




Billy fi nds it d fifi cult to communicate wi his new colleague. His colleague and friend Steven gives him some advice.


Billy: I can't stand the stupid guy any longer.He does everything so mindlessly that he is going to drive me crazy.

比利: 我不能再忍受那个蠢货了。他做事总是没脑子,快把我逼疯了。

Steven: Oh, take it easy, my friend. You're supposed to forgive a green hand like him.

史蒂文: 噢,别放心上,朋友。原谅像他那样的新手吧!

Billy: I have told him how to revise the report three times, but he still makes the same mistakes.

比利: 我已经告诉过他怎样修改那份报表三次了,但他还犯同样的错误。

Steven: Maybe you should communicate with him just like a friend and be patient.

史蒂文: 也许你应该和他像朋友一样沟通一下,要有耐心。

Billy: I always find it difficult to get along with my colleagues.

比利: 我总是觉得和同事相处起来有点困难。

Steven: Just take them as your good friends and make sure to keep your temper under control when you are discussing.

史蒂文: 把他们当成你的好朋友。你们讨论时,不要发脾气。

Billy: Maybe you are right. I should discuss with them in a polite way and since we are partners we should help and trust each other.

比利: 也许你是对的。我应该礼貌地和他们讨论,既然我们是搭档就应该互相帮助和信任。

Steven: All men are equal in the eyes of the God. You have no right to get angry with anybody even if he does something wrong.

史蒂文: 在上帝眼里每个人都是平等的。即使别人做错了事,你也无权冲他发火。

Billy: Thanks for telling me these. I'll try to change my attitude.

比利: 谢谢你告诉我这些,我会试着改变我的处事态度的。


1. mindlessly ['maindlisli] adj. 不用脑子地,不费心思地

2. drive sb. crazy 使某人发疯

3. a green hand 新手

4. keep one's temper under control 忍住性子

touch base

to touch base这个习惯用语来自于美国的棒球运动。但是如今它已经不仅仅是一个专业术语,而发展为一个日常用语了。意思是把某一件事的情况告诉有关的人,使大家都知道这件事的进展和计划。


Are you free now? I'd like to touch base with you about how to carry out the plan as soon as possible.




Anna is preparing for reporting to the firm on her recent work. She wants her colleague to offer some advice about her report.


Anna: Thanks for listening my presentation,Sue. I really don't want it to be a dud.

安娜: 谢谢你愿意听听我的报告,苏,我真的不想让公司失望。

Sue: Don't worry about that. You have a strong sense of humor, so I think your presentation must be lively and interesting.

苏: 不必担心。你很有幽默感,所以我觉得你的报告一定会很生动有趣的。

Anna: If it is boring and difficult to understand, all my preparation will be for nothing. Can you give me some advice about my report?

安娜: 如果我的报告枯燥乏味的话,我所有的准备都白费了。你能提一些意见吗?

Sue: It seems that you have prepared the report with great care, and your report is very impressive.

苏: 看起来你已经很精心地准备了,你的报告确实很棒。

Anna: Does it need something extra to make it more lively or persuasive?

安娜: 需要再加一些东西让我的报告更生动、更有说服力吗?

Sue: All you need is to keep confident and full of vitality. So all will be attracted and concentrate on your report. You have finished your report with carefulness and organization. I am sure you will get highly recognition.

苏: 你现在需要的就是充满自信和活力。所有人都会被你的报告所吸引并认真听你的报告。你的报告准备得很精心,很有条理。我确信你会得到高度认可的。

Anna: Thank you for believing me.

安娜: 谢谢你这么相信我。


1. dud [dʌd] n. 衣服;废物,无用的人或物;失败

2. lively ['laivli] adj. 活泼的;热烈的;逼真的,生动的

3. impressive [im'presiv] adj. 给人深刻印象的;感人的;威严的

4. persuasive [pə'sweisiv] adj. 劝说的;劝诱的;有说服力的

5. vitality [vai'tæliti] n. 活力;生命力;效力


1. How's the exhibition going?


2. You must report to your superior on your work regularly.


3. I will report to our manager what we are doing at present.


4. And you also need to summarize and report monthly sales situation.


5. Can you tell me whom I should report to?


6. Could we have your report tomorrow?


7. Please make an investigation on his debrief.


8. He always reports back on his work without day.




There's a meeting of the company on discussing how to deal with the falling of the sales.


