




Today is Jim's first day of work. He gets up earlier than usual and he asks his wife Sarah to choose a suit for him.


Jim: Sarah, can you help me choose a suit for work? Today is my first day of the job, and I want to make a good impression on the new colleagues. What do you think of the deep blue one with white shirt?

吉姆: 莎拉,你能帮我挑一套衣服吗?今天是我第一天上班,我想给新同事留下一个好印象。你觉得这套深蓝色的西服配白衬衣怎么样?

Sarah: I think it's just OK. But which tie will match the suit?

莎拉: 还可以。但是你怎么搭配领带啊?

Jim: What about the red tie? I seldom wear it.

吉姆: 那条红色的怎么样?我很少戴它。

Sarah: I don't think the red tie will go well with your suit. The light blue one might be better.

莎拉: 我觉得红领带和你的衣服不是很搭配。这条浅蓝色的可能会好点。

Jim: Let me try it on. Oh, it's perfect. Thank you, honey. Then I will wear this pair of black shoes.

吉姆: 让我试试。哦,太合适了。谢谢你,亲爱的。我要穿这双黑皮鞋。

Sarah: Are your shoes bright and clean already?

莎拉: 你的鞋子已经擦干净了吗?

Jim: Of course. I had them polished yesterday. I have to go now, and I don't want to be late on my first day. Bye-bye.

吉姆: 当然,我昨天刚擦过。我要走了,第一天上班我可不想迟到。再见。

Sarah: Enjoy your first day. Goodbye.

莎拉: 祝你第一天上班过得愉快。再见。


1. match [mætʃ] n. 比赛;匹配;火柴;v. 相配,相称

2. go with 跟……相配;与……相伴;附属于

3. polish ['pɔliʃ] v. 磨光,擦亮;修改;n. 上光蜡


1. Is this your first day of the office?


2. He got off on the wrong foot by being late on his first day at work.


3. Tom reported for duty today.


4. You need a high-powered image.


5. Welcome to our company.


6. Could you help me pick an outfit for work next Monday?


7. You need to look more professional and modest.




After reporting for duty in the personnel department, David met his manager Mr. Blakely.


David: It's my pleasure to meet you again,Mr. Blakely.

戴维: 很高兴再次见到你,布莱克利先生。

Mr. Blakely: Me too. Welcome to our company. I'd like to show you around and introduce our team to you.

布莱克利先生: 我也是。欢迎来到我们公司。我带你参观一下公司,并给你介绍一下我们的同事。

David: That's fine. Thank you.

戴维: 那太好了。谢谢。

Mr. Blakely: Hello, everybody. Let me introduce a new colleague to you. David,could you please make a brief selfintroduction?

布莱克利先生: 大家好,请允许我给大家介绍一位新同事。戴维,你能简单地自我介绍一下吗?

David: Hello, everyone. I am David Strong and I am so happy to be part of the team.Since I am new here, I hope to learn more from you during the work in the future.

戴维: 大家好,我是戴维·斯特朗。很高兴能成为团队中的一员。我是新来的,日后还需要向你们多学习。

Jim: Hi, Nice to meet you. I am Jim. Welcome to join us.

吉姆: 你好,很高兴认识你。我是吉姆。欢迎你加入我们团队。

Mr. Blakely: Jim is our sales executive. If you need any help, just let him know.

布莱克利先生: 吉姆是我们的销售主管。如果你需要帮忙,找他就行了。

David: I have heard a lot about you, Jim. It's my honor to work with you.

戴维: 吉姆,我听说过你。能和你一起工作是我的荣幸。

Jim: From what I've heard, I think you are very suitable for the position. I'll see you this afternoon to go over some related things.

吉姆: 据我所知,你很适合这份工作。今天下午我想就有关问题和你谈一谈。

David: No problem. I am eager to get down to my work.

