
Chapter 02



Ann : Excuse me, I'd like to buy two tickets to Paris for tonight. Are there any direct trains?

Ticket Agent : Yes, there are tickets left. Please show me your papers.

Ann : Here you are. By the way , when does the train leave?

Ticket Agent : It leaves at 8: 00 p.m. Please get on train on time.


票务员 :是的,有票。请出示您的证件。


票务员 :晚上八点发车。请按时上车。

by the way是一个插入语,意为“顺便问一下”,表示要换一个话题,常放在句子中间,要用逗号与前后的句子隔开。

Mark : Excuse me. If I take the express to London, how much time can I save?

Ticket Agent : About one and half an hour.The earliest express train will start within an hour. But the express ticket is a little higher than the regular one.

Mark : Well, as long as I can arrive one hour earlier, I won't mind paying a little extra.Please give me an express ticket. And could you arrange me a window seat?

Ticket Agent : OK, here is your ticket. Hope you have a good trip .

马克 :打扰一下,如果我乘坐去伦敦的快车,能够节省多少时间?

票务员 :大概一个半小时。最早的快车将在一个小时内发车。但是快车的票比普通列车的贵一点。

马克 :嗯,只要能早到一个小时,我不介意多付一点钱。请给我一张快车票。你能给我安排一个靠窗的位置吗?

票务员 :好的,这是你的车票,祝您旅途愉快。

trip作可数名词,表示“旅途、旅行”的意思,经常用作have a good trip,表示“旅途愉快”。

Mary : How long can I book the train ticket in advance ?

Jack : It's usually one week. You can book it online or at the train station.

Mary : I'd like to book one online. Can you tell me how to operate?

Jack : It's easy. You just need to enter into the official website of the railway department. And then handle it according to the orders.

玛丽 :我能提前多久订火车票?

杰克 :一般是一个星期。你可以在网上或者火车站订票。

玛丽 :我想在网上订票。你能告诉我怎样操作吗?

杰克 :很简单。你只需进入铁路部门的官方网站,然后再按提示操作就可以了。

in advance的意思是“提前、预先”,经常放在句尾,相当于before hand, ahead of time。

David : What time will the train arrive at Orleans?

Train attendant : Last stop was Orleans.

The broadcast has just announced.

David: Oh, my God! I fell asleep just now. I'm afraid I have missed my stop.

Train attendant : Take it easy. You can get off at this stop; you just missed one stop.

大卫 :请问火车什么时候到达奥尔良?


大卫 :哦,天呀!我刚才睡着了。恐怕我已经坐过站了。

列车员 :不要着急。你可以在这一站下车,只过了一站而已。

arrive at意为“到达”,相同含义的词组还有arrive in。两者区别在于:at后接小地点,in后接大地点。

Mark : Wow! There are so many people on the train.

Linda : Indeed. Perhaps because it is high season these days; many people would like to go on a trip .

Mark : Well, maybe. Where are our seats?

The numbers are 15A and 15D.

Linda : Let me see. Oh, look! Our seats are over there.

马克 :哇!火车上好多人啊!

琳达 :的确是。也许是因为最近是(旅游)旺季。许多人都想出去旅行。


琳达 :让我看看。哦,我们的座位在那里。

go on a / an+名词,表示“去做某事”,例如go on a trip / journey(去旅行)、go on a cruise(坐游轮旅游)、go on a picnic(去野餐)。


by the way 顺便问一下

· By the way , could you tell me which carriage the dinning car is in?顺便问一下,你能告诉我餐车在哪个车厢吗?

