
Chapter 04



Steven : E xcuse me. The bus goes to Central Park, right?

Bus driver : Yes, this is the right bus. There is no conductor on this bus; please swipe your transportation card or drop coins into the slot before you get off.

Steven : Could you let me know when I get to the Central Park? I'm not very familiar with this area.

Bus driver : Don't worry; the broadcast calls out the stops. As long as you listen to the loudspeaker, you will not miss it.

史蒂文 :打扰一下,这辆公交车去中心公园,对吧?

公交车司机 :是的,是这辆车。这是无人售票公交车,请在下车前刷公交卡或在投币口投币。

史蒂文 :到中心公园的时候,你能告诉我一声吗?我对这一地区不太熟。

公交车司机 :不要担心;广播会报站的。只要听着广播,你就不会错过站。

be familiar with sth意为“对……熟悉”,后面常跟表示事物的名词或代词,相当于have agood knowledge of sth。

Blake : Excuse me, which bus should I take to the museum?

Church : The No. 9 bus. You can wait for the bus at the bus stop on the opposite side. It runs every twenty minutes.

Blake : Thank you. And I am wondering if I am in need of a transfer halfway.

Church : No need to change. The No. 9 is a direct bus.

布莱克 :打扰一下,去博物馆的公交车是哪一辆?

丘奇:9路公交车,你可以在路对面的公交站等车。每 20分钟一趟。

布莱克 :谢谢。我想知道我是否需要在中途换乘。

丘奇 :不需要换乘。9路车是直达车。

in need of意为“需要……”,后面多跟名词。

Cooper : Why not take the subway? It's faster and cheaper than bus. And what's more, there will never be traffic jam.

Dora : As you choose . But do you know where the subway station is?

Cooper : Yes, it's close here. It's only necessary to turn left at the next corner.

Dora : OK, let's hasten over.

库珀 :为什么不乘地铁?地铁比公交车快,而且还便宜。更重要的是,它永远不会堵车。

多拉 :听你的。但是你知道地铁站在哪儿吗?

库珀 :我知道,离这儿很近。在前面的路口左转就是了。

多拉 :好的,那我们赶紧走吧。

as you choose表示“你说了算,随你喜欢” 的意思,相当于just as you wish,含有妥协的意味。

Linda : E xcuse me, I am going to the museum. Do you know where I should get off? I'm afraid I will miss the stop.

Lady : Don't worry. There are still sixteen more stops. And I will let you know when you get there. I will get off at the same stop. Linda : That's great. Do you know how long it will take us there?

Lady : It is a long time. Maybe it will take more than one hour to get there. If you are tired, you can take a nap .

琳达 :打扰了,我要去博物馆。您知道我应该在哪儿下车吗?我怕坐过站了。

女士 :不要担心。还有16站。你到站的时候我会跟你说。我也在那一站下车。

琳达 :太好了。您知道到那里要多长时间吗?女士:很长时间。可能要一个多小时。如果你累的话,可以打个盹。

take a nap的意思是“打个盹”,相当于have a nap,其中的名词nap表示“小睡,打盹”。

Austin : I am sorry to intrude, sir. But can you tell me if it is the right platform to red line? Beck : Yes, it's the right platform.

Austin : Where can I get the ticket?

Beck : You can get a ticket from the ticket vending machine over there or at the ticket office.

奥斯汀 :先生,很抱歉打扰你。但是你能告诉我这里是红色线的站台吗?

贝克 :是的,是这个站台。

奥斯汀 :我在哪儿可以买票?

贝克 :你可以从那边的自动售票机上买票,也可以到售票处买票。

be sorry to do sth意为“很抱歉做某事”,be sorry about和be sorry for都可以表示“对……感到遗憾”。此外,be sorry后面还可以跟that引导的从句。


be familiar with sth 对……熟悉

· The guide must be familiar with the terrain.导游对这一带的地形一定很熟悉。

· I asked a passenger who was familiar with the ethos here.我问了一位熟悉这里风土人情的乘客。

in need of 需要

· We're in urgent need of money to go on this project.我们急需资金来继续进行这个项目。

· Right now, I'm in need of a bottle of water.现在我需要一瓶水。

as you choose 照你说的做

· We have no objection; just do it as you choose .我们没有异议;就照你说的做吧。

· Go to the park by bus or by subway, as you choose .坐公交车还是坐地铁去公园,随你便。

take a nap 打个盹

· He was used to taking a nap on the train.他习惯在火车上打盹。

· Don't take a nap when you sit there.你坐在那里的时候,不要打盹。

be sorry to do sth 很抱歉做了某事

· I am sorry to bring so many troubles to you.很抱歉给你带来这么多麻烦。

· I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.我很抱歉让你等了这么久。


Excuse me, where is the No. 9 bus stop?打扰一下,请问9路公交站在哪儿?