Manager: OK, everybody. We seem to be ready. Can we get started? The purpose of this meeting is to discuss why our sales have fallen sharply over the last quarter. Here are the graphs and figures for this season's sales.

经理: 好了,看来大家都准备好了。我们可以开始了吧?这次会议的目的是讨论一下我们上个季度的销售额为什么会迅速下滑。这是我们上季度的销售图表和数据。

Tom: If I remember correctly, sales went down slightly, but not as dramatically as the graph shows.

汤姆: 如果我记得没错的话,销售额只是稍有下降,而不是如图表显示的下滑得那么厉害。

Manager: You are correct. The sports goods sales decreased slightly, but not dramatically. The one that didn't do so hot last quarter was the daily necessities.

经理: 是的。我们的体育用品销售量稍有下降。上个季度销售情况不好的是生活用品。

Tom: Maybe there was a problem in the product pricing. It seems that market is sensitive to price. Our product was marketed at a higher introductory price.

汤姆: 也许是产品定价有问题。市场似乎对价格很敏感,我们的产品一开始价格比较高。

Manager: So, we should start low? If our customers…

经理: 那么我们应该把价格调低吗?如果我们的顾客……

Julia (murmuring): look! There comes a beautiful bird outside the window.

朱莉亚(小声说): 看!窗户外面有只美丽的小鸟。

Manager: Get a load of this!

经理: 注意听。


1. sharply ['ʃɑ:pli] adv. 锐利地;厉害地;猛烈地

2. quarter ['kwɔ:tə] n. 四分之一;一刻钟;一季

3. graph [græf] n. 图表,图解,曲线图

4. dramatically [drə'mætikli] adv. 戏剧地;引人注意地

5. daily necessities 生活用品

6. sensitive ['sensitiv] adj. 灵敏的,敏感的;易受伤害的

7. introductory [ˌintrə'dʌktəri] adj. 介绍的,引导的;开端的


1. Hello, everyone. Today I want to talk about how to design a good sales strategy.


2. Let's turn to the second issue.


3. Has anyone got any objection to this decision?


4. Is there any other business?


5. I'd be very interested in your comments.


6. What kind of action is required?


7. I'd like to conclude with one last point.




Several branch managers are discussing about a process report from the sales team in the summary meeting.


Steven: OK, quiet down please. I wish to commence this meeting. First item of the meeting is a progress report from the sales team.

史蒂文: 好的,请安静,我希望开始会议。这次会议的第一项议程是销售团队的一份进度报告。

Charles: So far things couldn't have gone any better. The team pulls together to overfulfill the sales target. It's incredible.

查理: 目前为止进展得非常好。该团队齐心协力超额完成了销售目标。这真是令人难以置信。

Steven: Really? Could you go into details about their progress?

史蒂文: 真的吗?你能详细说明他们的进展吗?

Charles: Sure, so far our actual sales figure is 180% above our forecasted level of sales.The team has further subdivided into smaller teams to concentrate their focus more, which is proved to be a far more effective sales strategy.

查尔斯: 当然可以。迄今,我们的实际销售额高出预期水平的180%。该团队进一步细分为各个小组来更好地专注于各自的任务,这已证明是非常有效的销售策略。

Steven: But smaller groups often result in more inefficiency.

史蒂文: 但是更小的分组往往也会导致效率更低。

Charles: That's true. But with constant and tightly controlled overall management, I have managed to keep them together.

查尔斯: 是的。但是,凭借连续的和紧密控制的整体管理我成功地使他们在工作方面团结合作。

Steven: Wow, perfect.