戴维: 没问题,我希望能尽快着手工作。


1. brief [bri:f] adj. 短暂的;简短的;n. 摘要

2. executive [ig'zekjutiv] n. 主管,行政官;行政部门;adj. 行政的

3. get down to 开始,着手


1. Hello, everybody. We have a new colleague today.


2. Please let me introduce myself.


3. Welcome aboard.



Glad to have you with us.

4. These are the people you'll be working with.


5. We will be the best partners in work.


6. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


7. I am very green here and your guidance would be appreciated.


8. I've been looking forward to working with you.




As a newcomer, George needs to get familiar with the rules and regulations in the office Now the personnel executive Peter is introducing the rules and regulations to him.


George: Peter, could you tell me the rules and regulations of our firm?

乔治: 彼得,你能告诉我一些公司的规章制度吗?

Peter: OK, the working hour is from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You can have lunch and then take a rest from 12:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. And you must clock in and out. Be sure not to be late or absent.

彼得: 好的。我们的工作时间是早上8点到下午5点。从中午12点到下午两点你可以吃午餐或者休息。上下班时间必须打卡。务必不要迟到或缺勤。

George: Thank you for telling me these. But would you mind telling me something else, such as how to ask for leave?

乔治: 谢谢你告诉我这些。您不介意告诉我一些其他的吧,比如如何请假?

Peter: All new staff are likely to ask the same question. Every month you have two days off except the weekends and legal holidays. But you can take the two days off later if necessary.

彼得: 所有的新员工似乎都会问这个问题。每个月除了周末和法定节假日你还有两天假,不过有必要的话你可以调休。

George: Okay, I get it. Then what about any others?

乔治: 好的,我明白了。关于其他的规定呢?

Peter: I'd like you to have a look at our firm's rules and regulations. Here you are. If there is any question, you can ask me at any time.

彼得: 你可以看一看我们公司的这份规章制度,给你。如果有疑问,随时可以问我。

George: All right. Thank you very much.

乔治: 好的。非常感谢。


1. clock in and out 上下班打卡

2. absent ['æbsənt] adj. 缺席的,不在的;缺乏的

3. staff [stɑ:f] n. 全体职工,全体人员;v. 为……配备

4. predict [pri'dikt] v. 预言,预报,预知,预测

5. have a look 看看,看一眼

6. doubt [daut] n. 疑惑,疑问;怀疑;v. 怀疑


1. Do not forget to clock in and out.


2. What if I forget to clock in?


3. You should report to the manager about your work every month.


4. Salary will be docked by the day regarding those who are granted for leave.

对获准请假者, 按日扣发工资。

5. If you are absent without reason, your double salary will be deducted on a day basis.


6. The company offers a high traveling subsistence allowance to its employees.


7. You must take the work permit when you are in work.


8. How often do we get paid?




George is employed by a company. The training specialist Mr. Ye decides to give him a pre-job training.


Mr. Ye: I'd like to show the training program to you.

叶先生: 我想给你说说你的培训计划。

George: How long is it?

乔治: 我需要培训多久?

Mr. Ye: About one month. First I will give an overview of our company. And you will learn about our products, marketing strategy and market information. And you need to go to our merchandiser so as to know more about our firm.

叶先生: 大概一个月。首先我会向你介绍我们公司的概况。你要了解公司的产品、销售策略和市场信息。此外,为了更深地了解我们公司,你需要去卖场体验一番。

George: Oh, that will be very interesting.

乔治: 哦,那一定很有趣。

Mr. Ye: But it will also be very tired.

叶先生: 但是也会很辛苦。

George: It's just a piece of cake. I must bear hardships to be an outstanding salesman.

乔治: 这没问题。要成为一名销售精英,我必须得吃苦。

Mr. Ye: That's good. And in the last two weeks you will work with a seasoned salesman and learn how to deal with the customers.

叶先生: 很好。在最后两星期,你会跟着一名有经验的销售人员一起工作,学习如何和顾客打交道。

George: Sounds good. I think the training will be helpful for my further working.

