
Chapter 01



Nancy : I hear you have made a plan to travel abroad, right?

Michael : Yeah. I would like to go on a conducted tour.

Nancy : Well, we don't get much on our mind at present. Wish you a good journey.

Michael : Thanks. Could you recommend a trustworthy tour group to me?

南希 :我听说,你计划出国旅游,是吗?

迈克尔 :是的。我想跟团去旅行。

南希 :嗯,我们目前也没有什么事情要做。祝你旅途愉快。

迈克尔 :谢谢。你能给我推荐一个值得信任的旅行团吗?

可数名词plan表示“计划,规划,方案”,通常用作a plan to do=a plan for (doing) sth。

Maria : G ood morning. Sunshine Travel Agency. What can I do for you?

Susie : Good morning. I'm thinking about a guided tour to Italy next week. Is there an appropriate package tour?

Maria : Ah, yes. We have a week's package tour to Italy next Monday. I wonder if it's convenient for you.

Susie : That shall be all right, but the fact of the matter is that I cannot set off on the journey until next Tuesday.

玛利亚 :早上好。阳光旅行社。我能为您做些什么吗?

苏西 :早上好。下周我想跟团去意大利旅游。


玛利亚 :啊,有的。下周一,我们有个去意大利的包价旅行团,为期一周。我想知道您是否方便。

苏西 :这听起来是很好,但是,事实是,我要到下周二才可以动身去度假。

the fact (of the matter) is (that)...意为“事实是”,相当于the fact remains (that)……,通常用于表示转折意义。

John : I ' m in two minds about the guided tour to Paris. Could you give me a word of advice?

George : What's the trouble?

John : The tour operator has sent me a detailed itinerary. I find that the so-called sightseeing tour might turn out to be a shopping tour.

George : Frankly speaking, it seems to be a tradition. Anyway, a package tour will surely save you much trouble.

约翰 :我正犹豫要不要跟团去巴黎旅行。你能给我提个建议吗?

乔治 :有什么问题吗?

约翰 :旅行社已经给我寄了详细的旅行路线。我发现,所谓的观光旅行也许就是购物之旅。

乔治 :说实话,这似乎是惯例。无论如何,跟团游一定会让你省去很多麻烦。

be in two minds about (doing) sth意为“对……犹豫不决/三心二意”,而be of one mind (about...)则是表示“(对……)意见一致,有同样的看法”。

Julia : On second thoughts, I give up all thought of travelling abroad.

Steven : How so? Is there any particular reason?

Julia : I am afraid I cannot afford the time. Besides, the cost of a package holiday organized by the travel agency seems to be such a big expense.

Steven : If that is the case... Whatever you say goes.

茱莉亚 :再次斟酌之后,我放弃了出国旅行的念头。

史蒂文 :怎么会这样?有什么特殊原因吗?

茱莉亚 :恐怕我抽不出时间来。此外,旅行社的包价旅行费用似乎也是一大笔开销。

史蒂文 :如果是这样的话……就按你说得办吧。

thought表示“意向,意图”,give up all thought (of doing sth)相当于give up any thought (of doing sth)。


a plan to do sth 计划做某事

· The family made a plan to go on a package tour to Switzerland. 这家人打算跟团去瑞士旅行。

· The travel agency offered a carefully worked-out plan to travel abroad. 这家旅行社精心设计了出国旅游的方案。

the fact (of the matter) is (that)... 事实是……

· A sightseeing tour is indeed wonderful, but the fact of the matter is that we have to work overtime these days. 观光旅行自然是极好的,但是,事实就是,这些天我们都不得不加班。

· Your vacation plan sounds great, but the fact of the matter is that you might be unable to afford it. 你的度假计划听起来好极了,但是,事实就是,你也许会无力支付这笔费用。

be in two minds about (doing) sth 对……犹豫不决/三心二意

· The young man is in two minds about taking a guided tour. 那个年轻人犹豫着要不要跟团旅行。

· I wonder why you are in two minds about the all-expenses-paid trip to Mexico. 此次去往墨西哥的旅行是费用全包的。我想知道,你为什么还犹豫不决。

give up all thought (of doing sth) 放弃做某事的想法

· I wonder why you gave up all thought of going on a conducted tour to Venice. 我想知道,你为什么放弃跟团去威尼斯旅行。

· They must be reluctant to give up all thought of making a package tour to Singapore. 他们一定不愿放弃跟团去新加坡旅游的想法。


What would you recommend for traveling abroad?对于出国旅行,你有没有什么好提议?

