
Chapter 7


Paying a Visit

导读 Lead-in


高频用句 Sentences

1. May I visit you this weekend? 这周末我可以去拜访你吗?

类似表达:May I pay you a visit this weekend?

May I see you this weekend?

I'd like to pay you a visit this weekend.

I want to visit you this weekend.

回答:Of course, you can. 当然可以。

You can pay me a visit at any time. 你可以随时过来。

Sorry, you can't. I have to spruce up the house this week. 不好意思,你不能。我这周得装修房子。

The visit has to be postponed, because I've got too much work to do this week. 得往后推迟一下,因为我这周有太多工作需要做。

2. It's polite to take presents to visit others. 当我们去看望别人时,带上礼物是比较礼貌的。

类似表达:It's polite to visit others with presents.

When you visit others, you had better bring presents.

You had better take presents to visit others.

Presents should be taken to visit others.

3. When may I stop by? 我什么时候可以去你那儿坐坐?

类似表达:When may I come around?

When may I pay you a visit?

When can I call on you?

When can I call upon you?

When can I visit you?

When could I drop in?

回答:Tomorrow will be OK. 明天可以。

Anytime. 什么时候都行。

Anytime will be OK. 什么时候都行。

Whenever you please. 你随时可以来。

Whenever you want. 你想什么时候,就什么时候来。

4. Thank you for inviting me home for dinner. 谢谢你们邀请我来家里共进晚餐。

类似表达:Thanks a lot for inviting me to your home for dinner.

I'm thankful that you have invited me home for dinner.

I'm pleased that you invite me home for dinner.

回答:You are welcome. Help yourself to some pizza. 别客气,请随便吃些比萨。

Make yourself at home. 不用客气,就像在自己家一样。

It's our pleasure. 这是我们的荣幸。

5. I stopped by just to pass the time of day. 我顺便拜访,只是想打发时间。

类似表达:I stopped by just to kill time.

I stopped by to spend the boring afternoon.

I gave you a visit to kill time.

6. I just dropped in to say hello. 我顺便拜访,只是想打声招呼。

类似表达:I dropped in just to say hi.

I called in just to say hello.

I stopped by just to say hello.

模拟场景 Scenes

情景1:突然拜访 毫无准备

A: Hello, is anybody in?


B: Who's it?


A: It's me, Linda.


B: Oh, come on in.


情景2:拜访好友 打发时间

A: Hello, is that Selina speaking? Can I pay you a visit tonight? I have nothing to do and just want to kill time.


B: Speaking. Of course, you can. Just come, whenever you are free.


A: OK! Are you alone at home?


B: Yes, my parents have gone to attend their friend's wedding anniversary and my elder brother slipped to the bar for a drink with his friends.


A: Oh, I see. I will arrive in twenty minutes.See you then.


B: OK! See you.


单词注释 Words

spruce [spru:s] adj. 衣着整洁的;漂亮的; vt. 打扮得整洁漂亮;把……收拾整洁;打扮

slip [slɪp] vt. 使顺利滑动;放松,松开;摆脱; vi. 滑,滑脱;犯过失,出错;(时间)不知不觉地过去

短语解析 Phrases

· come on in 进来,请进

在英语口语中,邀请客人进门时,比较常用的一句话就是come on in。在英美人的生活中,表达“请进”时,come on in用到的频率要比come in高。

· kill time 打发时间,消磨时光

kill time侧重于比较无聊,想办法度过这段时间;spend time只是单纯地度过时间;而waste time是指浪费时间。 8yKxcmDUAJn+0aIq85zUP6iCJTSmYswmANpS6GjjNEan8KnmbtQUYUPd+qVDpq43
