


Steven is calling on Dora, but he finds that she is very unhappy because of homesickness.

Steven: Hello, Dora, I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been?

Dora: I didn't go anywhere. I stayed at home.

Steven: What's up? You look unhappy.

Dora: Nothing. I just feel very lonely in this city. I miss my family.

Steven: Oh, I know. Sometimes I have the same feeling with you. But you'd better not be so emotional.

Dora: Can you stay and accompany me for a while?

Steven: Sure, no problem. You can call me any time you are alone from now on.

Dora: Thank you so much. You are so sweet.

Steven: Not at all. We are friends.



史蒂文: 嗨,朵拉,好久没见你了,你去哪儿了?

朵拉: 我哪儿也没去,一直待在家里。

史蒂文: 怎么了?你看起来很不开心。

朵拉: 没什么,待在这个城市里我感到很寂寞。我想家了。

史蒂文: 哦,我明白。有时我也会有这样的感受,但是你最好还是别这么多愁善感。

朵拉: 你能留下来陪我一会儿吗?

史蒂文: 当然可以,没问题,以后你一个人的时候随时可以给我打电话。

朵拉: 非常感谢,你真贴心。

史蒂文: 别客气,我们是朋友嘛。

Vocabulary and Phrases

call on 拜访

homesickness [ˈhəʊmsɪknəs] n. 想家;乡愁

lonely [ˈləʊnlɪ] adj . 寂寞的

accompany [əˈkʌmpənɪ] v. 陪伴


1. I was melancholy. 我很忧郁。

2. I feel empty. 我觉得心里空荡荡的。

3. I feel very upset. 我感觉很沮丧。

4. I am gloomy today. 今天我很郁闷。

5. He felt his loneliness most keenly on Sunday. 星期天他倍感寂寞。

6. It takes right time and right mood to be solitary. 寂寞需要时间,也需要心情。

7. I feel dismal on such a rainy day. 在这样的雨天,我觉得很忧郁。

8. Don't wait to be lonely to recognize the value of a friend.


9. I feel really down today. 我今天感到很忧郁。

10. Living in a big city makes me very lonely. 在大城市里生活让我感觉很孤独。

11. I've got the blues today. 我今天很郁闷。

12. I'm depressed. I lost my job. 我很沮丧,因为我丢了工作。

13. Sometimes I am a lonely woman. 我有时会感到寂寞。

14. It had been very dull to sit here all day long. 整天坐在这里很沉闷。

15. Never frown, even when you are sad. 即使悲伤时,也不要锁紧眉头。

16. She fell a prey to melancholy. 她备受忧郁折磨。

17. We've just moved here so we still feel a bit out of it.

我们刚搬到这里, 所以仍感到有些寂寞。

18. He was disconsolate after his wife left. 自从他妻子离开后,他就郁郁寡欢。

19. Loneliness and solitude had become her fate. 孤独和寂寞成了她的命运。

20. She was weighed down with trifles.她被琐事搞得十分忧郁。


A: It's a rainy day again. I don't like it.

B: Me, too. It will get me down.

A: 又是一个下雨天,我不喜欢。

B: 我也是。雨天使我感到消沉。


Coward! 胆小鬼!

鄙视某人胆小时的常用语,也可以用 "What a coward!" 表示。


——She feels insecure when she is alone in the house. 她一个人在家时会感到不安全。

——What a coward she is! 她真是个胆小鬼! v9pzd4z82GpRsAE1qr8qqANHCuoqterLXb1R0MDjJ/I0eCcAFUnXnvD7ZJqd2Kow
