
Chapter 01



Nancy : Why do you travel by plane ? You know the plane ticket is usually expensive.

Windy : I know. But I only have less than one week's holiday. It will save me a lot of time by plane.

Nancy : So it is. The plane is the fastest among all the vehicles.

Windy : Another reason is that the plane tickets are on sale recent days.

南希 :你为什么乘坐飞机去旅行?你知道飞机票通常很贵的。

温蒂 :我知道。但是我只有不到一周的假期。


南希 :的确。飞机是所有交通工具中最快的。

温蒂 :另一个原因是飞机票最近正在打折。


Alice : Hello, I'd like a seat for next flight to New York, please.

Ticket Agent : Please wait a moment . I'll check the flight for you. By the way, what class would you like to buy?

Alice : Second-class, thank you.

Ticket Agent : OK. You are so lucky. There is only one vacant seat left in this flight. Please show me your papers.

爱丽丝 :你好,我想要一张下一班飞往纽约的机票。

票务员 :请稍等,我将为您查一下航班。顺便问一下,您想买几等舱?

爱丽丝 :二等舱,谢谢。

票务员 :好的。您真幸运。这趟航班只剩下一个空位了。请出示您的证件。

wait a moment是一个常用的短语,意思是“稍等,等一下”。

Bell : Excuse me ! Has the flight for London begun to check in?

Bob : Not yet, but you'd better hurry up. There are only ten minutes left. The flight is going to board.

Bell : Thank you. Well, could you tell me where the boarding gate is?

Bob : Board at Gate 31. You can take the elevator to the second floor.

贝尔 :打扰一下!请问飞往伦敦的航班开始检票了吗?

鲍勃 :还没有,但你最好快点。只剩十分钟了这趟航班即将开始登机。

贝尔 :谢谢。嗯,您能告诉我登机门在哪里吗?

鲍勃 :在31号登机门登机。你可以乘电梯上二楼。

excuse me常用在请别人帮忙的时候,意思是“打扰一下”。

Steward : I have to say that your bag is too heavy to be the carry-on luggage.

Andrew : How much hand luggage am I allowed to take?

Steward : Not more than 30 kilograms per person.

Andrew : OK, I'll consign my baggage right now.

乘务员 :我不得不说你的包太重了,不能当作随身行李。

安德鲁 :那我能带多重的随身行李?

乘务员 :每人不超过30千克。

安德鲁 :好的,我现在马上去托运行李。


Anna : Excuse me, could you tell me where I can get the boarding card?

Beck : Which airline are you taking?

Anna : It's Southwest Airlines.

Beck : Please go to Counter 8. It's on the right side of the ground floor.

安娜 :打扰一下,你能告诉我我应该去哪里领取登机牌吗?

贝克 :你乘坐的是哪个航空公司的航班?

安娜 :美国西南航空公司。

贝克 :请到8号柜台。在一楼的右边。

on the right side of意为“在……的右边”,还可以表示“未到……岁”,of后面跟名词或代词。


by plane 乘坐飞机

· I'm going to London by plane next week. Would you introduce to me a trustworthy airline?下周,我将乘飞机去伦敦。你能给我介绍一家信得过的航空公司吗?

· How are you planning to go to London, by plane or by train?你打算怎么去伦敦,乘飞机还是火车?

wait a moment 稍等

· Please wait a moment at the airport; I'll send it to you at once.请在机场等一下;我马上把它给你送过去。

· Could you wait a moment ? I am afraid there is something wrong with the route.您能稍等一会儿吗?恐怕航线出了一点儿问题。

excuse me 打扰一下

· Excuse me ! Where is the counter?打扰一下!服务台在哪里?

· Excuse me ! Can you tell me where the exit is?打扰一下!您能告诉我出站口在哪里吗?

too...to... 太……而不能……

· My baggage is too heavy for me to carry. Do you mind giving me a hand?我的行李太重了,我拿不动。你能帮帮我吗?

· There are too many people for the guide to remember.人太多了,导游记不住每个人。

on the right side of 在……的右边

· It's over there, just on the right side of the supermarket.它在那边,就在超市的右边。

· The counter is on the right side of the second floor.柜台在二楼的右边。


Which counter am I supposed to get my boarding card at?我应该在哪个柜台领取登机牌?

Please go to Counter 9.请到9号柜台。

Excuse me, the first-class passengers can board in advance, right?打扰一下,头等舱的乘客能够提前登机,是吧?