乔治: 听起来不错。我觉得这次培训对我以后的工作会有很大帮助。


1. overview ['əuvəˌvju:] n.纵览;总的看法

2. merchandiser ['mə:tʃəndaizə] n. 商人;市场

3. a piece of cake 容易的事,小事一桩

4. outstanding [aut'stændiŋ] adj. 突出的,显著的;未解决的

5. seasoned ['si:znd] adj. 经验丰富的;调过味的;晒(风)干的


1. All the new employees will go through a training for three months.


2. New factory hands will be trained at the factory.


3. Will there be an orientation for newcomers?


4. What we should learn today is the teamwork spirit and how to set up a good team.


5. Be more careful with the numbers.


6. When is my pre-job training?


7. At the end of the training, you need to write a report as a conclusion.


8. Does the learning plan to all employees include cross-training?




Anna looks very upset in the office. He colleague Tina comes to see what's wrong with her.


Tina: Anna, what's wrong with you on earth? You look like a cat on hot bricks.

蒂娜: 安娜,你究竟是怎么了?你看起来像是热锅上的蚂蚁。

Anna: Alas, what a fearful mess! I have too much work to do and I don't know how to get down to it.

安娜: 哎呀,简直是一团糟。我有很多工作要做,但我不知道从哪儿开始。

Tina: Tell me the things that you should do. Maybe I can help you.

蒂娜: 跟我说说需要做哪些工作,也许我能帮你呢。

Anna: It's so kind of you. Recently I have been busy with a scheme. What I need now is to add some data, but I have to ask for a two-day leave because my daughter is ill in the hospital. The problem is that the scheme must be finished before tomorrow morning and I haven't enough time to deal with it.

安娜: 你真是太好了。最近我一直在忙一份策划书,现在我只需要再加上一些数据就行了,但是我必须要请两天假,因为我女儿生病住院了。问题是这份策划必须在明天上午之前完成,但我没有足够的时间。

Tina: I am sorry to hear that. But you don't need to worry about it. I can do you a favor for my work in hand is just done.

蒂娜: 听到这事我很难过。你不用担心,我可以帮你,我刚做完了手头的工作。

Anna: That's terrific. This is the revised draft, and please add the data to the first 15 pages according to the draft in the computer. The rest are mine.

安娜: 那太好了。这是修改好的草稿,你在电脑上把前15页按照这份草稿加上数据就行了,剩下的我来干。

Tina: Take it easy. We can handle it on time.

蒂娜: 放心吧,我们会按时完成的。

Anna: Yeah. Thank you a million, Tina.

安娜: 嗯。非常感谢你,蒂娜。


1. upset [ʌp'set] v. 心烦意乱;搅乱;n. 不安;adj. 心烦的

2. on earth 究竟,到底

3. a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁

4. fearful ['fiəfəl]adj. 可怕的;不安的;严重的

5. mess [mes] n. 脏乱状态;困境;v. 弄糟,弄脏,搞乱

6. scheme [ski:m] n. 计划,方案;阴谋;v. 密谋,策划

7. terrifi [tə'rifik] adj.极妙的;极大的

8. revise [ri'vaiz] v. 修订,修改;复习


1. Can you give me some tips please?


2. Do you have any questions?


3. I've got so much to do.



I have many things to do.

4. Would you mind giving me a hand?



Would you please help me?

5. I'll be glad to.



With pleasure.

6. You did me a great favor. Thank you.


7. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance.


8. Whenever you are in trouble, you can call me for help.




Susan starts working in a firm. One day she meets some troubles and asks her colleage for help.


Susan: Excuse me, John. Could you give me some advice on how to write a marketing survey report?

苏珊: 打扰一下,约翰。关于怎样写市场调查报告你能给我一些建议吗?

John: Have you made a marketing survey?

约翰: 你做市场调查了吗?

Susan: Yes, I completed it yesterday.

苏珊: 是的,我昨天完成的。

John: How did you make it?

约翰: 以哪种方式做的调查?

Susan: I have adopted randomized sampling method and investigated in questionnaires of unity structure.

