
08 宴请客户



1 您想喝点什么呢? What would you like to drink?

重要词汇 drink [drɪŋk] v.

2 我很荣幸被邀请参加晚宴。 It is my honor to be invited to dinner.

重要词汇 honor ['ɒnə(r)] n. 荣誉,荣幸

3 我很高兴接受你的邀请。 I am delighted to accept your invitation.

重要词汇 invitation [ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃn] n. 邀请,请柬

4 下次吧? How about a rain check?

词组释义 rain check 延期(宴请)

5 请到餐桌就坐吧。 Please go over to the dinner table.

词组释义 go over to 朝……去

6 你喜欢吃海鲜吗? Do you care for seafood?

同义表达 Do you like seafood?

7 你喜欢什么样的食物? What kind of food do you prefer?

同义表达 What sort of food do you like?

8 你是愿意用刀叉还是筷子? Would you like to use knife and fork or chopsticks?

词组释义 knife and fork 刀叉

9 很高兴你喜欢这个菜,让我们为我们的合作干杯。 I'm glad you like it.Let's drink to our cooperation.

重要词汇 cooperation [kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn] n. 合作,协作

10 希望我们能合作愉快,干杯! I hope we can have a good cooperation. Cheers!

同义表达 I hope for a good cooperation between us.

11 我知道你喜欢吃海鲜,你可以尝尝他们家的特色菜。 I know you like   seafood. You can try their specialty.

重要词汇 seafood [ˈsi:fu:d] n. 海鲜

12 他的很多钱都花在宴请潜在客户上了。 Much of his money has been spent on banquets for potential customers.

词组释义 much of 大量,许多的

13 如果你想要宴请你的客户就需要提出正式的邀请。 If you want to entertain your clients, you need to make a formal invitation.

重要词汇 entertain [ˌentəˈteɪn] n. 款待,招待

14 我们公司打算宴请 20名重要客户。 Our company plans to hold a dinner for twenty important clients.

重要词汇 client [ˈklaɪənt] n. 客户,顾客

15 这个地方是宴请客户的理想场所。 It is an ideal place to entertain customers.

重要词汇 ideal [aɪˈdi:əl] a. 理想的,完美的

16 经理要求我尽快宴请这些客户。 The manager asked me to have a dinner with these clients as soon as possible.

词组释义 have a dinner 进餐,吃饭

17 经理说宴请客户的事就交给我了。 The manager said I would be in charge of inviting clients for dinner.

重要词汇 manager [ˈmænɪdʒə(r)] n. 经理

18 我明天会和客户有一个晚宴,我需要穿的正式点还是半正式呢? I'll have   a dinner with my client tomorrow. Should I dress formally or semi formally?

重要词汇 formally ['fɔ:məlɪ] ad. 正式地,正规地

19 你知道那是一个正式的宴请,所以你应该穿的正式点。 You know it is a   formal meal, so you ought to dress formally.

重要词汇 meal [mi:l] n. 餐,饭

20 到你宴请客户的时候了。 It's time for you to entertain your clients.

重要词组 it's time for sb to do sth 是某人做某事的时候了


A: Hello, Mr. Philips. Do you have any plans for tomorrow night? Our manager would like to invite you and your team to a French restaurant.

B: Thank you for asking , but sorry, I'm tied up . I need to talk to my team about the next project tomorrow night. We need to consider a lot of questions, so we don't have extra time to attend.

A: That's all right. We can schedule the dinner according to your time,anytime when you are free.

B: Let me have a look at my work schedule. En... I may not be free until next week.

A: OK. I'll explain to our manager. Our manager said he must have dinner with you this time, so it's OK whenever you are free.

B: Well. Please convey to your manager that we will have dinner together next week.

A: Great. I also heard that you like wine, so the French restaurant we arranged will certainly satisfy you.

B: It's very kind of you. All right, I'll have my secretary make an appointment with you next week.

A: No problem. We'll be at the gate of the company to pick you and your team up then.

B: Okay. See you then.

A: See you.


question [ˈkwestʃən] n. 问题,疑问

schedule [ˈʃedju:l] v. 安排,排定

according [ə'kɔ:dɪŋ] ad . 依照

secretary [ˈsekrətrɪ] n. 秘书,大臣

gate [geɪt] n. 门,登机门,入场费


① Thank you for asking这个句子有很多的意思,可在宴会场景中表示“谢谢你的邀请”,在其他场景中可意为“谢谢你的问候,谢谢你问这个问题,谢谢你的指教”。

② I'm tied up意为“我已经有计划了”,这个可以用于被人邀请时表示拒绝,常与sorry连用,使句子委婉一些。

③ explain to sb意为“向某人解释”,可构成explain sth to sb或者explain to sb sth。

④ convey to sb意为“向某人传达/表达”,可构成convey sth to sb。


A :你好,飞利浦先生。您明晚有安排吗?我们经理想邀请您和您的团队成员明晚到法国餐厅吃饭。

B :谢谢你的邀请,但不好意思,我已经有安排了。我明晚需要和我的团队商量下一个项目的计划,我们需要考虑很多的问题,所以没有额外的时间参加。

A :那没关系。我们可以根据您的时间安排晚宴,看您什么时候有空。

B :让我看一下我的工作日程表。嗯……我可能下个星期才会有空。

A :好的。我会向我们经理说明的。我们经理说这次一定要跟您一起用餐,所以您无论什么时候有空都是可以的。

B :请向你的经理转达我们下星期一定会一起吃饭的。

A :那太好了。我还听说您喜欢喝葡萄酒,所以我们安排的那个法国餐厅一定会让您满意的。

B :你真的太好了。好了,那我会在下个星期让我的秘书跟你预约具体的时间。

A :没问题。我们到时可以去公司门口接您和您的团队。

B :好的。到时见。

A :再见。


为了促进与客户的合作就要宴请客户。这不仅蕴含着商务礼仪,也能在吃饭聊天时促进双方的关系以便更好地促成这单生意。若是邀请异性商务伙伴用餐,就最好把时间定在中午而不是晚上。作为客户来说,如果对方以口头的形式邀请,也应该以口头的形式答复。若对方发出正式的请帖,则要以书面的形式回复。若是想要表示拒绝,也应该以业务的原因委婉拒绝,不要以个人原因,也就是私事来回绝对方,这样容易使对方误以为你因私人原因而无法倾注自己的心血在工作上。作为主方,在餐馆选择上,最好选择有商务氛围的餐馆,要避免有着浪漫氛围的餐馆。此外,在宴请客户前要了解一下对方的饮食习惯,不同地方的人,不同国家的人,饮食习惯会有所不同。 ZIsrrx+ULbnn06Lg2+Xch12dcjtgOycReVZmkPXL7F399vyu/UJitpUIVerw8OIr
