




As the assistant of the general manager, Ann is told to send emails to the branch managers about the meeting.


General Manager: Ann, come here please.

总经理: 安,过来一下。

Ann: Yes. What can I do for you?

安: 好的。我能为您做些什么?

General Manager: I need an urgent meeting about the reason why our sales have slumped so badly. I'd like you to send emails to all the branch managers about the meeting.

总经理: 我需要召开一项紧急会议,商讨一下为什么我们的销售量急剧下滑。你给各部门经理发一封电子邮件,让他们参加会议。

Ann: OK. When will we have the meeting?

安: 好的。会议什么时间召开?

General Manager: At 10:00 this morning. Everyone must be present on time.

总经理: 上午10点钟。每个人必须按时参加。

Ann: Yeah, I get it. We'll have a meeting at 10:00 this morning. I'll send the email to all the branch managers at once. Anything else?

安: 好的,我知道了。会议上午10点举行,我会马上给各部门经理发邮件的。还有其他事吗?

General Manager: That's all. Please go to prepare for the meeting now.

总经理: 没有了。你现在要为会议准备一下。

Ann: OK, I'm on it.

安: 好的,我这就去办。


1. urgent ['ə:dʒənt] adj. 急迫的,紧要的

2. slump [slʌmp] v. 暴跌;突然倒下;n. 萧条期,低潮

3. present ['prezənt] adj. 出席的;现在的;n. 现在;礼物


1. Could you please check the email for me?


2. Please carbon copy me on the email as soon as possible.


3. You can't receive an email because your mailbox is over its limit.


4. We'd like to have the meeting on August 15. Same time.


5. Have you sent our information of our products to our cooperation partner?


6. I check my email every day.


7. Tina, have you replied to Mr. Gates' email?


8. Thanks to your timely reply, I got the detailed data at the crucial moment.




Anna is expecting some faxes from her customers, and now she is asking her assistant Alice whether the faxes have arrived.


Anna: Alice, have you put this morning's faxes on my desk? I'm waiting for some urgent faxes from our customers, and I'm pretty sure they came in last night.

安娜: 爱丽丝,你已经把今天早上的传真放到我桌上了吗?我在等客户的紧急传真,我确定昨天晚上已经发过来了。

Alice: All those came in last night are on your desk. You can have a look at them.

爱丽丝: 昨天晚上传真过来的所有材料我都放在您桌上了。您可以看看有没有。

Anna: Just for a moment. Yeah, I get them.But there are four pages missing. What's it all about, Alice?

安娜: 等等。是的,我找到了。但是少了4页。这是怎么回事,爱丽丝?

Alice: I guess the fax machine was out of paper. I am sorry about that. I am going to call the customers and explain to them and ask them to send the faxes again.

爱丽丝: 可能是传真机没纸了,我很抱歉。我会打电话给客户解释,请求他们再发一份过来。

Anna: All right. Be quick, please. It's very urgent. Don't make any mistakes any more.

安娜: 好吧。请快一点,事情很紧急。不要再出现问题了。

Alice: I'll do it out of hand. I can assure you that you'll see the faxes in half an hour.

爱丽丝: 我马上去办。我保证你半个小时后会看到客户的传真。


1. pretty ['priti] adv. 相当,很;adj. 漂亮的,标致的

2. be out of 摆脱;在……之外;出于;缺乏

3. not…any more 不再

4. out of hand 无法控制;马上,立刻

5. assure [ə'ʃuə] v. 使确信,使放心;确保


1. I am expecting a fax from head office.


2. These copies are too light, so I can't make out any of the words.


3. Some pages of the fax are missing.


4. We didn't receive the eighth page of your fax.


5. How do I know if my fax is sent?


6. Fax is much more convenient and faster than EMS.


7. I didn't receive your fax, and would you please send it again?


8. The memory of the fax machine is full, and there is no paper to print.




Susan has just drafted a business correspondence.She wants to ask for some advice about it from Peter.


Susan: Hi, Peter. Could I bother you a minute?

苏珊: 嗨,彼得。我能打扰你几分钟吗?

Peter: Of course. What can I help you?

彼得: 当然可以。我能帮你什么?

Susan: I just drew up a business letter to our customers. Can you give me some tips please? Are the form and contents correct?