苏珊: 我随机抽取了统一结构的问卷。

John: That's fine. Have you summarized the sales figures and made your conclusions?

约翰: 很好。你已经总结出了销售数据并得出结论了吗?

Susan: Oh, not yet. Thank you for your tips. I still have a lot to learn about my work afterwards.

苏珊: 哦,还没有。多谢你的指点。在工作上,我以后还有很多要学习呢。

John: Well, practice makes perfect. Don't worry about it. Everyone needs some time to learn the ropes of a new job.

约翰: 熟能生巧。不用担心,每个人都需要时间才能熟悉自己的新工作。

Susan: Thank you for your toleration and encouragement. I won't let you down.

苏珊: 谢谢你的包容和鼓励。我不会让你们失望的。

John: I favor your performance.

约翰: 好好努力。


1. survey report 调查报告

2. randomize ['rændəmaiz] v. 随意选择;随机化

3. investigate [in'vestigeit] v. 调查,调查研究

4. learn the ropes 熟悉工作

5. toleration [ˌtɔlə'reiʃən] n. 宽容,忍受;默认;信仰自由

6. let sb. down 让某人失望


1. I'll get familiar with the work soon.


2. No one minded my faults because they knew that I was still learning the ropes.


3. It's all Greek to me, but I am willing to learn.


4. This job presents many difficulties to the new recruit like me.


5. A capable salesman must undergo a long process of tempering.


6. I have to ask you what to do next.


7. I appreciate your effort very much.


8. It's unexpected that you can finish it in such a short time.




Recently Tony looks pale and always feel very tired. After work, his good friend Steven comes to invite him to a party.


Steven: Hi, Tony. What's the matter with you? You look a bit under the weather.

史蒂文: 嗨,托尼。你怎么了?看起来脸色不好。

Tony: Nothing serious. I just feel a little tired as I often have bad sleep these days. I've just taken the new job and I want to do well in my work, but it's difficult.

托尼: 没什么。我只是觉得有点累,因为我最近睡眠一直不好。我刚刚做这份新工作,想好好表现,但这工作太难了。

Steven: You have been under too much stress. You must mix work with adequate rest. Do remember not to be a workaholic.

史蒂文: 你压力太大了。你必须要劳逸结合,切忌不要做工作狂。

Tony: I know that. I am anxious to be a good salesman, so I have to pay before getting paid. You know “No pain, no gain”.

托尼: 我知道。我想成为一名好的销售人员,要收获就要付出。你知道的:没有付出就没有收获。

Steven: But you should also know that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Work hard and play hard, Tony. Why not go to the party in my home tonight? All you need now is to relax yourself. Just to hell with the pressure.

史蒂文: 但是你也应该知道:只工作不娱乐,聪明的人也会变傻。托尼,工作的时候拼命干,要玩的时候尽情玩。为什么不去参加我家今晚的聚会呢?你现在要做的就是使自己放松下来,让压力见鬼去吧。

Tony: Okay. Your words are reasonable. You twisted my arm. Let's go, young man.

托尼: 好吧,你说的也有道理。我算是服了你。我们走吧,年轻人。


1. under the weather 不舒服,有病

2. adequate ['ædikwit] adj. 充足的,足够的;适当的;胜任的

3. workaholic [ˌwə:kə'hɔlik] n. 工作狂

4. twist one's arm 强迫某人,向某人施压


1. How do you deal with the pressure at work?


2. I can work under high pressure.


3. Too much stress on the job may cause insomnia and depression.


4. The daily pressure of my work is killing me. I just can't stand it.


5. You'd better find some ways to eliminate the stress, or you may get depression after a long time.


6. I want to have a foot massage to relax myself.


7. Fitness, such as running and doing exercises can relieve stress.


8. To hell with the pressure.

让压力见鬼去吧。 eapW48OtTngXt0ow/jx8yNqgVbmPG0kEOY9V6Nyoc6aDJRhdC/WNE9sd8rNRL+XN
