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1. Four and_____ half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar.

A. a; a

B. the; the

C. /; the

D. a; /

2. Poetry written from the _____ of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging.

A. perspective

B. priority

C. participation

D. privilege

3. An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered_____ a long lost antique Greek vase.

A. at random

B. by chance

C. in turn

D. on occasion

4._____ can be good at something for 40 years if he doesn't love it.

A. Anybody

B. Everybody

C. Nobody

D. Somebody

5. Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which _____ spending quite a lot of time with students.

A. enjoys

B. involves

C. practices

D. suggests

6. Volunteering gives you a chance _____ lives, including your own.

A. change

B. changing

C. changed

D. to change

7. The parents were shocked by _____ news that their son needed _____ operation on his knee.

A. a; /

B. the; /

C. the; an

D. a; an

8. It's said that the power plant is now _____ large as what it was.

A. twice as

B. as

C. twice much

D. much twice

9. A society cannot be successful if it throws tradition away, but it cannot be successful_____ if we do something to stop progress.

A. either

B. neither

C. too

D. also

10. Before you pay a visit to a place of interest, look in your local library _____ a book about it.

A. on

B. at

C. for

D. to

11. Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they _____ on their life journey.

A. give up

B. settle down

C. get through

D. set off

12. There are some health problems that, when _____ in time, can become bigger

ones later on.

A. not treated

B. not being treated

C. not to be treated

D. not have been treated

13. The quality of education in this small school is better than _____ in some larger schools.

A. that

B. one

C. it

D. this

14. One of the most effective ways to reduce _____ is to talk about feeling with someone

you trust.

A. production

B. stress

C. energy

D. power

15. Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68℃ _____ the average.

A. below

B. on

C. at

D. above

16. I think Mrs. Stark could be between 50 and 60 _____ years of age.

A. anywhere

B. anybody

C. anyhow

D. anything

17. I'm so to all those volunteers because the_____ y helped my terrible day end happily.

A. special

B. superior

C. grateful

D. attractive

18. We need to get to the root of the problem _____ we can solve it.

A. while

B. after

C. before

D. as

19. Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stay._____

A. in place

B. in order

C. in shape

D. in fashion

20.visitors come to Bei_____ jing during May Day holidays every year.

A. Thousands of

B. Two thousands

C. Thousand of

D. Thousand

21. Peter's jacket looked just the same as Jack's, but it cost _____ his.

A. as much twice as

B. twice as much as

C. much as twice as

D. as twice much as

22. It is reported that the floods have left about _____ people homeless.

A. two thousand

B. two-thousands

C. two thousands

D. two thousands of

23. Attention, please! Flight Nineteen from New York to Washington is now arriving at._____

A. the two gate

B. a second gate

C. the Gate Two

D. Gate Two

24._____ interesting work it is to teach children!

A. How

B. How an

C. What

D. What an

25._____ tall the boy is! He can play volleyball very well.

A. What

B. How a

C. What a

D. How

26. — If there are_____ people driving, there will be _____ air pollution.

— Yes, the air will be fresher.

