




Judy is late for work this morning. She has to give her executive Bob an explanation about it.


Bob: What made you so late, Judy? You have been late for 40 minutes.

鲍勃: 朱蒂,你怎么来这么晚?你迟到了40分钟。

Judy: I am sorry for being late this morning,Bob.

朱蒂: 很抱歉我今天迟到了,鲍勃。

Bob: Judy, that's the second time this week,isn't it?

鲍勃: 朱蒂,这是你这星期第二次迟到,是吧?

Judy: Yes. Last time my bus was late. And this time the bus comes on the minute, but I hit rush hour traffic.

朱蒂: 是的。上次是公共汽车晚点了,这次按时到了,但我遇到了交通高峰期。

Bob: You always have a perfect excuse for your late. Is it possible for you to take an earlier bus?

鲍勃: 你迟到总会有很完美的借口。你能乘早一点的班车吗?

Judy: I think so. I'm going to do that tomorrow.

朱蒂: 可以,我打算明天就那样做。

Bob: I am expecting for your good presentation.

鲍勃: 我很期待你的良好表现。

Judy: All right.

朱蒂: 好的。


1. on the minute 准时

2. rush hour traffi 交通高峰



1. I got stuck in traffic.


2. I know it might sound lame, but my alarm clock somehow didn't go off this morning.


3. Sorry, I overslept this morning.


4. Sorry, I didn't catch the bus.


5. I was working too late last night so that I couldn't get up on time.


6. I lost my key of my car.


7. My car broke down.




Rudy wants to take a month's leave in January to visit his parents in China. He is discussing with the personnel manager Ted about his leave.


Rudy: Morning, Ted.

鲁迪: 早上好,特德。

Ted: Hi, Rudy. What can I do for you?

特德: 你好,鲁迪。有什么事吗?

Rudy: I'd like to talk to you about my vacation.

鲁迪: 我想同你谈谈我的假期。

Ted: OK, go ahead and tell me what you want.

特德: 好的。说吧,告诉我你有什么要求。

Rudy: Well, I'm planning to have a month's leave in January and I want to use my threeweek vacation days for this year.

鲁迪: 我计划在一月份休假一个月,而且我想用我今年的3个星期的休假日。

Ted: So long? Go on holiday for a rest?

特德: 那么长?是要度假休息吗?

Rudy: No, I want to go to see my parents in China.

鲁迪: 不,我想去探望在中国的父母。

Ted: Good idea. But it also happened that Henry wanted to get away in January too. And you can't be away at the same time as Henry.

特德: 好主意。不过碰巧亨利也在一月休假,而你不能和亨利同时休假。

Rudy: Why can't we both take a holiday when we want?

鲁迪: 为什么我们不能想去休假的时候都去呢?

Ted: Because there must be someone to keep the work going.

特德: 因为需要有人把工作进行下去。

Rudy: I see, but I have a good reason for choosing January.

鲁迪: 我知道,但我选一月份休假是有原因的。

Ted: What's that?

特德: 什么原因?

Rudy: Because in China we celebrate the Spring Festival in January this year, and it's our tradition to have family gatherings.

鲁迪: 因为在中国我们在一月份庆祝春节,而且春节期间全家团聚是我们的传统。

Ted: Okay, I'll do my best to meet your request.

特德: 好的,我会尽量满足你的要求。

Rudy: That's very kind of you, Ted. Thank you very much.

鲁迪: 你真是太好了,特德。非常感谢。

Ted: You are welcome.

特德: 不客气。


1. get away 逃脱;离开

2. gathering ['gæðəriŋ] n. 集会,聚集;捐赠(款)


1. I'd like to take this afternoon off if it's all right with you.


2. I really need to see a doctor this morning because I have a headache and I can't concentrate on my work.


3. Would it be possible for me to take twodays off?


4. All right, but don't forget to bring a doctor's note in tomorrow.


5. I've been busy with work for a long time and need a rest.


6. Would you please take your vacation after we finish the project?


7. I can't make it to work today. I've got the flu.


8. I want to have a three-week leave this month to prepare for my wedding.




King has worked in the company for over eight years. He wants to talk with the manager about a pay raise.


King: Excuse me, manager. May I have a word with you?

金: 打扰了,经理。我能和你谈谈吗?

Manager: Sure, come in. What can I do for you?

经理: 当然可以,请进。有什么事吗?

King: Well, sir, as you know, I have been an employee of this prestigious company for more than eight years.

金: 先生,您知道的,我在这家很有声望的公司已经工作8年多了。

Manager: Yes, so you want…

经理: 是的,那么你想……

King: I won't beat around the bush. I would like to ask you for a raise. At present I have two companies after me and so I think it's better to talk to you first.

金: 我就不拐弯抹角了,我想要加薪。现在有两家公司想让我去,但是我想还是先和你谈谈比较好。

Manager: A raise? I'd like to give you a raise, but this is just not the very time.

经理: 加薪?我会给你加薪的,但这个时候不太合适。

King: I understand the position you are in, and I know that our company's benefits now are not very favorable, but you must take into consideration my hard work and loyalty to this firm for nearly a decade.

金: 我理解你的处境,我也知道我们公司目前的效益不是很乐观,但是你必须考虑我的努力工作和对公司将近10年的忠心耿耿。

Manager: Given these factors and I don't want to start a brain drain, I'm willing to give you a ten percent raise. How about that?

经理: 考虑到这些因素,而且我也不想让人才流失,我愿意给你加薪10%。怎么样?

