
Chapter 9


Asking for Help

导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. You can turn to the police, if you are in trouble. 如果遇到麻烦,你可以向警察求助。

类似表达:You can turn to the police for help if in trouble.

You can ask the police for help, if you get into trouble.

You can seek the police for help if in trouble.

You can let the police help you if in trouble.

回答:Yeah, I will. 嗯,我会的。

I'm a stranger there, so the police are the only people I can turn to for help. 我对那儿很陌生,所以警察是我可以求助的唯一人选。

Yes, the police are the only people I can trust there. 是的,警察是我在那儿唯一可以信任的人。

I hope I won't get in trouble. 我希望自己不会遇到麻烦。

2. I need some help. 我需要帮助。

类似表达:I need someone to help me.

I am in need of help.

I have a need for help now.

Could anyone lend me a hand?

Could anyboby do me a favor?

Could anybody help me?

Could anybody offer me help?

Could you do me a favor?

回答:I can help you. 我能帮助你。

I can offer you help. 我能给你提供帮助。

I can give you a hand. 我能帮助你。

I can lend you a hand. 我能帮你。

I can aid you. 我能帮你。

3. Without his help, I couldn't have possessed what I have now. 没有他的帮助,我不可能拥有现在的一切。

类似表达:If he didn't help me, I couldn't have possessed what I have now.

If he didn't lend me a hand, I couldn't possess what I have now.

With the help of him, I can have possessed what I have now.

He helped me so much that I can possess what I have now.

His help has made me be successful.

回答:Yes, he helped you a lot with your business. 是的,他在你的生意上帮了你很多。

Yeah, he aided you so much in your career. 是的,他在你的事业上帮了你很多。

He is always helpful to you. 他对你总是很有帮助。

4. Could you drive me to the airport, please? 你能把我送到机场吗?

类似表达:Could you lift me to the airport, please?

Could you get me to the airport, please?

Could you take me to the airport, please?

I want to know if you can drive me to the airport.

回答:Of course, I can. 当然可以。

Sure thing. Get in! 当然。上车!

OK! But a few minutes later. 好的!但是得等一下。

Sorry, I'm afraid not. Someone drove my car away. 不好意思,恐怕不能。有人把我的车开走了。

5. You should seek help from the professionals. 你应该向专业人士求助。

类似表达:You should ask the professionals for help.

You ought to turn to the professionals.

The professionals are the people you should have recourse to.

It is the professionals who can give you a big hand.

Only the professionals can offer the help you need.

回答:Thanks very much! 非常感谢!

I see! 我明白了!

I don't think so. 我不这么认为。

6. Thanks for your help at the party. 谢谢你在派对上的帮助。

类似表达:Thanks a million for what you did at the party.

Thank you for helping me at the party.

Thank you for what you did at the party.

Thanks for the help at the party.

Thank you for all your help at the party.

回答:You are welcome. 不客气。

Don't mention it. It's a piece of cake. 不用谢。小事一桩。

That's all right. 不用谢。

Not at all. 不用谢。

It's my pleasure. 那是我的荣幸。

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:要赶时间 请求帮忙

A: Hi, Jeremy. Could you do me a favor?Help me drive the car here. I'm too busy now.


B: OK! You go to the office so early.


A: No, I'm not going to the office now. I have to pick up a client from France at the airport.


B: Oh, I see. I will drive it here right now.


情景2:路边求助 询问路线

A: Excuse me, where is the TV station?How can I get there?


B: Sorry, I'm also a stranger here. You can turn to the police for help.


A: Thank you all the same. By the way, what time is it now? My watch doesn't work.


B: It's almost twelve o'clock now.


A: It has been late for the interview.


B: Yes, it's time for lunch.


单词注释 Words

career [kəˈrɪə(r)] n. 生涯;事业;职业;速度,全速; adj. 作为毕生职业的; vt. 全速前进,猛冲

possess [pəˈzes] vt. 拥有;主宰;掌握,懂得;缠住,迷住

短语解析 Phrases

· turn to sb for help 向某人求助,求助于某人

turn to sb for help可与ask sb for help、ask sb to help、seek sb for help、need help from sb互换,均为“向某人求助,求助于某人”之意。

· lend sb a hand 帮助某人,给予某人帮助

词组lend sb a hand也可以用作lend sb a helping hand with sth,相当于give sb a hand、do sb a favor、help sb、aid sb、assist sb、give sb help with sth。 nKc4krEv8xyA7jfbDjb5rJyS6ztKGWVQMyY7ym8m3utGS0pU85v4ssIWOShnS7LY
