
09 表示感谢



1 谢谢您联系我们。 Thank you for contacting us.

重要词组 thank you for 为某事感谢

2 我很感激。 I feel so grateful.

同义表达 I really appreciate it.

3 谢谢你的邀请。 I really appreciate your invitation.

同义表达 Thanks for asking.

4 谢谢你邀请我来这里。 Thank you for having me here.

同义表达 Thanks for having me.

5 谢谢你的好意。 I am indebted to you for kindness.

重要词组 be indebted to负债于……,负债的,感激的

6 感谢贵方替我们考虑了一些问题。为我们的合作干杯! Thank you for   considering some questions for us. Cheers to our cooperation!

重要词汇 cheer [tʃɪə(r)] v. 欢呼,使高兴

7 多谢你的热情款待。 Many thanks for your warm hospitality.

词组释义 warm hospitality 热情款待,热情好客

8 感谢你的到来。 Thank you for your coming.

重要词汇 coming [ˈkʌmɪŋ] n. 到来,到达

9 不管怎样,我还是很感谢你跟我们合作。 At any rate, I still appreciate your cooperation with us.

词组释义 at any rate 无论如何,至少

10 我们的客户给我发了一封电子邮件对我们的款待表示感谢。 Our client sent   me an email thanking us for dinner.

重要词汇 send [send] v. 发出,派遣

11 我首先感谢的是你安排的很丰盛的晚宴。 I want to first thank you for the wonderful dinner you arranged.

词组释义 wonderful dinner 丰盛的晚餐

12 请接受我对你的盛情款待表示真挚的感谢。 Please accept my sincere appreciation for your magnificent hospitality.

重要词汇 sincere [sɪnˈsɪə(r)] a. 真诚的,诚挚的

13 谢谢贵公司的热情款待。 Thank you for the hospitality of your company.

重要词汇 hospitality [ˌhɒspɪˈtælətɪ] n. 招待,款待

14 感谢你的精心安排和盛情款待。 Thank you for your refinement and generous hospitality.

词组释义 generous hospitality 盛情款待

15 诚挚地感谢你的亲切款待。 I warmly appreciate your gracious hospitality.

重要词汇 gracious [ˈgreɪʃəs] a. 亲切的,和蔼的

16 谢谢你。晚宴很丰盛,我度过了一个愉快的夜晚。 Thank you. The feast is so rich; I have a pleasant evening.

重要词汇 feast [fi:st] n. 盛会,宴会

17 我建议你在吃过晚宴后向你的客户表达自己的感谢。 I suggest you   express your gratitude to your customers after dinner.

重要词汇 gratitude [ˈgrætɪtju:d] n. 感激,感谢

18 我很感激你的盛情款待。 I am obliged by your hospitality very much.

重要词汇 obliged [əˈblaɪdʒd] a. 感激的,感谢的

19 我们都想借此机会向你表示感谢。 We all want to take the occasion to thank you.

词组释义 take the occasion 乘机,借此机会

20 我很高兴能参加这个晚宴,谢谢你。 It's my pleasure to attend this dinner. Thank you.

重要词汇 pleasure [ˈpleʒə(r)] n. 愉快,娱乐

21 我很感激你能来参加这个宴会。 I appreciate your coming to the dinner.

重要词汇 appreciate [əˈpri:ʃieɪt] v. 欣赏,感激

22 感谢你在百忙之中抽出时间来参加这个宴会。 Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this banquet.

词组释义 busy schedule 繁忙的日程


A: Hello, this is Daniel.

B: Hello, this is Michael.

A: Do you remember me? I'm from Best Company.

B: Oh, yes.

A: The main purpose of my call to you is to thank you for your careful arrangements and hospitality last night. I had a very pleasant evening yesterday.

B: Well, I'm glad you had a nice dinner time.

A: Yes, but unfortunately we didn't have a chance to chat. I mean, I couldn'tfind a chance to talk to you last night when you were hosting so many guests.

B: It doesn't matter. We can find another time for coffee and chat.

A: OK. I'd love to. But we can go to dinner first and then go for coffee,because I know a good Chinese restaurant. It's my shout this time.

B: Wow. It's my favorite.

A: Yes. I heard you like Chinese food, so I'd like to invite you to try it.

B: Thank you for being so thoughtful.

A: You're welcome. I also want to take this opportunity to express your advice to me.

B: You remember! I just expressed my thoughts.

A: Of course. I won't forget the kindness of anyone to me.


unfortunately [ʌnˈfɔ:tʃənətli] ad . 不幸地,遗憾地

shout [ʃaʊt] v. 呼喊,呼叫

kindness [ˈkaɪndnəs] n. 友好的行为,仁慈


① careful arrangements意为“精心安排”,既可指精心布局,也可指为某人的到来精心安排。

② find another time意为“另外找时间”,常用在口语中,表示这次没有时间做某事,约好再找时间做某事。

③ It's my shout意为“这次我请客”,与This is my treat是同一个意思,都是指在付款时向跟别人表示自己结账。

④ take this / the opportunity意为“借此机会”,后常跟不定式,表示“借此机会/抓住这个机会做某事”,与其有着相同意思的词组是take the occasion。


A :你好,我是丹尼尔。

B :你好,我是迈克尔。

A :你还记得我吗?我是来自贝斯特公司的。

B :哦,记得。

A :我给你打电话的主要目的就是感谢您昨晚的精心安排和盛情款待。我昨天度过了一个很愉快的夜晚。

B :很高兴你有一段愉快的晚餐时间。

A :是的,但遗憾的是我们并没有聊天的机会。昨晚你要招待那么多的客人,我都找不到机会和你聊天了。

B :没关系。我们可以再找时间喝咖啡聊天。

A :好啊。我很愿意。不过我们可以先去吃饭,然后再去喝咖啡。因为我知道一家很好吃的中国餐馆。这次我请客。

B :哇哦。我的最爱。

A :是的。我听说你喜欢中国菜,所以想邀请你品尝一下。

B :很感谢你这么体贴。

A :不客气。主要我也是想借此机会感谢你曾经给我建议。

B :你竟然还记得。我也只是表达了自己的想法而已。

A :那当然了。我是不会忘记任何人对我的友好的。

Send the Wrong Address

Once, I received a thank-you note from one of my clients. There were some lottery tickets in the envelope, but they were all scratched. "Thank you very much for being so kind to me," the note read, "as a gift, I bought you five lottery tickets. But I'm sorry you didn't win." I was surprised after I read the note, but soon the client called me and apologized that he had written the wrong address.




在商务活动中,表达感谢通常可通过写感谢信、打电话或者宴请。在中西方的文化中,请人吃饭来表达自己的感谢都是司空见惯的事情。在请人吃饭前首先需要邀请对方,西方人通常都会直接回应你的邀请,也就是是否接受会给一个明确的答复。中西方的人们在表达感谢时可根据敬词来看出差异。在西方,他们通常会用“Mr. White”来表示尊称,以此表示双方之间的一种“平等”关系,而中国人则通常用“姓+职位”或“您”来表示,通常都是先抬高别人。在美国人看来,只要对方向自己提供了便利和帮助,就需要表示感谢,这也就是“Thank you”在美国甚至在其他西方国家那么常用的原因,而对于中国人来说,说“谢谢”就表示有点“见外”。 PEGN0ivBSWI83F+8bFrVTtf67JtsoDodJs1BuvvjSfEW6DguuUPeOGTA8vIh8aZm
