
13 议价



1 这是最低价格了,我们不能再做出让步。 This is the lowest quotation. We can't make any concessions.

词组释义 make some concessions 做某些让步,做某些妥协

2 我们双方都坚持自己的价格是不明智的。 It is unwise for either of us to hold on our price.

同义表达 It is unwise for both of us to insist on our own price.

3 你真的很有办法,把我说服了。 You certainly have a way of winning me over.

词组释义 win over 说服,争取到,胜诉

4 你们公司的报价太高,我们不能接受。 Your company's offer is too high for us to accept.

同义表达 The quotation of your company is too high; we can't accept it.

5 我可以保证的是以这样的价格你是买不到我们这样质量好的产品的。 I can   assure you that you can't buy such good quality products at such a price.

词组释义 good quality 良好品质,高品质,质量好

6 我们的价格跟市场上的价格是一致的。 Our price is in line with the price in the market.

同义表达 Our rate is in accordance with the market.

7 你不能只关注价格而不考虑质量。 You can't just pay attention to the price, but not the quality.

重要词汇 quality [ˈkwɒlətɪ] n. 质量,品质

8 你应该把销量考虑在内。 You should take the sales into account.

重要词组 take sth into accout 把……考虑在内

9 质量应该是你们优先考虑的。 Quality is what you have to first take into consideration.

词组释义 take into consideration 考虑到,顾及,着想

10 价格减少 3% 怎么样? How about a price reduction of 3%?

词组释义 price reduction 降价,减价

11 我建议降价 5%。 I propose a reduction of 5%.

重要词汇 reduction [rɪˈdʌkʃn] n. 减少,降低

12 每件 20 美元怎么样? How about 20 dollars per unit?

词组释义 per unit 每单位

13 我们最多只能降低 20 美元,这绝对是最低价了。 We can only reduce the most by $20, which is definitely the lowest price.

同义表达 The best we can do is reduce the price by $20, which is definitely the lowest price.

14 我们再各让一步吧。 Let's meet each other halfway.

词组释义 meet each other halfway 互相作出让步

15 抱歉,我们无法接受你的还价。 Sorry, we can't accept your counter-offer.

重要词汇 counter-offer ['kaʊntər'ɒfər] n. 还价,还盘

16 如果是这样的话,我们就没有必要继续谈了。 If that is the case, there is no need for us to go on talking.

重要词组 there is no need for sb to do sth 某人没有必要做某事

17 如果是这个价格的话我们就要赔钱了。 If it's the price, we'll lose money.

词组释义 lose money损失金钱,亏耗

18 这是我们的最终价格了,我们不会再降一分钱了。 This is our final   quotation. We won't cut another penny.

重要词汇 penny [ˈpenɪ] n. 便士,一分钱

19 我们也要考虑我们的成本的。 We have to consider our costs.

重要词汇 cost [kɒst] n. 成本,花销

20 我们经理是不会同意这样的价格的。 Our manager will not agree to such a price.

同义表达 Our manager will not agree with this price.

21 如果你增大你的订货量的话,我们会给你更高的折扣。 We'll give you a   higher discount if you increase your order.

重要词汇 increase [ɪnˈkri:s] v. 增加,增大


A: Mr. Smith, this is our rock-bottom price. We can't make any further concessions.

B: If that's the case, we would have no point in going on talking. You and I both know that I am a wholesaler. If I sell it to others at this price, not only will they not buy it, but I have no interest in it.

A: I mean the price you asked for is too low. We can't go down to that level.We wouldn't be willing to lose money in business , right?

B: I think it unwise for either of us to insist on our own price. We should all make some concessions so that our business can be settled.

A: What's your advice?

B: The price you offered is $160 more than our acceptable price. I suggest we meet each other half way .

A: Do you mean I should make a further reduction of $80? That is impossible.

B: So what is your suggestion then?

A: We can only offer you a reduction of $20, which is really our rock-bottom price. I swear we never sold it at this price.

B: Okay. I am glad that we have reached an agreement on the price. Let my assistant contact you for the next thing.

A: All right. You can really have a way. I admire you.


rockbottom - [rɒk 'bɒtəm] a. 底层的,最低的

wholesaler ['həʊlseɪlə(r)] n. 批发商

unwise [ˌʌnˈwaɪz] n. 不明智的

swear [sweə(r)] v. 发誓,咒骂


① have no point in doing sth意为“在做某事上没有意义”,其常构成的句型是There is no point in doing sth.

② go down to意为“降到,减到,延续至,一直到”,to后常跟的是sth;与其相似的get down to 指的是“开始认真处理,对待”,这里的to是介词,后常跟v-ing形式。

③ lose money in business意为“亏本,折钱”,而lose money千万不要将其翻译为丢失了钱,而是指“赔钱,损失了钱”。

④ meet each other half way意为“相互让步,互相妥协,各让一半,折中”,一般用在商务谈判陷入僵局的时候,以此缓和气氛。

⑤ reach an agreement on意为“在……上达成协议/一致意见,取得共识”,这里的reach可替换为come to和conclude等。


A :史密斯先生,这是我们的最低价格了,我们不能再做出让步了。

B :如果是这样的话,就没有谈下去的意义了。你我都明白,我是批发商。如果我以这个价格成批地卖给他人的话,不仅他们不会购买,我也没有什么利益可图了。

A :我的意思是你方要求的价格实在太低了,我们是绝对不可能降到那种程度的。我们都不会愿意赔本做生意的,对吗?

B :我觉得我们双方都坚持自己的价格是不明智的。我们都应该做些让步,这样我们的生意就谈成了。

A :你的建议是什么?

B :你方提出的价格与我们可接受的价格相比多了160美元。我建议我们各让一半。

A :你的意思是我再给你降价80美元吗?那是不可能的。

B :那你们的意见呢?

A :我们最多只能给你降价20美元,这真的是我们的最低价了,我发誓我们从来没有以这种价格出售过。

B :好的。很高兴我们在价格上达成了一致。接下来的事情就让我的助理联系你吧。

A :好的。你可真有办法,我佩服你。


议价与利益有关,所以必然是商务活动中一个重要的环节。议价也就是还价的意思,也可称为还盘。一般情况下,买方的要求基本上卖方都是要满足的,但也不是所有的要求都要满足,例如价格方面,如果买方非要卖方降价的话,卖方就可以让买方增加购买的数量,也就是订货量决定给出的价格,而且这个价格也是有有效期的。就欧式报价来说,其常是先给出一个留有余地的价格,然后双方根据自己的需求、意向以及商贸规则等进行议价来促进最后的成交,这在他们看来是利于合作的好方法。例如卖方给买方一个价格,但是买方对这个有些异议,然后卖方就会同意通过其他方面给买方一些优惠以达成最后的合作,这样买方会认为获得了一个更低的价格,而卖方则仍然利润稳赚,在这样的基础上双方达成交易。 ZG8cYLMQZwDS2MCYuGQutrJWJMIxQdY5Qzm4b882UPkPa9g8i2LEck7+U1PRGYEB