It's over there, the opposite side .在那里,对面。


east [i:st] n. 东方; a. 东方的,东的

west [west] n. 西方; a. 西方的,西的

south [saʊθ] n. 南方; a. 南方的,南的

north [nɔ:θ] n. 北方; a. 北方的,北的

front [frʌnt] n. 前面,正面; a. 前面的,正面的; ad. 在前面

behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] ad. 在后地; prep. 支持,晚于,落后于

left [left] a. 左边的,剩下的; ad. 在左面; n. 左边

right [raɪt] a. 右方的,正确的; n. 右边,正确; ad. 正确地,恰当地

Excuse me, does this bus go to the Central Park?打扰一下,这辆公交车开往中心公园吗?

No, it's the wrong bus. You should take No. 5. 不是,你坐错车了。你应该乘坐5路车。

Could you please tell me when I get to the Geological Museum? 到达地质博物馆的时候,你能告诉我一下吗?

OK, don't worry. I'll let you know at that time.好的,不要担心。到时候我会对你说的。

Excuse me, sir. Should I get off at the next stop?打扰了,先生。下一站我该下车了吗?


This bus is to the botanical garden, right?这辆公交车去植物园,对吗?

I'm afraid you have got the wrong bus. That should be No. 13, but it is No. 103.恐怕你坐错车了。你应该坐13路车,但这是103路车。

I have got the wrong bus. Can I get off right now?我坐错公交车了。我现在能下车吗?

I am sorry. But parking is not allowed here; you can get off at next stop.我很抱歉。但是这儿不许停车;你可以在下一站下车。

How many stops are there to the museum?到博物馆有几站?

It's a long ride and there is about 19 stops.需要坐很长时间,大概有19站。

Excuse me. Which line should I take to the zoo by subway?打扰了。我去动物园应该乘坐哪条地铁线?

I think you'd better take the brown line; it's the fastest line.我认为你最好乘坐棕色线;那是最快的线路。

What can I do for you, sir?先生,我能帮你什么吗?

Please give me a ticket to Times Square Station.请给我一张到时代广场站的票。

What's the time for the earliest subway?最早的一班地铁是什么时候?

The first subway is at 6:10 a.m.最早的一班地铁是早上六点十分。

Do you know where the nearest subway station is?你知道最近的地铁站在哪儿吗?

I am going there, too. If you don't mind, you can go with me.我也要去地铁口。如果你不介意的话,可以跟我一起去。


· Are there any other buses in that direction?

· Are there any other buses heading in that direction?


· The ticket vending machine can give the change.

· You can get the change from the ticket vending machine.


· I'd like to get off at this stop.

· I have to get off at this stop.


· I have to say that you are on the wrong bus.

· I'm afraid that you take the wrong bus.


· Don't forget to get off at your destination.

· Remember to get off at your destination.


· Please step to the end and don't block the door.

· Please move to the end, and do not jam the door.


· Don't jut your body out of the window when you are on a running bus.

· When you are on a running bus, don't hang out of the window.


· Oh, my God! I'm so lucky to catch the last bus.

· Oh, my God! I almost miss the last bus.


· Could you tell me what time the last bus runs?

· May I ask you when the last bus runs?


· Where is the nearest subway station?

· How can I get to the nearest subway station?


· You have to place your ticket on the sensor.

· You need to put your ticket on the sensor.


· Oh, my God! I'm afraid I catch a wrong bus.

· Oh, my God! I'm afraid that I'm on a wrong bus.


· I'm afraid your transit card can't be used on the subway any more.

· I'm afraid your transit card is not available for the subway.


· You can get your ticket from the ticket office or the ticket vending machine.

· You can buy your ticket at the ticket office or on the ticket vending machine.


· Excuse me, could you give me a bus routine map and a timetable?

· Excuse me, can I get a bus routine map and a timetable?


· Do you know which bus can take me to the museum from the amusement park?

· Which bus should I take from the amusement park to the museum?


· What is the price of a ticket to St Peter's Cathedral?

· How much is a ticket to St Peter's Cathedral?


· Please stand in line; don't bunch up.

· Please queue up to get on; don't bunch up.


· This is a self-service bus. Please drop coins.

· There is no conductor on this bus. Please drop coins into the slot.


· The subway station is across from the grey office building.

· There is a subway station on the opposite of the grey office building.




美国的公交车都很准时,但公交站有些少,有时需要走很远才能找到公交站牌,上车的时候一定要排队。车票是均价,刷公交卡或投币都可以;如果中途需要转车,向司机索取换乘票即可。有的城市坐车、等车的人并不多,所以车不是在每一站都会停靠。如需下车,在前一站拉车窗上方或旁边的黄色拉绳,这样司机就会知道有人要在下一站下车了。车上会提供一些报纸杂志,乘客可以在乘坐的途中打发时间;在车上不准吃东西,否则会被罚款;下车的时候,不一定非要在后门下车,前门也可以。 cZost9ocvbu9MDX0/ahUcpWuzZ/dewi4uph6KR6zZTxSJEwLKeuNzsegixT3hcnq
