
14 订购



1 我们能订购 20 箱。 We can take 20 cases.

同义表达 We can order 20 cases.

2 我们要订购女士衬衫 200 件,其款式都必须是最新的。 We want to order   200 blouses, all of which must be in the latest style.

重要词汇 blouse [blaʊz] n. 女衬衫,短上衣

3 这种亚麻桌布你想订购多少套? How many sets would you like to order for this linen tablecloth?

重要词汇 linen [ˈlɪnɪn] a. 亚麻的

4 你想订购多少? How many do you want to order?

重要词汇 order [ˈɔ:də(r)] v. 订购

5 我们想少量试购你们的新款洗衣机。 We'd like to place a trial order for a small amount of the new washing machines.

词组释义 a small amount 少量,零星

6 我想试购一些这种产品。 I want to place a trial order for some of the products.

词组释义 trial order试购

7 对于这种产品我们的订货量是 500 套。 Our order amount for this product is 500 sets.

词组释义 order amount 订货量

8 希望我们下次向你们订货的时候你们能供货及时。 I hope you will be able to supply in time when we place an order with you next time.

词组释义 supply in time 准时供货

9 如果这种产品销量很好的话,我们不久后就会继续订货。 If this product   sells well, we will place further orders with you in the near future.

词组释义 in the near future 在不久的将来

10 这种箱子你们有现货吗?我们想订购。 Do you have this box in stock?We'd like to place an order.

词组释义 in stock 有现货的,备有现货,现存

11 如果贵方给我们 5% 的折扣,我们很愿意订购大量的货物。 If you give us a   discount of 5%, we would be glad to order a large quantity of goods.

词组释义 a large quantity of 大量的

12 我们想先订货 300 套。 We want to go ahead and place an order for 300 sets.

词组释义 go ahead 走在前面,发生,进行

13 如果质量上等,价格合适的话,我们会订购很多。 If the quality is superior and the price is right, we'll place a order with you a lot.

词组释义 superior quality品质优等

14 你们的价格太高了,我们不会订购太多的。 Your price is too high. We won't order too much.

重要词汇 price [praɪs] n. 价格,价钱

15 我们很高兴能订到你们公司的产品。 We take pleasure in ordering your company's products.

重要词组 take pleasure in doing sth 乐于/高兴做某事

16 你打算要什么类型的,要多少个? Which type do you want to order, and how many pieces do you want?

词组释义 how many pieces 多少件,多少块,多少片

17 我们已经决定这次订购 50 箱的水果了。 We've decided to make an order for 50 cases of fruit this time.

词组释义 make an order 下订单,发出命令

18 如果我是你的话,我会订购少量的胶水作为实验。 If I were you, I would   order a small amount of glue as a trial.

重要词汇 trial [ˈtraɪəl] n. 实验

19 如果我们现在订购的话,价格还能跟以前的一样吗? If we order now, will   the price be the same as before?

词组释义 the same as before 原样,和以前一样

20 订购这种新品种,我们的起订量是 300。 Our minimum quantity of an order for this new variety is 300 units.

词组释义 minimum quantity 最低数量


A: Hello, can I help you?

B: I want to buy some vases.

A: We have all kinds of vases here. Would you like to see the sample?

B: Okay.

A: This way, please. Right here . These are the latest vases with excellent quality .

B: Could you take that down and show it to me? I'll take a closer look,because if the quality is good and the price is moderate, I'll place an order with you for a large quantity.

A: Here you are. And this is the price list that we have revised according to the actual situation of the market. You will find the right product on it.

B: Your price is too high, which is far from what we expected.

A: Sir, you have to believe that you get what you pay off . I can assure you that our quality is definitely the best in this industry.

B: Do we have room for a counter-offer? If that's the case, we can only book a trial order.

A: Sir, we all know that good quality must mean high price.

B: I don't think the quality of these vases is very good. If you lower the price a little, we'll place an order right away.

A: I can't make the decision by myself. I need to call our manager. Just a moment, please.

(A few minutes later)

A: Sir, our manager said that if you order more than 300 now, we will give you a special concession.

B: OK, I'll order 300 latest models first.


vase [vɑ:z] n. 花瓶,装饰瓶

moderate [ˈmɒdərət] a. 中等的,适度的

revise [rɪˈvaɪz] v. 修改,改变


① Right here意为“就在这里,在这儿”,指的是给某人指出某事物的位置;还有Right there意为“就在那里”。

② excellent quality意为“优良的品质,卓越的品质”,另外形容“质量好,品质好”的形容词还有good和high。

③ you get what you pay off意为“一分价钱一分货,便宜没好货”。

④ have room for意为“有余地,有空间”,for后跟“有余地,有空间”的事物。


A :你好,有什么需要帮助的吗?

B :我想买一些花瓶。

A :我们这里有各种花瓶。你要看看样品吗?

B :好的。

A :这边请。就在这里。这是最新款的花瓶,质量优等。

B :能把那个拿下来给我看一下吗?我会仔细看一些,因为如果质量好而且价格合适我会向你们订购一大批的。

A :给您。这个是我们根据市场的实际情况修改过的价格单。您会在上面找到合适的产品。

B :你们的价格也太高了,与我们预期的有很大差距。

A :先生,您要相信一分价钱一分货。我敢保证我们的质量绝对是这个行业里最好的。

B :我们还有没有还价的余地?如果是这种情况的话,我们就只能试订了。

A :先生,我们都知道好质量肯定意味着高价格。

B :我并没有觉得这些花瓶的质量有多好。如果你们把价格降低一些,我们会立刻订货的。

A :这个我做不了主。我需要给经理打电话。请等一下。


A :先生,我们经理说如果您现在订购300个以上的话,我们会给出特殊的让步。

B :好的,那先订购300个最新款的吧。


到了订购环节,基本上买方已经确认过产品的价格、尺寸、规格和品质等,接下来需要做的就是确定数量和类别等项目。不过在订购前还是可与卖方就这些方面进行再一次的确认。因为一旦签完订购合同,就具有了法律效应,如果再改变主意就有可能涉及到法律问题,所以不管是中国人还是西方人在签订购合同前都很谨慎,确认好方方面面,以此让双方都避免产生损失。在国内,订购货物流程不会复杂,而若是从国外订购货物就要办理进口货物相关手续。西方的商人和企业在大量订货前通常会先选择几家满意的工厂或者公司小批量购买,然后比较分析,最终选择一家合适的合作对象。这也是为了保险起见,降低己方损失的风险,顺便也会了解对方的诚信等方面的问题。 DcOWaTzLSsFprMe40FAZ6KBxS976APxjV+/acdNGSX7WyxN0ewRRgh90tHBsaWzN