King: Great! It's a deal! Thank you!

金: 太好了!就这么说定了,谢谢你。


1. prestigious [pres'tidʒiəs] adj. 享有声望的,声望很高的

2. beat around the bush 拐弯抹角

3. be after 寻求,寻找;追求

4. loyalty ['lɔiəlti] n. 忠诚,忠心,忠贞

5. given [givən] adj. 特定的;假设的;有……倾向的;prep. 考虑到,如果

6. brain drain 人才外流


According to a newly published survey, some staff in British cash-strapped companies are being given bigger job titles rather than higher salaries to keep employees happy. For examples, businesses seeking “Stock Replenishment Executives” were actually looking for shelf stackers and a window cleaner given the impressive designation of “Optical Illuminator Enhancer.” At a time of economic uncertainty, some companies are using the fancy titles as an incentive to retain staff rather than pay them more. The staff view a grander title as recognition of their contribution to the organization and feel more committed for that. Therefore, “Up-titling” seems to have won converts.




Jane has decided to quit her job in the company. And now she is in the manager's offic.


Jane: Excuse me, sir. I want to resign from my design director. Here is my resignation letter.

简: 打扰了,先生。我想辞去设计总监一职,这是我的辞职信。

Manager: Can you tell me why you want to quit your job?

经理: 能告诉我你为什么要辞职吗?

Jane: I'm sorry to bring up my resignation at this moment, but I don't want to be stuck in a rut. I want to move on and meet big challenges.

简: 很抱歉在这个时候提出辞职,但是我不想止步不前。我希望能往前迈进,去迎接更大的挑战。

Manager: Do you have any plans in mind?

经理: 你有什么打算吗?

Jane: To be honest, I want to try something different. After a short adjustment, I would like to find another job in a new environment.

简: 老实说,我想尝试一些不一样的东西。短暂的休整后,我想在一个新环境里找一份工作。

Manager: OK. I won't ask you to stay anymore. Good luck for you!

经理: 好吧,那我就不再留你了。祝你好运!

Jane: Thank you. I'd like to say that I've really enjoyed working with you.

简: 谢谢。真的很高兴与您共事。

Manager: I am glad to work with you, too. Welcome back anytime.

经理: 我也是。欢迎你随时回来。


1. design director 设计总监

2. bring up 养育,教养;提出;呕吐

3. be stuck in a rut 停滞不前


Steve Jobs has resigned from Apple's CEO on August 24th, 2011. Here is his resignation letter.

To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:

I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let you know.

Unfortunately, that day has come.

I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee.

As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.

I believe Apple's brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.

I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.

Steve Jobs











Recently Joe has little interest in his job. His boss is very dissatisfied with him and sacks him that afternoon.


Boss: Come in, please!

老板: 请进。

Joe: You want to tell me something?

乔: 您找我有事?

Boss: Yes, sit down please. I'd like to talk with you.

老板: 是的,请坐。我想和你谈谈。

Joe: Thank you sir! I am glad to hear your guidance.

乔: 谢谢,先生。我很乐意听从您的指导。

Boss: You don't do well with your job lately. I know that you have a habit of sleeping during working time, don't you?

老板: 你最近工作表现不是很好。我了解到你有上班睡觉的习惯,是吗?

Joe: Of course that isn't a habit! I just doze off once in a while. I promise I won't doze any more.

乔: 那当然不是习惯,我只是偶尔打盹。我保证以后不会了。

Boss: Then what about your slapdash work? First you make a big mistake in statistical data, then the report.

老板: 那么关于你工作马虎呢?你先是统计数据出错,然后是工作报表。

Joe: Sorry, I don't know what's got into myself recently. I should not have made lots of mistakes.

乔: 对不起,我也不知道我最近是怎么回事,真不该犯那么多错。

Boss: I am sorry to inform you that you are fired!

老板: 很遗憾地告诉你你被解雇了。

Joe: I feel so sorry. Please give me another chance! I promise I won't let you down.

乔: 真的很对不起,请再给我一次机会。我保证不会让您失望。

Boss: Still sorry here.

老板: 我无能为力。


1. doze off 打盹儿

2. slapdash ['slæp'dæʃ] adj. 草率的,马虎的;adv. 鲁莽地;仓促地

3. should [ʃud] aux. 竟然会;应该

pink slip

公司裁员的时候,如果谁收到了pink slip(字面意思是:粉红色的纸条),那他最好赶快收拾东西,另谋出路。pink slip就是“解雇通知书”的意思。pink slip最早出现于20世纪初,指的是“员工周薪信封里夹着的粉红色小纸条”,收到 "pink slip" 的员工随即将被解聘。那么解雇通知书为什么要用粉红色呢?有解释说,粉红色相对而言比较柔和,似乎可以慰藉被裁员工的“受伤心灵”。与fire(开除)有所不同,收到pink slip往往是由于公司财务不佳,不得不裁员。而fire多半是由于员工不称职或犯了错而被“炒鱿鱼”。和解雇有关的地道短语有sack somebody(解雇某人)和to get the sack(被解雇)。另外,介乎pink slip和fire之间的是lay off(暂停雇用)。我们在日常生活中,"I am pink slipped."(我被公司裁掉了)这句话还是不说为妙,我们宁可告诉别人:I dismiss my boss.(我炒了老板鱿鱼。) uv9DAeWSwjj3g+wDdCCIL07wUcUyhO+tk2000Pzox08ObOVm/5IwfKoQr8M0qDjQ
