




John is going to send his resume to a company. And he asks Tom for some advice.


John: I am going to send my resume to the human resources department. Could you do me a favor and proofread it?

约翰: 我准备把简历投到人力资源部,你能帮忙看看,有哪些地方需要修改吗?

Tom: Of course! Let me have a look. Well, I think you should add another section.

汤姆: 好的,我看一下。嗯,我觉得你应该再添加一条。

John: Which section?

约翰: 哪一条?

Tom: I know you can speak Japanese, why don't you as well put that on your resume?

汤姆: 我知道你会讲日语,为什么不把这点写在简历上呢?

John: But languages have nothing to do with my major.

约翰: 但是语言跟我的专业没多大联系。

Tom: People would be impressed by your language abilities and human resources directors want to see more of a well-rounded person in a resume.

汤姆: 你的语言能力能给人留下印象,而且人力资源部门的领导也希望通过简历能对一个多才多艺的人有更多的了解。

John: The resume is just a piece of paper.Can they tell what kind of person I am through it?

约翰: 简历只是一张纸,他们能从上面看出我是怎样的一个人吗?

Tom: As a job hunter, it is important to impress others, and the resume can be helpful in giving a good impression to a potential employer.

汤姆: 作为一名求职者,重要的是给人留下深刻的印象,而简历能帮你给潜在的雇主留下一个好印象。


1. resume [ri'zju:m] n. 简历

2. do sb. a favor 给某人恩惠,帮某人的忙

3. have nothing to do with 跟……没有关系

4. well-rounded ['wel'raundid] adj. 全面的;多才多艺的

5. give a good impression to sb. 给某人留一个好印象


1. I graduated from Foreign Language Department of Qinghua University in 2011.


2. Business English is my major.



I majored in business English.

3. My second foreign language is Japanese.


4. I passed TEM 8 and my second foreign language German has reached primary level.


5. I was the president of the Student Union of our university.


6. I am quite proficient in English and I am good at dealing with people from other cultures.




Becky is making a phone call to Shanghai Launch Company to inquire whether the position of sales assistant is available or not.


Laura: Hello. Shanghai Launch Company. This is Laura. How can I help you?

劳拉: 你好,上海蓝旗公司。我是劳拉,请问有什么需要帮忙的吗?

Becky: Hello. This is Becky. I am calling for the sales assistant. I saw the information about the vacancy from online job websites. Is it still open?

贝基: 你好,我是贝基。我打电话是想咨询销售助理一职。我在招聘网站上看到了你们的招聘信息。这个职位还有空缺吗?

Laura: Thank you for your interest. The position is still available. Have you already sent your resume to us?

劳拉: 感谢您对我们公司的关注。这个职位还在招聘。你投过简历了吗?

Becky: No, not yet. Because I am not sure whether the position is still vacant or not. Could you give me more information about the position requirement?

贝基: 还没有,因为我不确定这个职位是否还有空缺。关于职位要求您能多提供一些信息吗?

Laura: Of course. The interviewee must be good at communicating and have a sense of responsibility. The most important is that you must have a supple mind. If all these are not problems for you, I recommend you to mention them in your resume.

劳拉: 当然可以。面试者必须要善于交流,有责任感。最重要的是必须要有灵活的头脑。如果这些对你来说没有问题,我建议你在简历中提到这些。

Becky: Okay. The experience in the Student Council as a minister will evidence my qualifications. Besides I can get along well with my friends and college classmates. Thanks for offering more information to me. I will send my resume soon.

贝基: 好的。担任学生会部长的经历能证明我具备贵公司所要求的能力。此外我和朋友、大学同学相处得都很融洽。谢谢你为我提供更多信息。我很快就会把简历发过去的。

Laura: You're welcome. Goodbye.

劳拉: 不客气,再见。

Becky: Goodbye.

贝基: 再见。


1. assistant [ə'sistənt] n. 助手,助理,助教

2. vacancy ['veikənsi] n. 空地,空房;空缺,空职

3. available [ə'veiləbl] adj. 可利用的;有空的;有效的

4. supple ['sʌpl] adj. 适应性强的;灵活的;柔软的

5. minister ['ministə] n. 部长,大臣;外交使节;牧师


1. Could you help me figure out how to look for aj ob?


2. Now there is a position available as a graphic designer. Are you interested in it?


3. I'm enquiring about the position in your website for a market manager. Is this position still open?


4. Are there any vacancies?


5. Can I still apply for the available position?


6. Will you tell me if your firm needs an experienced president assistant?


7. Do you have any job for a part-time translator?




Eve got an interview notice yesterday. Now she is being interviewed.


Interviewer: Can you tell me about yourself and your past experience?

面试官: 能介绍一下你自己和你过去的经历吗?

Eve: I have been working as a secretary for 5 years in a trust company. I got along well with my boss, clients, and colleagues.I thrived on challenge and worked well in high-stress environments.

伊芙: 我在一家信托公司做了5年的秘书。我和老板、客户以及同事都相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压环境中也能工作很出色。

Interviewer: How is your typing skill?

