
Chapter 03



Anna : I hear that you will go to a seaside city for holiday this summer. What kind of vehicle would you choose?

Beck : We would like to go there by ship. It will be the first time that I have taken a ship. Have you ever traveled by ship?

Anna : Me, either, but I heard that many people felt sick on the ship. You'd better prepare some pills for seasickness.

Beck : OK, I will. Thank you.

安娜 :我听说这个夏天你们将要去一个海边城市度假。你们会选择哪种交通工具?

贝克 :我们打算乘船去。那将是我第一次坐轮船。你以前坐轮船旅游过吗?

安娜 :我也没有。但我听说很多人都会晕船。你最好准备些晕船药。

贝克 :好的,我会的。谢谢。

it be the first / second / third time...that是一个固定句式,表示“某人第几次做某事”。如果it后面的be动词是过去时,那么that引导的定语从句则用过去完成时;如果be动词是现在或将来时,则that引导的定语从句则用现在完成时。

Mother : Have you got everything ready? We are leaving tomorrow.

Alice : Everything is OK, except for several changes of clothes.

Mother : Don't carry too many things; there is a baggage allowance in the ship.

Alice : I see. I only take some necessaries.

妈妈 :东西都准备好了吗?我们明天就要出发了。

爱丽丝 :除了几件换洗的衣服,其他的都准备好了。

妈妈 :不要带太多东西;在轮船上行李是限重的。

爱丽丝 :我知道。我只带一些必需品。

except for意为“除了……之外”,for后面跟名词或代词,for后面的部分不包括在前面所述的范围之内。

Brown : Do I have to a reservation?

Carl : You needn't. But to be on the safe side , you'd better book it in advance.

Brown : Can I book one on the Internet?

Carl : Of course, just the same as the process of booking train tickets.

布朗 :我必须预订吗?

卡尔 :不必。但是为了保险起见,你最好提前订票。

布朗 :我能在网上订票吗?

卡尔 :当然了,就跟订火车票的流程一样。

on the safe side意为“小心地、安全地、谨慎地”,相当于副词,经常放在动词之后,与不定式to be连用,表示“出于安全考虑”的意思。

Charles : How much does a round-trip ticket to Australia cost?

Ticket Agent : Which kind of ticket would you like to buy, economy class or first class? The ticket of economy class is 800 US dollars and the first class is 1,000 US dollars.

Charles : Well, the economy class is usually very croweded, so I'd like to take the first class' ticket. Do you have any tickets available for today?

Ticket Agent : Yes, but there are only tickets for midnight. Would you still like to buy?

查尔斯 :一张去澳大利亚的往返票需要多少钱?

票务员 :你想买哪种票,经济舱还是头等舱?经济舱是800美元,头等舱是1 000美元。

查尔斯 :嗯,经济舱通常很挤,我想要头等舱的票。有今天的票吗?

票务员 :有,但是只剩下午夜的票了。你还想要买吗?

round-trip表示“往返程”的意思,而a single trip则表示“单程”。

Anne : Excuse me, how long does it take to Rotterdam?

Ship steward : About five hours. We can arrive in Rotterdam by 7 p.m.

Anne : Well, by the way, can you get me a drink of water?

Ship steward : Please wait a moment; I'll bring some to you right away.

安妮 :打扰一下,我们多久能到鹿特丹港?

轮船乘务员 :大概5个小时。我们会在下午7点之前到达鹿特丹。

安妮 :那好,对了,你能给我拿杯水吗?

轮船乘务员 :请稍等,我马上给你拿一些水。

get sb a drink意为“给某人拿点喝的”,其中drink为可数名词,指“一杯(一口、一份)饮料”。此处将get换作buy时,即buy sb a drink,指“请某人喝一杯,给某人买一份饮料”。


it be the first / second / third time... that 第一、第二或第三次做某事

· It was the second time that Mary had been to Paris.这是玛丽第二次去巴黎。

· It is the first time that I have travelled with my parents.这是我第一次和父母一起旅行。

except for 除……之外

· We all arrived at wharf on time except for Bob.除了鲍勃,我们都按时到达了码头。

· This passenger ate nothing except for a piece of cake during the trip.在旅途中这位乘客就吃了一块蛋糕,其他什么都没吃。

on the safe side 安全地,小心地

· To be on the safe side , you'd better buy an accident insurance before traveling.出于安全考虑,你最好在出游前购买意外险。

· Although weather forecast says it is fine today, take an umbrella to be on the safe side .尽管天气预报说今天是个好天气,为了保险起见还是带把伞吧。

round-trip 往返程

· Please give me a round-trip ticket to Australia.请给我一张去澳大利亚的往返票。

· If you book a round-trip ticket, we would give you a discount.如果你购买一张往返票,我们将给你打折。

get sb a drink 给某人拿点喝的

· Can I get you a drink or something else?我要给你拿点喝的或者其他什么东西吗?