史蒂文: 哇,太棒了。


1. commence [kə'mens] v. 开始,着手

2. item ['aitəm] n. 项目;条款

3. pull together 齐心协力,团结起来

4. overfulfil ['əuvəful'fil] v.超额完成

5. incredible [in'kredəbl] adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

6. forecast ['fɔ:kɑ:st] v. 预测

7. subdivide ['sʌbdi'vaid] v. 细分,再划分,分小类

8. overall ['əuvərɔ:l] adj. 全部的,总体的;全面考虑的


1. It inspired me to develop my ability of personnel management.


2. After finishing the work, we sat down to sum up experience.


3. Tom, can you give us a summary about your work? What do you get from your work?


4. Were sales and the profit level along the same lines as we have forecasted?


5. I begin to plan the work of the next month.


6. We should try to accumulate our experience in order to finish this important task successfully.


7. Moreover, I realized teamwork is the key to success.




Sarah and Lucy are complaining about their arduous work during the lunch time.


Sarah: Working for four hours at a stretch really makes me tired. Why can't we have a break like many other companies?

莎拉: 连续工作4小时确实令人疲劳。为什么我们不能像其他公司那样可以休息一下呢?

Lucy: We only need a tea break. Our boss is really a workaholic. What he thinks of all the time is work and money. Nothing else.

露西: 我们只是要一个喝茶的时间。我们的老板真是个工作狂,他满脑子想的都是工作和钱,别的什么都没有。

Sarah: But we employees need a rest. We must mix work with adequate rest, then we can work with high efficiency.

莎拉: 但是我们员工需要休息啊。我们必须劳逸结合才能高效率地工作。

Lucy: I can't agree with you any more. Actually in some other companies they do gymnastic exercises during the work time. We need relaxation from time to time and only in this way can we work efficiently.

露西: 我再赞同不过了。实际上其他公司在工作期间会做广播体操。我们需要不时地去放松一下,只有这样才能更加有效地工作。

Sarah: Yes, it is. I wish our boss could hear it from us.

莎拉: 的确。真希望老板能听到我们的心声。


1. arduous ['ɑ:djuəs] adj. 费力的;辛勤的;险峻的

2. at a stretch 不停地,连续地

3. workaholic [ˌwə:kə'hɔlik] n. 工作狂,闲不下来的人

4. adequate ['ædikwit] adj. 足够的,适当的;能胜任的

5. relaxation [ˌri:læk'seiʃən] n. 放松,消遣;松弛

6. from time to time 时而




[误] Bob works 16 hours a day on average, and he is crazy about his work.

[正] Bob works 16 hours a day on average, and he is a workaholic.

crazy 虽然可以作“疯狂的,狂热的”讲,但be crazy about sb. / sth.的意思却是“热衷于……,对……着迷”。而 workaholic 是从 alcoholic(嗜酒者)派生出来的,表示像酗酒者离不开酒精一样地离不开工作,即“工作狂;工作第一的人”。现在人们将 -holic 作为一个后缀,表示“对……上瘾,嗜好……成癖”,并构成了许多新词。比如说:把喜欢吃巧克力的人说成“chocoholic”,把看电视成癖的人说成“teleholic”,把购物狂说成“shopaholic”,把看电影成癖的人说成“movieholic”。



Steven meets Tom in the office. Tom is busy with business trip lately.


Steven: Long time no see. How have you been lately?

史蒂文: 很久没见了。最近怎样?

Tom: I'm on the road a lot recently.

汤姆: 我最近一直在出差。

Steven: That's not bad. You get to see other cities. I'd like to take an occasional business trip for a change.

史蒂文: 不错啊。你可以参观别的城市。我倒喜欢偶尔出趟差,来点改变。

Tom: Yeah. And now I also have one more chance to see another city. I have to catch up with the 2:00 p.m. flight to San Francisco on business. I'm sure it's with the boss this time.

汤姆: 是啊,现在我又有机会去参观城市了,我不得不赶下午两点的航班到旧金山出差。我确定这次是和老板一起的。

Steven: Nothing is more stressful than going on a business trip with our boss.