面试官: 你的打字速度怎么样?

Eve: I can type 120 Chinese words a minute.

伊芙: 我能一分钟打120个汉字。

Interviewer: Sometimes we need to work overtime. How do you feel about that?

面试官: 有时候我们需要加班,你觉得如何?

Eve: That's all right. But may I know how often and how many hours I should work overtime?

伊芙: 没关系,你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗?

Interviewer: It all depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual.

面试官: 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团,你必须留在我们身边,这种情况很正常。

Eve: Okay. I see.

伊芙: 好的,我知道了。

Interviewer: What are your salary expectations?

面试官: 你期望多少薪水?

Eve: Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.

伊芙: 或许你可以告诉我这个职位的预算报酬是多少。

Interviewer: 1200 yuan , with raises after three months according to your competence.

面试官: 起薪每月1200元,3个月后会根据你的表现增加薪水。

Eve: I can't accept it. Although I really like the job, I have to raise myself first.

伊芙: 这个我不能接受。尽管我很喜欢这份工作,但我首先得养活自己。

Interviewer: I am sorry to hear that. I wish you could find a satisfying job.

面试官: 很遗憾,希望你能找到满意的工作。

Eve: Thank you, bye-bye.

伊芙: 谢谢,再见。

Interviewer: Bye-bye.

面试官: 再见。


1. trust company 信托公司

2. thrive on 在……上蓬勃发展

3. expectation [,ekspek'teiʃən] n. 预料;期望

4. according to 根据,按照

break a leg

break a leg当然不是“断了一条腿”的意思,这是一个颇怪异的祝福语。这个俚语源自莎士比亚的舞台传统。演出结束后,演员一般要到前台谢幕,如果表演出色,一般会赢得台下观众的“小费”。接受了小费,演员要弯腿行“屈膝礼”表示感谢。因此,“break a leg”成了希望演员演出成功的形象表达。逐渐地,“break a leg”的语义范围扩大,不仅仅用于演出,也可用于祝福某人试镜、考试或者面试成功。


Break a leg in your interview today. 祝你今天面试成功。



It needs skills to get ideal salary during an interview. Let's see how does Jim do it.


Interviewer: What's your expected salary?

面试官: 你期望的薪水是多少?

Jim: I expect to be paid according to my capacity.

吉姆: 我希望按照我的工作能力付薪水。

Interviewer: How do you think 3000 yuan a month?

面试官: 一个月3000元怎样?

Jim: Hmm…Thank you for your offer. But that would be a little less than I have expected. I think the salary should start at 4000 yuan per month.

吉姆: 嗯,感谢您提供3000元的薪水。但是这比我预期的略低了些,我的预期薪水是起薪4000元。

Interviewer: How do you think you worth it?

面试官: 你怎么觉得自己能拿到那么高的薪水?

Jim: I have rich experience in a transnational enterprise, and I was given recognition for doing well. Therefore, I think I worth the salary.

吉姆: 我有在跨国公司工作的丰富经验,而且我的表现也得到了认可。因此我认为我有能力拿到那么多。

Interviewer: OK, then what about an annual salary of 50 000 yuan plus bonus?

面试官: 好的。年薪5万外加奖金怎么样?

Jim: Thank you, I am satisfied with it. Could you tell me something about benefits and vacations?

吉姆: 谢谢,我很满意。您能告诉我福利和假期是怎样的吗?

Interviewer: We will provide you with medical insurance, endowment insurance and the housing fund after 3 months' probation.

面试官: 3个月试用期过后我们提供医疗保险、养老保险和住房公积金。

Jim: What about vacations?

吉姆: 假期呢?

Interviewer: You'll enjoy a two-week paid vacation a year after you've been here more than a year. We also have weekends and legal holidays. And there will be a certain increase in salary every year if you work hard. Any questions?

面试官: 工作满一年后你将享有两周的带薪休假。我们还有周末和法定节假日。如果你工作努力,工资会在每年有一定程度的增长。还有什么问题吗?

Jim: No, thank you.

吉姆: 没有了,谢谢。


1. according to 据……所说;根据,按照

2. transnational enterprise 跨国企业

3. recognition [ˌrekəg'niʃən] n. 识别;认可;赏识,表彰

4. bonus ['bəunəs] n. 奖金,红利;额外给予的东西

5. housing fund 住房公积金

6. probation [prə'beiʃən] n. 缓刑(期);(以观后效的)察看;试用(期)

7. legal ['li:gəl] adj. 法律(上)的;合法的,法定的


1. What salary would you expect to get?


2. The starting salary is 3000 yuan every month for the first year and you will get a raise every year.


3. I am willing to work on trial for 3 months in low salary.


4. I'd like to formally accept your offer.


5. Could I ask about the vacations and sick leave?


6. You'll get bonuses at the end of every year.


7. If your work is remarkable, you can ask for a pay raise.




Three days passed, but David still hasn't got any result about his interview. So he decides to make a call to the personnel department.