It's best to go on a conducted tour. It will save you a lot of worries.最好是跟团旅行。这能让你省心不少。

Is there a package tour to London this weekend?这周末有没有去往伦敦的包价旅行?

Sorry. But we have a package tour to London next Tuesday. Is that OK?抱歉。不过,下周二我们有去往伦敦的包价旅行。可以吗?

Could you tell me further details of the itinerary?能告诉我此次旅行路线的详情吗?

Here is a route map. If you have any objection, we can make the appropriate adjustment. 这是路线图。如果你有什么异议,我们可以做出适当的调整。

How much is the cost of the guided tour?此次跟团旅行的费用是多少?

About one thousand US dollars.大约1 000美元。

It's the first time that I have traveled abroad. Would you please tell me what I shall prepare? 这是我第一次出国旅行。您能告诉我,我该准备些什么吗?

The passport, and your personal belongings. The travel agency will get everything else ready for you.护照和您的随身行李。其他的旅行社都会为您准备妥当的。

My parents and I want to appreciate the beauty of nature in Venice. Can you tell me the optimal travel time?我和父母想欣赏威尼斯的自然风光。你能告诉我最佳的旅游时间吗?

At any time of the year. But if you insist upon a best, spring or autumn. 一年四季都可以。但如果你一定要选一个最好的,那么春季或者秋季。

I wonder if the fee includes our air fare, hotel accommodations and the meals.我想知道,这些费用是否包括我们的飞机票、旅馆住宿和三餐。

Yes, everything is included. And we will arrange the route for you.是的,一切都包括在内。我们还会帮你们安排路线。

I want to take a trip to wind down, but I have no idea where to go. Could you give me some good suggestions?我想去旅行放松一下。但不知道去哪儿。你能给我一些好的建议吗?

It's summer now; maybe you can go to the seaside. 现在是夏天,也许你可以去海边。


domestic tourism [də'mesteɪk 'tʊərɪzəm] ph. 国内旅游

international tourism ['ɪntə'næʃnəl 'tʊərɪzəm] ph. 国际旅游

travel abroad ['trævl ə'brɔ:d] ph. 出境旅游

inbound tourism ['ɪnbaʊnd 'tʊərɪzəm] ph. 入境旅游


· Catherine would like to go on a sightseeing tour to Los Angeles.

· Catherine feels like going sightseeing in Los Angeles.


· What she wants is a reliable travel agency.

· She is looking for a trustworthy travel group.


· You might as well take a package tour.

· You would be better to make a guided tour.


· They have not decided on the conducted tour.

· They have not yet taken a decision to go on a package tour.


· I want suggestions about the guided tour.

· Have you got any suggestion for the package tour?


· They have no idea of the cost of the conducted tour to Frankfurt.

· They have no notion of the cost of the package tour to Frankfurt.


· I don't think we can afford to travel abroad.

· I'm afraid we might be unable to afford to travel abroad.


· We can introduce to you the detailed itinerary later.

· We could go into details about the itinerary later.


· Thanks for your introduction. I will call you when I have decided.

· Thanks for your introduction. I will phone you after I make my decision.


· I want to see some different scenery. Could you introduce some good places to me?

· I would like to see some different scenery. Do you have some good places to introduce to me?


· I think you'd better phone a travel agency or go yourself.

· I believe that you'd better call a travel agency or go in person.


· My friend highly recommends taking a trip to London.

· My friend highly recommends that I have a trip to London.


· Would you please introduce to me some famous tourist spots in London?

· Could you introduce some famous tourist areas of London to me?


· Do you have any package tour groups to Oceania recent days?

· Is there any package tour group to Oceania recently?


· Are there any vacancies for the touring party to Western Europe?

· Have you taken on the full complement of the touring party to Western Europe?




首先是旅行社的选择,可以找一位业内人士帮忙推荐,且一定要选包含了旅行意外保险的旅行社;跟团旅行时,要看清行程安排,并且要分析旅游合同上是否有其他含糊的条款;最后需要弄明白的是,所谓的“几日游”中,旅途中的时间占了多少,实际的观光时间是多久。 Mku4izXIQgwd3xaIPs5keTGhbnPnhG1G2yfHnp7ubhphK8zX9iV5v3xMB6hM7xt7
