怀。

6. It is an occasion for the whole family to leave home and to sweep the graves of their forebears. 这个时候全家人都离家去为先祖们扫墓。

7. People visit their ancestors' graves to sweep away the dirt. 人们到先人的坟头上扫墓。

8. Qingming Festival is a time to remember the departed. 清明节是一个纪念逝者的节日。

9. At this time both the Han and minority ethnic groups sweep the tombs of the deceased.汉族和一些少数民族都是在这个时候扫墓。

10. Most people go back to their hometowns to clean their ancestral graves and offer sacrifices.人们纷纷回乡祭扫祖坟。

11. The Qingming Festival is one of the Twenty-four Solar Terms in China.清明是中国的24节气之一。

12. People pay respect to the departed ancestors. 人们要祭奠逝去的亲人。

13. Those must have just come back from visiting the graves. 那些人准是刚上完坟回来。

14. He visited the grave during the Tomb-sweeping Festival. 他在清明节期间前往公墓。

15. I'll bring the flowers to the cemetery.我要把这些花带到公墓去。

16. It is a taboo to take photos on Tomb-sweeping Day in Malaysia.在马来西亚,清明节拍照是个忌讳。

17. We held a memorial service for the martyrs at the cemetery on the Tomb-sweeping Day.清明节那天我们在墓园里墓祭了烈士们的英灵。

18. On Tomb-sweeping Day, we paid our respect to revolutionary martyrs.清明节,我们拜扫了烈士墓。

19. Did you visit your forebears on the Tomb-sweeping Day this year?今年清明节,你为故去的亲人扫墓了吗?

20. Year after year he visits the grave. 他每年都去扫墓。


A: Mom, why do I have to sweep the tombs?

B: It is a tradition. Just do as I said.




Who? 谁?



——Someone is calling you! 有人打电话找你!

——Who? 谁啊? fystfNci7zq/IjwSxEchA9UV+4ua33PAsod90CFHwhkDdaio4pJ31cWOpcyNY03y