David: Hello, could I speak to Mr. Blakely?

戴维: 你好,我能和布莱克利先生讲话吗?

A: Wait a moment, please.

A: 请稍等。

Mr. Blakely: This is Karl Blakely speaking. Who is that?

布莱克利先生: 我是卡尔·布莱克利。哪位?

David: Hello, Mr. Blakely. This is David Strong. You gave me an interview three days ago.

戴维: 你好,布莱克利先生。我是戴维·斯特朗。您3天前面试过我。

Mr. Blakely: Yes, Mr. Strong. Can I help you?

布莱克利先生: 是的,斯特朗先生。我能帮你什么吗?

David: I'm just calling to inquire the outcome of the interview. Have you made any decision about the position of the sales assistant?

戴维: 我打电话是想了解一下面试结果。请问销售助理这一职位定下来了没有?

Mr. Blakely: Thank you for your concern about our recruitment. But we haven't made any decision yet as we need time to choose the perfect person. We will notify you by phone if there is any result.

布莱克利先生: 谢谢你对我们招聘工作的关心。但是我们目前还没有做出决定,因为我们需要时间挑选出最佳人选。如果有结果我们会打电话通知您的。

David: Is it possible for me to know when the decision will be made?

戴维: 您能告诉我什么时候出结果吗?

Mr. Blakely: Maybe next Monday.

布莱克利先生: 可能在下周一。

David: All right. Thank you.

戴维: 好的,谢谢。

Mr. Blakely: You are welcome.

布莱克利先生: 不客气。


1. interview ['intəvju:] n. 接见,会见;面试;v. 面试;采访

2. outcome ['autkʌm] n. 结果;结局;产量

3. recruitment [ri'kru:tmənt] n. 招募;征募新兵;补充

4. notify ['nəutifai] v. 通知,告知;报告


1. When can I know whether I am accepted or not?


2. I'm just calling to follow up about the market manager.


3. Thank you for giving me this chance. I won't let you down.


4. I'm very glad to be employed by your firm.


5. We'll call you if you are hired.


6. I am sorry to tell you that you are refused. Maybe you are suitable for another better job.


7. Could you let me know why you didn't hire me?




Jim passed the interview of a network firm. Now a clerk of the personnel department is inquiring him whether he will take the job and sign the labor contract.


Jim: Excuse me, is this the personnel department?

吉姆: 你好,请问这是人事部吗?

Mr. Gates: Yes. What can I do for you?

盖茨先生: 是的。我能帮您做点什么呢?

Jim: I am Jim Strong. The personnel manager called me to talk about the labor contract.

吉姆: 我是吉姆·斯特朗。人事部经理给我打电话让我来谈一下劳动合同的事。

Mr. Gates: Have a seat, please. I know our personnel manager has already given you information about the contract, but it's necessary to go over the main details again before signing. First, you'll get a monthly salary and enjoy a two-week paid vacation every year after one year's service. What I should stress is that the probation is 3 months. And during this time you will be paid 2000 yuan a month.

盖茨先生: 请坐。我知道经理已经给你说了劳动合同的内容,但是在签合同之前再谈一些主要细节是很必要的。首先,你的工资是按月发放,工作满一年后每年将享有两周的带薪休假。需要强调的是试用期是3个月,试用期工资是每月2000元。

Jim: I know that.

吉姆: 这我清楚。

Mr. Gates: We will provide you with medical plan, endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and the housing fund while on duty. If you put in extra hours,you can receive overtime pay. Have you read the other terms of the contract?

盖茨先生: 你上班后我们给你提供医疗保险、养老保险、失业保险和住房公积金。如果你加班了会有加班费。你已经看了合同的其他条款了吗?

Jim: Yes, I have. But I have a question. What if I need to ask for leave more than the given time?

吉姆: 是的,已经看了。但是我有一个问题,如果要超过规定的时间请假该怎么办?

Mr. Gates: You need to be approved by the general manager.

盖茨先生: 你需要得到总经理的批准。

Jim: OK, I see. Thank you.

吉姆: 好的,我知道了。谢谢。

Mr. Gates: That's all right. Please sign here if you have no questions, and then you can start work next Monday.

盖茨先生: 不客气。如果你没有其他问题的话,请在这儿签字,下周一你就可以开始工作了。


1. personnel department 人事部门

2. go over 仔细检查;复习;重做

3. overtime ['əuvətaim] n. 超出的时间;加班

4. ask for leave 请假


1. We need to take you on three months' probation first, and then we can sign a contract with legal force.


2. May I see the agreement first?


3. When do we sign the agreement if I take the position?


4. I want to know if the contract is legally valid.


5. I have no more questions about this contract.


6. We are done with the labor contract.


7. I am very glad to work with you.

很高兴与你共事。 dVYFUPPWW+MocCDbA+v8pHLf+CtjBIwdc2DVYhxkCJIxpMVDRhTZivxzlxcY9gQh
