
15 下订单



1 我们打算只对这种毛毯下订单。 We intend to place an order only for this kind of blanket.

重要词汇 blanket [ˈblæŋkɪt] n. 毛毯,毯子

2 我们想订购 1000 件女士雨衣。 We'd like to order 1,000 raincoats for women.

重要词汇 raincoat [ˈreɪnkəʊt] n. 雨衣

3 我想以每件 10 美元的价格订购这种吊带裙。 I'd like to order this slip dress for $10 each.

词组释义 slip dress 吊带裙

4 我希望这一批货能够促使你们以后长期向我们订货。 I hope this batch of   goods will prompt you to place regular orders with us in the future.

重要词组 prompt sb to do sth 促使某人做某事

5 如果这种产品在市场上的销量如我们预期的那样好,我们不久后就会下更大的订单。 If the sales of this product are as good as we expected, we will soon place larger orders.

同义表达 If the sales volume of this product is as well as we expected, we will place larger orders soon.

6 数量是多少? What is the quantity?

重要词汇 quantity [ˈkwɒntətɪ] n. 数量

7 当买方向我们下订单的时候,我们会在一个星期内收到他们的订单。 When   the buyers place an order with us, we will receive their order within a week.

重要词汇 receive [rɪˈsi:v] v. 收到,接到

8 我会立刻给你们发出试购单。 I'll send you a trial order without delay.

重要词汇 delay [dɪˈleɪ] n. 延迟,拖延

9 你们今天下订单的话能享受到九折折扣。 You will get a 10% discount by ordering today.

重要词汇 discount [ˈdɪskaʊnt] n. 折扣

10 这是我们 500 个拖把的订单。 This is our purchase order for 200 mops.

词组释义 purchase order 订单

11 我所关心的是你们是否能按时交货。 My concern is whether you can deliver the goods on time.

重要词汇 concern [kənˈsɜ:n] n. 关心

12 我们已经收到了你们的订单,并且确认可以接受。 We have received your   order and confirmed that it is acceptable.

重要词汇 acceptable [əkˈseptəbl] a. 可接受的,合意的

13 你们厂的发货方式是什么? What is the delivery method of your factory?

词组释义 delivery method 送货方式

14 这是你们上周下的订单的确认书。 Here is a confirmation of the order you placed last week.

重要词汇 confirmation [ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃn] n. 确认,证实

15 你们的订单明天下午就可以出货了。 Your order can go out tomorrow afternoon.

词组释义 go out出去,出版,熄灭

16 来自你方的任何订单我们都会快速安排的。 Any order from you will have our immediate attention.

词组释义 immediate attention 及时关注,注视

17 尽管我们的库存不足,我们还是接受了你们的订单。 In spite of our lack of   stock, we accept your order.

同义表达 In spite of our shortage of stock, we have accepted your order.

18 如果你现在下订单,我们会在价格上作出一些让步。 If you place an order   now, we'll make some concessions on the price.

重要词汇 concession [kənˈseʃn] n. 让步,迁就

19 如果价格合适的话,我们可以马上订货。 If the price is acceptable, we can place the order straight away.

词组释义 straight away 立即,马上

20 如果我现在下订单,你们什么时候能发货? If I place an order now, when will you be able to ship it?

重要词汇 ship [ʃɪp] v. 把……装上船


A: Hello, I'd like to order 200 Lilanz cartons.

B: Sorry, we are out of stock of this product for the time being.

A: Will it be produced soon?

B: No. We don't expect to have this product until four months later, because the raw materials for making this carton can't be bought now. But I can recommend a similar product to you.

A: What brand is it?

B: It's Rainbow, also one of our best-selling brands. The asking price for this brand is $10 less than that one, and it costs $25 each.

A: All right. Then I'll place a trial order for some Rainbow cartons.

B: What's the quantity?

A: Wait. What about your delivery time ?

B: If you place an order now, your order can go out tomorrow afternoon.

A: Well. What about your mode of delivery?

B: As for the mode of delivery, we will arrange the delivery according to your request. It is up to you to decide which is most convenient.

A: It doesn't matter. What we need is to receive the goods as soon as possible.

B: No problem. How many do you want to order?

A: 50.

B: Okay. Then I'll place an order for you.


carton [ˈkɑ:tn] n. 纸板箱,纸板盒

stock [stɒk] n. 库存,股份

delivery [dɪˈlɪvərɪ] n. 传送,投递


① out of stock意为“缺货,无库存,脱销”,与其有着相似意思的是“in short supply”,指的是“短缺,供不应求”,而in stock则是“有存货,有现货”的意思。

② asking price意为“要价,索价”,与其相似的ask price指的是“卖方开价”也就是卖价,而bid price指的是“买方出价”。

③ place a trial order意为“先订购一笔试试,试订”,trial order指的是“试购”,在外贸中出现的频率很高,指的是在订购大批量之前会先试购一小部分,如果满意的话会继续订购。

④ delivery time意为“交货时间”,这在外贸中是很常见的词组,还有常用的mode of delivery(交货方式)等。


A :你好,我想订购200个利郎牌纸板箱。

B :不好意思,这种产品我们暂时缺货。

A :会很快生产出来吗?

B :我们预计四个月后才会有这种产品,因为制作这种纸板箱的原材料现在买不来。不过我可以给您推荐一款跟这种相似的产品。

A :是什么牌子的?

B :彩虹牌,这也是我们的畅销品牌之一。这个牌子的要价会比那个牌子的低10美元,每个只要25美元。

A :可以啊,那我试购一些彩虹牌的纸板箱吧。

B :你要多少?

A :等一下。你们的交货时间呢?

B :如果你现在下订单,明天下午就可以给您送货了。

A :好的。那你们的发货方式呢?

B :发货方式的话,我们可以根据您的要求来安排。由您来决定什么方式最方便。

A :这个没关系。我们需要的是尽早收到货物。

B :没问题。您要多少?

A:50 件吧。

B :好的。那我给你下订单了。


下订单跟发货时间、发货方式以及订单大小等有关。通常在下订单前要先确认一些注意事项,例如本国是否允许这种产品的引入。在国际贸易中,有下订单就会有取消订单,因为可能会有各种原因导致买方取消订单,这无疑对卖方是一种损失。所以为了避免产生信誉问题以及给对方造成经济损失,买方一定要把握好机会,及时有效地沟通,以此来减少自己可能需要承担法律责任的风险。在表达取消订单时一定要用上We greatly regret that...、I regret that...、We are sorry to...、To my deep great 等表达歉意的话。 1fElbvZkIr3UoxWG8MJfhA/0wzifygsKDRsUbvTCNku6Q44NVhMJ1GeI1u5ybwzu
