

引语: 苏珊打算周末邀请汤姆来家吃晚饭,她把这个想法告诉了3个小家伙,他们的问题又来了。杜比问: “你怎么邀请汤姆呢?” 斯科特说道:“汤姆喜欢吃你做的饭菜吗?”温森插嘴说: “告别时,我们该怎么表达呢?” 苏珊耐心地说: “到时候你们就知道了……”


Dialogue 1:邀请

Susan: Hi, Tom! Do you have plans this weekend?

Tom: Nothing special. What's the matter?

Susan: How about coming to my home for dinner?

Tom: Great! When?

Susan: Let's fix it at seven o'clock, OK

Tom: No problem. See you then!

Susan: See you then!

苏珊: 嗨,汤姆。你这周末有安排吗?

汤姆: 没有什么特别的安排。有什么事吗?

苏珊: 去我家吃晚饭怎么样?

汤姆: 太好了!什么时间?

苏珊: 我们定在7点怎么样?

汤姆: 没问题,到时候见!

苏珊: 到时候见!

Dialogue 2:饭菜评论

Susan: I'm so glad you could come!

Tom: Thank you for inviting me.

Susan: Please make yourself at home.

At table.

Scot: Tom, do you like these dishes?

Tom: Great! They are very delicious! I especially like this salad. Susan is really a great cook.

Susan: Really? I am glad you like it. Help yourself to more fish

Tom: Thank you. But I am really stuffed.

苏珊: 你能来真是太好了!

汤姆: 谢谢你邀请我。

苏珊: 请随意,就像在自己家里一样。


斯科特: 汤姆,你喜欢这些饭菜吗?

汤姆: 太棒了!它们非常美味!我尤其喜欢沙拉。苏珊真是一个很棒的厨师。

苏珊: 真的吗?你能喜欢,我很高兴。再多吃点鱼吧。

汤姆: 谢谢。但我真的吃饱了。

Dialogue 3:道别

Tom: I think it's time for me to leave now.

Susan: It's still early. Please stay a little longer.

Tom: Oh, I really want to. But I have to work the morning shift tomorrow. Thank you for your generous hospitality again.

Susan: What a pity. Come again whenever you are free.

Tom: I certainly will. Good night.

Susan: Good night.

汤姆: 我想我该离开了。

苏珊: 现在还早呢,再多待一会儿吧。

汤姆: 噢,我也想,但明天我还要上早班呢。再次感谢你的盛情款待。

苏珊: 真是遗憾,有空再来啊。

汤姆: 一定。晚安!

苏珊: 晚安!


How about having dinner with me? 和我一起吃晚饭,好吗?

Pay me a visit when you have free time. 有空来我家做客。

I would be so pleased if you could come. 如蒙光临,不胜荣幸。

What a scrumptious meal! 好香的饭菜啊!

They taste exquisite. 它们吃起来棒极了。

It tastes like cardboard. 它吃起来味同嚼蜡。

It tastes awful. 它实在太难吃了。

I'd better be going now. 恐怕我得走了。

Farewell until we meet again! 下次再见!

Drop by again sometime. 有空再来串门。


invite [in'vait] v. 邀请;招待

make yourself at home 别拘束,随便

delicious [di'liʃəs] adj. 美味的,可口的

salad ['sæləd] n. 色拉

cook [kuk] n. 厨师,炊事员

stuffed [stʌft] adj. 塞满了的;喂饱了的

hospitality [ˌhɔspi'tæliti] n. 款待,殷勤 wkkuExxbh07IabEYKOh1Se23rdOlT60fy9s2XbRFVfACYPOp284PSSmS18ER3JsT