A. less; less

B. less; fewer

C. fewer; fewer

D. fewer; less

27. Titanic is film I've ever seen. _____

A. a more wonderful

B. a most wonderful

C. the most wonderful

D. the more wonderful

28. The trees in the forest can keep rain drops from hitting the soil directly, so the soil is not washed away _____ .

A. easy

B. easily

C. hard

D. hardly

29. Susan is very hardworking, but her pay is not _____ for her work.

A. enough good

B. good enough

C. as good enough

D. good as enough

30. The job of a student accommodation officer _____ a great many visits to landladies.

A. concerns

B. offers

C. asks

D. involves


1. A 考查冠词a/an/the的用法。第一空表示“四个半”,应用four and a half;a break表示“休息一会儿”。

2.A 考查名词词义辨析。A. 视角;B. 优先权;C. 参与;D. 特权。

3.B 考查介词 + 名词短语辨析。A. 任意地;B. 偶然地;C. 依次;D. 有时,偶尔。

4.C 考查不定代词词义辨析。A. 任何人;B. 每个人;C. 没有人;D. 某些人。

5.B 考查动词词义辨析。A. 喜欢;B. 需要,包含;C. 练习;D. 建议;暗示。

6.D 考查动词不定式作定语。动词不定式作chance的后置定语。

7.C 考查冠词a/an/the的用法。第一空news后带有that引导的同位语从句,故应该特指;第二空译为“他们的儿子需要做一个手术”,使用不定冠词。

8.A 考查比较级倍数表达法。句型为:倍数 + as+ 形容词/副词原级 + as+ 比较对象。

9.A 考查代词either的用法。否定句中表示“也不”,故选A。

10.C 考查动词短语搭配。本题关键在于认识到动词look与选择项中的介词搭配构成固定短语的时候,其中隔有短语in your local library。look for意为“寻找”,故选C。

11.D 考查动词短语搭配。give up“”“放弃;settle down 安顿,解决”;get through“经历,度过”;set off“出发,启程”。

12.A 考查非谓语动词及状语从句的省略。连词when之后为状语从句的省略,非谓语动词treat的逻辑主语即为主句主语healthproblems,判断它们之间的关系为动宾关系,因此用过去分词即可。而being done意为“正在被……”;to be done意为“将被……”。

13. A 考查代词that的用法。辨析句中的代词用来指代不可数名词 the quality of education,故用代词that,而代词it和one通常用来指代可数名词单数。

14.B 考查名词词义辨析。A. 产品;B. 压力;C. 能源;D. 力量。在句中表示“减压”,故选B。

15.D 考查介词词义辨析。above高于、超出,故选D。

16.A 考查副词和不定代词词义辨析。句意:我认为斯塔克夫人在五六十岁的时候可能到任何地方。A. 在任何地方;B. 任何人;C. 不管怎么样;D. 任何事,正确答案为A。

17.C 考查形容词词义辨析。 A. 特殊的;B. 优秀的;C. 感激的;D 迷人的。

18.C 考查状语从句中连词的用法。 A. 当……时;B. 在……之后;C. 在……之前;D. 正如。

19.C 考查介词短语词义辨析。A. 就位,到位;B. 井然有序;C. 保持体形;D. 流行。

20. A 考查不确定数目的用法。当hundred,thousand,million和billion表示具体的数目时,用单数形式;当表示不具体的数目时,用复数形式,且跟介词of连用,故选A答案。

21.B 考查倍数表达法。表达倍数的twice应该放在第一个as之前,只有B符合。

22. A 本题考查数词确定数目的用法。hundred,thousand,million,billion,dozen,score等指具体数字时,不用复数形式;指大约数字时,常用复数形式,且与of连用。如:onehundred,two thousand,three million,hundreds/thousands/millions/billions/dozens/scores of。

23.D 考查数词 + 专有名词的用法。序数词位于名词前,如thesecondfloor;基数词位于名词后,如class two, grade four等。故Gate Two为正确选项。

24.C 考查感叹词what和how 的用法。形容词后无限定词修饰work,可知句子重心是work,因此感叹词用what。

25.D 考查感叹词how的用法。形容词tall后有限定词the,可知句子中心落在形容词tall上, 故选how。

26.D 考查few和little的用法。fewer是形容词few的比较级,意为“更少的”,修饰可数名词复数;less是little的比较级,意为“更少的”,修饰不可数名词。从句中people用作复数名词,主句中pollution为不可数名词,结合语境可知选D。

27. C 考查形容词的最高级。最高级要用the most wonderful来表示,故选C。

28.B 考查副词的位置及用法。首先判定所填单词修饰washed,应为副词,结合句意可知应选easily。

29.B 考查enough的用法。enough修饰形容词、副词时需要后置,且不能和as结构连用。

30.D 考查动词词义辨析。A. 涉及到;B. 提供;C. 询问,要求;D. 包含,涉及,使陷入……中。 RVSMFF5AI61vE9n+/GmZ6P9wU0nFy7r5U6kZ8IYiWp+3BX+JhOEhT3dhJJnOHQf7