· Can you get me a drink of beverage from over there?你能从那边给我拿杯饮料吗?


What time does the ship leave? 船什么时间起航?

Wait a moment. I'll check the schedule for you.请稍等,我为您查一下时刻表。

Do you have any tickets available for today?你们有今天的票吗?

The tickets for today have been sold out; you can only book one for tomorrow.今天的票已经卖光了;你只能订明天的票。

How many ports do we call at on our passage to Australia?我们去澳大利亚的路上要停靠几个港口?

Only two ports.只有两个港口。

Could you bring my baggage to my cabin? 请帮我把行李拿到我的船舱,好吗?

That's my pleasure. Please tell me the number of your cabin.很荣幸为您服务。请告诉我您的船舱号。

Could you tell me where this ship heads for?您能告诉我这艘船是开往哪里的吗?

Sorry, I don't know, either. You can ask the ticket agent for help.对不起,我也不知道。你可以向代理受票人寻求帮助。

Excuse me. Are there any unreserved tickets of first class? 打扰一下,还有没有一等舱的船票?

I'm sorry that all first class cabins have been reserved. 抱歉,所有一等舱的船票都已经预订完了。

The ship is about to start. Let's go on board. 船就要开了。我们上船吧。

Now? I remember there is still half an hour left.现在吗?我记得还剩半小时。

How many ports do we call at on our passage? 我们一路上要停靠几个港口?

It will not stop. This is a direct one.不会停。这是直达的。

How many days does it take to Houston?到休斯顿港需要几天?

About two days.大概两天。

How do you feel at sea?你在海上的感觉怎么样?

So great! The scenery on the sea is very magnificent. 太棒了!海上的风景很壮观。

The wind is blowing hard. Maybe there is going to be a storm. We'd better get into the cabins. 风刮得很大。也许将会有暴风雨。我们最好进入船舱。

I agree with you; let's leave the deck.我同意;那我们离开甲板吧。


· Could you tell me the way to my cabin? And the number of my cabin is 18.

· Can you show me where my cabin is? And my cabin's number is 18.


· What time should we go on board?

· Do you know when we should go on board?


· Why don't we go there by ship? I think it's more comfortable than by train.

· Why not we go there by boat? I think by boat is more comfortable than by train.


· How many days does it take to the destination?

· How long does it take to get to the destination?


· The ship is the cheapest but the most time-consuming vehicle .

· The ship is the cheapest vehicle, but at the same time it's the most time-consuming.



· The wind arose. It's better that we leave the deck and go into our cabin right now.

· The wind is rising. I think we'd better leave the deck and go into the cabin right now.


· The ship is coming to land.

· The ship is nearing the wharf.


· The ship got to start the next morning.

· The ship was due to sail the next morning.


· At the peak period of travel, you'd better book the ship ticket in advance.

· At the high season for traveling, you'd better book up earlier.


· Hurry up! The ship has already begun to check the tickets!

· Come on! The ship has already started to punch tickets!


· It will take a lot of time to go by ship.

· Traveling by ship will consume much time.


· Are there any other ships heading in that direction today?

· Are there any other ships for that direction today?


· When will the ship get there?

· How long will it take to get there?


· Do you have any tickets for tomorrow?

· Are there any tickets available for tomorrow?


· The tickets for Australia were sold out three days ago.

· There were no tickets for Australia three days ago.




首先,轮船的舱室一般会根据设施、服务划分等级;船票分为加快船票和普通船票。另外,轮船上的行李也有限重,不同的船只有不同的规定,一般是每人不超过30kg;办理行李托运的时候,最好把不同性质的物品进行分类,因为船上的行李托运费是根据不同的种类规定的。最后,如果时间紧的话,选择交通工具时要谨慎,因为海上的天气变化无常,轮船到达目的地的时间不会那么准时。 OHmKehHLyli9Eq1llT1zK1oA27QBaobgFvNaUUCw6vGs9YeBeQNvH+lM6zDC1J5j

