
02 调查结果



1 提高产品的质量能更好的拥有消费者。 Improving the quality of products can reach new customers better.

重要词汇 quality [ˈkwɒlətɪ] n. 质量,品质

2 我很高兴能在这里就我们的调查结果做个简要介绍。 I'm glad to be here to   give a brief overview to our findings here.

重要词汇 overview [ˈəʊvəvju:] n. 概观,总的看法

3 在这张幻灯片中你可以看到附近居民对我们产品的购买情况。 In this slide   you can see the purchase of our products by nearby residents.

重要词汇 slide [slaɪd] n. 幻灯片

4 相比之下, 36% 的男性消费者从专卖店买化妆品, 24% 从百货商店买,还有 2% 的人从小店里买。 By comparison, 36 percent of male consumers buy cosmetic products from specialty stores, 24 percent from department stores and 2 percent from small stores.

词组释义 by comparison相比之下,比较起来

5 这是个很有用的调查。 It's a very serviceable investigation.

同义表达 It's a very helpful investigation.

6 这些数据表明 25% 的人都喜欢在睡觉前敷面膜。 These figures show that 25 percent of people like to make a facial mask before going to bed.

词组释义 facial mask 面膜

7 我们的生产效率达到了平均水平。 Our production efficiency is well up to the average.

重要词组 be well up to the average 完全达到一般水平

8 我们的电子产品很受年轻人的欢迎。 Youngsters are the chief market for our electronic product.

词组释义 electronic product 电子产品

9 酒吧对我们的饮品有很大的需求量。 The bar has a big demand for our drinks.

重要词汇 demand [dɪˈmɑ:nd] n. 需要,要求,请求

10 这种玩具需求量很大。 There is a great demand for this toy.

重要词组 a great demand for sth 对某物有很大的需求量

11 我们的产品种类太过单一。 Our products lacked variety.

同义表达 Our products are too simple.

12 这种产品将面临大幅度降价。 This kind of products will be faced with a substantial reduction in price.

重要词组 be faced with 面临,面对

13 80% 的人是被质量吸引。 80% of the people are attracted by the quality.

重要词组 be attracted by 被……所吸引

14 总之,目前我们的广告并没有对大众产生很大的影响力。 In short, our   advertising has not had a great impact on the public at present.

重要词组 have a great impact on... 对……有重大影响

15 这种产品在大学生中易于销售。 This new product sells well among university students.

词组释义 sell well 畅销,易于销售

16 包装对我们产品的销售额造成很大影响。 Packing has a big effect upon the sales volume of our products.

重要词组 have a big effect upon... 对……有很大影响

17 大约有一半的人认为这个价格太高了。 Almost 50% of the consumers think the price is too high.

重要词汇 consumer [kənˈsju:mə(r)] n. 消费者,顾客

18 总的来说,饼干的味道令人满意,但价格对于住在乡下的人来说太高了。 On   the whole, the taste of the biscuits is satisfactory, but the price is out of reach of the people in the countryside.

词组释义 out of reach 手够不到,达不到

19 由于我们产品的包装缺乏创意,所以容易被忽视。 Our products are easy   to be ignored because of the lack of originality in the packaging.

重要词汇 originality [əˌrɪdʒəˈnælətɪ] n. 独创性,创造性

20 这些调查结果跟我们推测的完全不一样。 The survey results are completely different from what we have speculated.

词组释义 survey result 调查结果


A: In the past two years, four companies have joined in local sports shoes market. How's your market research going?

B: Our main purpose is to investigate the consumer potential of people in the region. We have carried out market research on 500 people of all ages. The figures show that consumer spending on sports shoes increased by 10 percent last year.

A: Which age group had the greatest increase?

B: People aged 35 to 45.

A: What is their consumption potential ?

B: On this slide we can see that 85 percent of people have a steady income of 2, 500 to 3, 000 a month. And they are basically willing to spend money on sports. Men are more likely to buy in this age group, with 56 percent of men buying sports shoes at speciality stores, 32 percent buying in department stores, and 10 percent buying in small stores. By comparision, thirty-two percent of women buy in department stores and 20 percent buy in specialty stores.

A: A very useful investigation. Shoes in specialty stores are more comfortable, but there are more styles in department stores.

B: That's right. Women in this age group pay focus on fashion, so they buy sports shoes at department stores.

A: So what are the first factors they take into account in their choices?

B: Men pay more attention to comfort, whereas women pay more attention to fashion.

A: Will brands influence their choices?

B: Yes, most women choose brands by habits .


region [ˈri:dʒən] n. 地区

consumption [kənˈsʌmpʃn] n. 消费

influence [ˈɪnfluəns] v. 影响,感染


① be to do sth意为“打算做”,指的是按照计划和安排要做的事情。

② increase by意为“增加了,按……增长”,其后常跟倍数或者百分比,表示“增加了”,而increase to则指的是“增加至多少”。

③ consumption potential意为“消费潜力”,这两个词都在此作名词,构成短语。

④ take into account意为“把……考虑进去,考虑到,重视”,可以是take sth into account的形式。

⑤ by habit意为“出于习惯”,有一个相似的搭配by force of habit,意为“由于习惯而做某事”。


A :在过去的两年里,有四家公司加入到当地运动鞋市场。你对此的市场调研做得怎么样了?

B :我们的主要目的是调查这个地区人们的消费潜力。我们对各个年龄组的50人做了市场调研。数据显示消费者去年在运动鞋上的花销增加了10%。

A :哪个年龄组的人增幅最大?

B :年龄在35到45的人增幅最大。

A :他们的消费潜力怎么样?

B :在这张幻灯片上我们可以看出85%的人一个月都有2500到3000的稳定收入。而且他们基本上都愿意将钱花在运动上。在这个年龄段中男性的购买能力更强,有56%的男性在专卖店购买运动鞋,32%的人在百货商店购买,还有10%的人在小店购买。相比之下,32%的女性选择在百货商店购买,20%的人在专卖店买。

A :非常有用的调查。专卖店的鞋穿起来更舒适,但百货商店的鞋式样更多。

B :没错。这个年龄组的女性更关注时尚,所以她们会到百货商店购买运动鞋。

A :那他们在选择时首要考虑的因素是什么?

B :男性关注舒适,女性关注时尚。

A :品牌会影响他们的选择吗?

B :是的,大部分的女性都出于习惯选择品牌。


凡是开展市场调研就必然会有调查结果。美国的《商业日报》曾借鉴瑞士再保险公司的市场调研发表过一份调查报告,称由于预测亚洲的保险总额会增长,很多心存羡慕的外国保险业者都想进入亚洲市场,他们这种想法很强烈。还指出,在印度和中国,主要是由国家保险公司经营保险业务,而外国公司在人寿和非人寿保险业所占的份额分别是0和0.15%。在新加坡,外国公司在非人寿保险业务方面占的份额很高,平均为34.1%,在韩国仅为0.4%。而在人寿保险业务方面,外国企业在马来西亚占的比例最高,为56.4%,而在韩国也仅有0.4%。在西方国家,多数的调查访问都是通过电话进行的,个人访问次之,当然还有邮寄问卷的形式。不同的方式对于调查结果都是有利有弊的,就以电话形式的调查方式来说,它虽然速度快,费用低,但调查结果的深度不够,只能问一些浅显的问题。 /oZbOCp7JBgv+1xOL5dBawnFfsftU7qFHAKtqPhstUWRzr+17PBifyHystQkswk7