苏珊: 我刚刚起草了一份给客户的信件。你能给我指点一下吗?信件的格式和内容正确吗?

Peter: Business letters are usually formal and the contents must be concise. Keep your message short, because no one likes long letter. Well, not bad on the whole. For clarity, you should put a complete line space between each paragraph.

彼得: 商业信件通常是注重格式的,内容要简洁。信件要简短,因为没有人喜欢读冗长的信函。嗯,整体上不错。为了条理清晰,在两端之间要空一行。

Susan: Oh, I forgot it. Thank you.

苏珊: 哦,我忘记了。谢谢你。

Peter: You're welcome. Can you make sure your spelling and grammar are correct?

彼得: 不客气。你确定所有的拼写和语法都正确吗?

Susan: Yeah, I have gone over it more than twice.

苏珊: 是的,我已经检查两遍以上了。

Peter: Aha, you are a conscientious worker.

彼得: 啊哈,你工作起来挺认真的。

Susan: Thank you. This is what I ought to do.

苏珊: 谢谢你的夸奖。这是我分内的事。


1. draft [drɑ:ft] n. 草稿;汇票;征兵;v. 起草;征募

2. correspondence [ˌkɔri'spɔndəns] n. 信件;通信(联系);符合,一致

3. draw up 起草,拟订;(使)停住

4. respond [ri'spɔnd] v. 答复;(to)对……有反应,响应

5. concise [kən'sais] adj. 简明的,简要的

6. on the whole 总体上

7. conscientious [ˌkɔnʃi'enʃəs] adj. 认真的,勤勤恳恳的

to send and receive letters

在翻译中,英语和中文的语序恰恰相反,我们说收发信件就不能译为“to receive and send letters”,而是“to send and receive letters”。类似的还有:sooner or later 迟早;no matter rich or poor 不论贫富;not worry about food or clothing 衣食无忧;care little about one's life or death 不管死活等等。



In the rest room, Ann and Julia are talking about the convenience and practicability of office softwar.


Ann: Office software is very convenient for us. It saves us from so much work and makes the communication at home and abroad much easier.

安: 办公软件给我们带来了很多方便。它让我们的工作更加轻松,让国内外的交流更加方便。

Julia: Yeah, though I am not expert in using all the office software, I do enjoy the convenience.

朱莉亚: 是呀。尽管我对所有的办公软件不是很熟练,但我已经感觉到很方便了。

Ann: In this information age, if you want to find a good job, you must be experienced in office software. The skills qualify you to get a high wage and promotion opportunity.

安: 在这个信息时代,如果想找到一份好工作,你就必须能熟练操作办公软件。这项技能会让你得到高工资和提升的机会。

Julia: I am going to be washed out of the times. I only know a little about Excel and I have to shake off my present situation. Can you help me? You are a dab at computer.

朱莉亚: 我要被时代淘汰了。我对Excel只是略懂皮毛,我必须要摆脱现在这种状况。你能帮我吗?你可是电脑高手。

Ann: Please don't worry too much about that. Sense of crisis may raise your morale. Anyhow, I can give you a hand whenever it is required.

安: 不要太过于担心了。危机感可以激发你的斗志。不管怎样,只要你需要,我就会伸出援手的。

Julia: It's so kind of you. Thank you.

朱莉亚: 你真是太好了。谢谢你。


1. practicability [ˌpræktikə'biliti] n. 实用性,可行性

2. at home and abroad 国内外

3. qualify ['kwɔliˌfai] v.(使)胜任,(使)具有资格,(使)合格

4. wash out 把……洗掉;取消;破产;淘汰

5. shake off 抖落;摆脱

6. dab [dæb] v. 轻拍;轻涂;n. 内行,高手

7. morale [mə'ræl] n. 士气,斗志;品行


1. Are you familiar with the usage of office software?



How is your proficiency in using office software?

2. I don't have the least knowledge of AutoCAD.


3. He is a crack hand at computer.


4. Could you show me the Excel useful skills?


5. In order to operate the office software perfectly, all the staff must be trained for a month.


6. Excel is a common office software with powerful functions.

Excel是一种很常见且功能强大的计算机办公软件。 aoVqLfNNCw/35jTZGci2oP13JFDW86c1aTZubf0cjjsIX4EiMxsUmkys00k+UgzZ
