
Chapter 01



Airport worker : Ladies and gentlemen, due to the bad weather, the flight to London will be delayed for three hours. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

Passenger : Oh, my God! No kidding! I have to arrive in London this evening.

Airport worker : That's too bad. We are very sorry to hear that.

Passenger : OK, please try to find a connecting flight for me.

机场工作人员 :女士们,先生们,由于天气原因,飞往伦敦的航班将延误三个小时。由此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。

旅客 :哦,天啊,不是开玩笑吧!我今天晚上一定得到达伦敦。

机场工作人员 :那真是太糟了。我们很抱歉。

旅客 :好吧,请尽量帮我找个中转的航班。

due to意为“归功于,因为,由于”,表示原因,后跟名词或代词;表示“因为,由于”的意思时,等同于because of。

Kevin : Have you heard the announcement? The train will be delayed for one and a half hours.

Lily : Oh, that's too bad. Do you know the reason?

Kevin : I hear the booking-office clerk say that's because of the heavy rain.

Lily : Well, nobody could control the weather after all .

凯文 :你听到那条通知了吗?火车将会晚点一个半小时。

莉莉 :哦,那真是太糟了。你知道原因吗?

凯文 :我听售票员说是因为大雨。

莉莉 :好吧。毕竟没人能控制天气。

after all是一个固定短语,意为“毕竟,终究”,通常放在句尾。after all还有“别忘了”的意思,此时通常放在句首。

Airport worker : Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?

Alexander : My flight has been delayed for half an hour. And I wonder about the reason.

Airport worker : Please tell me your flight number. I will check it for you.

Alexander : My flight is to Bangkok and theflight number is KY1302.

机场工作人员 :下午好,先生。有什么能为您效劳的吗?

亚历山大 :我的航班已经延误了半个小时。我想知道原因。

机场工作人员 :请告诉我您的航班号。我给您查询一下。


wonder about意为“对……感到奇怪,想知道”,后面跟名词、动名词或wh-从句;wonder还可以与if / whether连用。

Andrew : The train will arrive at 5 o'clock,being late about half an hour.

Beck : The train is always late. Sometimes,it even can be late for 2 hours.

Andrew : Had we known this in advance,we ought to have taken a plane.

Beck : Nothing is remedial, so the only thing we can do is to wait now. Besides, planes may also delay.

安德鲁 :火车将于5点抵达,晚点半小时左右。

贝克 :火车总是晚点。有时候甚至能晚两个小时。

安德鲁 :要早知道是这样,我们应该乘飞机。

贝克 :什么都于事无补了,现在我们只能等。


ought to意为“应该……”,ought to+have+done表示“对过去情况的推测,与现在事实相反”的意思。

Blake : Oh, my God! What time is it now?

Carl : It's just beyond eight-thirty.

Blake : My alarm clock didn't go off . I think I have already missed my flight.

Carl : You had better buy another ticket online right now.

布莱克 :哦,我的天啊!现在几点了?

卡尔 :刚过了八点半。

布莱克 :我的闹钟没有响。我想我已经错过我的航班了。

卡尔 :你现在最好在网上再订一张票。

go off的字面含义为“离开”,还可以表示“响起,爆炸,开火”等意思。go off sb / sth则指“对……不再喜欢;失去对……的兴趣”;描述食物或饮料时用have / has / had gone off,则指“食物或饮料变质、腐败”。


due to 因为,由于

· The flight was canceled due to the heavy fog.由于大雾,航班取消了。

· Due to an accident, the train had delayed.因为一起意外事故,火车晚点。

after all 毕竟,终究

· After all , what else can we do than to wait?毕竟,我们除了等还能做什么?

