
Chapter 3


Ordering Food

导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. May I take your order, sir? 先生,您要点菜吗?

类似表达:Are you ready to order, sir?

Could I take your order, sir?

Would you like to order, sir?

回答:Yes. May I see the menu? 是的。我可以看一下菜单吗?

No, maybe a few minutes later. I have to wait for someone now. She will come shortly. 不,也许过一会儿再点。我要等一个人,她很快就会来。

2. May I have the menu, please? 请问,我可以看一下菜单吗?

类似表达:I want to see the menu.

Give me the menu, please.

I need the menu.

Can I see the menu, please?

回答:Here you are. 给您。

Of course. 当然可以。

Here's the menu. 给您菜单。

3. What do you want to order? 你想点什么?

类似表达:What would you like to order?

Could you tell me what to order?

What do you prefer to order?

回答:I'd like to order a main course first. 我先点一个主菜。

A cup of coffee, please. 来杯咖啡。

I prefer the specialty first. 我先点一道特色菜。

I won't order until my friends arrive. 我等朋友们到了再点。

4. You can try our specialty for free today. 今天您可以免费品尝我们的特色菜。

类似表达:You can taste our specialty for free today.

You can have a taste of our specialty for free today.

5. What else would you like to order? 你还想点其他的吗?

类似表达:Anything else?

Do you want anything else?

What else do you want?

回答:That's all. Thanks. 就这些。谢谢。

No, thanks. 不需要了,谢谢。

Yeah, one more cup of coffee. 是的,再来杯咖啡。

I'd like something to drink. 我想要点喝的。

6. May I have the bill, please? 请把账单拿来好吗?

类似表达:Could you please bring me the bill?

How much should I pay?

I want the check.

Fetch me the bill, please.

回答:OK! 好的!

Wait a minute, please. 请稍等一下。

7. Let's go Dutch. 我们各付各的。

类似表达:It's better to pay separately.

It's a Dutch treat.

We pay our own bill.

We had better divide the cost.

回答:Good idea. 好主意。

I agree. 我同意。

Oh, no. It's my treat on this. 不行,这次我请客。

I will pay the bill this time. 这次我来付账。

It's on me. 我请客。

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:进店点餐 边等边吃

A: What would you like to order, madam?


B: I'd like to have a cup of coffee.


A: Anything else?


B: Eh, please make it two. I almost forget to order one for my husband in advance.


情景2:需要菜单 开始点菜

A: Good evening, sir. Can I help you?


B: Good evening. We have reserved a table for two.


A: This way, please. What would you like to order?


B: First, a main course. What main courses do you have?


A: Here is the menu. They are on the menu.


情景3:用餐结束 各自付账

A: May I have the bill, please?


B: OK! Here you are! 100 US dollars in all.Who will pay the bill?


A: We go Dutch.


单词注释 Words

shortly [ˈʃɔ:tlɪ] adv. 很快,立刻,立即,马上

specialty [ˈspeʃəltɪ] n. 特色;特色菜;专长,专业;特点,特别事项;特性,特质; adj. 特色的;独立的;专门的

短语解析 Phrases

· make it two 来双份

make it two意思是将前文中提到的餐点点成双份。也可以说make it three、make it four。

· go Dutch 各付各的

go Dutch为固定用法,也可以用作go Dutch with sb,表示均摊费用,相当于share expenses with sb、it's a Dutch treat等。 lm0hGwhyvb5tHTVsM98oyWRvPagb7wv8B5KMQ6DnQRMvuwXK07P9AVI/Bh61fv5I
