
04 拓展客户



1 第一步是与客户取得联系。 The first step is to contact the customer.

词组释义 first step 第一步,初步

2 你需要去寻找潜在的客户群。 You need to seek out potential customers.

词组释义 potential customer 潜在的客户

3 新客户的情况如何? What's going on with the new customer?

词组释义 be going on 发生

4 你应该立即拓展外国客户。 You should expand your foreign customers immediately.

重要词汇 immediately [ɪˈmi:dɪətlɪ] ad. 立即,马上

5 我在拓展客户方面有很大的优势。 I have a great asset in expanding customers.

重要词汇 asset [ˈæset] n. 资产,财产

6 这个城市的人越多,越有利于你拓展新的客户。 The more people in this city, the more you can expand new customers.

重要词汇 expand [ɪkˈspænd] v. 使……变大,扩张

7 你这次出差需要去拜访一些客户。 On this trip you need to pay a visit to several customers.

同义表达 You need to visit some clients on your business trip.

8 我们公司正积极拓展国外客户。 Our company is actively expanding foreign customers.

重要词汇 actively ['æktɪvlɪ] ad. 活跃地,积极地

9 我可以邀请您下周参观我们公司的产品吗? May I invite you to visit our products next week?

重要词汇 invite [ɪnˈvaɪt] v. 邀请,请求

10 一个小企业的业主愿意与我们合作。 The owner of a small business is willing to cooperate with us.

词组释义 cooperate with 与……合作

11 我们怎样才能获得客户的认可呢? How can we get the approval of the customers?

重要词汇 approval [əˈpru:vl] n. 同意,批准,认可

12 我们有很好的销售渠道,我相信他会成为我们的客户的。 We have a good   sales channel and I'm sure he'll be our client.

词组释义 sales channel 销售渠道

13 我们需要研制出拓展客户的方法。 We need to develop ways to expand our customers.

重要词汇 way [weɪ] n. 方法,道路

14 你对拓展客户方面有什么建议吗? Do you have any suggestions for expanding your customers?

重要词汇 expand [ɪkˈspænd] v. 扩展,发展

15 如何让我们的产品吸引新客户? How to make our products appealing to new customers?

词组释义 appeal to向……投诉,对……有吸引力

16 我们可以通过促销活动来吸引顾客。 We can get new customers through promotional activities or trial products.

词组释义 trial products 试用品

17 你可以激励现有客户介绍新的客户。 You can motivate existing customers to introduce new customers.

重要词汇 motivate [ˈməʊtɪveɪt] v. 使有动机,促动,激发

18 良好的公司形象对开发新客户来说真的很重要。 A good corporate image is really important for developing new customers.

词组释义 corporate image 公司形象

19 我们没有追求新客户,而是决定提升产品的质量。 Instead of going after   new customers, we decided to improve the quality of our products.

词组释义 go after 追逐,追求

20 你要做的就是维护和开发客户。 All you have to do is maintain and develop customers.

重要词汇 maintain [meɪnˈteɪn] v. 保持,坚持


A: Good morning, Mr. Wilson. This is Andy from Green Company. I got your name and phone number online and I know you want to buy children's toys in bulk . We are a manufacturer of children's toys. I hope you have interests.

B: Glad to hear from you . I do have a desire to buy children's toys.

A: That's great. We can definitely meet your requirements. Although our company has only been on the market for two years, the quality of the toys is absolutely in the lead in the industry.

B: We are one of the largest sales companies for children's toys in Australia.I hope we can work together for a long time.

A: That is right up my alley . In addition to style and quality, our children's toys are also competitive in price.

B: Wonderful. We need to negotiate the details further.

A: Well, our company will hold an exhibition next week to show the model of a new batch of toys. We want to invite you to come over. Are you free?

B: If there is no special situation, I will go. You send me the specific address and time by text message.

A: No problem. Please tell us the flight No. and detailed schedule then. We'll be sure to pick you up on time.

B: That's very kind of you. I hope we can be the best business partners.Keep in touch .

A: OK. Call me at any time. Have a nice day.

B: Thank you.


manufacturer [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərə(r)] n. 制造商,制造厂

exhibition [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn] n. 陈列,展览

batch [bætʃ] n. 一批


① in bulk意为“大量,整批”,可与buy搭配,构成buy in bulk,意为“大量购买”。

② Glad to hear from you意为“很高兴接到您的电话”,它还有“很高兴收到您的来信”的意思,这是口语用语,若是书面语的话需要在glad前加上I'm。

③ in the lead意为“领先,占主导地位的”,通常与be动词相搭配,有时也可构成put...in the lead意为“使……领先”。

④ right up one's alley意为“正合某人的心意,很适合某人的才能”,这里的alley也可替换为street。

⑤ keep in touch意为“保持联系”,这个形式是口语用语。它常构成keep in touch with sb意为“与某人保持联系”。


A :早上好,威尔逊先生。我是来自格林公司的安迪。我从网上得知您的名字和电话,并了解到您有想大批购买儿童玩具的想法。我们是制造儿童玩具的生产商,希望您感兴趣。

B :很高兴接到你的电话。我确实有购买儿童玩具的想法。

A :那太好了,我们肯定能满足您的要求。虽然我们公司才上市了两年,但是玩具的质量绝对是这个行业中遥遥领先的。

B :我们是澳大利亚最大的儿童玩具销售公司之一。我很希望我们能长期地合作。

A :很合我意。我们的儿童玩具除了款式和质量外,在价格方面也很有竞争力。

B :太好了。我们需要进一步协商细节问题。

A :好的。我们公司下个星期会举办一个展会,将展出新一批玩具的模型。我们想邀请您过来参加,您有空吗?

B :如果没有特殊情况,我会去的。你把具体的地址和时间以短信的形式发送给我。

A :没问题。请到时把航班和航班时间告诉我们,我们一定会准时接您的。

B :你们真是太好了。希望我们能成为最好的生意伙伴。保持联系。

A :好的。有什么事可随时给我打电话。祝您愉快。

B :谢谢。


企业在维护好老顾客的前提下很有必要拓展新客户。但拓展客户也是需要方式方法的,找到一个合适的方法对于拓展客户是很重要的。有一种方法叫“连锁介绍法”,顾名思义,就是通过现有顾客的介绍寻找未来可能的新客户,这个方法在西方被称为最有效的拓展客户的方法之一,亦被称为“黄金客户开发法”。在西方国家,“委托助手法”使用的也很普遍,这指的是销售人员雇他人为其拓展客户,寻找潜在客户,受雇的人一旦发现准客户就会立即通知销售人员。这种方法方便高级销售人员能集中精力于自己的销售。低级的销售人员则是通过对可能性比较大的销售地区进行地毯式的访问来拓展客户,他们往往采用的是市场调研的方法。 jx9ZuSjAbqphph6AoVeAyeabtS4/lg5UTF/PKLkqK2/joZ3mDmWVqcOt1sCbgKv9
