
Chapter 06



Adams : The petrol is running out soon, so we have to stop at the next filling station and gas up.

Benjamin : But we have just passed the last gas station. I'm afraid the gas is not enough for us to get the next one.

Adams : Don't worry. There is a barrel of gas in the trunk.

Benjamin : It's so thoughtful of you.

亚当斯 :汽油马上就要用完了,所以我们得在下一个加油站停下来加油。

本杰明 :但是我们刚路过上一个加油站,我担心汽油不够我们到达下一个加油站。

亚当斯 :不要担心,后备箱里还有一桶汽油。

本杰明 :你想得真周到。

be enough for表示“对……来说足够了”,其中for是介词,后面跟名词或者代词。

Charles : The vacation is around the corner . I intend to drive my car to go on my journey.

Churchill : I prefer self-driving traveling,too.

Charles : Yes, self-driving traveling provides with much convenience. Why not join me? We can drive the car by turns.

Churchill : It's a good idea and let's call it a deal.

查尔斯 :假期就要到了。我打算开车去旅行。

丘吉尔 :我也更倾向于自驾游。

查尔斯 :是的,自驾游很方便。为什么不和我一起去呢?我们可以轮流开车。

丘吉尔 :真是个好主意,就这么说定了。

around the corner意为“在拐角处,即将来临”,相当于be approaching的意思,通常指在时间或空间上即将来临。

Blake : Do you have any arrangements for this summer holiday? If not, how about going on a journey with us?

Daniel : I have no arrangements. Which way do you choose, with a tour group or self-driving traveling?

Blake : The self-driving traveling. David bought a new jeep-like vehicle last month.

Daniel : Good idea . Please send me word of your decision.

布莱克 :你这个暑假有没有安排?没有的话,跟我们一起去旅行怎么样?

丹尼尔 :我没有安排。你们选择哪种方式去旅行,跟团还是自驾游?

布莱克 :自驾游。大卫上个月买了一辆新的吉普类越野车。

丹尼尔 :好主意。决定好了请通知我一声。

good idea表示“好主意”,一般用在口语中,表示赞成别人的建议或者意见。

Kevin : I intend to rent a car to go on a journey with friends during the summer vacation. But we don't know much about car rentals. C an you give us some suggestions?

Edward : As far as I know, the rent is not very high. There is no charge for mileage but the expenses of gas is not included in the rent.

Kevin : Could you recommend a trustworthy rent-a-car company to us?

Edward : I have a friend who is a manager of a rent-a-car company. Here is his business card and you can give him a ring.

凯文 :暑假我打算租辆车跟朋友们一起去旅行。但我们对租车不太了解,你能给我们一些建议吗?

爱德华 :据我所知,租金不会太贵。里程方面不收费,但是汽油的费用不包括在租金内。

凯文 :你能给我们介绍一家信得过的租车公司吗?

爱德华 :我有一位朋友是一家租车公司的经理。这是他的名片,你可以给他打电话。

go on a journey意为“进行旅行”,如果后面接旅行的目的地,则需要加上介词to。相当于make a journey(旅行)。

Alice : I'd like to rent a Ford. How much is the rent?

Billy : This kind of car is rented at 20 US dollars per day. If you rent more than one week, we'll offer a special discount.

Alice : Well, I will rent for one week.

Billy : OK, I will get the rental contract.

爱丽丝 :我想租一辆福特车。租金是多少?

比利 :这种车租一天是20美元。如果你租用超过一周,我们会有特别优惠。

爱丽丝 :嗯,那我租一周。

比利 :好的,我去拿租车合同。

rent at意为“以……价格出租”,at后面常跟价格,rent既可指租出,也可指租入。另外,可以用于被动结构。


be enough for 足够……

· The water is enough for the travel.水足够这次旅行用了。

· He said that was enough for him.他说,那对他来说已经足够了。

around the corner即将来临

· The heavy rain is around the corner . Let's go back to the hotel.大雨就要来了。我们回酒店吧。

· Hurry up! The destination is around the corner.快点!目的地就在眼前了。

good idea 好主意

· Good idea . I will go with you tomorrow.好主意。我明天会跟你一起去。

· Good idea . It must be amusing to travel there.好主意。去那里旅游一定很有趣。

go on a journey 进行旅行

· I intend to go on a journey to Paris this month.这个月我打算去巴黎旅行。

· Mary is going to go on a journey with her family this summer.这个夏天,玛丽计划和家人一起去旅行。

rent at 以……价格出租

· This car is rented at 25 US dollars per year.这辆车每天的租金是25美元。

· Could you rent me this car at 20 US dollars a day?你能把这辆车以一天20美元的价格租给我吗?


