


Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, but Li Lin forgets it.

Li Lin: What date is today?

Edward: Why?

Li Lin: Don't you notice all the roses?

Edward: I hear it's Chinese Valentine's Day. Don't you know?

Li Lin: Oh, God. I just forgot it. I should have bought roses for my girlfriend.

Edward: It's not too late. Go to buy some now.



李林: 今天是什么日子?

爱德华: 怎么了?

李林: 你没有注意到到处都是玫瑰花吗?爱德华:我听说今天是中国的情人节。难道你不知道吗?

李林: 噢,天啊,我忘了。我应该给女朋友买玫瑰花的。

爱德华: 不晚,现在赶紧去买一些吧。

Vocabulary and Phrases

notice [ˈnəutis] v. 注意;提及;打招呼

date [deit] n. 日期


1. When is Chinese Valentine's Day? 中国情人节是什么时候?

2. How does the Chinese Valentine's Day come? 七夕节是怎么来的?

3. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, Dear. 亲爱的,七夕节快乐。

4. In recent years, Tanabata has been quietly warming up to Chinese Valentine's Day.近年来,七夕在悄悄升温至中国的情人节。

5. The Double Seventh Festival is a traditional festival full of romance.七夕情人节是传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日。

6. The Chinese Valentine's Day is on July 7th on the lunar calendar. 中国情人节是农历7月7日。

7. Almost everyone in China, young or old, is very familiar with the story about the Double Seventh Festival. 在中国,男女老少都对七夕节背后的故事相当熟悉。

8. Tomorrow is the Chinese Valentine's Day—the Double Seventh Festival.明天是中国的情人节——七夕。

9. "Tanabata Festival" named Chinese Valentine's Day. “七夕”被称为中国情人节。

10. It is a traditional folk festival of the Han people. 这个节日是汉族传统的民间节日。

11. Thousands of magpies flocked together to form a bridge over the Milky Way 千万只喜鹊飞来,在银河上搭成鹊桥。

12. The Cowherd and the Weaving Maid will meet on a bridge of magpies across the Milky Way once a year. 牛郎织女在鹊桥上一年相会一次。

13. They were deeply in love but could only meet each other across the Milky Way once a year. 他们深爱彼此,但每年只能通过鹊桥见面一次。

14. Wish you have a good Chinese Valentine's Day. 愿你们度过美好的中国情人节!

15. I wish you Merry Valentine's Day in China! 我祝福你在中国情人节快乐!

16. As early as the Han Dynasty, girls began to celebrate Double Seven Festival in China.早在中国汉代,姑娘们就开始庆祝七夕节了。

17. Wish all the lovers a happy Double Seventh Festival! 祝天下有情人七夕节快乐!

18. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day to every friend of mine!祝愿我的每一位朋友中国情人节快乐!

19. The Weaver Star and the Cowherd Star "meet" in the skies.织女星和牛郎星在天空“相会”了。

20. It's hard to find a magpie on Chinese Valentine's Day in China. 在中国情人节这天很难看到喜鹊。


A: Do you have any plans tonight? If you don't, let's play vedio games.

B: I'm afraid I can't. Today is Double Seventh Festival. I have to stay with my girlfriend.




Amazing! 太神奇了!

多用来表示对某事或对某人的所做所为而感叹、称奇!表达一种强烈的情感。其意义及用法与" It's amazing! "或" That's amazing! "相同。


——Amazing! How did you make it? 太神奇了!你是怎样做到的?

——Oh, it's a piece of cake! 噢,这没有什么大不了的! /jjAukelp8jKlqTCZ1lPnKs7W4P4xRiRdIYyEIu7KwvochumhwrqJvv15vidL01y
