
05 机场迎接



1 我是来接您的。 I am here to pick you up.

同义表达 I come to pick you up.

2 我代表我们的总经理来迎接你。 I greet you on behalf of our general manager.

词组释义 on behalf of 代表,为了

3 您一定是我们期盼已久从澳大利亚来的怀恩先生吧。 You must be our   long-expected Mr. Wyon from Australia.

重要词汇 expected [ɪkˈspektɪd] a. 预期的

4 幸会。 Very pleased to meet you.

同义表达 I'm very nice / glad to meet you.

5 很高兴终于见到您了。 I'm delighted to meet you finally.

重要词组 be delighted to do sth 高兴做某事

6 让我帮你拿行李吧。 Let me take the luggage for you.

重要词汇 luggage [ˈlʌgɪdʒ] n. 行李

7 我来领路。 Let me lead the way.

重要词组 lead the way 带路,示范,前导

8 自从您把到访日期通过电子邮件发给我们后,我们一直期待您的到来。 We   have been looking forward to your arrival since you sent us the date of your visit by e-mail.

重要词汇 visit [ˈvɪzɪt] n. 访问

9 经过长途飞行后,您一定很累了。 You must be tired after the long flight.

词组释义 long flight 长途飞行

10 我们已经在酒店为您预订好了房间。 We have reserved a room for you in hotel.

词组释义 reserve a room 订房间

11 我们的车正在机场外等着。 We have a car waiting outside.

重要词汇 outside [ˌaʊtˈsaɪd] ad. 在外面

12 我想知道从机场到宾馆还需要多久。 I want to know how long it will take to get to the hotel.

同义表达 I wonder how far the hotel is from the airport.

13 希望您在这里能过得愉快。 I hope you'll have an enjoyable stay here.

重要词汇 enjoyable [ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl] a. 愉快的,快乐的

14 来接您是我的荣幸。 It is a great privilege to meet you.

重要词汇 privilege [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ] n. 特殊荣幸

15 久闻大名,很高兴见到你。 I've heard a lot about you. Nice to meet you.

词组释义 hear about 听说,得知

16 早就听说过您了。 Your name precedes you.

重要词汇 precede [prɪˈsi:d] v. 在……之前发生或出现,先于

17 飞行愉快吗? Did you have a nice flight?

重要词汇 flight [flaɪt] n. 飞机,航班

18 我们的经理正等着您呢。 Our manager is expecting you.

同义表达 Our manager is waiting for your arrival.

19 打扰了,您是来自格林公司的凯特先生吗? Excuse me, are you Mr. Kate from Green Company?

词组释义 excuse me 对不起,打扰了

20 我的航班晚点了几个小时,但总而言之这是一次顺利的旅行。 My flight was   a few hours late, but in short I had a smooth flight.

重要词汇 smooth [smu:ð] a. 光滑的,流畅的


A: You must be Jansen from the Best company.

B: Yes. Glad to meet you . Thank you for taking the time to pick me up.

A: You're welcome. Glad to meet you, too. How was your flight?

B: My flight stayed in New York for two hours, but overall it went well .

A: That's good. Shall we go now? Our car is waiting outside and we've booked a room for you.

B: I really appreciate it. I really feel tired. I just want to take a bath and have a good rest now.

A: Is this your first visit to the city?

B: Yes. I've always wanted to come, but I've never had a chance.

A: If you are free, I would like to show you around here.

B: OK, thanks. When will the meeting begin?

A: We have arranged for a formal meeting tomorrow afternoon. This way,please. Let me help you with your luggage.

B: Thank you, I can manage it myself.

A: Would you like to go to the restaurant or the hotel first?

B: I'd like to go to the hotel first. I'll eat after I put my things in the hotel.

A: Good idea. What kind of food do you like? We have a lot of good restaurants here.

B: I'd like to eat some of your special snacks.

A: OK, that's settled .


overall [ˌəʊvərˈɔ:l] ad. 全面地,总地,总的来说

manage [ˈmænɪdʒ] v. 管理,应付,经营

snack [snæk] n. 小吃,快餐,点心


① Glad to meet you意为“很高兴见到你”,与Nice to meet you的意思和用法一样,都是打招呼用语,不过北美人用后者更多一些。

② take the time意为“抽时间”,后常跟不定式,与其相似的一个词组是take your time,指的是“慢慢来,别着急”。

③ go well意为“进展顺利”,可以指工作、事情和计划等。也常跟with搭配,构成go well with意为“协调,与……很相配”。

④ that's settled意为“一言为定,就这么定了”,等同于it's a deal。


A :您一定是来自贝斯特公司的詹森吧。

B :是的。很高兴见到你。谢谢你抽空来接我。

A :不客气。我也很高兴见到您。您的旅途如何?

B :我的航班在纽约滞留了两个小时,但总的来说还是很顺利的。

A :那就好。我们可以走了吗?我们的车就在机场外等着。而且我们已经帮您预订好了房间。

B :谢谢,很感激你。我确实感觉很累。我现在只想洗个澡好好休息一下。

A :您是第一次来这个城市吗?

B :是的。我一直想来,但总是没有机会。

A :如果您有空的话,我希望能带您在这里走走。

B :好的,谢谢。会议什么时候开始?

A :我们已经安排好了,明天下午会议会正式举行。请走这边,我来帮您拿行李吧。

B :谢谢,我可以自己来。

A :您稍后是先去餐厅还是先去酒店?

B :我想先去酒店。我把东西放在酒店后就去吃饭。

A :好主意。您喜欢什么样的食物?我们这里有很多不错的餐馆。

B :我想吃一些你们这里的特色小吃。

A :好的,就这么定了。


在机场迎接贵宾是商务交往中很重要的环节。它能给外宾留下很好的第一印象,以此建立感情,使接下来的洽谈活动顺利些。去接客户的人应提前到达,让客户在机场久等是一个很不好的行为。对来宾说话也要显得正式,表示对对方的尊重。欧美人所表现的尊重是经常眼睛保持对视,不过也不是一直盯着对方,得把握那个度。他们更不会将眼睛看向别的地方。总之,让来宾感觉到受尊重是中西方人在接机时都会做的事情。当然,恰当的穿着肯定会为接机行为加分。在接机后主动询问来宾的旅途状况,以表示自己的关心。在机场迎接客人前为客人准备好酒店和吃饭的地方等环节是很有必要的,因为客人的时间一般都安排得很紧凑,不能因安排不当而影响了客户其他的行程。 wosaNO706ns8pj1G6CMmP+r7EzdpwqCHu09xS/w1Yub7UKB6AmKnfKbVpk6atVvR