Do you prefer to travel by yourself or travel with the tour group? 你是喜欢自助旅行还是跟团旅行?

I prefer to travel by myself.我更喜欢自助旅行。

Why do you prefer to travel by yourself?你为什么喜欢自助旅行?

There are many advantages. The most important point is that I can arrange the time by myself.有许多好处。最重要的一点是我可以自己安排时间。

Is there a gas station in the neighborhood? The gas is running out.附近有加油站吗?汽油就要用完了。

Let's ask a native for help.我们找个当地人帮忙吧。

Do you mind if I ask whether you have an international driver license?你介意我问你是否有国际驾照吗?

Of course not. I have got it on me.当然不介意。我带着呢。

I think the expense of the self-driving traveling is not cheaper than that of a guided tour.我认为自驾游的费用不比参加旅游团便宜。

So it is, but self-driving traveling is free.的确是,但是自驾游自由。

Can I swipe my credit card to pay for the rent?我能刷信用卡付租金吗?

Of course, I will bring a POS to you.当然,我去给你拿POS机。

What should we prepare for the self-driving traveling?我们应该为自驾游准备些什么呢?

The driving license, reserve gasoline tank as well as some food. Oh, I almost forget the map.驾照、备用汽油箱和一些食物。哦,我差点忘了,还有地图。

What kind of car do you like to rent?你想租一辆什么样的车?

I'd like to rent a cross-country vehicle .我想租一辆越野车。


Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest gas station is?打扰一下,你能告诉我最近的加油站在哪里吗?

It's not so far. Go straight down the road and turn right at the second corner. And then you'll see the gas station.离这儿不是太远。沿着这条路一直走,在第二个路口向右转。然后你就能看到加油站了。

Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where the nearest garage is? The tyre of my car has blown out. 打扰一下,先生。你能告诉我最近的汽车修理厂在哪儿吗?我汽车的轮胎爆了。

I am afraid there is no garage nearby. 恐怕附近没有汽车修理厂。



· We have many different vehicles for you to choose from.

· There is a wide choice of vehicles for you to choose from.


· We took a lot of road trips to many different places when we were in university.

· We took a lot of self-driving traveling during our university years.


· There are five of us in the car and we drive the car by turns.

· There are five persons in the car and we take turns to drive the car.


· The self-driving traveling becomes more and more popular.

· The self-driving traveling is getting more and more popular.


· We are going to have a self-driving travel across the city. Why not join us?

· We will have a self-driving traveling across the city. Why don't you join us?


· I intend to take a self-driving traveling this summer holiday.

· I'm going to drive to travel this summer holiday.


· Our tank is running low on fuel, so don't forget to call by at the next gas station.

· Our car is almost out of gas, so don't forget to stop by at the next gas station.


· Is the gasoline fee included in the rent?

· Does the rent include the gasoline fee?


· Don't worry. I have topped up the tank.

· Rest assured. I've filled up the tank.


· You'd better buy an accident insurance for your car.

· You'd better insure your car against accidents.


· More and more people choose the self-driving traveling nowadays.

· A growing number of people choose the self-driving traveling nowadays.


· The map is requisite for the self-driving travel.

· It's necessary to take a map for the self-driving travel.


· We can get more fun from the self-driving traveling than the group traveling.

· Compared with the group traveling, self-driving makes the traveling more interesting.


· Self-driving traveling has reduced the travel cost greatly.

· Self-driving traveling has cut the cost of the trip drastically.


· Self-driving traveling with several friends is quite a good choice.

· Driving to travel with several friends is a good choice.


· I'm considering a self-driving traveling.

· Driving a car to travel is under my consideration.


· If you'd like to take a self-driving traveling, you must have a driving license.

· The premise of taking a self-driving traveling is to get a driving permit.







最后,在自驾游的途中要注意安全,下车游玩的时候要锁好车门。 OcG5gR75vqZHBOinlIxGQNHPpYdcTydozAt+6LAo9b1TRub8gu0NxGLzkiUj5LL8
