


Tom doesn't know much about Dragon Boat Festival and Li Lei is telling him something about it.

Tom: I hear that there is a festival called Duanwu in China.

Li Lei: Yes. It is also called Dragon Boat Festival.

Tom: Why do you celebrate this Festival?

Li Lei: We celebrate it to commemorate a great patriotic poet of China: Qu Yuan.

Tom: What do you do on that day?

Li Lei: We'll have rice dumplings. What's more, there are also dragon boat matches in some places in southern China.

Tom: I see.



汤姆: 我听说中国有个节日叫端午节。

李雷: 是的。也叫龙舟节。

汤姆: 你们为什么要庆祝这个节日?

李雷: 是为了纪念中国伟大的爱国诗人:屈原。

汤姆: 那你们一般怎么庆祝?

李雷: 我们会包粽子吃。另外,南方很多地方还会有赛龙舟呢!

汤姆: 我知道了。

Vocabulary and Phrases

patriotic [ˌpætriˈɔtik] adj. 爱国的,有爱国心的

commemorate [kəˈmeməreit] v. 纪念,铭记;庆祝

poet [ˈpəuit] n. 诗人

dragon [ˈdræɡən] n. 龙


1. Dragon Boat Festival is one of Chinese traditional festivals. 端午节是中国的一个传统节日。

2. The town will hold a dragon boat race every Dragon Boat Festival.每年端午节镇子里都要举行赛龙舟活动。

3. It's a Chinese custom to eat "zongzi" (glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves) on the Dragon Boat Festival. 端午节吃粽子是中国人的传统习俗。

4. The air is filled with the scent of Chinese mugwort on Dragon Boat Festival. 端午节的空气里弥漫着艾蒿的清香。

5. Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival! 祝你端午节快乐!

6. How do people celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival? 人们是如何庆祝端午节的?

7. The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month.端午节在农历的5月初5。

8. The Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan.端午节是为了纪念中国古代伟大诗人屈原。

9. Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Milo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month 在农历5月5日那天,屈原投入汨罗江中自尽。

10. Why do you eat sticky rice wrapped up in bamboo leaves on Dragon Boat Day?为什么你们在端午节吃用竹叶包的糯米饭呢?

11. There are the customs of eating rice dumplings and racing dragon-boats on that day.端午节这天有吃粽子和赛龙舟的习俗。

12. What do you do at the Dragon Boat Festival? 你端午节干什么?

13. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Have you eaten glutinous rice dumplings?今天是端午节,你吃粽子了吗?

14. I make some sachets of fragrant orchids and give them to my friends.我用兰花做些香袋送给朋友。

15. There are dragon boat matches in some places of southern China. 南方很多地方要赛龙舟。

16. We eat rice dumplings at the Dragon Boat Festival. 我们在端午节吃粽子。

17. People will eat rice dumplings in memory of Qu Yuan. 人们会吃粽子以纪念屈原。

18. Have you ever heard of Qu Yuan? 你知道屈原是谁吗?

19. The festival is in memory of a Chinese poet. 这个节日是为了纪念一位中国诗人。

20. People associate the dragon boat races and eating rice dumplings with Qu Yuan on Dragon Boat Festival. 民众把端午节的龙舟竞渡和吃粽子都与屈原联系起来。


A: Do you want to eat rice dumplings?

B: Yeah. Give me one.




Correct! / Right! 对!正确!没错!



——The answer is 109. 答案是109.

——Correct! / Right! 正确! XCdh/lLnAVjGXICe8R/KZbuM71+UTyOihnT01WrV9gghKO9NQp3vWPZzbyHbdx+U
