
07 观看货样



1 这是我们最新设计的壁橱,品质优良,设计新颖。 This is our latest   closet, with good quality and novel design.

重要词汇 novel [ˈnɒvl] a. 新奇的,异常的

2 我很确定你在这次参观后会对我们的产品有更深的了解。 I'm sure you'll   have a deeper understanding of our products after this visit.

重要词组 have a deeper understanding of... 对……有更深的了解

3 仓库里有我们产品的存货,您要看看吗? We keep a stock of products in our warehouse. Would you like to see it?

词组释义 keep a stock of sth 有某物的存货/库存

4 您要看一下我们的样品间吗? Would you like to see our sample room?

词组释义 sample room 样品间

5 要不要我每一样产品拿一个给您看看? Shall I show you a product of each?

重要词汇 show [ʃəʊ] v. 展示,说明

6 这是我们的样品间。 Here's our sample room.

同义表达 Here's our showroom.

7 我们所有的展品都可以销售。 All our exhibits are available for sale.

重要词汇 exhibit [ɪgˈzɪbɪt] n. 展览品

8 这种产品才上市一周。 This kind of product has only been on the market for a week.

词组释义 on the market 出售,上市,待售

9 所有展览的样品都可以销售。 All the samples on display can be sold.

词组释义 on display 展出

10 这种样品是对外出售的。 This kind of sample is for sale.

词组释义 for sale 待售

11 我们的这个产品在国外也很出名。 Our products are also well known abroad.

同义表达 Our products enjoy a good fame abroad.

12 我很确定您会对我们产品的质量和款式都很满意。 I'm sure you'll be   satisfied with the quality and style of our products.

重要词汇 style [staɪl] n. 方式,样式

13 我们所有的样品会跟实物一模一样。 All our samples will be identical to the real things.

重要词组 be identical to 与……相同

14 您要不要走过来看看这个样品的操作演示? Would you like to come over and see our demonstration?

重要词汇 demonstration [ˌdemənˈstreɪʃn] n. 示范,证明

15 我们展出的商品种类繁多。 We have a wide selection of goods on display.

重要词组 have a wide selection of 拥有很多品种的……

16 我们有各类型的酒瓶,请看样品。 We have all kinds of winebottles, please look at the samples.

重要词汇 winebottle ['waɪnˌbɒtl] n. 酒瓶

17 我们有一些不同质量的样品。 We have some samples with various qualities.

重要词汇 sample [ˈsɑ:mpl] n. 样品,标本

18 我想先看看你们的样品。 I'd like to see your samples first.

同义表达 I want to have a look at your samples first.

19 我们这里的样品种类多样。 We have a large collection of samples here.

重要词组 have a large collection of 种类很多,齐全

20 您能够通过看样品得知质量。 You can be able to know the quality through the sample.

词组释义 be able to 会,能够


A: I'd like to have a look at your sample room first.

B: OK. Come with me , please. This is our sample room.

A: You've had a wide selection of sample foodstuffs here.

B: Yeah. We need to export a wide range of food to many countries, and many foreigners like different kinds of food, so we have to develop as many varieties as possible this time.

A: I'm very interested in pastries. Do you have any samples to show me?

B: Yes. This way, please. Our pastries are in a variety of flavors, such as chocolate, sesame, strawberry, green bean, red bean, etc. The packaging of different flavors is different. We design distinctive packaging based on the food itself. Because we believe that the sales of food depends on both the taste and the packaging.

A: Smaller packages sell better than big ones for us. Will you change the size according to our requirements?

B: Yes. But we would advise you not to change the size of some products because we know from market research that not all small sizes are sold well.

A: OK. We need to negotiate the details some other time.

B: No problem, anytime when you are free.

A: I wonder if your pastries taste better.

B: Of course. Welcome to try .


foodstuff [ˈfu:dstʌf] n. 食物,食品

sesame [ˈsesəmɪ] n. 芝麻

distinctive [dɪˈstɪŋktɪv] a. 有特色的,与众不同的

pastry [ˈpeɪstrɪ] n. 糕点


① come with me意为“跟我来”,强调的是跟我一起,而follow me则指的是跟在我后面,强调“引导”。

② a wide range of意为“大范围的,许多各种不同的”,后面可修饰可数名词复数。

③ a variety of意为“各种各样的,种种”,与varieties of的用法一样,都可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。

④ Welcome to try意为“欢迎品尝”,原句为You're welcome to try.有时也用Welcome to taste.


A :我想先看看你们的样品间。

B :好的。请跟我来。这里就是我们的样品间了。

A :你们这里展出的食品样品很是丰富啊。

B :是的。我们要向很多国家出口食品,而且很多外国人喜欢的种类不一样,所以我们这次要尽可能多地研发出食品种类。

A :我对糕点很感兴趣,你们有样品展示给我看吗?

B :是的,有。请来这边。我们有很多口味的糕点,例如:巧克力味、芝麻味、草莓味、绿豆味以及红豆味等。不同口味的包装也是不一样的。我们会依据食品本身设计出有特色的包装。因为我们认为一款食品的销量既取决于口感,也取决于其外包装。

A :对我们来说,小包装会比大包装销量更好,你们会根据我们的要求修改尺寸吗?

B :可以的。不过有些产品我们会建议您不要更改尺寸,因为我们通过市场调研得知,并不是所有小尺寸的食品都卖得很好。

A :好的。我们需要另外找时间商量具体的细节。

B :没问题,您什么时候有空都可以。

A :我想知道你们的食品是不是比市场上的更好吃。

B :当然了。欢迎品尝。


一个公司在进购大批产品前都会委派一个采购员观看货样确定产品。一位外国采购员表示,他们选择工厂还是贸易公司主要取决于三个方面:价格、品质和沟通。在沟通这方面,他认为工厂处于弱势,因为工厂一般都没有外贸专员,也不太了解采购商的文化背景和行为习惯。不过就客户愿意合作的对象来讲,工厂的优势更大,因为在外国商人看来他们在工厂看完样品订过货后,工厂能更好地控制产品的质量、生产量以及交货日期。另外工厂给他们的价格通常会偏低一些,没有中间商赚差价。德国Fesco贸易公司的CEO Frank就曾表示,他们的时间很宝贵,在看完货样,下了订单后,交货早的公司或者工厂更受他们的青睐。通常来说,贸易公司的交货速度会更快,不过产品价格也会高一些。 WtLGMgduKqUEuA+2GxX+I4WRcLg3zjX91vUJj83oBfcECIFy8V3yN/oozxmLyyWk
