
01 调研



1 经理一看过市场调研报告就立马给董事会打了电话。 The manager called   the board as soon as he read the market research report.

词组释义 market research report 市场研究报告,市场调查报告

2 我们这次的主要目的是调查这个地区消费者的消费潜力。 Our main   purpose this time is to investigate the consumer's consumption potential in this area.

重要词汇 investigate [ɪnˈvestɪgeɪt] v. 调查,研究

3 目的是收集顾客对这个新产品的反馈。 The objective is to gather customer feedback on the new product.

重要词汇 feedback [ˈfi:dbæk] n. 反馈,反应

4 你这次需要去收集定义问题的信息。 You need to gather information that defines the problem.

词组释义 gather information 搜集信息,收集信息

5 你对我们的新产品的质量怎么看? Do you have any thoughts on the quality of our new product?

同义表达 What's your opinion about the quality of our new product?

6 你是怎么知道我们的品牌的? How did you get to know about our brand?

词组释义 get to know认识,了解

7 你认为我们产品的价格合理吗? Do you think our product is at a reasonable cost?

同义表达 Do you think the price of our product is reasonable?

8 从这次市场调研中你们得到了什么信息? Does the market research tell you something?

词组释义 market research 市场调查

9 这张表显示了不同年龄组对我们新产品的意见。 This table shows various opinions among different age groups to our new product.

词组释义 age group 年龄组

10 他们的消费潜力怎么样? What's their consumption potential?

词组释义 consumption potential 消费潜力

11 如何进行市场调研? How is market research carried out?

词组释义 carry out 执行,进行

12 您对我们的饮品和服务满意吗? Are you satisfied with our beverages and services?

重要词汇 beverage [ˈbevərɪdʒ] n. 饮料

13 您觉得我们哪个方面还有待提高? In which aspects do you think we need to improve?

重要词汇 aspect [ˈæspekt] n. 方面,面貌

14 你对我们的产品还有什么其他的问题或建议吗? Are there any other   problems or suggestions you have about our products?

重要词汇 product [ˈprɒdʌkt] n. 产品,结果

15 最佳的销售场所是哪里? What is the best place to sell?

重要词汇 sell [sel] n. 售,卖

16 我们产品的最好价格是什么? What is the best price for our products?

词组释义 best price 最好价格

17 您对我们产品的价格有什么看法? What's your opinion about the price of our products?

同义表达 What do you think about the price of our products?

18 您认为我们产品的优缺点是什么? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of our product?

词组释义 advantage and disadvantage 利弊

19 顾客对运动装的偏好是什么? What is the customer's preference for sportswear?

重要词汇 sportswear [ˈspɔ:tsweə(r)] n. 运动装

20 您觉得我们的新设计怎么样? How do you like our new design?

同义表达 What do you think about our new design?


A: In recent years we have made amazing achievements in electronic products.

B: I heard. How did you do that?

A: The main reason is that we often do market research, research customer attitudes and hobbies.

B: As far as I know, you have a lot of regular customers.

A: Yes, we regularly maintain regular customers and collect their feedback.

B: How do you protect your regular customers?

A: We have special people who are responsible for regular contact with regular customers, and we give birthday or holiday gifts to regular customers who buy a lot of products. This is a great way to get a boost in sales. But then we found that relying solely on regular customers was not a good decision, so we decided to strengthen market research and gather more information from different resources.

B: That means you're only working on new customers?

A: No. We will stick to our approach to old customers and develop new ones.

B: OK. Can you explain the market research to me?

A: Well. In a nutshell , one of the goals of market research is to know whether there's a market for the product and its sales potential.

B: Yes, but I'd like to remind you that you must not ignore regular customers.

A: Yes, you said it .


electronic [ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk] a. 电子的

solely [ˈsəʊllɪ] ad . 唯一地,仅仅

resource [rɪˈsɔ:s] n. 资源,物力

potential [pəˈtenʃl] a. 潜在的,有可能的


① get a boost意为“得到提升”,其后可跟from,指的是“从……得到推动力”。

② stick to sth意为“坚持做某事,忠于”,这里的to是介词,所以其后的动词需要是v-ing形式。

③ in a nutshell意为“简言之,简而言之,简单地说”,等同于in short,in a word或者in brief等。

④ you said it意为“你算说对了,你说的对”,常用在口语中,指的是某人完全说在点子上,你表示同意某人的说法。


A :近几年我们在电子产品方面取得了很惊人的成绩。

B :我听说了。你们是怎么做到的?

A :最主要的原因是我们经常做市场调研,研究顾客的态度和爱好。

B :据我所知你们有很多的老顾客。

A :是的,我们会定期维护老顾客以及收集他们的反馈。

B :你们是如何维护老顾客的?

A :我们有专人负责定期联络老顾客,而且对于那些购买很多产品的老顾客我们会赠送生日或者节假日礼物。这是一个很好的方法,我们之前就借助这个销量得到了提升。不过后来我们也发现纯粹依靠老顾客也不是一个很好的决策。我们研究后决定加强市场调研,从不同渠道搜集更多的信息。

B :意思是你们只致力于开发新客户?

A :不是的。我们会坚持对老客户的做法,并且开发新客户。

B :好的。你能给我解释一下市场调研吗?

A :嗯。简单地说,市场调研的目标之一就是了解产品是否有市场以及产品的销售潜力。

B :是的。不过我要提醒你的是,你们千万不能忽略老顾客。

A :你说得对。


市场调研真的不是轻松的活。你既要系统客观地收集各种信息并且研究,还要根据调查结果对产品的未来发展趋势进行预测,为其未来的发展方向做决策。但是调研是很有必要的,因为它是企业确定营销策略的前提。在过去,中国企业竞争不过外国企业的一个重要原因就是市场调研的力度不够。中国企业过去不愿为市场调研花钱,而西方企业通过调研发现中国市场有巨大的潜力,于是通过各种营销手段将产品打入中国市场,例如1992年进入中国的麦当劳公司,现在已经稳稳地在中国的餐饮业落住了脚。按照西方企业的理解,搞好市场调研对于企业的战略决策、发展规划和制定产品市场价格等都起着十分重要的作用。西方发达国家的企业,尤其是美国和欧洲的跨国企业内部都有专职的市场营销部,其重要职责之一就是搞市场调研,可见他们对市场调研的重视。 +HCfiingzHuzT6F9OfMgbBIad0FoPCRlD94+O8oD7NDlHkGbQR4yyr/85/h6Dw4i
