
Chapter 8


Keeping in Touch

导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. I want to keep in touch with you. 我想和你保持联系。

类似表达:I want to be in touch with you.

I'd like to get in touch with you.

I'm eager to stay in touch with you.

May I keep in touch with you?

May I have your contacts?

回答:Sure, this is my card. You can contact me at any time. 好的,这是我的名片。你可以随时联系我。

This is my email address and you can contact me via the address. 这是我的电子邮箱,你可以通过邮箱联系我。

2. I want to make contact with my friends. 我想跟我的朋友们取得联系。

类似表达:I'd like to contact with my friends.

I attempt to make contact with my friends.

I want to get in touch with my friends.

I am eager to get in contact with my friends.

I look forward to contacting with my friends.

3. Do you associate much with your relatives? 你和你的亲戚联系多吗?

类似表达:Do you often contact with your relatives?

Do you contact more with your relatives?

Do you have a constant contact with your relatives?

Do you contact frequently with your relatives?

回答:Yes, I do. 是的,我经常联系他们。

Yeah, I contact much with them by telephone. 是的,我经常与他们电话联系。

Yes, I keep in touch with them via email. 是,我跟他们通过电子邮件联系。

No, I don't. 不,我没有。

No, I have never contacted them, since I went abroad. 不,自从我出国之后就没再联系过他们。

4. How can I get in touch with you? 我怎样才能和你联系?

类似表达:How can I contact you?

How can I make contact with you?

How can I keep in touch with you?

How can I stay in touch with you?

How can I reach you?

What's the way to contact you?

回答:This is my phone number and email address. 这是我的电话号码和邮箱。

You can contact me via telephone or email. 你可以通过电话或电子邮件联系我。

We can keep in touch through the Internet. 我们可以通过网络联系。

If you want to contact me, you can call my secretary. 如果你想联系我,可以给我秘书打电话。

You can reach me by telephone. 你可以打电话联系我。

5. May I have your phone number, please? 我可以留一下你的电话号码吗?

类似表达:Could you please tell me your phone number?

May I know your phone number, please?

May I have your contacts, please?

What's your phone number, please?

I'd like to have your phone number.

回答:Of course, you can. 当然可以。

Sorry, you can't. 抱歉,不可以。

This is my card and there is my phone number on it. 这是我的名片,上面有我的电话。

6. I lost touch with him many years ago. 很多年前,我就和他失去联系了。

类似表达:I have been out of contact with him for many years.

I have been rather out of touch with him for many years.

I lost contact with him since many years ago.

7. When did you lose touch with him? 你什么时候和他失去联系的?

类似表达:What time did you lose touch with him?

When were you out of touch with him?

How long have you been out of touch with him?

When was he cut off from you?

回答:I lost contact with him since his immigration. 自从他移民,我就和他失去联系了。

I am out of contact with him for more than ten years. 我和他失去联系都十多年了。

It's more than ten years, since I lost touch with him. 我和他失去联系已有十多年了。

It's really a long time, since we lost contact. 自从我们失去联系,真的是好久了。

He was cut off from me since his immigration. 自从他移民,我就和他失去联系了。

8. You can reach me on Facebook at any time. 你可以在脸谱网上随时联系我。

类似表达:You can contact me on Facebook at any time.

You can communicate with me on Facebook at any time.

You can get in touch with me on Facebook at any time.

You can talk with me on Facebook at any time.

9. Keep in touch! 保持联系!

类似表达:Stay in touch!

Be in touch!

Remain in touch!

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:索要号码 保持联系

A: Mr. Queen, how can I contact you?


B: This is my phone number and email address.


A: Thank you very much.


B: You are welcome.


情景2:老友相见 保持联系

A: May, we have not met since graduation.It's really a long time, right?


B: Yeah. How is everything going with you?


A: Fine. And you? Are you married?


B: I'm also fine. And I am still single now.I have not met my Mr. Right.


A: Maybe I can introduce one guy to you and find you a boyfriend. May I have your contacts?


B: This is my card and my phone number and email address are on it. Thank you so much, Selina.


单词注释 Words

via [ˈvaɪə] prep. 通过,凭借;经过;取道

immigration [ˌɪmɪˈgreɪʃn] n. 移民,移居;移民人数;移民局检查站

短语解析 Phrases

· get in touch with sb 和某人联系,和某人联络,与某人取得联系

get in touch with sb可与make contact with sb、keep in touch with sb、stay in touch with sb、contact sb、reach sb互相替换,均为“和某人联系”之意。

· lose contact 失去联系,失去联络

lose contact的同义词组有lose touch、be out of contact with sb、be out of touch with sb,其中lose touch强调失去联系的动作,而后两组短语强调失去联系的状态。 IygJbuiOAUwBKDMv1M4eaYGvaCASAeHdHBTCUtnnuab2U6PS2w4ebm4ZAehhGjRK
