
Chapter 02



Anderson : Hey, Alice. It is said that you are going to travel abroad. Where are you going?

Alice : I will travel to the U.S. with my parents.

Anderson : That's very exciting! Remember to exchange some US dollars.

Alice : Thank you!

安德森 :嘿,爱丽丝。据说你准备出国旅游。你要去哪里?

爱丽丝 :我和父母将要去美国旅游。

安德森 :真令人兴奋!记得换一些美元。

爱丽丝 :谢谢!

remember意为“记得,记住”,后接动词不定式时,即remember to do sth,表示记得去做某事,该事还未发生。

Carl : I know there is something not allowed to bring on the plane. But what is that? Can you tell me?

B ob : S ure! S omething like lighters,daggers, etc.

Carl : Oh, I see. I have planned to take a lighter, but I can't.

B ob : Y es, you can't. T hey will be confiscated if you take them.

卡尔 :我知道有些东西不允许带上飞机。但是,是什么东西不允许携带?你可以告诉我吗?

鲍勃 :当然可以!像打火机、匕首等东西。

卡尔 :哦,我明白了。我本打算带个打火机,但是我带不了了。

鲍勃 :是,你不能带。如果带的话,会被没收。

there be句型意为“有”,表示某地存在某物,其中there是引导词,there be后面接的名词是句子的主语,属于倒装句式。其句型为“there be+名词+地点状语+其他”。

E lizabeth : I will travel with the travel agency next week. I wonder whether I can take liquor or tobacco.

Church : Yes, you can. But they shall not exceed the prescribed quantity limits. You can take not more than two bottles of liquor or four hundred cigarettes according to the rules and regulations of customs of China.

Elizabeth : I see! Thank you.

Church : It's nothing.

伊丽莎白 :下周我要跟旅行社去旅游了。我想知道,我能否带烟酒。

丘奇 :可以。但是不能超过规定的量。中国海关规定,携带的酒不能超过两瓶,烟不能超过四百根。

伊丽莎白 :我明白了!谢谢你。

丘奇 :这没什么。

more than意为“多于,超过”,通常用于“数词+名词”之前,且多用于肯定句、疑问句。

E mily : I'm sorry, sir. You cannot take these things abroad. They are forbidden to be taken.

George : What? Why? But I have brought them here. What can I do now?

E mily : It's the rules of customs. Anything on the list cannot be taken out of the country. Please check it carefully. Here you are! If you have any problem, I will try my best to help you.

George : Thank you! I have never gone abroad, so I know little about it.

艾米丽 :抱歉,先生。你不能携带这些物品出境。它们是禁止携带物品。

乔治 :什么?为什么?但是我已经带到这里了。现在我该怎么办?

艾米丽 :这是海关规定。清单上的任何东西都不能携带出境。请仔细查看。给你!如果你有什么问题,我会竭尽全力帮助你。

乔治 :谢谢!我没有出过国,所以不太了解。

try one's best意为“竭尽全力”,后面通常接动词不定式,表示竭尽全力做某事。其同义词组有spare no efforts, do one's best, try every means等。

E mily : You should learn more about the U.S. before setting out, such as its scenic spots, weather, customs and so on. It's helpful for your tourism planning.

Shelton : Yes, I have learned some on the Internet. And I almost forget to bring my passport.

Emily : The passport is a must. You can't go abroad without it.

Shelton : Yes, that's what I said.

艾米丽 :出发前,你应该多了解一下美国,比如美国的景点、天气、风俗等等。这有助于你的旅游规划。

谢尔顿 :是的,我在网上已经了解过一些了。我差点忘带护照了。

艾米丽 :护照是必备的。没有它,你出不了国。

谢尔顿 :是的,我也这么说。

现在完成时态表示过去已经发生的动作或存在的状态对现在仍有影响,且该动作或状态还有可能会持续,其句型结构为“主语+have / has+动词过去分词+其他”。常见的标志词有already,yet,so far,by now,ever,never等。

Howard : You should follow the tour guide in case of getting lost.

Penny : I will. And we have team clothes; it is easy to recognize.

Howard : You had better tell the guide ahead of time if you need to do something else.

Penny : I will not forget that.

