


Steven is always late for school and has found a lot of excuses; his teacher knows his tricks and doesn't believe in him.

Steven: Sorry. I didn't mean to be late. Can I come in?

Teacher: What's your excuse this time?

Steven: Have I used the one that my sister is sick?

Teacher: Yes, twice last week.

Steven: Are you sure? I thought I said it was my mother.

Teacher: I don't think so. But it could have been.

Steven: Well. You can trust me this time. My sister is definitely sick. I have just come from the hospital. They said she might even die.

Teacher: I don't buy your story. Try not to have any more sick relatives this week, all right?

Steven: I'll do my best.

Teacher: Just try to be a little more punctual in the future.

Steven: I'm working on it. Really!



史蒂文: 抱歉,我不是故意要迟到的。我能进来吗?

老师: 你这次的借口是什么?

史蒂文: 我用过我妹妹生病这个理由了吗?

老师: 是的,你上周就用了两次。

史蒂文: 您确定吗?我想我说的是我妈妈生病了。

老师: 我可不这么认为。不过也许是吧。

史蒂文: 嗯,这次您可以相信我,我妹妹真的病了。我刚从医院回来,他们说她可能会有生命危险。

老师: 我才不相信你的话呢。这周尽量不要再有其他的亲戚生病了,好吗?

史蒂文: 我尽力吧。

老师: 以后要尽量准时点。

史蒂文: 我正在努力呢。真的!

Vocabulary and Phrases

excuse [ɪkˈskju:s] n. 借口;理由

trust [trʌst] v. 相信;信赖

definitely[ˈdefɪnətlɪ] adv. 明 确地;肯定地

buy one's story 相信某人的话

relative [ˈrelətɪv] n. 亲戚


1. I'm sure that he will win the game. 我确信他会赢得比赛。

2. Are you joking? 你在开玩笑吗?

3. I trust my intuition. 我相信我的直觉。

4. Do you believe in the supernatural? 你相信超自然现象吗?

5. It sounds fishy to me.听起来很可疑。

6. The rumor is beyond belief. 这谣言不可信。

7. I put my trust in you. 我信任你。

8. I smell a rat. 我感觉很可疑。

9. I do not trust his explanation. 我不相信他的解释。

10. I put reliance on him. 我相信他。

11. Do you mean it? 是真的吗?

12. Would you credit it? 你相信吗?

13. I was just feeling that it was a little strange. 我就是觉得这事有点奇怪。

14. I am doubtful whether it is true. 我怀疑那是否真实。

15. He is worthy of your trust. 他值得你信任。

16. He has a distrust of strangers. 他不相信陌生人。

17. It can't be! It's too good to believe! 那怎么可能!好得让人难以置信!

18. We are impeaching his motives to do so. 我们怀疑他这样做的动机。

19. Small children are often very trustful. 小孩子往往容易轻信别人。

20. He's so suspicious that he even distrusts himself. 他这人疑心太重,连自己也不相信。


A: I don't buy your story. Get out of here!

B: Believe me! What I told you is true.

A: 走开,我才不相信你的话!

B: 相信我!我所告诉你的都是事实。


Bullshit! / Rubbish! / Baloney! 胡扯!

不赞成、不满意或者不相信他人说的话时,可以用 bullshit/rubbish/baloney 来表示自己的不满或不屑一顾,也可以用 "That's (It's) bullshit / rubbish / baloney!" 来表示。


——Bullshit! I don't believe what you said! 胡说,我才不相信你说的话呢!

——Whatever! 随便你! 9DQNNqNHHO0no+HZB3P+wXn6DahCj+kKkwNlSO34xaVFoNJ8/y8EMvRaJK9iot43
