
Chapter 03



Anna : Hi, Beck. I am going to travel abroad,but I don't know where to get a visa.

Beck : Will you join a tour group or go on an individual travel?

Anna : Join a tour group, of course. I think it’s safer.

Beck : Then give your passport to the travel agent, and they will do it for you.

安娜 :嗨,贝克。我想出境旅游,但是不知道在哪儿办理签证。

贝克 :你是要跟团游还是要自由行?

安娜 :当然是跟团游,我觉得这样更安全。

贝克 :那就把你的护照给旅行社,他们会帮你办的。

特殊疑问词where+动词不定式,即“where to do sth”,表示“去哪儿做某事”,等同于“where+助动词+主语+动词原形”。

May : Good morning, sir. You'd like to get a passport to England, right?

Andrew : Yes, madam. How long can I get it?

May : About half a month. May I know why you go to England?

Andrew : I just go there for traveling.


安德鲁 :是的,女士。我多久能拿到?


安德鲁 :我去那儿只是想旅游。

go there for表示“去那里是为了……”,其中for是介词,后面跟名词、代词、名词词组或者动名词。

Cathy : How long would you like to stay in Germany?

Brown : Three months.

凯西 :你想在德国待多久?

布朗 :三个月。

Cathy : Do you have enough financial support?

Brown : Of course . I have brought the proof of enough financial support.

凯西 :你有足够的资金支持吗?

布朗 :当然,我带来了足够资金支持的证明。

of course意为“当然”,通常表达理所应当的语气,其同义词有certainly,sure等。

Dora : It seems that you are very upset,Edward. What happened?

Edward : You know I'd like to travel to Europe with my colleagues next month. But I was refused to get a visa.

Dora : Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. But why?

Edward : They said that I didn't have enough financial support.

多拉 :爱德华,你好像十分沮丧。发生什么事情了?

爱德华 :你知道我想下个月和同事们去欧洲旅游。但是我办理签证时被拒了。

多拉 :哦,听到这件事,我很遗憾。但是为什么遭拒?

爱德华 :他们说我没有足够的资金支持。

It seems that...意为“好像,似乎”,后面接从句,作seem的表语成分。

Linda : I'm sorry, sir. You can't get in. Your passport has been expired.

Jerry : What? How is it possible?

Linda : Look! Your passport expired on Jan.

1st, while now it's Feb. 5th.

Jerry : Oh, sorry.

琳达 :抱歉,先生。您不能进去。您的护照已经过期。

杰瑞 :什么?怎么可能?

琳达 :看!您的护照在1月1日过期,而现在都已经2月5日了。

杰瑞 :哦,抱歉。


Mary : May I have a look at your passport? I have never seen that.

Sam : Here you are.

Mary : Great. So, what is needed to apply for a passport?

Sam : Identification and some money.

玛丽 :我可以看下你的护照吗?我从未见过护照。

山姆 :给你。

玛丽 :不错。那么,申请护照都需要什么?

山姆 :身份证明和一些钱。

apply意为“申请”,apply for sth意为“申请某物”。


where to do sth 去哪儿做某事

· I am not sure where to travel this time.我不确定这次要去哪儿旅行。

· Have you decided where to go this holiday?你们决定去哪度假了吗?

go there for 去那里是为了……

· He said he went there for traveling.他说他去那里是为了旅游。

· I went there for visiting my grandmother.我去那里是为了看望奶奶。

of course 当然

· Of course, I have got my visa to France.我当然已经拿到了去法国的签证。

· Of course, you must show them the proof of enough financial support.你当然要向他们出示足够资金支持的证明。

It seems that... 好像……

· It seems that you don't know anything about visa.你好像对签证事情一无所知。

· It seems that he has never been abroad.他好像从未出过国。

on+具体日期 在某一天

· You can get your passport on May. 4th .你可以在5月4日过来取护照。

· Do you work on Saturday ?你们周六上班吗?

apply for sth 申请某物

· The travel agency will apply for the passport for you.旅行社会代你申请护照。

· It's not easy to apply for a visa.申请签证不容易。


Do you have a permanent job ?你有稳定工作吗?

Yes, of course. I am a manager in a multinational corporation.当然。我是一家跨国公司的经理。


Have you ever been to Canada before?你之前去过加拿大吗?

Never. This will be my the first time to go there.从没去过。这将是我第一次去那儿。

Why did you go there before?你之前为什么要去那里?

For traveling. 去旅游。

How long did you stay in Brazil?你在巴西待过多久?

