
06 实地参观



1 我们期待着你参观我们的工厂。 We look forward to your visit to our plant.

重要词汇 plant [plɑ:nt] n. 工厂,植物,草木

2 如果方便的话,我们想和技术员聊一聊。 We would like to have a chat with the technician if it's convenient.

重要词组 have a chat with sb 与……聊天

3 我们想了解一下你们的酿酒设备和酿酒过程。 We wants to know about your winemaking equipment and winemaking process.

同义表达 We'd like to know about your facilities and the process of brewing beer.

4 我想体验一下食品加工和包装过程。 I'd like to experience the process of food processing and packaging.

词组释义 food processing 食品加工,食品处理

5 很感谢你陪同我参观公司。 It is so kind of you to give me a tour of the company.

重要词组 give sb a tour 带某人参观某地

6 我想你在参观完我们的工厂后肯定会对我们的产品更加了解。 I think you   will know the products better after you visit our mill.

重要词汇 mill [mɪl] n. 工厂,磨坊

7 你先给我一个工厂的示意图。 You give me a layout drawing of the factory first.

词组释义 layout drawing 平面图,设计图

8 工厂是从原材料到成品自己成产吗? Does the factory produce everything from raw materials to finished products?

词组释义 raw material 原料

9 我想看一下你们的生产中心。 I want to have a look at your production center.

词组释义 production center 生产中心

10 你对我们公司的整体印象怎么样? What's your overall impression of our company?

重要词汇 overall [ˌəʊvərˈɔ:l] a. 全部的,全体的

11 你们工厂给我留下了很好的印象。 Your factory makes a good impression on me.

重要词组 make a good impression on sb 给某人留下好的印象

12 很高兴你能来参观我们的公司。 We are delighted to have you visit our company.

同义表达 Glad to have you visit our company.

13 你们公司有多少工程师? How many engineers do you have?

同义表达 How many engineers are there in your company?

14 我们很想带你看看。 We long for showing you around.

词组释义 long for 渴望

15 欢迎提出您的宝贵意见。 Welcome to offer your valuable advice.

重要词汇 valuable [ˈvæljuəbl] a. 宝贵的,有价值的

16 我们公司有 1500 名员工。 Our company has more than 1,500 employees.

同义表达 We have over 1,500 employees.

17 每一道程序都由计算机控制。 Every process is controlled by computer.

重要词组 be controlled by 由……控制

18 贵公司果然名副其实。 Your company really lives up to its reputation.

词组释义 live up to不辜负

19 贵公司有相当大的发展前景。 Your company has considerable development prospects.

词组释义 development prospect 发展前景

20 你想看看我们的工厂吗? Would you like to look around our plant?

词组释义 look around 到处看,游览


A: Hello, Mr. Wilson. Welcome to visit our company. I'll show you around and explain the layout of our company to you as we go along .

B: All right.

A: This is our office building, and this is our research and development department.

B: What's the building opposite?

A: That is our warehouse, we will store short-term goods, and as soon as someone orders, we will deliver the goods as quickly as possible.

B: Well, where is your factory?

A: We need a five-minute walk. Do you need a ride? We have our own sightseeing bus.

B: OK. Let's go straight to the factory. I'd like to see its size.

A: No problem.

(Five minutes later)

B: Is your factory fully automated?

A: En, not fully automated. This is because our products need labor to make the finished product inspection.

B: How do you guarantee your quality?

A: All our products have four quality checks throughout the production process.

B: What do you do with defective products?

A: We will destroy them as soon as we find them, in case the employees take them by mistake.

B: What about the monthly output?

A: Now 1,500 units are produced per month, and more are expected next year.

B: If I place an order now, how long will it take?

A: About half a month. And we can guarantee that there will be no defects.

B: Okay. I got it.


layout [ˈleɪaʊt] n. 布局,安排,设计

opposite [ˈɒpəzɪt] ad . 在对面

automated ['ɔ:təʊmeɪtɪd] a. 自动化的

output [ˈaʊtpʊt] n. 产量,输出

defective [dɪˈfektɪv] a. 有缺陷的,有瑕疵的


① go along意为“沿着,顺着……前行”,与with搭配,构成go along with时指的是“顺着某人的意思,赞同某人”,与walk along相区别的是后者更强调walk,不是坐车或者其他形式,也没有“赞同”的意思。

② deliver the goods字面上的意思是“交货,送货”,还有“履行承诺”的意思。

③ go straight to意为“直奔,直接去”,还可构成go straight along 意为“沿着……一直走”,或者go straight ahead意为“一直往前走”。

④ do with有“处理”的意思,与deal with是同一个意思,它们的意思相同,但搭配不同的疑问词,前者与what连用,后者与how连用。

⑤ place an order 意为“下单,订购”,后面跟的通常是订购的货品以及数量。


A :您好,威尔逊先生,欢迎您来参观我们的公司。我陪您到处看看。我会边走边给您讲解我们公司的布局。

B :好的。

A :这个是我们的办公大楼,那个是我们的研发部。

B :对面那个楼是什么?

A :那是我们的仓库,我们会存放周期短的货品,只要有人订货,我们就会以最快的速度交货。

B :嗯,你们的工厂在哪里?

A :我们需要步行五分钟。您需要坐车吗?我们有自己的观光车。

B :好的。那我们直接去工厂吧。我想看看它的规模。

A :没问题。


B :你们的工厂是全自动的吗?

A :……不是全自动。这是因为我们的产品需要人工才能做好成品检验。

B :你们是如何保证自己的质量呢?

A :我们的所有产品在整个的生产过程中都有四道质量检查关。

B :你们是怎么处理残次品的?

A :我们一经发现就会立刻销毁,以防被员工误拿。

B :那月产量呢?

A :现在每个月都生产1500套,预计明年会更多。

B :如果我现在订购的话,需要多长时间?

A :大概半个月。而且我们可以保证不会出现残次品。

B :好的,我了解了。

1. To see is to believe. 眼见为实。

2. It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. 百闻不如一见。

3. What you hear about may be false; what you see is true. 眼见为实,耳听 为虚。


实地参观通常指的是参观工厂的规模、设备以及产品生产流程等,或者参观公司的整体布局,了解产品等。中西方之间的贸易往来越来越频繁,中国企业经常跟外国企业合作。通常情况下,只要国外客户愿意实地参观,那么达成合作的几率就很大,所以中国企业在接待方面会足够重视。另外,在外国客户参观工厂的时候一定要有人陪伴客户,不能让客户一人在工厂参观,一方面是对客户的尊重,另一方面也是为了保护己方的隐私。实地参观的话需要确定对方到访日期,一般是提前一个月或者好几个月。一般情况下,要为客户的实地参观安排好饮食、住宿和交通,对于住宿方面,外国客户基本上都不喜欢多人住一起,即使是同性,也更愿意选择一人一间房,所以为他们预订房间时大床房是首选,其次才能考虑双人标准间。 spWv583KSaXb72cmV8OP5bEeTzdN5fu/vukNjaM510m7CYbfxZiXH0F6GPRB3O6g