Yes, and there is a special boarding gate for the first-class.是的,而且头等舱有单独的登机门。

Can I take this case as carry-on luggage?我能把这个箱子当作随身行李吗?

As a matter of fact, you can't; you must check it. 事实上,你不可以,你必须办理托运。

When will the Thai Airways flight check-in start?泰国航空公司的航班什么时候开始办理登机手续?

Less than half an hour.不到半个小时。

This is my first time to take a plane. What shall I prepare?这是我第一次乘坐飞机。我应该准备些什么?

Your visa, passport as well as your personal belongings.你的签证、护照和个人随身行李。

What can I do for you, sir?先生,我能为你做点什么吗?

Please give me a cup of coffee without sugar. Thank you.请给我一杯不加糖的咖啡。谢谢。

Can you tell me where the flight's boarding gate is?您能告诉我这趟航班的登机口在哪里吗?

It is at the Boarding Gate 30. It's just over there.在30号登机口。就在那边。


I wonder if this flight has begun to board.我想知道这趟航班是否开始登机了。

Yes. In fact, it took off half an hour ago.是的,事实上它半个小时前就起飞了。


When will this flight land?这趟航班什么时候着陆?

In one hour.一个小时之后。

Excuse me, could you tell me where the tourist class is?打扰一下,你能告诉我经济舱在哪里吗?

Go straight ahead until you see the sign.一直朝前走,直到你看到标志牌为止。


航空公司一般按照机票的价位把客舱分为头等舱、商务舱和经济舱三种,每种等级中根据票价划分为不同的舱位代号。每个航空公司的舱位代号也有所差异,头等舱的代号一般为 F A ;商务舱的代号一般为 C D ;经济舱的代号一般为 Y、M、L、K、T 。这三种舱位最大的区别就是享受的服务不同。头等舱换登机牌、登机的时间比商务舱和经济舱快,且可以预订座位和餐食服务,服务人员随叫随到,当然它的票价比经济舱贵了不少。一般来说,大部分的航空公司除了特别低的飞机票不能取消外,其他的如果想要取消,本人打电话通知航空公司即可退票、改签,否则要缴纳罚金( no-show ),具体的办理政策可参考该航空公司的官网或拨打电话咨询。


· Can I look at your passport and air ticket?

· Please show me your passport and air ticket.


· Here is your ticket and have a pleasant flight, sir.

· Here's your ticket and hope you have a nice flight, sir.


· Could you give me a blanket? I feel a bit cold.

· May I have a blanket? I feel a bit chilly.


· I'm sorry, there is no vacant ticket in this flight.

· Sorry, the tickets to this flight have sold out.


· If I book two round-trip tickets, will you give me a discount?

· If I book two return tickets, can you offer me a discount?


· I have one piece of baggage to check in.

· I'd like to check in one piece of baggage.



购票(ticketing)→ 前往机场(airport)→ 办理登机手续(check in)→ 安检(security check)→ 候机(waiting)→ 登机(boarding)。注意:一般是飞机起飞30分钟前就停止办理登机手续了,所以大家出行的时候一定要合理安排自己的时间,不要误了航班。

· Please book a ticket of the flight to London for me.

· I'd like one seat on the flight to London.


· Everybody, may I get your attention, please? Our flight is taking off; please fasten your seat belts.

· Ladies and gentlemen, may I get your attention, please? Our flight is taking off. Please keep your seat belts fastened.


· Please check in before 8: 30 a.m.

· Please check in not later than 8: 30 a.m.



· Before boarding the plane, you have to go through the security check.

· Before boarding the plane, please go through the security check.


· Everyone, please get ready for boarding.

· Everybody, please be ready to board.


· How long will it take us to get our tickets?· How long does it take us to get our tickets?


· Here is your baggage delivery form; please keep it.

· Please keep your baggage delivery form.


· Sorry, I'm afraid it's an hour earlier to check in for your flight.

· Sorry, you have to wait for another hour to check in for your flight.


· Are there any dangerous things in your baggage?

· Do you have any dangerous objects in the luggage?


· Do you have any baggage to check?

· Is there any baggage to check?


· May I turn the reading light on?

· Would you mind if I turn on the reading light?


· The plane is the fastest transportation means.

· The airplane is the fastest transport.


· Your ticket fee has included expenses of all the drinks and food.

· Expenses of all the drinks and food are included in your ticket fee.