Around three years.三年左右。

I'd like to check how long I can get the passport.我想知道我多久能拿到护照。

Two weeks . You can get it in two weeks.两周。两周后你可以拿到护照。


Is there something wrong with my passport?我的护照有什么问题吗?

I'm afraid that your passport has expired; you have to re-apply.恐怕你的护照已经过期了;你得重新申请。

Do you want a visa for traveling or working?你要旅游签证还是工作签证?

For traveling.旅游签证。

You cannot work in that country if you just have a visa for traveling.如果只有旅游签证,你是不能在那个国家工作的。

I know that. It's illegal to work there without a visa for working.我知道。没有工作签证就在那儿工作是违法的。

I wonder if there is a way to re-apply the passport abroad.我想知道,是否有办法在国外重新申请护照。

I'm afraid not. You will be repatriated if your passport expires abroad.恐怕不能。如果在国外护照过期,你将会被返遣回国。

How long can I get my passport?我多久能拿到我的护照?

If no accident, you can get it after ten working days.如无意外,你可以在十个工作日后拿到。

Which country will you travel to?你要去哪个国家旅游?


When does it begin to take effect?它什么时候开始生效?


I'm afraid that your passport has expired.恐怕你的护照已经过期了。

Oh, no. I can't catch them if it expires.哦,不。如果过期的话,我就赶不上他们了。

Where is my passport? I can't find it anywhere.我的护照在哪儿?我在哪儿都找不到。

You forget that you have given it to me.你忘了,你把它给我了。

I left my passport at home. What can I do?我把护照忘在家里了。我该怎么办?

Go back right now and maybe you can catch the plane.马上回去,也许你还能赶上这班飞机。

The passport and visa are different, right?签证和护照是不一样的,对吧?

Yes, the passport is distributed by the home government, while the visa is distributed by the foreign government.是的,护照是本国政府颁发的,签证则是由外国政府颁发的。


· I am very upset that I didn't have the right to apply for a visa.

· To my disappointment, I failed to apply for a visa.


· You can apply for a passport from the Public Security Bureau.

· To apply for a passport, you may go to the Public Security Bureau.


· Can you let me know the location of the nearest passport organization?

· Could you tell me where the nearest passport organization is?


· Nobody is allowed to go abroad without a passport.

· Anybody is not allowed to leave the country without a passport.


· I'd like to get a travel visa .

· I'd like to have a travel visa.



· What should I bring to apply for a visa?

· What ought I to bring if I'd like to apply for a visa?


· You must bring your identification, a copy of the ID card and the proof of enough financial support.

· Your identification and the proof of enough financial support must be brought here.


· You should show us related documents.

· Related documents should be shown to us.


· If you would like to go abroad, you must take your passport.

· You can't go abroad without a passport.


· You must fill all the information in the form.

· All the information must be filled in the form.


· Please check all the details carefully in the form.

· Go through all the details carefully in the form, please.


· You must make sure you have filled in the right information.

· All the information you filled in must be right.


· We will inform you as soon as your passport comes out.

· We will let you know immediately your passport comes out.


· We inform you that you can get your passport today.

· You are informed to get your passport today.


· What time will my passport expire?

· When will my passport cease to be effective?


· You will be repatriated if your visa expires.

· You will be returned if your visa expires.


· You are breaking their laws if you work there without a working visa.

· You are violating their laws if you work there with no working visa.


· This is my passport.

· Here is my passport.


· You can ask the tour guide for help.

· You can turn to the tour guide.


· I took my passport seven days ago.

· I got my passport a week ago.



护照就是一个主权国家给本国公民出入境的使用证件,证明该公民的国籍、身份的具体法律依据。签证是一个国家的国内、驻外机关在别国公民的护照上盖印并签注,准许该护照持有者出入该国的许可证明。签证可以出国前在目的国驻本国的大使馆办理,有的国家还可以落地办理。申请办理护照签证时需要提交的材料可以具体参照国家网站。护照与签证的办理尤为重要,办理时一定要确保万无一失,因为办理时间稍长,会耽误您宝贵的旅游时间。另外,一定要注意您申请的证件的有效期,请在有效期之内,返回国内。如果逾期,则会被该国返遣。如果提前就知道会长期待在国外,申请签证时,应当办理妥当。 9w4p16TxrB0dLoRKM+CcacDICBXfqIid1zc2j3y0FZNMKxW/lR1ivCBNfNxEE5j4