史蒂文: 和我们老板一起出差让人非常有压力。

Tom: Last time I went on a business trip with the boss, I didn't even have enough time to eat. Business trip is tiring to me. Every time I come back, I have to write a detailed report of the business trip.

汤姆: 上次我和老板一起出差,我甚至没有时间吃饭。出差对于我来说是苦差事。每次我回来,都不得不写一份详细的出差报告。

Steven: In order to earn more money we have to.

史蒂文: 为了挣更多的钱我们不得不这样。


1. on the road 在旅途中;到处奔走

2. occasional [ə'keiʒənəl] adj. 偶然的,不时的;临时的

3. catch up with 赶上;对……产生恶果


1. There are still several things that haven't been decided yet for the business trip.


2. You don't know how pressed the schedule is for this business trip.


3. On this trip I have to visit a very important customer.


4. Our company is sometimes very cheap with the travel expenses.


5. Are you willing to make long-time business trips abroad?


6. My work involves occasional journey.


7. He came back from the business trip and submitted his air fare, hotel charge to the treasurer's office.


8. I want to take this chance of business trip to pay a visit to my old friend.




It's time to get off work. Ann comes to ask for Sarah whether she will punch out or not.


Ann: I think we should call it a day. Shall I punch out for you, Sarah?

安: 我觉得我们要下班休息了。要我给你打卡吗,莎拉?

Sarah: OK, thank you.

莎拉: 好的,谢谢。

Ann: All right. Let's go home. According to a Swiss study people taking the stairs instead of elevator at work can expect to live longer. Why don't we take the stairs?

安: 好了,我们走吧。根据瑞士的一项研究,上下班爬楼梯的人比乘电梯的人寿命要长。为什么我们不走楼梯呢?

Sarah: Good idea. Every day we sit for so long in the office without exercise, which is not good for our health.

莎拉: 好主意。我们每天在办公室坐很久而不锻炼,这对我们的身体很不好。

Ann: Right. Let's go. When I return from work every day, I would rather walk than take a bus. But I live too far away from our company.

安: 是的,我们去爬楼梯吧。我每天下班回家,宁可走路也不愿坐公共汽车。但是我住的地方离公司太远了。

Sarah: I ride my bike. I don't live too far away, so it's pretty convenient. It's only about a fifteen-minute ride from my house to the office.

莎拉: 我每天骑自行车。我住的不远,所以很方便。从我家到公司只需要骑车15分钟。

Ann: I bet it's a good way to keep fit.

安: 我敢说那是保持健康的好方法。

Sarah: Yes, not only a good way to keep in shape, but a good way to relieve pressure as well.

莎拉: 是啊,不仅仅是保持身材的好方法,还是减轻压力的好方式。


1. punch out 打卡下班

2. elevator ['eliveitə] n. 电梯

3. would rather do…than do… 宁可做……而不做……

4. keep in shape 保持健康;维持身材

5. commute [kə'mju:t] n. / v. 乘车上下班


继“上班族”、“月光族”等现代“族群”之后,都市又悄然兴起“赖班族”,而且“赖班”人群呈明显上升趋势。赖班族,指的是people hanging on in their offices after work, 也就是下班后没有回家的欲望只想赖在办公室消磨时间的一群人。在中国,上班族的下班时间一般都在下午5点到6点半之间,但在北京、上海等城市的许多写字楼里,到了晚上还透出片片灯火,这群加班的人中有无奈“被加班”的,有为了避开下班高峰期的交通拥挤而“赖班”的,另外也有一群因孤独不愿回家的。他们更愿意待在办公室和朋友上网聊天,因为这会使他们感觉更舒服自在些。这种赖班族们可以尝试自我减压,多参加一些娱乐活动,以加强和朋友间的交往以及通过家人团聚等方式来拓宽自己的交往圈,从而摆脱种种不良状态。这样可以在上班期间排除所有干扰,制订详细的工作计划来提高工作效率。 IBDmt9DnQDEOCfcsj+sBxofO/Wssesb1GKSfpOKlvDSHanUqXGcBTy7Z0r8FfWPO