· After all , weather is an uncertainty.毕竟,天气是无法确定的事。

wonder about 想知道……

· I wonder about whether the train can pull out on time.我想知道火车是否能准时发车。

· The passengers are all wondering about the reason of being late.乘客们都想知道晚点的原因。

ought to 应该……

· The plane ought to take off 10 minutes ago.飞机应该10分钟前起飞的。

· You ought to arrive at the airport in advance.你应该早点到达机场的。


Could you tell me why the train has not come yet?你能告诉我火车为什么到现在还没有来吗?

I have to say that the train will be late for half an hour.我不得不告诉你火车将会延误半小时。

The flight delayed. Do you know why?航班晚点了。你知道为什么吗?

It may be because of the heavy snow.也许是因为大雪。

Hurry up! We'll miss the train.快点!我们要赶不上火车了。

There is no need to rush it. According to the broadcast, the train would be late for 20 minutes. 不用着急。广播说火车会晚点20分钟。

Good evening, sir. What can I do for you?晚上好,先生。有什么能为您效劳的吗?

Please help me to check the departure time of the train.请帮我查一下这趟火车的发车时间。

Why did the train arrive so late?为什么火车这么晚才到?

Because we met an accident on the trip.因为我们在途中遇上了一起事故。

Excuse me. Is there a flight to London today?打扰一下。请问今天有到伦敦的航班吗?

I'm sorry. All the flights today have been canceled due to the heavy snow.抱歉。由于雪太大,今天所有的航班都被取消了。

Why are you still at home now? Your flight has taken off.你为什么现在还在家?你(乘坐)的航班已经起飞了。

Because the flight has been canceled, I have to stay at home to wait.因为航班取消了,我不得不在家等待。

Thank God! I have nearly missed my train.谢天谢地!我差点错过火车。

Don't be so hurry. The train has not begun to check tickets.不要这么着急。这趟火车还没有开始检票。

How disappointing it is! The train is late again.真让人失望!火车又晚点了。

Yes. But luckily, it's only delayed for half an hour.是的,不过幸运的是,火车只晚了半小时。

When on earth will the train leave the station?火车到底什么时候发车?

The train will leave the station at 6, being late one hour. 火车将于6点离开车站,晚了一个小时。

Could you tell me why the flight hasn't taken off now?你能告诉我为什么航班到现在还没有起飞吗?

Don't worry. It's only a routine inspection. The flight will take off right away.不要着急,只是一个例行检查。航班马上起飞。


· Since there is a thick sea fog, the ship has been canceled.

· The ship has been canceled due to the thick fog at sea.


· There will be a delay of this flight due to the bad weather.

· Because of the bad weather, the flight will be late.


· Unfortunately, the heavy rain had delayed our journey.

· It's a pity that our journey had been delayed by the heavy rain.


· The train to Scotland has delayed for half an hour.

· The train to Scotland is behind time for half an hour.


· I'm afraid that the train will be late again.

· I'm afraid that the train will be behind time again.


· The bus was late, due to the slippery road.

· Because of the wet road, the bus was late.


· All the ships are delayed because of the bad weather.

· Because of the atrocious weather, all the ships are delayed.


· The delayed train caused a lot of trouble to the travelers.

· The late train brought much trouble to the travelers.


· Being late of the train ruined my travel plans.

· Being late of the train spoiled my travel plans.


· It disappointed me that the flight was late again.

· To my disappointment, the flight was late again.


· If the train was not late, we would have arrived in Paris now.

· We haven't arrived in Paris because the train was late.


· Because of the malfunction, the train had stopped for fifteen minutes.

· The train had to stopped for fifteen minutes due to the malfunction.


· I missed the tour group because of the late bus, so I had to return to the hotel alone.

· Due to the delayed bus, I missed the tour group and had to return to the hotel alone.


· Hurry up! The train is moving out of the station!

· Come on! The train is leaving!






如果不是天气原因,而是运营商自己的问题,那么他们要给旅客提供相应的赔偿。 xA4R+KLOUJ0GuT47u67/YZWEP9PvFIc0TMF+nY0lhUBuCr3MOK1hvSjYc1Uf4iYO
