


Allen has a bad toothache, but he doesn't want to see the doctor, so Steven advises him strongly to change his diet and to see the dentist.

Allen: Oh!!! I have a horrible toothache.

Steven: I strongly urge you to change your diet. You shouldn't eat too many desserts.

Allen: Nothing works with my toothache now.

Steven: You should go to the dentist.

Allen: I hate dentists.

Steven: Well, suffer then. If you have a toothache, you have to go to the dentist.

Allen: It always hurts. But I hate going to the dentist.

Steven: Stop being such a baby. If it really hurts that much, just let them knock you out.

Allen: OK, OK, I'll go.

Steven: Good. You will feel better after you do it.



艾伦: 哦!我的牙疼死了。

史蒂文: 我强烈建议你改变饮食习惯,你甜食吃得太多了。

艾伦: 现在说这个对我的牙疼没有用。

史蒂文: 你该去看牙医。

艾伦: 我讨厌看牙医。

史蒂文: 那你就忍着吧。如果你牙疼,你就得去看牙医。

艾伦: 它老是疼,但我讨厌去看牙医。

史蒂文: 别像个小孩子似的,如果牙真的那么疼,就让医生给你麻醉。

艾伦: 好了好了,我会去的。

史蒂文: 这样才好,去了之后你会觉得好受一些的。

Vocabulary and Phrases

toothache [ˈtu:θeɪk] n. 牙痛

dentist [ˈdentɪst] n. 牙医

urge [ɜ:dʒ] v. 催促;强烈要求

suffer [ˈsʌfə] v. 遭受;忍受


1. No smoking! 请勿吸烟!

2. Knock it off! 别吵了!

3. Keep your lips sealed. 闭上你的嘴。

4. You had better hurry up. 你最好快点。

5. You'd better keep your mouth shut. 你最好保持沉默。

6. You must not talk nonsense. 不许你胡言乱语。

7. Keep off the grass! 请勿践踏草坪!

8. You'd better mind your own business. 你最好少管闲事。

9. She turned a deaf ear to our warnings. 她对我们的警告充耳不闻。

10. He's only a child. Don't find fault with him.他还是个孩子,不要对他吹毛求疵。

11. She was forbidden to marry him. 家人不允许她嫁给他。

12. Don't talk back to your mother like that! 不许和妈妈那样顶嘴!

13. You had better take a raincoat. 你最好带上雨衣。

14. Never litter anywhere. 不要乱扔垃圾。

15. You must not be late next time. 你下次不许再迟到。

16. It is advisable to leave now. 最好现在离开。

17. I will take no nonsense! 我不会听信胡话的!

18. He shouted to warn me. 他大喊着向我发出警告。

19. That wire must not be touched. 不许碰那根电线。

20. It is better to take your time at this job than to hurry and make mistakes.



A: You'd better take an umbrella with you. It will rain today.

B: Thank you, mom. I will.

A: 你最好带把雨伞,今天有雨。

B: 谢谢你,妈妈。我会的。


Disgusting! 真恶心!

表示对某人或某事的厌恶之情。也可以用 "It's / That's disgusting!" 来表示。


——Disgusting! Look at this place! 真恶心,看看这个地方!

——Don't complain about it. We have no choice. 别抱怨了,我们没得选择。 AHgAsiW+OK3FnIdh4USIPj4I7budly199gTtVJH4xMQW6CgVcZy+GjadkE7KcDmY