· Thanks. By the way, what time does the train leave? 谢谢。顺便问一下,火车几点发车?

have a good trip 旅途愉快

· I hope you'll have a good trip.希望你旅途愉快。

· I had a good trip with my friends there.我和朋友们在那儿旅行十分愉快。

in advance 提前,预先

· The travel agency has got everything ready in advance.旅行社已经提前把一切都准备好了。

· You'd better book the hotel in advance.你最好提前预定酒店。

arrive at 到达

· If there is no accident, the train will arrive at London this afternoon.不出意外的话,火车将于今天下午抵达伦敦。

· When you arrive at the railway station, please call me. I will send someone to pick you up.当你到火车站的时候,请给我打电话。我派人去接你。

go on a / an+名词 去做……

· I am planning to go on a journey alone.我正计划独自旅行。

· Could you please go on an errand for me?你能帮我办点事吗?


What kind of seat do you prefer, first class or second class?你想要哪种座位,一等座还是二等座?

First class, please.一等座。

Can you tell me which platform the train leaves from?你能告诉我这趟火车从哪个站台发车吗?

Platform 18. You'd better hurry up; the train is leaving.在18号站台。你最好快点,火车就要发车了。

Is it time for us to get in now?我们现在可以进站了吗?

I'm afraid you have to wait a moment.恐怕你们还要等会儿。

What time is the next train to Glasgow? 下一班开往格拉斯哥的火车是什么时候?

After 15 minutes. But the train has stopped checking in.十五分钟之后。但是现在这班火车已经停止检票了。

Do you think the train will be late?你认为火车会晚点吗?

It's hard to say.这很难说。


How long will it take to get to Edinburgh?到达爱丁堡要多久?

More than two hours.两个多小时。

What time will the train arrive in Orleans?火车什么时候会到达奥尔良?

I have to say that you have missed your stop.我得说你已经坐过站了。

How long is the ticket valid? 车票的有效期是多久?

The ticket is only valid on the day of issue.这张车票只在发售当天有效。

What is the age limit for the child ticket?儿童票的年龄限制是多少?

Sorry, I am not clear about that. But is that the height?对不起,我不太清楚。不过限制标准不是身高吗?

What is the difference between express and ordinary trains?特快列车和普通列车的区别是什么?

The obvious difference is that the express trains are much faster than the ordinary ones.最明显的区别就是特快列车比普通列车快。

Are there any berth tickets left?还有卧铺票吗?

Yes, there are hard berth and soft berth. Which kind do you prefer?是的,有硬卧和软卧。你想要哪一种?


· Just follow the blue arrows and your will find your train.

· Walk along the blue signs and you'll find your train.


· Please book a soft sleeper seat to New York for me.

· I'd like to book a soft sleeper seat to New York.


· There are no available train tickets to London now.

· All the railway tickets for London are sold out.


· You can enjoy the view when you travel by train.

· Traveling by train is good to appreciate the view along the way.


· I almost missed my train.

· I came near to missing my train.


· I'm afraid you are in my seat.

· I'm afraid you are taking my seat.


· Could you tell me where the ticket office is?· Could you tell me where I can get tickets?


· Would you be nice enough to order me a window seat?

· Can you order a window seat for me?


· The train is departing in fifteen minutes.

· The train is going to leave in fifteen minutes.


· Please check your tickets at the ticket gate.

· Please show your ticket to the ticket-collector at the ticket gate.


· You can smoke in the smoking area.

· Smoking is allowed in the smoking area.


· Could you tell me where the fare adjustment office is on this train?

· Could you tell me where I'm supposed to pay the excess fare?


· I'd like to book two tickets to Paris at 8:00 tonight.

· I'd like to make a reservation to Paris for two at 8:00 tonight.


· Do you prefer a window or an aisle seat?

· Which seat do you want, a window seat or an aisle seat?


· When does the next train leave for New York, please?

· What time will the next train to New York leave?


· How much should I pay for a first-class ticket?

· How much is a first-class ticket?




根据火车票的材质还可以分为纸质票和电子票两种。纸质票跟中国的火车票差不多,可以多种渠道购票,还可以邮寄到家里;而电子票可以自己在家打印,且上车的时候不需要换成纸质票,出示电子票即可。 V2uLwuBgqNxnC8h7mVieVog9/XAViZDcn/iJPoO0A4QGs0D3Bl1x9gPO7knmyysx