霍德华 :你应该跟着导游,以防走丢。

佩妮 :我会的。而且我们有队服,很容易辨认。

霍德华 :如果需要做其他事情,最好提前告诉导游。

佩妮 :我不会忘记的。

in case of意为“以防,万一”,后面可以接名词或动名词。


remember to do sth 记得去做某事

· You must remember to take some US dollars with you if you travel to the U.S.如果去美国旅游,你一定要记得带一些美元。

· Cathy doesn't remember to take her visa with her.凯西忘记带签证了。

there be有……

· There is something you cannot take out of the country, madam.女士,有些物品您不能携带出境。

· There are rules and regulations of customs that no illicit medicine can be taken on the plane. 海关规定飞机上不能携带违禁药品。

more than 多于、不止

· I have taken more than five bottles of wine.我带了不止五瓶酒。

· Nobody can take more than four hundred cigarettes.任何人携带烟不得超过四百根。

try one's best to do sth 竭尽全力做某事

· Don't worry! We will try our best to solve this problem for you.不要担心!我们会竭尽全力为您解决这个问题。

· I have tried my best to connect you an hour ago, but finally failed.一个小时前,我尽力去联系你,但是终究还是没联系上。

have done sth 已经做过某事

· I have checked on that.我已经查询过了。

· The travel agency has told us that we are not allowed to bring anything dangerous.旅行社已经告诉过我们,不允许携带任何危险物品。

in case of sth / doing sth 以防,万一

· You must do this as I say in case of mistakes.你必须按照我说的那样做,以防出错。

· If case of losing it, you had better put it away.你最好把它收起来放好,以防丢失。


What is not allowed to take on the plane ?飞机上不允许携带什么?

Dairy products are not allowed to be taken to Australia, so you had better not take them.澳大利亚不允许携带乳制品入境,所以你最好不要带。


What should I know before traveling abroad?出境旅游之前,我应该了解什么?

You must take your visa with you and not take these things.你必须带签证,不能携带这些物品。

How much is the ticket?票价多少?

Five hundred US dollars only.仅五百美元。

Can I take a few phones ?我能带几部手机吗?

Yes, you can.是,你能。


You'd better exchange some money first in case that you need it.你最好兑换些钱币,以备不时之需。

Thank you so much.十分感谢。

Can I take much cash with me?我可以携带大量现金吗?

Don't take too much, or you will be refused to enter the country.不要带太多,否则你会被拒绝入境。

What would you like to take, Mary?你想带什么,玛丽?

I will take daily necessities, a camera, a mobile phone and so on.我要带日用品、相机、手机等等。


· I wonder if I can take liquor on board.

· I'd like to know whether I can take liquor on board or not.



· You must abide by the rules and regulations of customs.

· You have to comply with rules and regulations of customs.


· If you take too many things, you have to pay export taxes.

· You should pay export taxes for too many things.


· I don't know that these things cannot be taken on board.

· I have no idea that I can't take these things on board.


· Could you give me some advice on traveling abroad?

· I need your suggestions on traveling abroad.



· If you take more than ten thousand US dollars, you should report to the customs.

· You ought to report to the customs, if taking over ten thousand US dollars.


· What things do we need to report to customs?

· What articles need we report to customs?


· There is a ban on the import of medicine now.

· Medicine is forbidden to be taken into the country now.



import trade [ɪmˈpɔ:t treɪd] ph. 进口贸易

import commodity [ɪmˈpɔ:t kəˈmɒdətɪ] ph. 进口商品

import license [ɪmˈpɔ:t ˈlaɪsns] ph . 进口许可证

import duty [ɪmˈpɔ:t ˈdju:tɪ] ph. 进口税

· Keep in memory to take a camera and take some photographs there.

· Remember to take your camera and take some pictures there.


· If the luggage exceeds 20 kilograms, it will be charged for consigning for shipment.

· Luggage consigning for shipment for free shall not exceed 20 kilograms, or it will be charged.


· You need to tip the waiter before you leave the restaurant.

· It is necessary that you tip the waiter before you leave the restaurant.


· If you go to England for travel, you had better take an umbrella with you.

· You should take an umbrella to travel to England .



· Bring some clothes to keep warm in case of catching a cold .

· To avoid catching a cold, you had better bring some clothes to keep warm.



· Make sure you have packed all the things you need to take.

· Check whether you have packed all the things you need to take.


· You must bring your passport, cash and so on before you can leave the country.

· With your passport, cash and so on, you can leave the country.


· You cannot work there just only with a traveling visa.

· You have no right to work there just with a traveling visa.


· You must follow the tour guide so that you won't get lost.

· You have to follow the tour guide in order that you won't get lost.


· We have asked them whether they provide meals.

· We have consulted them if they provide meals.


· You had better take a towel since they don't supply with that.

· You had better bring a towel because they don't provide with that.




