
16 付款



1 你们一般选择什么付款方式? What is your regular practice about the mode of payment?

词组释义 regular practice 习惯做法

2 你们选择什么样的付款方式? What kind of payment method do you offer?

词组释义 payment method 付款方式

3 付款方式是什么? What is the mode of payment?

词组释义 mode of payment 付款方式

4 最便捷的付款方式是什么? What is the most convenient way to get paid?

词组释义 get paid 获得报酬

5 这个星期五以前我们应该可以付款。 Payment is to be made before the end of this Friday.

重要词汇 payment [ˈpeɪmənt] n. 付款,支付

6 在见到货运单据前我是不会付款的。 I won't pay until I see the shipping documents for the cargoes.

词组释义 shipping documents 船运单据

7 卖方要求我们立即付款。 The seller demands prompt payment.

词组释义 prompt payment 立即付款

8 我们按照合同上的限定日期付款。 We pay according to the fixed date on the contract.

词组释义 fixed date 固定日期,限定日期

9 请问我们的付款时间能延长吗? May I ask if the time of payment can be prolonged?

词组释义 time of payment付款时间,偿还时间

10 付款期限不能被延长。 The time of payment can't be prolonged.

重要词汇 prolong [prəˈlɒŋ] v. 延长,拉长

11 我们准备在收到货物后付款。 We are prepared to make payment upon receipt of the goods.

词组释义 make payment 支付,付款

12 我们能参与那个分期付款协议吗? Can we enter the hire purchase agreement?

词组释义 hire purchase agreement分期付款购买合同,分期付款协议

13 如果你没有按时付款的话,我们将要求额外赔偿。 If you fail to pay on   time, we will ask for extra compensation.

同义表达 If you don't pay on time, we'll ask for extra compensation.

14 我觉得你最好用信用卡付款。 I think you'd better pay by credit card.

词组释义 credit card 信用卡

15 你现在需要核查付款金额是否跟发票上的数字一致。 You now need to   check to see if the amount of payment is in line with the figure on the invoice.

重要词汇 invoice [ˈɪnvɔɪs] n. 发票

16 在切断供给货物之前你有两个星期的时间来付款。 You have two weeks to   pay before we cut off the supply of goods.

词组释义 cut off 切断,中断

17 你应该将所有的付款都作记录。 You ought to keep a record of all the payment.

词组释义 keep a record 做记录,保持记录

18 没人要求你立即付款。 No one is asking you to pay immediately.

同义表达 You are not required to pay immediately.

19 等原材料到达之后我再付款。 I withheld payment until the raw material arrives here.

词组释义 withheld payment不予支付,免费

20 这是国际贸易中常用的付款方式。 This is the normal method of payment in international business.

同义表达 This is the usual terms of payment in international trade.


A: I'm glad we have settled the price, and then we have one more matter to discuss, that is, your terms of payment.

B: We intend to pay by D/A .

A: I'm sorry. As a matter of routine , our company can only make payment by letter of credit in its transactions with all customers. In fact, payment by L/C protects not only the seller but also the buyer.

B: I know payment by L/C is the safest method, but its process is quite complicated. How about D/P ?

A: This is our usual practice; I'm afraid you can only choose this kind of payment.

B: The problem is that opening a letter of credit requires not only a deposit with the bank, which ties up my funds, but also means extra expense.

A: Sorry, we can't help it. You can negotiate with the bank to see if you can reduce the required deposit to a minimum.

B: Maybe this is a feasible method, but I still have to pay some fees to the bank. Let's all make a concession. How about half by L/C and half by D/P?

A: I'm afraid not. Maybe your request is reasonable, but according to the company rules, if I do this, I risk being fined or even fired. So I certainly won't agree to your request.

B: All right then.


routine [ru:ˈti:n] n. 常规,例行程序

transaction [trænˈzækʃn] n. 交易,业务

deposit [dɪˈpɒzɪt] n. 储蓄,存款

minimum [ˈmɪnɪməm] n. 最低限度,最小量


① D/A意为“承兑交单”,是由Documents against Acceptance简写来的。其指的是卖方的交单是以买方在汇票上承兑为条件。这种付款方式的弊端是卖方可能承担买方不如期结账的风险。

② as a matter of routine意为“按常规,按照惯例”,其与词组as a matter of fact很相似,后者表示“事实上,实际上”。

③ L/C意为“信用证”,是Letter of Credit的简写。其是国家贸易中最常见最主要的支付方式,指的是开证银行应买方的要求对卖方开出在一定条件下保证存款的一种文件。

④ D/P意为“付款交单”,是Documents against Payment的简写,指的是代收行必须在买方付清货款后才能将货运单据交给买方的一种结算方式。


A :很高兴我们把价格谈妥了,接下来我们还有一件事需要商量,那就是贵公司的付款方式。

B :我们打算采用承兑付款。

A :抱歉。按照惯例,我们公司与所有客户的交易都只能使用信用证付款。实际上,信用证付款不仅保护卖方也保护买方。

B :我知道信用证付款是最安全的付款方式,但其过程相当复杂。付款交单怎么样?

A :这是我们的惯例,恐怕贵方只能选择这种付款方式了。

B :问题是开信用证,不仅需要向银行交押金,占用我的资金,还意味着额外的费用。

A :抱歉,我们也没办法。您可以跟银行协商一下,看是否能把要交的押金压到最低。

B :或许这是一个可行的方法,但我还需要向银行缴纳一些手续费。我们都做个让步吧,一半用信用证,一半用承兑付款怎么样?

A :恐怕不行。或许你这样的要求是合理的,但是根据公司的规定如果我这样做了,我就会冒着被罚款甚至被辞退的风险。所以您这样的要求我肯定是不会答应的。

B :那好吧。


由于全球化的发展,许多国家的大中型企业都可能在业务上有所往来。有业务往来,就有资金流动,这样就避免不了付款这一环节。但是不同地区会有不同的付款方式。北美地区习惯使用网上支付、邮件支付以及电话支付等。当然,信用卡也是常见的付款方式。新加坡的互联网银行服务发展很迅速,所以他们常选择信用卡和借记卡作为付款方式。而欧洲人则习惯用Visa等国际卡,还喜欢一些像Maestro(英国)以及Laser(爱尔兰)的当地卡。付款对于企业而言是非常重要的环节,所以与其他国家企业进行交易时务必熟悉当地的支付方式,避免使企业遭受损失。 imd2hMxMyLqC3XbePZ7Uk9RtpdGOuyvYgDKyUu31M1+b00yoJgLCiqmNQdP0WrnC
