
03 营销策略



1 我们打算在网上为我们的新产品做宣传。 We are going to advertise our new product online.

重要词汇 advertise [ˈædvətaɪz] v. 做广告,登广告

2 你们打算使用什么广告媒体? What advertising media will you use?

词组释义 advertising media 广告宣传工具,广告媒体

3 我觉得报纸广告更有效。 I think newspaper is much more effective in advertising.

词组释义 much more更加,多得多

4 我们决定这个月推出一款重点推销产品。 We've decided to promote a key product this month.

词组释义 key product 重点产品,核心产品

5 首先,我们会花费一段时间把市场建立起来。 First of all, we will take some time to build the market.

重要词汇 market [ˈmɑ:kɪt] n. 市场

6 我们得加快广告宣传力度了。 We have to accelerate our advertising.

重要词汇 accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt] v. 使加快,使增速,促进

7 董事会决定为他们的新产品投放广告。 The board decided to put advertisements about their new product.

重要词汇 board [bɔ:d] n. 板,董事会

8 你要选择网络作为一种营销手段。 You need to choose internet as a means of marketing.

同义表达 You have to choose internet as a way of marketing.

9 你们可以在电视上推销你们的新产品。 You can promote your new products on television.

词组释义 on television 在电视上

10 电视是我们可以使用的一种有效的广告方式。 Television is an effective way of advertising that we can use.

词组释义 effective way 有效方法,有效途径

11 我们可以通过促销活动吸引一些顾客购买我们的新产品。 We can drum up   some customers for our new product by promotional campaign.

词组释义 drum up 招徕,招揽

12 我们应该尽最大努力吸引一批新顾客。 We should make a great effort to attract new customers.

重要词组 make a great effort to do sth尽最大努力/竭力做某事

13 我们的营销策略应该最大程度地建立在实际情况的基础上。 Our marketing   strategy should be based to the greatest extent possible on the actual situation.

词组释义 actual situation 现实情况

14 我们的营销策略面向的主要目标群体应是年轻人。 The prime target group   for our marketing strategy should be young people.

词组释义 marketing strategy 营销策略

15 圣诞节应该是一个美好的节日,而不应该是一种营销策略。 Christmas   should be a wonderful holiday, not a marketing strategy.

重要词汇 strategy [ˈstrætədʒɪ] n. 策略,战略

16 这个公司采用了一些全新的市场营销策略。 The company adopted a new marketing tactic.

词组释义 marketing tactic 营销策略

17 我们在西班牙的营销策略很是成功。 Our marketing strategy in Spain was very successful.

重要词汇 successful [səkˈsesfl] a. 成功的,如愿以偿的

18 你需要尽快拟定一些市场营销策略。 You need to develop some marketing strategies as soon as possible.

重要词汇 develop [dɪˈveləp] v. 发展,开发

19 盲目使用其他公司的营销策略是有风险的。 It is risky to blindly use other companies' marketing strategies.

重要词汇 risky [ˈrɪski] a. 冒险的,危险的

20 中小型企业在经济危机下缺乏行之有效的营销策略。 Small and medium sized enterprises lack effective marketing strategies in the economic crisis.

词组释义 economic crisis 经济危机


A: Joe, do you have any marketing strategies for our new ice cream?

B: Yes, I do. After data analysis, I think we are in good shape . Our main advantage is its taste. And now, the innovative taste products usually get the favor of young people, and there are great business opportunities in the market. Besides, our company's reputation has been very good.And I don't think the other company's three flavors of ice cream are threatening to us, so we don't have many disadvantages.

A: You're right. But with summer coming, we need to do something to get more customers' attention.

B: Yes. We have decided to spend more energy on the packaging of the product. For example, we will use seven colors of paper to wrap it,because people are fit to have gorgeous colors at summer. Or we will choose gold foil in chocolate color so that it can look like chocolate and can be priced 10 percent more than other ice cream. I'm sure someone will be willing to try it. What's more, we will promote it mainly through leaflets and advertisements, but we have not yet decided on the form of the advertisement. We will draw up a few plans soon for you to look at.

A: OK. How about next Monday morning at 10 o'clock?

B: En. Let's see. That's fine with me.


innovative [ˈɪnəveɪtɪv] a. 创新的,革新的

wrap [ræp] v. 包,缠绕

foil [fɔɪl] n. 箔,金属薄片


① be in good shape意为“状况良好,身体健康,身体状况好”,这个词组既可指健康方面状况好,也可以指其他方面处于良好状态,比如公司的运营情况以及经济状况等。

② the favor of意为“……的赞成,……的青睐,……的帮忙”,其前可加上win,构成win the favor of意为“赢得……的青睐/信赖/心”。

③ business opportunity意为“商机,商业机会”, opportunity是可数名词,可用其复数表示多次商机。

④ That's fine with me意为“我没问题,我同意,我没意见”,或者也可以用That's okay with me或者I'm OK等。


A :乔,你对我们这款新的冰淇淋有什么营销计划吗?

B :是的,我有。经过数据分析,我觉得我们的经营状况很好。我们的主要优势是它的口感,而且现在创新口味的产品通常都能获得年轻人的青睐,在市场上有很大的商机。另外,我们公司的口碑一直都很好,我不认为其他公司三种口味的冰淇淋对我们有威胁,所以我们没有很多不利因素。

A :你说得没错。但是夏天来了,我们需要做点什么来吸引更多顾客的注意。

B :是的。我们经过商量决定在产品的包装上花费更大的精力,比如我们会用7种颜色的纸来包装它,因为在夏天人们适合拥有绚丽的色彩。或者我们会选择巧克力颜色的金箔纸,这样它就能看着像巧克力一样,定价可以比其他冰淇淋高10%。我相信肯定有人愿意尝试的。另外,我们会主要通过传单和广告促销,不过我们还没有最终决定广告的形式,我们尽快拟定几个方案让您过目。

A :好的。下星期一上午10点怎么样?

B :好的。让我看看……没问题。


营销强调企业必须紧跟市场的步伐前行,对市场进行细致的调查研究从而做出及时的营销策略调整,否则企业很有可能止步不前,最后出现崩溃的局面。经济全球化的加快,促使各个国家企业正加速对自己的营销策略进行深刻的改革。中西方的企业在营销策略上有差异,就整合营销方面来说,西方强调统一运用各项营销要素,使其形成整体效用,以达到消费者需要的最佳组合。在这一点上,有些中国企业则缺乏营销手段的整体配合,往往侧重使用一种营销手段。在外部营销和内部营销配合方面,西方企业更加重视内部营销管理,视员工为顾客,使用各种方法提升员工的满意度。而中国企业则更注重外部营销和公关,利用名人或者媒体等来树立企业形象。 RMHVUIIbEnWKxa9v3OtrgjjMipi3YGcgHmKubhyKtDWDXBJD+EB0+bva6ZfG1E3t
